The Infinite Evolution - Conversion (27 page)

Read The Infinite Evolution - Conversion Online

Authors: Erik Johnson

Tags: #adventure aliens android androids civil death traditions travel war

BOOK: The Infinite Evolution - Conversion
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I am honored, but may I ask why
I need to wear this necklace?”

It is to keep you loyal to the cause by
monitoring your activity, now it is time for you to go,” ordered

Without any further explanation,
Corinth was sent back up through the bluish capsule and within a
microsecond she found herself in her home wondering if what she had
just learned was truly going to happen. As Corinth looked down at
her chest, she noticed the odd shaped necklace glistening. She went
to remove it and found it to be too heavy to lift, but when it laid
around her neck it felt as light as a feather.

Chapter 15


A tangerine Mustang bolted down
the Interstate as nearby law enforcement started to take notice.
Soon Central Circuit issued a “be on the look out,” for said
vehicle and advised it contained two wanted females. As the
operator of the Mustang continued to professionally swerve in and
out of traffic, an aerial unit started to converge over the
renegade vehicle. The operator identified the aerial unit

a sleek midnight black, twin
coaxial rotor jet helicopter. She swiftly concluded the Mustang’s
powerful V8 engine would not be able to outrun an aerial unit that
could travel in excess of 250 knots. While continuing down the
Interstate, the operator observed four high-end police cruisers
gaining and heard, via a police scanner, that a blockade was being
set up near the next exit, which was approximately ten miles away.
Knowing the vehicle was producing approximately 315-horse power at
6000 rpm, the operator had little time to find an alternate route
and calculated she was going to be on top of these police units in
a matter of minutes.

The aerial unit ordered the
operator to shutdown the thundering Mustang immediately, but there
was no way she was going to comply. Law enforcement attempted to
take control of the car remotely, but soon realized this was not a
modern day vehicle. After they determined the vehicle’s assembly
was in the year 2010, a decision was made to deploy a small
electrical burst in order to disable the Mustang’s electrical
systems. As the aerial unit positioned itself over the targeted
vehicle, a five foot long cylindrical device emerged from its under
belly. Within seconds of the unit firing, the operator slammed on
her brakes and cut the steering wheel sharply to the left, sending
the Mustang into a one hundred and eighty degree spin. The
discharge from the aerial unit struck the pavement and delivered a
surge of electricity twenty feet from its epicenter, missing the
Mustang by a matter of inches. After the vehicular spin, the
operator pressed down on the accelerator and headed directly into
oncoming traffic within the northbound lane.

The four police cruisers pursuing
the Mustang were now heading right for their target. The two lead
cruisers swerved to either side avoiding a head on collision. The
operators of the third and forth cruisers ended up slamming on
their brakes while cutting their wheels sharply to the left, now
awaiting the charging Mustang. Both of the officers exited their
vehicles and ran towards the trunk to retrieve their stop sticks.
As the first officer fumbled with the device, the second officer
was able to retrieve hers without incident.

Soon a police dispatcher came
over the radio instructing all officers not to use live fire on the
renegade Mustang because the passengers were high profile targets
and one was reported to be a minor. The officer who was able to
retrieve her stop sticks in time ran toward the ten foot opening
between her cruiser and the concrete dividers. As this officer
approached she expeditiously calculated the odds of her
successfully stopping the Mustang and came to the realization, the
odds were not in her favor. The officer threw the stop sticks
towards the opening the Mustang was aiming for and watched with
disappointment as she realized she was a second too late. The hopes
of puncturing the tires on this unstoppable machine did not become
realized. Instead, they landed on the Mustang’s trunk and bounced
off, allowing the fleeing vehicle to escape. The two cruisers that
had avoided a front-end collision earlier had already turned around
and were now in pursuit, heading directly towards the stop sticks.
The officer who had deployed them immediately keyed her radio and
advised the pursuing officers of the new obstacles as she
contemplated if there was enough time to retrieve them. The lead
operator of the cruiser slammed on his brakes, but found it was too
late. As soon as the two front tires ran over the stop sticks,
metal hollow spikes expanded from the plastic triangular casing and
ruptured the tires. This led the police cruiser into an
uncontrolled rest after striking the concrete traffic barriers. As
for the second cruiser, it was able to come to a stop before
rear-ending the lead cruiser and became temporarily blocked

The officer who had trouble
releasing his stop sticks earlier was already back in his cruiser,
maneuvering it out of its blockaded position. Once successful this
officer became the lead cruiser and reestablished the pursuit. The
operator of the Mustang was able to find an opening through the
concrete traffic barriers that divided both lanes, and was now
heading south in the southbound lane.

A significant gap between the
Mustang and the police cruisers had now occurred, but the aerial
unit was still hovering above and awaiting another opportunity to
deploy their non-lethal electrical pulse. The operator of the
Mustang was all too aware there were no police cruisers within the
range of the soon to be blast radius, so she looked over to her
passenger and instructed her to grab the silver metallic cylinder
from the glove box. The operator directed the passenger to turn the
unit on, via the reddish button and type in the following numbers,
“1302.” Once these instructions were implemented, an electronic
voice indicated a ten second count down. The operator now
instructed the passenger to throw the cylinder device out of the
window and she complied without hesitation. The count down
completed as soon as the cylinder device hit the pavement at which
point it stood up on end and started spinning clockwise at an
incredible rate.

