The Man Who Sold the World (60 page)

BOOK: The Man Who Sold the World
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Talmy, Shel, 213, 402, 403, 405, 406, 408

Tangerine Dream, 315, 319

Taupin, Bernie, 426n

Taxi Driver
(film), 272

Taylor, James, 107

Taylor, Mick, 133

Taylor, Vince, 166n

Teardrop Explodes, the, 336

“Teenage Wildlife” [186],

Television, 381

“Tell Me Why” (Neil Young), 107

Tempest, The
(play), 285

Temptations, the, 253, 295

10cc, 218

(film), 155

Tevis, Walter, 280

“Thank You Falettinme Be Mice Elf Again” (Sly & the Family Stone), 277

“That's Where My Heart Is” [A8],

Thatcher, Margaret, 9, 15, 360, 366, 380n

Them, 210

“Theme from
” (Isaac Hayes), 230, 295

“There Is a Happy Land” [A25], 71,

These Foolish Things
(Bryan Ferry LP), 218

“Things to Do” [95],

“This Boy,” 154, 200

“This Pullover” (Jess Conrad), 436

This Year's Model
(Elvis Costello LP), 383

Thomas, Dylan, 81

Thomas, Leslie, 35

Thomson, Malcolm, 60

Thorn in Mrs Rose's Side,
(Biff Rose LP), 136

Three Degrees, the, 258

Three Dog Night 131

Threepenny Opera, The
(stage musical), 110

“Threepenny Joe,” 443

“Threepenny Pierrot” [14],

Thunders, Johnny, 187

Ticket That Exploded,
(book), 233

“Tiger Rag, The” (Benny Goodman), 188

“Till the Morning Comes” (Neil Young), 129

“Time” [69],
, 308

Time Out
(magazine), 62n

“Times They Are a-Changin', The” (Bob Dylan), 133

Tin Machine, 393

“Tiny Girls” (Iggy Pop), 305

Tiny Tim, 133, 136

“Tiny Tim,” 445, 446

“Tired of My Life” [27],
, 132n, 368

“Tired of Waiting for You” (Kinks), 411, 412

Toffler, Alvin 245

Tokens, the, 406

(Who LP), 447

“ ‘Tonas' y Lavinias” (poem), 172n

(LP), 225, 392

(TV series), 35

Tonight Show, The
(TV series), 387

Top of the Pops
(TV series), 11, 156, 168, 174, 177–79, 374

Tornados, the, 367

Toroni, Niele, 315

Towering Inferno, The
(film), 7

Townshend, Pete, 38, 142, 213, 215, 247, 327, 383, 390, 433n, 447

(proposed LP), 395, 419, 428

“Tragic Moments.”

“Trans-Europe Express” (Kraftwerk), 336

(artwork), 330

(Lou Reed LP),

Treatise on White Magic, A
(book), 298n

Tremeloes, the, 440

T. Rex, 108, 124, 170, 178, 185, 191, 345, 394n

Triumph of the Will
(film), 452

(Jeff Beck LP), 98

Tumbleweed Connection
(Elton John LP), 120

Turquoise, 53, 62n, 451

TV Eye
(Iggy Pop LP), 304n

“TVC15” [129], 124, 291,
, 340, 386

“25-Cent Dude, The” (Lead Belly), 175

Twiggy, 191

2001: A Space Odyssey
(film), 59, 111n, 212n

Two Virgins
(John Lennon & Yoko Ono LP), 158

Tyrannosaurus Rex, 64, 118

Tzara, Tristan, 234


“Uncle Arthur” [A23],

“Under Pressure,” 390

Underwood, George, 22, 34, 64, 82n, 128–30, 192, 400

Unification Church, 292

“Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed” [11],

“Up the Hill Backwards” [182],
, 371

Uriah Heep, 107

Ustinov, Peter, 346


Valentine, Penny, 105, 135

Valentino, Rudi, 126, 164

Van Der Graaf Generator, 287

Van Dyke, Dick, 339

Van Gogh, Vincent, 305

Vandross, Luther, 256, 261, 270, 271

Vasarely, Victor, 81

“Velvet Couch” [176],

“Velvet Goldmine” [54],
, 193

Velvet Underground, the, 5, 116, 134, 137, 158, 167, 182, 183, 219, 246, 266, 336, 364, 423n, 437, 439, 447, 450

Velvet Underground & Nico, The
(Velvet Underground LP), 437, 439

“Venus in Furs” (Velvet Underground), 437

Verlaine, Tom, 381

Vile Bodies
(book), 188, 193

Vincent, Gene, 158

Vintage Violence
(John Cale LP), 364

Virgin Fugs
(Fugs LP), 437

Virgin Soldiers, The
(book/film), 35, 54

Visconti, Tony, 49, 52, 72, 83, 87–89, 91, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 104–6, 124, 128, 135, 186n, 200n, 246n, 250, 251, 255, 264n, 272, 273, 307, 308, 310n, 311, 317, 329, 332, 334, 355, 358, 359, 366, 370, 371, 376, 391, 441, 442

