The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior (3 page)

BOOK: The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior
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Sarah smiled and said, “That’s not important now. What’s the most important thing is that we have a son and you have parents that love you. Will you come and live with us, Jon? We won’t force you to go if you don’t want. We have so looked forward to finally meeting you.”

Jon stared into the woman’s eyes and saw her anguish at the possibility he would say no. “If you’ll have me, I would love to be a part of your family.”

Sarah and Robert picked the ten your old up and both of them hugged him tightly. Jon finally said, “What’s my last name going to be?”

Sarah said, “Robbins.”

Jon thought a moment and said, “Jon Gee Robbins. It has a nice ring to it.” Jon paused and then said, “Isn’t the Queen’s maiden name Robbins?”

Robert said quickly, “It is and it’s a very popular name.”

Jon smiled and they left the room. Robert activated his wrist unit. The three of them were teleported up to a starship in orbit. Jon sat in the cabin with the Robbins asking questions and never saw the fleet of warships surrounding their private ship. It was only when they teleported down to the giant structure in the center of Ross that he discovered his world had undergone a massive change. His new parents were the direct descendants of the Gardners and Robbins. They were the Ruling Royal Couple on the former capital of the Stars Realm and lived in Castle Gardner. He panicked but knew it was too late to turn back. He could feel the happiness of his new parents and he was unwilling to put them through the trauma of deciding not to stay. He just didn’t want the constant surveillance of being a member of the Duke’s family. However, the love he felt from his new parents made everything that followed worth it.

• • •

Fourteen year old Jon Robbins faced his fencing instructor with trepidation. Turgk had a long fencing foil in his hand and was moving it effortlessly through the air. Jon watched his motions and said, “Why exactly am I being taught this?”

Turgk smiled, “It teaches one the ability to control their movements and learn the self-discipline of making your body respond to what your mind directs.”

Jon stared at Turgk and said, “What’s the real reason?”

Turgk straightened up and said, “All royal family members are expected to know how to handle a sword.”

“For crying out loud; why?”

“Whoever is king or Queen may have to knight somebody with a sword and it would be embarrassing to stab the honoree during the ceremony.”

Jon straightened up and said, “Well then, we can just forego this. There’s no chance I’ll ever have to do that.”

Turgk knew that the Duchess had decreed that Jon would not be told he was in the line of secession. He shrugged and smiled, “Everyone in the galaxy may be killed and you’re the only one remaining.” Jon lowered his head and pursed his lips. Turgk said, “Besides, I earn my pay doing this and I’m not going to lose my job because you’re lazy.”

“I’m not lazy. I just see no need for learning such an ancient art. Do the armored warriors carry swords?” Turgk shook his head. “There’s the answer. Teach me to fire a laser.”

“That comes later; for now; the sword. Now do your stretches.”

Jon began doing bends and stretched out his arms. “Jon.”

Jon was startled by the interruption in his thoughts and thought, “Yes, Dern.”

“The sword training is one of the main reasons we had to separate.”

Jon stopped in the middle of a leg lift and thought, “What?”

“Tegen, are you listening to this?”

“I am.”

Dern said, “Jon, link for a moment and see if you can understand what I’m feeling.”

The three linked as Jon continued doing his stretches and he suddenly stopped. Dern was right. “When did you discover this?”

“At this moment; I saw your reluctance to take the lessons and it rushed up into my consciousness. Tegen and I have trained in the use of swords for more than three years.”

Tegen thought, “Both of our cultures have long histories of the importance of swords in our societies. Every member of our societies is expected to learn the art of fencing.”

Turgk said, “Come on; if you aren’t loose now, you’ll never be.”

“I’ll get back to you two later.” Jon straightened and said, “Where do we start?”

Turgk handed Jon a fencing sword and said, “I want you to…” Turgk’s com buzzed and he looked at it. “Yes.”

“I would like to join you if you can work me in.”

“This is just the first lesson for Jon. You’re much further along than my pupil.”

“I don’t want to lose my skill. I can use the footwork training.”

“What are you doing here?”

“My mom has stopped by to see the Duchess.”