A silent hum filled the air and a
bluish glow formed around the cylinder device as it shot directly
up leveling off with the
unit. Soon a large pulse radiated outwards three
hundred sixty degrees in diameter. The operators of the
unit noticed
the colorful display coming from their flank and proceeded to
accelerate in order to escape whatever this was. The energy sphere
was gaining on the
unit at an expeditious rate and before long had
encompassed it completely making the pilots realize they were no
longer in control. The electronics on the
unit’s displays were still
working, no altitude was lost, and there was no structural damage.
As the co-pilot tried to put out a distress signal, an automated
voice instructed them that the self-inject mechanism would initiate
in thirty seconds. The two pilots, secured in their seats, looked
at each other as they now realized their
unit had been hijacked,
and the hijacker was controlling the
unit remotely. The canopy
blew open and both pilots safely ejected. The
unit was now working for
the operator of the Mustang.

Once air traffic control realized
they had a rouge aerial unit, they alerted the authorities and had
two fighter jets scrabbled in order to intercept and disable this
nuisance. Luckily, for the new operator, this was not going to
happen immediately, giving time for the aerial unit to acquire its
electrical pulse on any targets in pursuit of the tangerine

After the remaining cruisers in
pursuit had been eliminated, the aerial unit moved ahead of the
Mustang and cleared any unwanted obstacles. The Mustang was able to
successfully exit the main highway system and now was traveling on
back roadways toward a secure location. The operator instructed the
aerial unit to disengage as their chaperone and redirected it in
the opposite direction of their escape route. Within moments of
this decision, the operator of the Mustang detected two military
fighter jets on the aerial unit’s indicators, and they were
approaching fast. With a simple thought, she instructed the aerial
unit to evade these fighter jets in order to give her more time to
complete their escape. The aerial unit climbed to its maximum
altitude and was traveling at its top speed, but was no match for
what lay ahead. The two fighter jets pulled up behind the aerial
unit and fired one air-to-air missile annihilating it within
seconds. These fighter jets were then ordered to disengage and
return to base.

The Mustang continued to travel
on secondary roadways for another three and a half hours, evading
all law enforcement. The further they traveled the thicker the tree
covering was and the worse the road conditions became. The operator
started to slow down as she came closer to her destination and
without warning the Mustang came to a complete stop. The passenger
looked around seeing only a forest, with no signs of civilization.
As the vehicle sat there idling, a bluish sphere similar to the one
that hijacked the aerial unit started to engulf the Mustang. Within
moments, the vehicle and its passengers were absorbed into the
ground. The Mustang re-appeared inside a large underground chamber
made of steel and concrete. The operator placed the Mustang in
drive, proceeded into a tunnel off the main chamber, and drove for
another mile until they came to a titanium wall. Upon their arrival
there was a slight pause followed with a reddish flash. The
vehicle’s lights were turned off by an outside source as the wall
in front of them lifted up into the ceiling, allowing the Mustang
and its occupants to proceed forward. As the operator drove on,
they entered into a smaller chamber, and their point of entry
sealed behind them. Their surroundings were completely dark and the
Mustang was no longer receiving any power, it was as if someone
drained all its energy and fuel. The operator sat there quietly as
the passenger exhibited signs of panic. A longer flash of reddish
light appeared and when it was over their entire surroundings, lit
up so bright, all they could see was a wall of white and then they
heard a voice.

Security scans complete, units identified,
vehicle transport is clean of any foreign objects. Permission
requested to allow occupants of said vehicle to exit.”

A second authoritative voice stated, “Granted.”

The lights around the vehicle
dimmed, allowing for the operator and passenger to finally see
their surroundings.

A third voice said, “Welcome back, Serafina, I see
you were successful in retrieving your acquisition.”

Yes, I was.” Serafina exited the
vehicle and gestured to Jade to do the same. “It is good to see you
again, Izri. I see you went with a Polynesian look this

You too Serafina. It has been a
long time and yes, I figured a change in my normal humanoid form
was due,” said Izri.

As Jade left the Mustang, she
looked around in amazement. It was as if she walked into one of her
most spectacular dreams. There were more electronic devices and
holoscreens than she had ever seen. As she stood in front of the
Mustang, she looked up and marveled over the huge dome ceiling,
which was mimicking deep space. There were stars, meteors, planets,
and every other celestial discovery. Amazingly, it did not just
seem like images reflecting off a ceiling, it was as if she was
immersed into space itself with its four dimensional realism. Below
the holographic galaxies sat a room approximately three thousand
feet in diameter and wherever Jade looked, it appeared something
was being analyzed, researched, or discovered. The average size
holoscreens were around ninety-one inches and the three largest
ones, which were easily over five hundred inches, sat side-by-side
making a panoramic view of whatever the user wanted to look at.
Jade looked over to Serafina and asked, “Where in the world am

You are in a secure facility,” responded

I gathered that, but I would
like to know more. I think I’m entitled to some

Izri spoke up, “Entitled? You are
not entitled to anything. You are a very lucky young woman. If
Serafina did not pick you up when she did, you would be sitting in
an interrogation room getting asked questions on how you hacked

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