The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior (5 page)

BOOK: The Fight for Creation: Book 01 - Life Warrior
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Chapter Four

on looked at the four hundred yards of obstacles ahead of him. The Warrior NCO began yelling, “If you pampered darlings intend to wear the Realm’s armor, you will be required to complete this course in less than ninety seconds. Now I know most of you have great difficulty just walking from point A to B, but this is where we eliminate the ones that just don’t have what it takes.”

A recruit said, “Sargent, What are the rules for getting through this?”

The Sargent shook his head, “Stop being so dumb; there are no rules. Get to the end in ninety seconds or you fail. You’ll be given one more opportunity immediately afterwards and then you’re done. You can go back to your soft lives and enjoy the life the Warriors protect for you. Now get ready.”

Jon thought back to the previous six weeks and was surprised he was still around. He wondered why anyone would have any fear about him or his brothers. He was not the strongest one in training; more than half of the recruits remaining were stronger. He sighed because he also realized more than half were also faster. Most of the physical tests were extremely difficult and he had barely managed to pass them.

He knew that he had scored at the top of his class in multitasking. The exercise where he had to watch three different computer screens and comprehend what was on them while listening to a speaker as it spoke other instructions. The recruits would then have to suddenly stop and report into a recorder what they remembered from the four sources of information. Jon initially thought he had done quite poorly, but found his name at the top of the list that ranked their efforts.

He understood that the armor he would be given if he completed training had multiple displays and scanners that he would have to master to become a Life Warrior, but the physical requirements might cause him to wash out.

Jon looked ahead at the obstacle course and hoped he could do it. The recruits had just completed a five mile run with full backpacks and Jon was tired before he even started this final requirement. Then the alarm blasted and two hundred recruits rushed on to the course.

Jon arrived at the ropes and hit the mud and began crawling as quickly as possible under the low wire. He arrived at the end, jumped up, and ran to the bars and began swinging the thirty rungs over the muddy lake under it. He swung off the bars and stooped over the fifteen barrels. He arrived at the twelve foot wall and hit it running as fast as he could and tried to kick himself to the top. He missed the top by a foot and had to back up and try again. Three attempts later he finally grasped the top of the wall and barely managed to pull himself up. It took all his strength to get his tired body over it.

He dropped to the other side and ran across the one foot wide twenty yard long timber to the swinging ropes and swung to the other side of the mud bog. Forty yards from the end, the alarm sounded and Jon knew he had failed. He looked at the finish line and saw that only two had made it in the required time. He heard the Sargent over the loudspeaker, “Now get back here. You have one more opportunity.”

Jon started back and wondered how he could possibly do it now as tired as he was. A Glod walking beside him said, “The wall is what did it.” Jon nodded. “I just can’t get up enough speed to get to the top.”

Jon looked up at the seven foot tall recruit and said, “Then let’s do this together.”

The Glod looked at him, “What do you mean?”

“When we get to the wall, I’ll bend over and you use me to jump to the top. You can then pull me up with you.”

“Are we allowed to help each other?”

Jon smiled, “There are no rules.”

The Glod smiled and said, “Let’s do it.”

Jon went back to the starting line and knew having the four hundred pound Glod use his back to spring to the top of the wall was a real risk, but he knew there was no other way to get over the wall fast enough. At least he wouldn’t have to wait; the Glod had finished next to him when the alarm sounded.

The alarm blared and Jon rushed forward and was careful not to make a mistake before the wall. He saw the Glod moving beside him and Jon picked up some distance under the ropes. He ran through the barrels and looked for the Glod who was just behind him. He arrived at the wall and put his hands on his thighs and bent over. As soon as he braced himself, he thought someone had dropped a house on him. He forced himself to straighten up and jumped to the Glod’s outstretched arm. The Glod pulled him over and dropped him on the other side. Jon began running and as he approached the beam, his back muscles began to loosen. He made it over the timber and ran as fast as he could to the ropes. He swung across the bog and ran toward the finish line. The Glod passed it just in front of him and they both collapsed to the ground just before the alarm sounded. The recruits that were still on the course stopped and some of them complained that the two winners had violated the rules.

