The Man Who Sold the World (56 page)

BOOK: The Man Who Sold the World
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“Here Comes the Night” (Beach Boys), 266

“Here She Comes,” 131

“Here Today and Gone Tomorrow” [110],
, 269n

Herman's Hermits, 63, 114

“Hero” (NEU!), 332n

“Heroes” [149],
, 346, 379, 386

(LP), 12, 233, 248, 304, 317, 324–26, 329, 330, 332, 334–39,
, 343, 350, 352, 354n, 358, 361, 362, 365, 390, 395, 416

“Heros” [151],

(TV show), 170n

“Hey Bobby” (Country Joe & the Fish), 130

“Hey Joe” (Byrds), 420

“Hey Jude” (Beatles), 65, 76

“Hey Now Baby” (Professor Longhair), 294

“Hey Pa Hey Ma” [90],

“Hey You! Little Boo-Ga-Loo” (Chubby Checker), 436

Heylin, Clinton, 160n

Hidden Persuaders, The
(book), 31

High Tide, 451

Highway 61 Revisited
(Bob Dylan LP), 80n

Hill, Tony, 53, 451, 452

Himmler, Heinrich, 204, 299n

Hirota, Michi, 368

“Hitch Hike” (Rolling Stones), 404

Hitler, Adolf, 9, 32, 111–13, 204, 212n, 232, 267, 289, 299–301, 347, 368

Hockney, David, 155

“Hole in the Ground,” 82

Hollies, the, 444n

Holly, Buddy, 355, 440

Hollywood Argyles, the, 119n, 150, 175

“Hollywood Swinging” (Kool & the Gang), 276

Holmes, John Clellon, 23, 30

Holst, Gustav, 38, 149

“Holy Holy” [28],
, 110, 123

“Homeward Bound” (Simon & Garfunkel), 425

“Honey Pie” (Beatles), 121

Hooker Brothers, the, 34

Hopkin, Mary, 311

Hopkins, Nicky, 216, 424

Hopper, Dennis, 347

Hopper, Hugh, 228

“Horse with No Name” (America), 360

Horton, Johnny, 407

Horton, Ralph, 36, 37, 39

“Hot” (James Brown), 276n

“Hot Love” (T. Rex), 169

“Hot Pants,” 154

“Hound Dog” (Elvis Presley), 22

“hours . . .”
(LP), 395

House, Simon, 356

“How Lucky You Are” [29],
, 115

(book), 30

Howlin' Wolf, 34

Hubbard, L. Ron, 293

Huff, Leon, 231, 258

Hughes, Howard, 165

Humphreys, Christmas, 45, 141

Hunger, The
(film), 390

Hunky Dory
(LP), 11, 67, 113, 128–32, 134–36, 139–45, 147, 149, 150,
, 156, 158, 166, 168, 173, 174, 176, 205, 208, 223, 278, 297, 324, 340, 364, 439, 447

Hunter, Ian, 176

Hurt, John, 388

Hutchinson, John, 53, 54, 60–63, 65, 66, 68–70, 108, 371, 451

Hutter, Ralph, 314n

Huxley, Aldous, 32, 267

Hype, the, 87, 88, 106, 128


“I Am a Laser” [93], & [111],
, 380

“I Am a Rock” (Simon & Garfunkel), 425

I Am Still the Greatest Says Johnny Angelo
(book), 159, 165, 166

“I Am the Walrus” (Beatles), 147n, 336

“I Am Divine” [92],
, 268

“I Can See for Miles” (Who), 205

“I Can't Explain” [81],

“I Dig Everything” [A18],
, 414, 450

“I Don't Live Today” (Jimi Hendrix), 128n

“I Don't Want to Spoil the Party” (Beatles), 440

“I Feel Free,” 154, 200, 381n

“I Found Out” (John Lennon), 167, 188n

“I Got You Babe,” 219

“I Never Dreamed” [A1],

“I Pity the Fool” [A4],

“I Pray Ole” [174],

“I Put a Spell On You” (Screaming Jay Hawkins), 22

“I Want My Baby Back” [A9],

“I Want to Tell You” (Beatles), 223

“I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate,” 273, 424

“I Wish You Would” [78],

“I'll Be Your Mirror” (Velvet Underground), 137

“I'll Follow the Sun” (Beatles), 205

“I'll Follow You” [A11],

“I'm a Loser” (Beatles), 450

“I'm a Man” (Yardbirds), 186

“I'm a Moody Guy” (Shane Fenton), 356n

“I'm Not Losing Sleep” [A19], 66n, 79,

“I'm Not Quite.”
“Letter to Hermione”

