The Last Cowboy In Texas (11 page)

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“Is that so?” She grinned. “That’s why you write those wonderful stories of yourself getting exactly that from
in all the forms in which you’ve recreated him in your books?”

“I’m not in my books. And
certainly isn’t!”

“Paige, darling, just look at you. You’re positively flushed, thinking about it. You are Lady Eve and
is Sir Robert. Even I can tell that. And your fantasies are basically an extension of your own dreams and hopes.”

She’d been found out. “I could never become just another of
’s affairs.”

“If he loves you and you love him, then you’ll just have to find a way to make sure you’re his very last affair. The one that doesn’t fade away.”

“I don’t want an affair with
or anyone else.”

“Oh, yes you do, dear. An affair for all time. That’s how you keep your love alive and growing, darling. When a man’s in the middle of an affair, he can’t even imagine who the next woman might be. So, you find the man of your dreams and make sure you become the affair he’ll never get over.”

Paige hugged her and went upstairs, thinking about what had been said.
the love of my life? Will he be the affair I’ll devote my life to keeping alive? My affair for all time?

She didn’t know but there was no denying the glow that had ignited with
’s first kiss and still burned deep within.

drove home slowly, puzzled by Paige’s ambivalence. She’d been so willing to kiss him with passion but then she’d drawn back as soon as she’d had a chance to think about what she was doing.

She loves me. I know she does. How can I get her to let go of what holds her back? I’ve got to get to the bottom of this or I’ll never be able to settle down.


* * *


Next morning, Paige was just going into the Herald when
pulled up. “Good morning,” she said as he approached her on the sidewalk.

“Hi. I have the ad copy ready to run. I think you’ll like the changes I made in it.”

“You changed it?”

“Yep. I ran it in Branson, too. Want to see it?”

“Sure.” She took the copy and headed for her office with him trailing. “Have a seat while I read this.” After she scanned the text, she smiled at him. “This is more like it, though I suspect you’ve already won the battle.”

“Really? How do you figure that?”

“Didn’t you see the look on Aggie’s face last night? She’s in love with your country singer friend.”

He grinned. “I hope so. JT needs a good woman to put him on the straight and narrow and keep him there. Someone other than all those flighty female singers.”

“She’ll certainly be able to compete with them. I don’t think we’ll hear much more out of Dr. Carlson, either.”

“I hope not. He could be trouble.”

“Yeah. Trouble with a capital W.”



“Oh. That’s what you used to call me.”

“I know. I’m sorry for that.”

They spent a few minutes working out rates and print schedules. When they were done, he took her hand in his. “Paige, I still mean what I said last night.”

“About loving me?”

“Yes. Have you thought about it?”

Have I! But I’m not ready to tell you.
“It’s nothing that kept me awake.”

He said, “Oh? Can we go somewhere and talk some more?”

“I’ve got lots to do this morning,

“Later, then. I really need to talk to you.”

“Maybe. How about lunch?”

“That’ll work. I’ll pick you up.”

“Let’s just meet at the café,
. At twelve, okay?”

“Sure. Whatever you say. See you then, sweetheart.”


* * *


had been gone about five minutes when Steve Carlson came storming into the paper office. “I need to talk to you.”

“You too?”

He looked puzzled. “Yes. Have you seen Aggie?”

“Since last night? No.”

“She didn’t come home. I don’t know where she is.”

“Home?” Paige had a good idea where she was but had no intention of sharing it with this jerk. “Well, I’m certainly not someone she reports to, Doctor. And she is an adult, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is. But I don’t know what to think.”

“Maybe I can help with that. You’ve been two-timing your wife with Aggie. She knows it and I know it. I asked you last night whether your wife knows. You didn’t answer so I’ve decided to call her to find out. How would that go over?”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“That’s what I thought. She has no idea what you’ve been up to with your students, does she? Well, Doctor, this could be a very juicy story for
St. Louis
, as well as for
. Should I print it and send it off to our affiliates in the city?”

“No! I’ll do whatever you want, only don’t bring this into the public. Please?”

She put her face squarely in front of his and said, “I think it would be good if you went back to your ivory tower and forgot about environmental issues around these parts, Dr. Carlson. Oh yes, and where Aggie is concerned, I’d leave her alone if I were you. She’s a nice woman who needs a real man, not an ego-inflated mouse such as yourself.”

He nodded, then trudged to the door. “I’m sorry things have worked out this way.”