“Come on up.”

Jon looked at Turgk and he said, “Lady Gardner has asked to join us.”


“She’s dragged around the galaxy by her mother and doesn’t get much sword time.”

The door opened and Jon saw a young girl enter wearing a fencing outfit that was emerald green. She was extraordinarily beautiful. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail and she moved like she was weightless. Turgk said, “Jon Robbins, this is Lady Juliette Gardner.”

Juliette smiled and said, “I won’t get in the way. I can use the time going over my early lessons.”

Jon smiled and said, “You’re welcome to join us. Maybe you can keep Turgk occupied while I fall over my feet.”

Juliette giggled and said, “It’s not as hard as you think.”

Turgk said, “As soon as you two finish wasting my time, we’ll start.”

Jon was startled and he said, “What do I need to do?”

“I want you to assume an En Guarde position like this.” Jon looked at Turgk and tried to assume the posture he demonstrated. He noticed that Juliette moved to the position easily and was a mirror image of Turgk. “Hold it right there.” Turgk adjusted the hand holding the sword and said, “Now hold that position and follow me as I move.”

Juliette assumed a position beside Turgk and looked straight ahead. Jon saw Turgk move to the left by side stepping smoothly over his feet while maintaining his posture. His sword tip didn’t lower or rise during the quick steps. Jon stumbled and Turgk tapped him on his head with the tip of his sword. “Keep your eyes up.”

“How am I going to see how you move your feet?”

“Don’t try to move like me. You’ll find your own way to move. Keep your eyes forward and your sword in position.”

Jon said, “Will you do one thing for me?”

“What is that?”

“Will you just move around demonstrating what you want me to learn so I can have an idea of what you want me to do?”

Turgk smiled and the short Cainth said, “Just once. Would you like to join me Juliette?”

Juliette smiled, “Yes.”

The Cainth Warrior and Juliette moved around the room moving side to side and forward and backwards. Their feet moved in rhythm and they were smooth and exact in their motions. Jon felt them. He could sense the rhythm of their motions and it was like a dance. He moved in beside Turgk and began mirroring their moves. Turgk was surprised at what Jon was doing, but he picked up the pace and the young human moved smoothly with him. He decided to start moving in the footwork of a duel and the pace became faster and unpredictable. Soon Juliette stumbled and stepped away from the two continuing to move around the fencing room.

She was amazed at how Jon moved and was an exact mirror image of Turgk. She was not this far along in her training and she wondered how long the young boy had been training. Suddenly Turgk stopped and stared at Jon. Jon waited and finally said, “What?”

Turgk said, “Your mother told me that this was your first lesson.”

Jon tilted his head and said, “It is.”

Juliette was shocked at the reply.

“Tell me how you were able to follow me.”

Jon took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “I don’t know. It just felt like…I don’t know…”

“Like a dance you learned long ago.”

Jon’s smile was instant, “That’s it exactly. It’s a dance that just feels like each step can only happen one way.”

Turgk stared at Jon and said, “What about your sword. How does it feel?”

Jon looked at the foil and said, “Awkward; it just doesn’t seem to have the right, uhhh.”



Juliette watched the two and knew she had been forgotten in the moment. She leaned against the wall and watched them.

“Come with me.” Turgk led Jon over to a door, opened it, and walked in. There were hundreds of swords hanging on the wall. Turgk said, “Look around.”

Juliette followed them into the room and watched as Jon handed the foil to Turgk and closed his eyes. Jon listened and could hear a melody far in the distance. It was hard to hear and he struggled to hear it. He moved to the right and it disappeared. He stopped and moved to the left and he heard it again. He continued left and it grew in volume. Suddenly it started to decrease. He immediately stopped and moved slightly to his right and the music returned to its former volume. He took a step to the rear and it increased again. He turned around and moved forward and the music grew even louder. The music touched his soul. It was beautiful beyond belief. He opened his eyes and on the wall in front of him was a cutlass. He reached up and both Juliette and Turgk saw the expression on his face.

Turgk smiled, “It was calling you.”

Jon was surprised by Turgk’s voice and he turned and said, “With a melody that was incredible.”

