The Man Who Sold the World (57 page)

BOOK: The Man Who Sold the World
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Last Tango in Paris
(film), 201

Late Great Planet Earth, The
(book), 7

“Laughing Gnome, The” [A37], 41, 44, 253, 415,
, 434, 451

LaVey, Anton, 94

“Lazy Sunday” (Small Faces), 167n

Leach, Kenneth, 418n

Lead Belly, 175

Leary, Timothy, 93

“Leb Wohl” (NEU!), 338

Led Zeppelin, 107, 140, 211, 284

Lee, Calvin Mark, 53, 70

Legendary Stardust Cowboy, the, 166n

Lennear, Claudia, 202

Lennon, Cynthia, 273

Lennon, John, 2, 62, 71, 74, 87, 107, 122, 127, 130, 131, 147n, 151, 158, 161, 164, 167, 188n, 189, 218, 243, 252, 262, 263, 273–75, 277, 279, 331, 333, 336, 342n, 361, 365, 366, 371, 372, 375n, 376, 379, 389, 405, 406, 421, 440

Lenya, Lotte, 351, 352

Let It Be
(Beatles LP), 273

Let It Bleed
(Rolling Stones LP), 2

“Let Me Sleep Beside You” [A47], 63, 84,
, 443

“Let's Dance” (1962), 399

“Let's Dance” (1983), 341

Let's Dance
(LP), 391, 392

“Let's Spend the Night Together” [72],
, 336

“Letter to Hermione” [5],
, 70, 80

Lewis, Jerry Lee, 153, 159, 160n, 167

Liberace, 155

(magazine), 58

“Life Is a Circus” 70

“Life on Mars?” [52], 119n,
, 152, 387, 444

“Lightning Frightening” [37],

“Lincoln House” 431

Lindsey, Hal, 7

Lippman, Michael, 283, 284, 291, 306

“Little Bombardier” [A30],

“Little Drummer Boy.”
“Peace On Earth”

“Little Red Rooster” (Rolling Stones), 402

Little Richard, 5, 22, 24, 25, 30, 33, 116, 153, 166

“Little Toy Soldier” [A42],

“Liza Jane” [A2], 34, 153, 395,

Lloyd, Richard, 381

(Velvet Underground LP), 116

(LP), 12, 297, 302, 304, 316, 325, 352–60,
, 368, 383, 386, 394

Lola vs. Powerman & the Moneygoround
(Kinks LP), 165

“London Boys, The” [A21], 39, 59, 150, 176, 410, 415, 417–19, 429

“London Bye Ta-Ta” [A52] & [14],
, 84, 443,
, 449

London Evening News
(newspaper), 35

“Long Hair, Unsquare Dude Called Jack” (Hollywood Argyles), 175

Long Party, The
(book), 197

“Long Tall Sally” (Little Richard), 22

“Look Back in Anger” [170],
, 386

“Look Through Any Window” (Hollies), 444n

“Looking for a Friend” [43],
, 163

“Loosen Up” (Climax Blues Band), 294

“Louie Louie” (Kingsmen), 401

“Louie Louie Go Home” [A3],

“Louis Reed,” 359n

“Love in Vain” (Robert Johnson), 98

“Love Is Always,” 444n

“Love Me Do” (Beatles), 25, 65n

“Love Song,” 70

“Love You Till Tuesday” [A39], 63, 68, 91, 425,
, 436

Love You Till Tuesday
(film), 61,
, 273, 425, 435, 451

Lovecraft, H. P., 91

“Lovely Rita” (Beatles), 127, 421n

“Lover to the Dawn” [6],
, 74, 96n

Lovin' Spoonful, the, 424, 450, 452

“Loving the Alien,” 392

(LP), 12, 68, 141, 142, 162, 248, 303, 304, 306–14, 316–19, 322,
, 325, 326, 328–30, 333, 334, 338, 340, 341, 350, 352, 353, 361, 362, 371, 395, 447

Lowe, Nick, 232

Lower Third, the, 36, 38, 403–5, 408–11, 418

Lulu, 209, 218, 231, 249, 250, 263

Lust for Life
(Iggy Pop LP),

Lynch, David, 388


M, 376

Maass, Antonia, 332

MacCormack, Geoff, 22, 128, 224, 225, 242, 243

MacDonald, Ian, vii, viii, 250, 337

Machado, Manuel, 172n

MacKinnon, Angus, 284, 317, 333n, 341, 373

Macmillan, Harold, 1

Mad Men
(TV series), 31

“Madman” [159],

Madonna, 391, 393

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 45, 292

“Maid of Bond Street” [A32],

Mailer, Norman, 58

MainMan, 90, 138, 172, 173, 182, 185, 207, 208, 217, 221, 239n, 247, 255, 258, 276–78

Mairowitz, David, 51

Make Room! Make Room!
(book), 422

Mallet, David, 386

Mamas & the Papas, the, 281

“Man, The.”
“Lightning Frightening”

“Man in the Middle” [44],

Man, Myth & Magic
(magazine), 93

Man Who Bought the World, The
(film), 103

Man Who Fell to Earth, The
(book), 280

Man Who Fell to Earth,
, 284, 285, 290, 322, 326

“Man Who Sold the Earth, The” (comic), 103

“Man Who Sold the Moon, The” (short story), 103

“Man Who Sold the World, The” [26],
, 218, 231, 386, 387

Man Who Sold the World,
(LP), 11, 28, 86, 88–90, 93, 95–99, 101–3,
, 108n, 109, 119, 124, 135, 141, 148, 152n, 174, 178, 222, 278, 304

