The Last Cowboy In Texas (12 page)

BOOK: The Last Cowboy In Texas
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“I agree. But, even if you’re off the hook with her, how about Carlson? He might not be so easy to dodge.”

His enthusiasm evaporated as he stared at her. “I hadn’t thought much about him. Think he’ll push it?”


“I don’t know, but shouldn’t you find out? If he does, all your land work could be for nothing.” She knew better but couldn’t resist baiting him a little more.


Watching his face go serious, she realized she should tell him what she knew, but it was too delicious leaving him with something to worry about.

Maybe he’ll leave me alone until I can find some kind of cover for my heart.

“What I really want to talk about is us, Paige.”

So much for leaving me alone.
“What about us?”

“You know. About how we love each other.”

“I told you to hit the delete button on that idea.”

“I know you said that, Paige, but I also know you don’t mean it.”

“Who says I don’t?
, I don’t want you building false assumptions about me.”

“Like the fact you hate me? That would be a false assumption, wouldn’t it?”

“I meant about any hint of relationship between us.”

“But there is a relationship, isn’t there. It just hasn’t been brought to fulfillment.”

“What do you mean by fulfillment? Are you implying-?”

“I’m not implying anything, sweetheart.”

“I—I think you’d best not use that word with me.”
“Why not? What are you afraid of, Paige darling?” His voice had turned to a mocking sneer as he got to his feet. “Afraid you’ll fall in love with me so completely you’ll have to admit you’ve been wrong all these years?”

“No. I haven’t been wrong. I’m not afraid of anything, Troy Roberts, except being in the same room with you. I’ve lost my appetite.”

Instantly, she knew her temper had sold her out again.
Why did I do that? I was lying and he knows it. Now I’ve got to pretend I want nothing to do with him.


She jumped up and headed out the door, leaving him standing at the table. As the door closed behind her, he dropped back into his seat. He watched her cast a puzzled glance through the window, locking focus with him momentarily before stomping away.

Damn it, Paige, here we go again! I let my guard down and you trounce me. Well, I’ve had about enough of this.

His gloomy mood was broken instantly when he got back to his office. JT and Aggie were sitting there, waiting for him. “Howdy,
. I wanted the little lady to see what you done got me so worked up about.”

“Hi JT, Aggie. Little lady, huh? So, you want me to show her the development plans? Any particular reason why?”

“Yep. If you got the time to hear. We’re fixin’ to get hitched purty quick. I reckon she needs to know where she’s goin’ to be livin’…” he winked at the redhead. “…and lovin’.”

“Really? This is pretty sudden, isn’t it?”

Aggie said, “It was love at first sight,

“It must have been. You two only met last night.” He gave JT a guarded smile. “But I suspect Aggie’s a gal that can knock your socks right off, boots and all.”

JT grinned crazily. “You sure’s shootin’ got that right.”

“Well, come on into my office and I’ll lay out the plans. Julie, how about some coffee for the gang?”

“Sure thing, boss.”


* * *


Forty minutes later, they emerged from the office. Aggie said, “I’m really impressed, Troy. I had no idea your plans were so complete. And so environment-friendly.”

“I’m not the spoiler and waster you thought, am I? I’ve spent years developing this business and part of what I’ve learned is that we can’t afford to be wasteful of anything.”

JT said, “Well, I gotta hand it to you. The way you got them tracts laid out, it’ll be just like we got our own corner of the hill and nobody fer miles either way. I like that.”

“I’m glad you do. Do you have an architect yet?”

“Nope. But I got idees on it. I been to a couple homes that’re purty slick. I can find out who drew ‘em up.”

“You’ve got some time. It’ll take most of the summer to get the roads paved and the utility lines buried. A contractor should be able to break ground for you in September if all goes according to plan.”

“That’s cool. Don’t you think, honey?”

She looked into JT’s eyes with loving admiration. “Yep,
JT. Way

watched the couple stroll down the sidewalk, arm in arm. “Well, Julie, there goes true love if I ever saw it.”

She gave him a meaningful smile. “Yeah. It’s always easier to see when it’s someone else, isn’t it?”

He gave her a questioning stare but she’d turned away from him to answer the phone. She looked back a moment later. “It’s for you. Melissa Coward.”

“I’ll take it in my office.” He closed the door behind him, still wondering about Julie’s strange remark, and picked up the phone. “Hi, Missy.”

, hi. What have you done to Paige?”

“What do you mean?”

“I found her in her office, crying. What did you do?”

“Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t lie to me. I tried to get her to tell me but all she could say was, ‘Troy...’ and then she’d start blubbering again. I know you did something to cause this.”

“Well, I don’t have a clue. But if I had done something it still wouldn’t be any of your business.”

“She’s my best friend and I don’t want to see her hurt.”

