The Last Cowboy In Texas (10 page)

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He turned to Paige. “What about you and the good doctor?” He nodded at Carlson, who was still glaring at Aggie.

She snapped, “I think I’d like a word with you,
. In private, if you can tear yourself away from your friends.” She stared at the death grip Aggie had on his arm.

“Uh, sure.” He pulled Aggie’s hand away and said, “Excuse me for a moment, please.”








Chapter Six


trailed Paige to the foyer at the back of the nearly empty auditorium where she turned on him the instant they were out of view of the others. “What the hell do you think you’re doing with Aggie?”

“Having a good time. Or I was, until you and your new boyfriend showed up.”

“I’ll just bet you were. Don’t you know she’s Steve’s current bed-partner?”

“I have no idea who she shares her bed with.”

“Other than you, you mean.”

“No, not other than me. I’ve never done anything with her. Not that it’s any of your business.”

“Maybe you haven’t got to her yet but you can’t deny you want to.”

“Damn it, Paige. I’m a man. Remember? Men were created to want women. At least, the ones who choose to act like women.”

“What do you mean by that crack?”

“Take it any way you want. Now, can we get back to the others?”

“Not yet. Answer me one thing. Why are you spending time with the one woman who is in position to ruin you?”

“You mean you, don’t you? Aggie isn’t going to ruin me but I’m not so sure you won’t if you get the chance.”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“Really? Why not?”

His gorgeous cerulean orbs locked on hers. There was such a clear glow in them, she was startled. What showed through wasn’t anger. Anger, she could have understood. And been able to resist.

“I just wouldn’t, that’s all.”

“Oh no, that’s not all.” His smiling eyes teased hers again. “You do really care for me, don’t you, Paige? That’s what this whole crazy thing is about. You want me for yourself.”

“Moi?” She scowled. “In your dreams, lothario.”

“In my dreams?” He gave her a helpless smile. “You really want to know who the woman is in my dream every night?”

“Aggie, right?”

“No way. She’s just an interesting woman with an agenda I’m trying to defuse before it wipes me out. No, it’s you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I dream about you every night. You’re the face of every woman I’ve ever been near. By the way, it’s nice to see you looking so feminine.” His eyes blinked serious. “Be that as it may, dressed as whatever, you’re the girl of my dreams. What do you think about that?”

“I—don’t know.” She had to admit she was shaken by his claim.

“Well I do. And I know what to do about it.”

He grabbed her into his arms and claimed her lips with his. The instant they touched, his aggressive demeanor changed to tenderness. For long moments, she let him kiss her. Barely touching, feathery light, then more surely as her arms went around him and she surrendered to his will.

Lord in heaven, this is wonderful. If he’d only kissed me this way all those years ago, this is what we could have had for all this time.

When they stopped for breath, he whispered in a hoarse voice, “I love you, Paige. I’ve always loved you. Is there any part of you that can understand that?”

“Yes. I love you, too.”

“You do?”

“So much so, I’ve tried to hate you for all the playing around you’ve done. Not that I blame you for it.”

“My playing around, as you put it, has done nothing for me except make me more miserable. You’re the woman I’ve always wanted. The only woman.”

Before she could answer, someone behind them cleared his throat. Carlson. “Excuse me for interrupting but I wanted to be sure you had a way home, Paige.”

She looked up into
’s eyes and smiled. “Yes, thank you, Steve. I’ll be just fine.”

“Well, I’ll be going, then. Goodnight, everyone.”

Jason, his arm around Aggie’s waist, was grinning ear to ear. “Seems to me, y’awl are gettin’ pretty familiar there. Don’t suppose yawl’d mind if Aggie‘n me go ahead ‘n mosey on over to the party.”

“You go on. Paige and I have some unfinished business to attend to.”

“Business, yeah. Well, nice to meet ya, Mizz Paige.”

“You too, JT. See you around, Aggie.”

The environmentalist didn’t respond but kept her gaze fixed on her latest find, an endangered cowboy singer. Paige smiled in the knowledge that Agatha Kingfisher might have finally succeeded in her quest for endangered species. Unless she was mistaken, JT’s prized bachelorhood was toast. He was on a candidate list but that blasted Federal one had nothing to do with it.

After the others had left,
turned back to her. Her facial expression elicited a question. “What’s going on in that amazing brain of yours, Paige?”

“What are we going to do about this?”

“About this? You mean about us, don’t you? I’m not sure about you but I fully intend to make the most of it. Come here.”

“I... Wait. I think we should talk this out before we do anything else.” She retreated a couple of steps.

“Anything else? Like what?” He closed the distance between them.

“Like kissing. We need to talk.” She was ready to retreat again but his left hand closed over her right arm.

“Talk’s cheap. Action counts. Come here and let me show you how I feel.” His other hand took her left arm in its grasp, turning her to face him directly.