Manilow, Barry, 327

Manish Boys, the, 35, 37, 401–3

Mann, Manfred, 39, 439

Mansfield, Jayne, 94

Manson, Charles, 1, 236

“Many Rivers to Cross” (Nilsson), 274

(TV series), 345

Marcuse, Herbert 294

Margetson, Stella, 197

Marley, Bob, 391

Marquee Moon
(Television LP), 381

Marriage Premise, The
(book), 83

Marriott, Steve, 167n

Marshall, Benny, 80

“Martha My Dear” (Beatles), 121

Martian Chronicles,
(book), 149

Martin, Dean 346

Martin, George, 442

Marvelettes, the, 411n

Marx, Karl, 378n

Mary Poppins
(film), 38, 408

“Mask, The” (mime sketch), 51

Mathis, Johnny, 295, 327

“Matthew and Son” (Cat Stevens), 415

May, Phil, 210, 215

Mayes, Sean, 353

Mayfield, Curtis, 230, 251

McCartney, Paul, 114, 121, 223, 266, 273, 328, 334, 335, 353, 392, 405, 406, 409, 428

McCoys, the, 214

McDowell, Malcolm, 195

MC5, the, 74, 160, 189

McGill, Donald, 420

McLaren, Malcolm, 199

McLaughlin, John 441

McLean, Bruce, 341

Meat Loaf, 378, 379

Meek, Joe, 367

Meinhof, Ulrike, 321

Melly, George, 375

Melody Maker
(newspaper), 154, 173, 182n, 410

“Melting Pot” (Blue Mink), 108

Meltzer, Richard, 375

Melville, Herman, 148

Melvin, Harold & the Blue Notes, 258

“Memory of a Free Festival” [9], 73,
, 101

Mendelsohn, John, 106, 119

Mercer, Susie, 60

Mercury, Freddie, 290, 393

Merrick, John 387, 388

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
(film), 390

Merseys, the, 214

Messengers, The
(TV show), 299

Metallic KO
(Stooges LP), 304

(story), 27

(film), 254, 334

Metzger, Gustav, 390

Miami Herald
(newspaper), 295n

Michael, George, 78

Michell, John, 57

Milk, Harvey, 155n

Miller, Kenny, 403

Miller, Stephen Paul, 384

Milli Vanilli, 126

Milligan, Spike, 374

Mingus, Charles, 167

“Mirror, The” [15],

Mishima, Yukio, 335

“Miss Peculiar.”
“How Lucky You Are”

Mitchell, Joni, 342n

Mitsch, Erwin, 343

Miyake, Issey, 197n

Mojos, the, 212

Moman, Chips, 263

“Momma's Little Jewel” (Mott The Hoople), 188

Monkees, the, 421n, 450

Monroe, Marilyn, 94, 122, 276

Monte, Lou, 431

Monty Python's Flying Circus
(TV series), 41, 161

Moodies, the, 342

Moon, Keith, 216

Moon, Reverend Sun Myung, 292

“Moonage Daydream” [32], 117,
, 125, 126, 222

Morris, Maxine, 94

Morris, Mrs. William, 106

Morrison, Jim, 112, 189

Morrison, Van, 45n, 88, 210

Morrissey, Paul, 137

Mosley, Oswald, 20

“Moss Garden” [156],

Mosset, Olivier, 315

Most, Mickie, 114

“Mother” (John Lennon), 161, 331, 365

“Mother Nature's Son” (Beatles), 70, 223

“Mother's Lament” (Cream), 148

“Mother's Little Helper” (Rolling Stones), 349

Mothers of Invention, the, 44, 423, 437n, 438

Motown, Pamla, 198

Mott the Hoople, 175, 176, 188

Move, the, 102, 438

“Move On” [166],

“Mrs. Robinson” (Simon & Garfunkel), 69

“Mrs. Roosevelt” (Paul McCartney), 353

Muppets, the, 227

Murcia, Billy, 193n

Murray, Charles Shaar, 254, 384

Music from Big Pink
(Band LP), 164

“Music Is Lethal” [89],

“Music with Changing Parts” (Philip Glass), 315

“My Death” [64], 86,

“My Generation” (Who), 142

My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
(Eno/David Byrne LP), 354

“My Way” (Frank Sinatra), 149, 150

Myers, Laurence, 90


Naked Lunch
(book), 30, 235

Nash, Graham, 132n

National Association for Freedom, 300

National Front, 300, 301

Nazz, the, 122

“Negativland” (NEU!), 338

NEU!, 315, 316, 324, 332n, 336, 338, 356, 368n, 372

NEU! '75
(NEU! LP), 324, 332n, 338

NEU! 2 (NEU! LP), 368n

“Neuköln” [157],

Never Let Me Down
(LP), 392

“New Career in a New Town, A” [139],

New Musical Express
(newspaper), 209, 250, 327, 333n, 341, 373, 384

New York Dolls, the, 186–88, 191, 193n, 259, 414n

“New York Mining Disaster 1941” (Bee Gees), 60

“New York Telephone Conversation” (Lou Reed), 183

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