“I don’t either. We had a quarrel over—a private matter. But the fact she was angry shouldn’t have made her cry.”

“Well, it did. So, did you proposition her again or something?”

“Paige? You’ve got to be kidding. Why would I do that?”

“Because she loves you.”

“Yeah, right. Did she say that?”

“No. But I know she does.”

“I thought I knew that too, but she made her feelings for me very clear this morning. They don’t include love.”

Missy’s voice went a little shrill. “Really?”

“Really. Now, did you want to talk about anything else?”

“No, not really.”

He caught the ambivalence in her tone. “You sure?”

“Not about Paige. Sorry I bothered you. It probably seems kind of silly.”

“Nope. I admire you for standing up for your friend. By the way, I heard you and Tom are going together now.”

“You did? I mean, yes, we have gone out a couple of times.” In a whisper, Missy added, “But it’s nothing really serious.”

Here’s your chance, buddy boy. Missy’s been dying for you to ask her out for years. Paige’s best friend. That would make her green with envy. Besides, Missy’s a very sexy girl. This could be fun.

“Missy, I’ve been wondering something. Is there any way I could talk you into going to a show in Branson with me?”

There was a long silence. He wondered if he’d misread her. He listened to her uneven breathing for several moments. “Missy, you still there?”

“Uh—yes, I’m here. Are you sure you want to go out with me,

“Very sure. How about it?”

“Well, okay.” After a pause, “I’d love to go with you.”

“Good. How about tonight? I think I can get tickets to Jason Tawdry.”

“That would be wonderful.” Her voice was breathless.

“I’ll pick you up at five. We can have dinner before the show. See you then.”

He’d no sooner put the phone down than a feeling of self-betrayal swept through him.
What the hell am I doing? It’s Paige I want to take to Branson, not Missy.


* * *


Missy was waiting outside her home, wearing a frothy pink dress that flattered her willowy figure when
pulled up.

“Hi, Missy. Wow, don’t you look fantastic tonight?”

“Why, thank you,
. It’s just a little old something I picked up the other day. Glad you like it.”

“It’s not the dress. It’s you. You’re glowing.” He enjoyed the blush that claimed the blonde’s face. “How about a nice steak dinner before the show?”

“Sounds wonderful.”

They ate in almost total silence. He sensed his date held something back as she picked at her food. “How’s your steak, Missy?”

“It’s delicious. Why?”

“Oh, it looks like you’re not really enjoying it.”

She blushed, something he’d noticed she did often. “Oh, no. It’s really good. I guess I’m just not all that hungry.”

“Want to tell me why?”

“No!” The word escaped before she clamped her lips tight.

He smiled softly. “It’s about your friend, isn’t it?”

“My friend? Whatever do you mean?”

“Paige. Your best friend and mine, too.”

She mumbled, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Why not? We’ve been talking about every other classmate we ever had. What’s so different about Paige?”

Her eyes narrowed to slits. “All right. If you have to know, I feel guilty for going out with you tonight. Does that make you feel better?”

He was surprised by her ferocity. “No, not really. I asked you out because I thought you wanted to date me.”

“I did! I’ve always wanted to go out with you,
. For years, but you’ve never ever shown any interest in me until now. So, why did you really ask me out? It’s not because you want to make love to me even if I’m willing, is it?”

“Would you like it if I did just that? If I took you to my house, into my bed, and made mad passionate love to you? Is that what you want?”

“I always thought that’s what I wanted. Until tonight...”

Her face was brighter than her dress. The look in her eyes said she’d wanted exactly that. But he also knew she’d be so guilty afterward it would ruin her relationship with her friend. And with him—a one-night stand leading to a bitter climax.

“Melissa, I’ve always liked you very much. Making love to you would be a wonderful experience, if…” he hesitated, unsure whether to say what was in his heart, “…if I weren’t so crazy about Paige. I suspect you knew that all along. But there’s something else you and she both need to know.

“At the risk of destroying the reputation I’ve worked so hard to create, I’m not the womanizer you two seem to think. Oh, I’ve dated around. A lot. And I’m definitely not a wet-behind-the-ears virgin-”

! Stop it! I don’t want to hear this.”

“Please, Missy, I need to finish.”

“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. Really.”

“Yes I do. I was wrong to lead you on this evening and I’m sorry for that. I’ve risked an already precarious relationship with Paige and, what’s worse, I’ve risked your relationship with Tom.”

“We don’t have a relationship. I told you.”

“Not yet. But you do really like him, don’t you?”

“Yes. I really do.”

“Well, then, I’d say you should go after the man with everything you’ve got. Believe me, Missy, you’ve got plenty of everything it takes to attract a man.”

She seemed to relax, finally looking him in the eye. “You’re a very nice guy,
, in a different sort of way than I expected. I knew you’d be exciting to go out with but I didn’t realize how decent a man you are.”

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