Idiot, The
(Iggy Pop LP), 302,
, 324, 328, 341, 343, 360

“Idiot Boy, The” (poem), 95

“If I Needed Someone” (Beatles), 448

Illustrated Man,
(book), 59, 442

Image, The
(film), 48

Iman, 326

“Inchworm” (Danny Kaye), 373

In Concert
(TV show), 256

Incredible String Band, the, 451

Ingrassia, Anthony, 138

“Instant Karma!” (John Lennon), 164

International Times (IT),
(newspaper), 28, 59, 81, 152

“(In the) Black Room” (Peter Hammill), 287n

“In the Heat of the Morning” [A49], 84,

“In the Year 2525” (Zager & Evans), 80

(CD), 235n

Isherwood, Christopher, 43, 137, 193, 320


Isley Brothers, the, 401

“Isolation” (John Lennon), 365

“It Ain't Easy” [41], 129,

“It Happens Everyday” 378

“It's a Man's Man's Man's World” (James Brown), 258

“It's All Too Much” (Beatles), 214

“It's Gonna Be Me” [116], 249, 250,
, 279, 360

“It's Gonna Rain” (Steve Reich), 234, 242

“It's Gonna Rain Again” 160

“It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City” [122], 220,

“It's No Game (Parts 1 & 2)” [180/181], 108,
, 380, 385

“It's Only Rock & Roll” (Rolling Stones), 201n, 238


Jacks, the, 273

Jackson, Janet 393

Jackson, Michael, 393

Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris
(stage musical), 86, 184

Jagger, Mick, 34, 50, 106n, 126, 164, 178, 191, 200, 210, 238, 248, 252, 432

“Jamaica,” 376

James, Calvin, 82n

James, Henry, 48

James, Stu, 212

James, William, 5

“Janine” [2],

Jansch, Bert, 429

(film), 7

Jay, Peter & the Jaywalkers, 24, 25

“Jean Genie, The” [65], 65n, 179,
, 190, 238, 386, 404

“Jef” (Jacques Brel), 171

Jefferson Airplane, 286, 431

Jehovah's Witnesses, 293

(magazine), 155

Jesus Army, 292

Jesus Children, 292

Jesus Christ Superstar
(stage musical), 165

Jesus Movement, 292

“Jet” (Paul McCartney), 334

Jethro Tull, 287

“Jetsun and the Eagle” (mime piece), 52, 428

Ji, Maharaj, 292

“Jive Talking” (Bee Gees), 262

Jobriath, 220

“Joe the Lion” [148],

Johansen, David, 259

Johansson, Scarlett 396

John, Elton, 70n, 120, 132, 168, 171, 218, 252, 281, 426n

“John I'm Only Dancing” [63],
, 215, 265, 386

“John I'm Only Dancing (Again)” [117],
, 279

“Johnny B. Goode” (Chuck Berry), 153

Johnny Darling Show, The
(TV show), 42

Johns, Jasper, 384

Johnson, Robert, 98

“Join the Gang” [A27], 59, 418,

Jolson, Al, 181

Jones, Annette (DB's half sister), 18, 20

Jones, Brian, 166

Jones, Davy (Monkees), 36, 421n

Jones, Haywood Stenton “John” (DB's father), 18–22, 24, 35, 36, 73–75, 79

Jones, Margaret Mary “Peggy” Burns (DB's mother), 18–21, 26, 38, 118, 121, 155

Joplin, Janis, 166

Joy Division, 391

Joy of a Toy
(Kevin Ayers LP), 246

Joyce, James, 51

Jung, Carl, 115, 191

“Jungle Walk” (Rascals), 276

Junior's Eyes, 81

Junker, Howard, 10

(book), 347

Just a Gigolo
, 349, 351, 387, 390


Kafka, Franz, 27, 141, 373n

Kandinsky, Wassily, 326

“Kansas City,” 355

Das Kapital
(book), 378n

“Karma Man” [A48], 59, 84,

Kaye, Danny, 373, 432

“Keep That Fire Burning” (Tucker Zimmerman), 186n

Kemp, Lindsay, 50–54, 84, 175, 186, 197, 388

Kennedy, John F., 104

Kenner, Chris 376

Kenny Everett's New Year's Eve Show
(TV show), 365

Kent, Nick, 173, 305

Kentish Times
(newspaper), 38

Kerouac, Jack, 23, 24, 29, 30, 33, 117, 323, 403, 413

Kick Out the Jams
(MC5 LP), 189

Kidd, Johnny & the Pirates, 213

(magazine), 160n

King, Ben E. 210

King, Micky “Sparky,” 119, 123

King Bees, the, 34, 37, 209, 273, 400, 401

King Crimson, 319n

King Curtis, 24

“Kingdom Come” [188], 379,

Kingsmen, the, 401

Kinks, the, 35, 36, 53, 165, 168, 206n, 216–18, 247, 404, 408, 411, 417, 418, 420, 424, 438, 447

Kiss of the Viper Woman
(film), 146

Kitt, Eartha, 83, 434n, 450

Klein, Allen, 274

“Knock on Wood” [109],

Knopfler, Mark, 392

Kon-Rads, the, 25, 26, 32, 33, 36–38, 86, 127, 141, 399

“Kooks” [39],

Kool & the Gang, 276

Korniloff, Natasha, 51

Kossoff, Paul, 221

Kraftwerk, 8n, 211, 286, 298, 303, 305, 314–16, 336, 356

Kristina (DB's cousin), 22, 23

Kristina, Sonja, 139

Kubrick, Stanley, 59, 195

Kureishi, Hanif, 394


Lady Gaga, 398

“Lady Grinning Soul” [74], 162,

“Lady Stardust” [33],
, 121, 152, 169

Laing, R. D., 28, 29, 99, 281

“Land of 1000 Dances” (Chris Kenner), 376, 443

Landau, Jon 219

Lang, Fritz, 254, 334

Lanza, Mario 286

“Larks Tongues in Aspic (Part I)” (King Crimson), 319n

Lasch, Christopher, 13

Last Exit to Brooklyn
(book), 155

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