Turgk said, “Take your cutlass and follow me.”

Juliette knew that something remarkable had just happened. She had heard rumors about this young man, though her mother thought he was evil incarnate. Turgk and Jon moved out into the fencing room and Turgk raised his sword, “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Juliette watched as a ballet began as the two moved around the room with their swords singing their clashing song. Juliette realized quickly that Turgk did not have much to teach the Duchess’ son. She saw he was smiling the entire time the dance was happening. Suddenly her com beeped loudly and the moment was broken. The two stopped and Juliette said, “I’m in the fencing room working out with Turgk and Jon.”

Suddenly Cassandra Gardner teleported into the room and said, “I didn’t give you permission to come in here.”

Juliette looked at her mother and said, “When have you ever restricted my movements?”

Lady Gardner looked over at Jon and both he and Turgk saw the hate on her face. She turned back to Juliette and said, “Go to the ship.”

Juliette turned and said, “Thank you for allowing me to train with you.” She pressed her wrist unit and teleported out.

Cassandra turned and said, “Turgk, you will not allow my daughter near this imposter again.” Turgk stared at her and finally bowed to her. She stared at Jon again and teleported out.

• • •

Juliette sat with her mother on board the ship as she got the third degree for not staying in the ship. She took it stoically and wondered what had worked her mother up. Suddenly the display in the room chimed and her mother turned it on. Duchess Sarah Robbins was staring at her from the display. Cassandra said, “Yes?”

Sarah said, “Is that how you address Royalty, Lady Gardner?”

Cassandra’s face hardened and she said, “How may I serve you, your Grace?”

“You will not come to my home again until you learn manners. If I ever hear of you showing disrespect to my son again, I will have you censured by the Crown. Is that clear?”

Juliette saw Sarah’s anger and it finally broke through her mother’s anger that this was serious. “I apologize, your Grace. It won’t happen again.”

Sarah stared at Cassandra and the screen went dark.

“I’ll show them what disrespect is.”

Juliette said, “Why do you hate him?”

Her mother’s anger got the best of her, “He’s an imposter. He has no royal blood and doesn’t belong in the secession to the crown.”

Juliette asked, “Who is slotted to replace the Royal Family if they don’t have a child?”

Her mother snarled, “That abomination. I tried to talk her out of adopting him but she wouldn’t listen.”

“And if he wasn’t in her family; who would be next in line?”

Her mother stopped her cursing and looked quickly at Juliette. She calmed down and said, “You are certainly qualified for the position, my love.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“You are next in line.”

Juliette stood, left the room, and went to her quarters. Now she knew. Her mother was angry about the succession.

• • •

Jon sat on the wall on top of Castle Gardner looking out at the sprawling city. Turgk had told his mother what he had been ordered to do by Lady Gardner and she was more furious than he had ever seen. Jon thought about his skill with a cutlass and wondered where it had come from. Dern and Tegen watched the city with him and said, “We have also found some natural skill with the sword, Jon.”

“This has some bearing on our destiny. I don’t know what it is, but I know it’s important.” Jon paused and said, “What did she mean by imposter?”

Tegen said, “You are next in line for the Throne if the Royal Family doesn’t have a child.”


“If you weren’t around, Lady Juliette would be next.”

“Well, that explains it.”

Dern said, “What are you going to do?”

“Stay out of their way.”

Tegen laughed, “I think that’s a really good idea.”

The three looked out at the giant metropolis through Jon’s eyes.

• • •

Juliette sat in bed and listened to the news casts. The war was not going well. The four devils were expanding and the warriors were unable to keep them back. She turned the display off and put her head on her pillow. She thought about the young man she had met in the fencing room. She saw the dance of death with the two dueling with their swords and she couldn’t get the image out of her mind of the smile and joy the young man had during the exercise. She knew Turgk was the best in the Realm with a sword, but the young man was better. She could see it and she was sure Turgk did as well. She had not seen that much joy on anyone’s face…ever. There was something else about him that she just couldn’t put her finger on but his face wouldn’t leave her mind. She fell asleep with him still there.

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