The Sargent was at the finish line and he smiled as he said, “Are you hard of hearing; I told you there were no rules. These two were wise enough to know that your best asset is the warrior next to you. You can return to the processing center for you trip home.”

The Sargent looked at Jon and the Glod. Jon looked up and said, “This exercise is designed to sort out those that think they can do everything alone from those that are willing to work together.” The Sargent smiled and didn’t say anything. Jon looked at the Glod and said, “The first two winners will be eliminated in the next exercise if they can’t learn that lesson.”

The Glod stuck out his hand, “I’m Dgon-cee.”

Jon smiled, “I’m Jon Gee.”

The Glod stared at Jon and said, “That’s an unusual name for a human.”

Jon smiled, “But it’s one I’m proud to have.”

The Glod smiled as he stood and pulled Jon to his feet. “You should be.”

The Sargent yelled, “As soon as you two love birds stop chirping, report to the processing center for you training assignment.” The Sargent smiled and said, “Congratulations and good luck the rest of the way.”

• • •

Jon sat waiting for the troop transport to arrive and sent a thought to Dern, “How’s training going?”

“You know I have an advantage with four arms.”

“Have you heard from Tegen?”

“He’s already a corporal over at his platoon.” Dern paused and said, “Jon, you’re being assigned to the training facility where Admiral Dodd has his headquarters.”

“I know. I’ll be as careful as I can.”

“Tegen and I sense that they won’t make a move on us until they can eliminate you.”

“They don’t want to make it look like there’s a conspiracy, Dern. Of course they’ll go after me first.” Dern didn’t say anything and Jon said, “They can’t be blatant; they wouldn’t want my parents to come after them if they show their hand.”

“Just keep your eyes open and follow your instincts.”

Jon picked up the training guide and started looking at the coming horror of warrior training.

The Glod that had worked with Jon at the obstacle course sat six rows behind Jon and didn’t like what he was being ordered to do. It was good that the Human had suggested working together first or he would have had to do it. The ones directing him wanted to make sure the human passed the course and made it into training. Now they wanted him to make sure he didn’t make it out. He stared at Jon and remembered the human’s happiness for him that he had made it through to the finish line. The human should have known that a twelve foot wall was no obstacle for a seven foot Glod. He just wasn’t cynical enough to suspect treachery and that was going to be his undoing.

• • •

The first three weeks of training was designed to remove those that were unable or unwilling to push themselves past their last ounce of fatigue. The exercises left the trainee’s exhausted at the end of the day and Jon knew that anyone that survived the training would always have his fellow warrior’s respect. He was lying on his bed when he mentioned his new Glod friend that was in his platoon. Tegen said, “What’s his name?”

“Dgon-Cee.” Jon immediately felt Tegen’s stress. “What’s wrong?”

“That is not a Glod name, Jon.”

“I’m not sure what you mean?”

“The Cee suffix cannot follow a tribe name beginning with a Dg. It would violate all of our conventions.”

“Are you sure?”


“Could he be using a different name like I am to avoid anyone knowing his true identity?”

“Jon, the computer system that allowed you to use your first and middle name would not allow you to use a name that is not part of your real name. There is no combination of names that would allow those two to appear in a real name.”

Dern said, “Someone has overridden the computer protocols.”

Jon sighed, “And it would take someone with the rank of Admiral or higher to do that.”

Tegen said, “It appears your new friend is not what he appears to be.”

“Could he be here to protect me? I wouldn’t put it past my parents to have someone present.”

“They probably do, but they would not be able to change the protocols in the computer without the help of the training staff. I don’t think they would allow the Admiral’s staff to know if they were doing that.”

“I’ll have to think about this, but I don’t know if I can accuse him of anything without proof.”

• • •

Jon and Dgon sat on top of the mountain waiting their turn to repel down the vertical cliff. Jon looked at the Glod and said, “Why do you want to be a warrior?”