“So am I. It’s been fun watching
on tenterhooks but there’s no way I can let a worm like you ruin his life. Now, get out of here and don’t come back.”

She went to the window to see that he drove away without heading for
’s office. When he was gone, she grabbed the phone but hesitated and put it down without dialing. This was something best kept for lunch. Better yet...

Her thoughts were interrupted by Missy and a tall blond hunk of a man holding her hand. “Hi, Paige. Remember Tom Fairfield?”

She didn’t remember this guy at all. His name, yes, and the fact that he had blond hair. But where were the thick glasses? And the classic nerd look. This guy was straight from chick-lit heaven.

“You’re Tom?” Paige smiled through her embarrassment. “I should apologize. But you look so different.”

“It’s still me, Paige. And you haven’t changed a bit.”

Oh, lord, just what I need to hear.
“I hear you have a bookstore in Branson.”

“That’s right. You’ll have to come browse some time. We offer a large selection of cross-country newspapers.”

“That’s great. So, what are you guys up to today?”

Missy said, “Oh, we’re just goofing around. We went to a show in Branson last night.”

“You did?” She willed her face not to blush. “I went to a show, too. Where did you go?”

“Andy Williams. He’s so cool. I just love him, don’t you?”

“Yes. I almost went there but we decided at the last minute to go hear Jason Tawdry.”

Tom said, “You like country? I would never have taken you for a country fan.”

“I’m not a fan, Tom. My—uh, date wanted to go there.”

?” The name escaped from Missy’s mouth.

“No. Someone else. A newcomer I was hosting.”

“You want to go with Tom and me sometime, Paige?”

“I’d love to, Missy. Name the time and we’ll do it.”


There she goes again. How can I get her to shut up about
“Maybe. Do you remember
, Tom?”

“Sure. He’s done well with his real estate, hasn’t he?”

“Really well, and I understand he’s on the cusp of doing even better.” She glanced at the clock, almost late for her
. “Well, I have to run. Nice to see you again after all this time, Tom. Don’t be a stranger.”

Before he could answer, Missy said, “Oh, he won’t.”








Chapter Seven


forced himself to concentrate on the landscape drawings. The road and utility construction company he’d picked for the project needed them as soon as possible. Before he turned the plans over to them, he had to confirm that everything was as it should be. Once the earthmoving machines did their work on the steep hillsides, it would be too late to correct any missed details.

Try as he might, he couldn’t get the image of Paige out of his head. When she’d confessed she loved him, his heart had almost jumped out of his chest. If she only knew how often he’d wanted to hear that, how different things might be.

So now, even though she’d tried to take her words back, he had to convince her he really loved her. It wasn’t going to be easy. So much water under the bridge. But maybe...

Back to work
, he reminded himself. He scanned the sheets once more, noting with satisfaction the trails and landscape features included in the plan. Also, all those mature trees that would be left in place. It was harder to work around them but the finished development would look like it had been there for decades.

When eleven forty-five came, he could stand it no longer. He headed for the café to assure them a place to sit, one with a little privacy for what he had to say. He’d just secured a table when Paige came through the door.

“Hey, Paige! I’ve got us a table back here.”

“Great. I was worried about whether there’d be room.”

“Me, too. That’s why I came a little early. So, how did your morning go?”

“Pretty dull. How about you?”

“Not dull, but tedious. I’m about ready to send my landscaping plans to the guys that’ll clear the land.”

“I’d never thought about it but there must be some pretty complicated calculations to this kind of venture. Do you have to plan all the streets and everything yourself?”

“Don’t have to, but I do. Right down to sewer drainage and utility service lines. It’s something most realtors leave to landscape architects. Handy for me I have a degree and experience in that field.”

She nodded. “I’d forgotten that was your major in college. So, you’re not waiting for the environmental controversy to die down?”

“Nope. Can’t afford to wait. Time is money. Besides, you said yourself, you think it’ll blow over.”

“It might. Oh, I’ve pulled that editorial for this week.”

“Really? Why?”

“I want to see how this all plays out before committing my-my paper.”

“Well good. I think that’s for the best.”

“Probably. By the way,
, I think it was neat the way you set Aggie up with JT.”

“I have to admit I didn’t actually plan that. She found out JT was eligible and set her sights on him. I’m just lucky she hasn’t decided to follow through on the Gamies. She’d be a tough competitor in a fight.”

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