, please? I need to understand what’s happening.”

“What’s happening is that I’m trying to show you how I really feel. Words are inadequate for what’s going on inside me.”

He pulled her back into his arms, gently this time. When his lips closed on hers, she didn’t hesitate. Her mind might be in thermal meltdown but her body was ready for prime-time show and tell.

They kissed long and passionately as he held her so tightly against him she could feel his heartbeat. Fast—like hers. And she couldn’t miss the hot hard part of him that pressed against her tummy. A fire lit up somewhere deep inside, something she’d never felt before, even that one night they’d visited the back seat of his car. When she moaned in agony, he pulled back.

“You okay?”

“Oh yeah, I’m fine. I just never knew kissing could be so wonderful.”

“The more we kiss, the more wonderful it will be. Want to find out?” The sparkle in his eyes spoke of magic.

Magic? Paige, he’s getting to you. He probably already knows where he’s going to put your notch on his bedpost.

“I think we’d best stop what we’re doing right now.
, please? You’re not being fair.”

“Fair, schmair! You think the way you’ve treated me all these years is fair? Come on, Paige. I told you I love you. Now I want to show you.”

“I heard you. I remember my response, too. Well, you can hit the delete button on that sentiment. You just caught me in a weak moment. Now are you going to take me home or do I have to call someone for a ride?”

“I’ll take you.” Anger swept over his face as his arms dropped to his sides. “Come on.”

She almost had to run to keep up with him. “
, slow down. Please?”

“Sorry. As fast as you always run from me I didn’t think you’d have trouble keeping up.”

“I’ve never run from you.”

“The hell you haven’t! What about right now?”

The ride to
was quiet. And long. Too long. She struggled to keep from sliding across the seat divider and kissing
senseless. That was what she wanted. Every feminine part of her had come alive with his kiss. She hungered for more, wanted more. Wanted to experience all the first blossom of true love—and the consummation.

But that nasty little voice inside kept reminding her of
’s reputation.
He’s a womanizer. He’ll use you and discard you the same way he’s done with all the others.

When he stopped in the drive, she started to open the door. Before she could climb out, he leaned across and pulled her to him. She had no will to resist when his lips again claimed hers. They kissed, this time sweetly and tenderly. “I love you, Paige. You may not treasure this but I’ve never said that to another woman. You are the only love of my life.”

“That’s sweet for you to say. I know I said I love you too
. I wish I hadn’t but-”

“But what? You spoke from the heart. It was the truth. I’ve always known you love me, just like you know I love you.”

“Yes, well truth is nice. But reality is what we must deal with. Where we live.”

“The reality is, I want you to be mine. Maybe forever.”

Her ears went on point. “What are you trying to say?”

He bolted upright in his seat and stared, wide-eyed. “I think I’d better fathom that out before I say anything else.”

He’d been about ready to ask for commitment but the look on his face told her he wasn’t ready. Saved by the typical male’s reluctance to give up his independence, even to get what he wants. She knew she should have been grateful for that. She wasn’t.

He’d opened his door when she said, “That’s okay,
. I’d rather go in on my own. We both need time to think this through. Will I see you tomorrow?”

“Yes. You certainly will. Goodnight, sweetheart. Mind my calling you that?”

She hesitated, staring into his eyes. It was an endearment her father had used with her mom for as long as she’d been alive. “Only if you truly mean it.”

“I mean it. I meant everything I said tonight.”


* * *


She went onto the porch and waited until he drove away. When she stepped inside, Cil greeted her. “He kissed you, dear. What’s happening?”

“Mom, you spying on me again?”

“Not spying. Just curious. You left with one man and came home with another. That generally means something unusual happened. Want to share it with your mother?”

“Not really.” She instantly regretted her words at the crestfallen look on Cil’s face. “Nothing serious, Mom. I told Dr. Carlson he’s a lowlife, and then
said he loves me.”

With a pouty frown, she added, “Then I told him I love him, too.” Seeing the quizzical look on her mom’s face, she asked, “Why did I say that?”

“Usually a woman would say that because she believes it. Do you love him?

“Yes. I’ve always loved him. But that doesn’t mean I should tell him. Does it?”

“I don’t know, child. All the rules seem to have changed since I was a girl. That’s how it would have been back when I was your age. Why wouldn’t you tell him how you feel?”

“I don’t want him to get any bright ideas.”

“Honey, the man hasn’t been born that doesn’t get bright ideas. It’s not keeping him from having them that you want to worry about. It’s keeping him from acting on them before you get what you want.”

“That sounds pretty mercenary.”

“Not at all. When he’s ready to commit to a life with you and you alone, you’ll have what you want. Won’t you?”

“I think so. Honestly, until this evening I’d never given it much thought.”

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