The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade (100 page)

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Lorge, pp. 53–54.

Ebrey, p. 170.

Chapter Eighty-Two
Repentance at Canossa


Fuhrmann, p. 52.

Ian S. Robinson,
Henry IV of Germany
(2000), p. 43.

Thatcher and McNeal, pp. 417–418.

Henry IV of Germany
(2000), pp. 110–111.

Ibid., p. 111.

R. W. Southern,
Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages
(1970), p. 102; H. E. J. Cowdrey,
The Register of Pope Gregory VII, 1073–1085
(1998), p. 557.

Blumenthal, pp. 110–113; Cowdrey, pp. 130–131.

Cowdrey, pp. 133–134.

Ibid., p. 134.

Ibid., p. 137.

Ibid., p. 138.

Ibid., p. 141.

Fuhrmann, p. 65.

Ibid., p. 156.

Fuhrmann, pp. 65–66.

Chapter Eighty-Three
The Call


Psellus, p. 369 and n. I, pp. 369–370; Ostrogorsky, pp. 347–348.

History of Medieval Islam
, pp. 149–150.

, pp. 268–269.

Ostrogorsky, pp. 348–349.

Comnena, 3.8–9.

Henry IV of Germany
, pp. 194–196.

Ibid., p. 204.

Comnena, 3.10.

Henry IV of Germany
, pp. 229–231.

Cowdrey, p. 446.

, trans. Allen Mandelbaum (1982), canto 28, lines 13–16.

A Short History of the Ismailis
, p. 125.

Thomas Asbridge,
The First Crusade
(2004), p. 32.

Thatcher and McNeal, pp. 513–517.

Chapter Eighty-Four
Fighting for Jerusalem


Comnena, 10.5–6.

William of Tyre,
A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea
, vol. 1, trans. Emily Atwater Babcock and A. C. Krey (1976), pp. 98–99.

Comnena, 10.5.

Ibid., pp. 105–106; John France,
The Crusades and the Expansion of Catholic Christendom, 1000–1714
(2005), pp. 65–66.

William of Tyre, p. 109.

Comnena (1969), 10.9–10.

Asbridge, p. 158; France, pp. 76–77.

William of Tyre, pp. 214–215; France, p. 77.

Ibn Al-Qala nisi,
The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades
, trans. Hamilton Gibb (2003), p. 43; Jean de Joinville and Geoffrey de Villehardouin,
Chronicle of the Crusades
, trans. M. R. B. Shaw, p. 8; Asbridge (2004), pp. 150–151; William of Tyre, pp. 239–240.

Steven Runciman,
A History of the Crusades
, vol. 1 (1951), pp. 227–228.

France, p. 79; Comnena, 10.11.

William of Tyre, p. 258.

Ibid., pp. 270–274.

William of Tyre, p. 281; Runciman,
History of the Crusades
, vol. 1, pp. 244–245.

France, p. 84.

William of Tyre, pp. 352–353; France, pp. 86–87.

William of Tyre, p. 368; France, pp. 88–89.

Ibn Al-Qala nisi, p. 48.

Chapter Eighty-Five


Clay Stalls,
Possessing the Land
(1995), p. 37.

Olivia Remie Constable,
Medieval Iberia
(1997), pp. 156–157.

Comnena, 9.8.

Malcolm Barber and A. K. Bate, eds.,
The Templars
(2002), p. 27; William of Tyre, pp. 524–525.

Barber and Bate, p. 32.

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