Dgon shrugged and said, “I want to remove evil from creation.”

Jon looked him in the eye and said, “Wherever you find it?”

Dgon stared at Jon and after a long pause said, “Sometimes you don’t recognize evil.”

“And sometimes you do and just don’t care enough to do anything about it. It’s easier to just give in to it.”

“What are you implying?”

Jon continued to stare at Dgon and said, “You were right about my name. I’m proud of the Glod brother that shares it with me. I know that he would never bring shame to the name of his father.” Jon stood and moved toward the cliff.

Dgon followed him and hated what he was about to do.

The Sargent said, “The first of your pair will repel and the second will wait until he has touched bottom. Then you will follow. First recruit, move to your position.”

Jon moved to the edge of the cliff and put the rope through his vest loops. He tightened his gloves and lifted the rope between his legs. The Sargent yelled, “Go!” and he jumped over the edge of the cliff and watched the edge overhead as he slid down the rope as fast as possible. He saw Dgon looking over the edge at him and he had a knife in his hand. Jon slowly shook his head and continued down the rope and Dgon saw that he knew of his treachery before he had started his fall. Dgon put the knife on the rope and then pulled it away and threw it out over the valley below.

Dgon was suddenly pushed aside as one of the trainers ran up and pulled a knife. “You will testify that I came to save the recruit when I saw his rope start to come apart.”

The trainer slashed into the rope and hit the power conduit wire that was inside of the rope. The entire electrical load of three hundred thousand volts discharged through the knife and fried the trainer. Jon heard the scream and started sliding down the rope even faster. His gloves were smoking and six feet from the bottom the rope gave way and he fell to the ground. He looked up and saw a body falling from the top of the cliff. It hit the ground and Jon saw it was Dgon. He knew that whoever did this couldn’t leave any witnesses.

“Are you alright!?!”

“I’m ok, Dern; Dgon is dead.”

The two brothers looked in Jon’s mind and he could feel their anger. “Don’t worry. I think my parents can take it from here.”

• • •

Robert Robbins stood in front of the King and Queen of the Realm and presented his evidence of the deliberate attempt on his son’s life. Admiral James Dodd stood at attention and tried to act angry at what had happened. It wasn’t playing well with the Duke.

Queen Victoria Gardner looked at the Admiral as Robert presented his case and he saw she was disturbed. The King looked at the Admiral and showed his disbelief. Victoria Gardner turned to the Admiral and said, “It appears your staff is filled with traitors. Several recruits have testified that several members of your staff threw the Glod recruit over the cliff and then fled. Have you been able to find them?”

“No, Your Majesty; they had a ship close by and were able to make an escape.”

“How long have those traitors been trainers?”

“Ten years.”

“So they are not new trainers that you brought in.”

James knew that this is what would get him executed. He said, “No, they were not.”

“How do you explain the computer protocols being changed? Only someone with your rank or higher have access to the system.”

“I do not know, Your Majesty.”

Victoria looked at Grainger and said, “Contact the Zord and have them send one of their warriors here. We will get to the bottom of this.”

James knew his life was over but Cassandra had promised to keep her promise if he could keep her out of this. His father would have to make sure the brat died later. James lifted his wrist and pressed a button on his unit. The spark that entered his body burned him to ash in less than four seconds.

Victoria and Grainger jumped to their feet as the Admiral disintegrated. Robert watched him die and said, “You know why he did this.”

Grainger nodded, “But now we have no way to prove it.”

“What more proof do you need? You know why this was done.”

The Gardners sat down and Victoria shook her head, “Even we can’t kill Royalty without proof.”

“You could bring in the Zord and question her.”

“The original founding agreements between the Empire and Realm prohibit the use of psychics to question any member of the Royal Family. You know that.”

Robert narrowed his eyes and said, “She will not get away with this.”

Grainger looked at Victoria and then turned to Robert, “The thing that’s causing these issues is that we have not had a child. We have discussed this and have decided that we will not put that off any longer. We’ll announce this decision for the members of the Realm and your son should be safe from now on.”

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