(fictional LP), 280n

(magazine), 126, 198

Von Däniken, Erich, 166

“V-2 Schneider” [154],


Wagner, Richard, 72, 212, 288

“Wagon Wheel” (Lou Reed), 183

Wainwright, Rufus, 158n

“Waiting for the Man” [A44], 154, 246, 437,

Wakeman, Rick, 61, 143, 147, 150

“Walk on By” (Dionne Warwick), 427

“Walk on the Wild Side” (Lou Reed), 183

(film), 280

Walker, Scott, 85, 184, 214, 354n, 379

Walker, General Sir Walter, 300

Walker Brothers, the, 354n, 362

“Walking the Dog” (Rolling Stones), 400

(proposed film), 347

Ward, Brian, 152

Warhol, Andy, 5, 50, 129, 136–39, 152, 182, 183, 185, 188, 217, 302, 437

“Warszawa” [140],
, 322

Warwick, Dionne, 427, 450

Waste Land, The
(book), 64n

“Watch That Man” [66],
, 218

“Watching the Detectives” (Elvis Costello), 383

Waterhouse, Keith, 142, 421

Waters, Muddy, 34, 186, 401

Watts, Michael, 114, 154, 173, 349

Waugh, Evelyn, 188, 193, 194, 438

Wayne, John, 106

Wayne, Mick, 61, 65, 443

“We Are Hungry Men” [A26],

“We Are the Dead” [102], 229,
, 247n

“We Love You” (Rolling Stones), 386

“We Should Be on by Now,” 192

Webb, Jimmy, 61

Weberman, A. J., 130

Weedon, Burt, 327

“Weeping Wall” [142],

Weill, Kurt, 110, 350, 351, 390

Weller, Mike, 106

Wells, H. G., 114, 416

West Side Story
(stage musical), 223, 272

“Western Movies” (Olympics), 273

“Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am” (Charles Mingus), 167n

“What in the World” [135],

“What Kind of Fool Am I” 39, 427

“Whatcha Gonna Do About It” (Small Faces), 404

Wheatley, Dennis, 93

“When I Live My Dream” [A40],
, 443

“When I'm Five” [A53], 70, 71,
, 450

“When I'm Sixty-Four” (Beatles), 450

“When Your Parents Go to Sleep” (Kevin Ayers), 242

“Where Have All the Good Times Gone” [87],

White, Timothy, 27, 349

“White Light/White Heat” (Velvet Underground), 154, 167, 219, 222, 266, 331, 336

White Light/White Heat
(artwork), 331

“White Room” (Cream), 363

Whitman, Slim, 327

Who, the, 38, 97, 123, 127, 142, 154, 205, 208, 213, 216, 218, 247, 251, 327, 328, 383, 390, 404, 420, 433n, 438, 440, 447, 448

“Who Can I Be Now?” [115],
, 279

“Who Can I Turn To” (Anthony Newley), 42

“Why Don't You Write Me” (Jacks), 273

Widmark, Richard, 36n

“Width of a Circle, The” [18],
, 91, 92

Wild Angels, the, 153

Wild Boys, The
(book), 244

“Wild-Eyed Boy from Freecloud” [7],
, 102

“Wild Is the Wind” [131], 66, 74n, 290,
, 405

Wilde, Oscar, 43, 51, 81

Williams, Andy, 52

Williams, Hank, 144

Williams, Larry, 359

Williamson, Sonny Boy, 180

Willis, Ellen, 185

Wilson, Brian, 318

Wilson, Colin, 24, 94, 118, 141, 145, 331

Wilson, Harold, 15, 415

“Win” [120],

Winwood, Stevie, 34

“Witch Doctor” (David Seville), 431

“With a Little Help from My Friends” (Beatles), 416n

Wizard a True Star, A
(Todd Rundgren LP), 223

Wolfe, Tom, 13–15, 31, 252

Wonder, Stevie, 34, 250, 268, 275, 292

Wood, Ron, 220

Wood, Roy's Wizzard, 192

Woodmansey, Woody, 96, 97, 103, 104, 106, 128, 147, 181, 207, 209

Woolf, Virginia, 42, 120

“Word on a Wing” [128],

Wordsworth, William, 95, 429

World Jones Made, The
(book), 169n

World of David Bowie, The
(LP), 84, 441–43, 448

Wright, Arthur G., 136

Wyman, Bill, 406


X Factor, The
(TV series), 398


Yamamoto, Kansai, 197, 204

Yardbirds, the, 180, 186, 211, 215, 310, 400, 414n

“Yassassin” [167],

“Yeah Yeah” (Georgie Fame), 403

Yeats, W. B., 360n

“Yellow Submarine” (Beatles), 450

York, Peter, 196

“You Belong to Me” (Elvis Costello), 383

“You Didn't Hear It from Me.”

“You Gotta Have a Job,” 154

“You Haven't Done Nothin' ” (Stevie Wonder), 268

“You Keep Me Hanging On” (Supremes), 169

“You'll Never Walk Alone,” 39, 427

“You Really Got Me” (Kinks), 404

“You Shook Me” (Jeff Beck), 98

“You've Got a Habit of Leaving” [A6],
, 408

“You've Got to Hide Your Love Away” (Beatles), 100n

“You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' ” (Righteous Brothers), 435

Young, Neil, 107, 124, 129, 132, 144, 357

“Young Americans” [113], 237, 258,
, 273

Young Americans
(LP), 12, 141, 152, 198, 225, 249, 259, 262–64, 267, 269, 270, 273, 275,
, 297, 313, 351

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