The Reluctant Twitcher (23 page)

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Authors: Richard Pope

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Dowitcher, Long-billed, 109, 131, 198

Short-billed, 83, 194

Drongo, Spangled, 34

Duck, American Black, 185
Harlequin, 69, 190
Long-tailed, 185
Ring-necked, 188
Ruddy, 190
Tufted, 202
Wood, 189

Dunlin, 194

Eagle, Bald, 190
Golden, 199

Egret, Cattle, 91, 197
Great, 192
Snowy, 202

Eider, Common, 202
King, 161, 167, 168, 170, 171, 200

Falcon, Peregrine, 126, 199

Fieldfare, 120

Finch, House, 187
Purple, 57, 187

Flicker, Northern, 190

Flycatcher, Acadian, 81, 84, 106, 107,
176, 197
Alder, 90, 196
Ash-throated, 129, 130
Great Crested, 129, 194
Least, 194
Olive-sided, 84, 103, 108, 109, 176,
Willow, 87, 196
Yellow-bellied, 80, 84, 195

Gadwall, 187

Gallinule, Purple, 146

Gannet, Northern, 156, 158, 200

Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, 194

Godwit, Hudsonian, 130, 131, 134, 135,
Marbled, 72, 193

Goldeneye, Barrow's, 64–66, 188
Common, 186

Goldfinch, American, 187

Goose, Cackling, 130, 141, 142, 199
Canada, 133, 144, 185
Greater White-fronted, 65, 67, 133,
Ross's, 117, 133, 144, 174, 199
Snow, 133, 144, 190

Goshawk, Northern, 105, 197

Grackle, Common, 189

Grebe, Eared, 70, 71, 191
Horned, 189
Pied-billed, 190
Red-necked, 189
Western, 95, 176, 201

Grosbeak, Evening, 57, 58, 187
Pine, 103, 149, 151–53, 155, 200
Rose-breasted, 193

Grouse, Ruffed, 187
Sharp-tailed, 97, 197
Spruce, 59, 60, 62, 188

Gull, Black-headed, 161, 167–71, 202
Bonaparte's, 170, 186
California, 56, 186
Franklin's, 98, 99, 128, 197
Glaucous, 186
Great Black-backed, 126, 186
Herring, 126, 158, 186
Iceland, 186
Laughing, 69, 97, 189
Lesser Black-backed, 57, 186
Little, 167–71, 176, 183, 201
Ring-billed, 185
Ross's, 68
Sabine's, 111, 124–26, 137, 140, 198,
Thayer's, 166, 186

Gyrfalcon, 175, 202

Harrier, Northern, 188

Hawk, Broad-winged, 192
Cooper's, 68, 189
Red-shouldered, 191
Red-tailed, 186
Rough-legged, 188
Sharp-shinned, 191

Heron, Black-crowned Night-, 192
Great Blue, 186
Green, 79, 80, 84, 195
>Tricolored, 201
Yellow-crowned Night-, 202

Hummingbird, Ruby-throated, 193
Rufous, 201

Ibis, Glossy, 202
White-faced, 141, 142, 199, 202

Jaeger, Long-tailed, 201
Parasitic, 126, 137, 139, 199
Pomarine, 137, 138, 139, 199

Jay, Blue, 33, 34, 45, 53, 186
Gray, 57, 187

Junco, Dark-eyed, 47, 187

Jungle Fowl, 18

Kestrel, American, 186

Killdeer, 110, 190

Kingbird, Eastern, 108, 194
Western, 95, 177, 202

Kingfisher, Belted, 192

Kinglet, Golden-crowned, 191
Ruby-crowned, 192

Kittiwake, Black-legged, 57, 139, 186

Knot, Red, 109, 110

Lark, Horned, 188

Longspur, Lapland, 188

Loon, Common, 147, 191
Pacific, 147, 148, 200
Red-throated, 147, 186

Magpie, Black-billed, 97, 197

Mallard, 146, 185

Martin, Purple, 192

Meadowlark, Eastern, 190
Western, 98, 99, 177, 197

Merganser, Common, 185
Hooded, 186
Red-breasted, 158, 186

Merlin, 88, 110, 196

Mockingbird, Northern, 186

Moorhen, Common, 83, 195

Nighthawk, Common, 88, 196

Nuthatch, Red-breasted, 187
White-breasted, 186

Oriole, Baltimore, 193
Orchard, 83, 194

Osprey, 191

Ovenbird, 193

Owl, Barred, 106, 176, 197
Boreal, 20
Eastern Screech-, 81, 111–13, 164,
176, 198
Great Gray, 103, 201
Great Horned, 123, 190
Long-eared, 67, 189
McKinder's Eagle, 67
Northern Hawk, 161, 167, 168, 170,

Northern Saw-whet, 52, 67, 123, 189
Short-eared, 67, 139, 189
Snowy, 67, 68

Partridge, Gray, 69, 189

Parula, Northern, 193

Peacock, 18

Pelican, American White, 97, 129, 197

Pewee, Eastern Wood-, 195
Western Wood-, 96, 177

Phalarope, Red, 201

Red-necked, 107, 198

Wilson's, 193

Pheasant, Ring-necked, 189

Phoebe, Eastern, 190

Pigeon, Passenger (Extinct), 16
Rock, 186

Pintail, Northern, 188

Pipit, American, 83, 194
Sprague's, 95

Plover, American Golden-, 16, 83, 194
Black-bellied, 83, 194
Piping, 98, 197
Semipalmated, 194

Rail, King, 96, 201
Virginia, 78, 79, 84, 195
Yellow, 42, 95, 99, 100

Raven, Common, 187

Razorbill, 56, 143, 174, 175

Red Knot, 198

Redhead, 188

Redpoll, Common, 57, 63, 187
Hoary, 160, 164, 200

Redstart, American, 193

Robin, American, 188

Ruff, 48, 115, 116, 198

Sanderling, 107, 198

Sandpiper, Baird's, 107, 198
Buff-breasted, 110, 111, 198
Curlew, 48
Least, 193
Pectoral, 193
Purple, 159, 161, 162, 164, 167–69,
Semipalmated, 87, 196
Solitary, 83, 195
Spotted, 192
Stilt, 107, 198
Upland, 88, 89, 196
Western, 133, 176, 201
White-rumped, 84, 195

Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied, 191

Scaup, Greater, 185
Lesser, 190

Scoter, Black, 189
Surf, 189
White-winged, 186

Shoveler, Northern, 190

Shrike, Loggerhead, 44, 88, 196
Northern, 188

Siskin, Pine, 57, 187

Snipe, Wilson's, 89, 191

Solitaire, Townsend's, 175, 201

Sora, 78, 81, 131, 132, 176, 199

Sparrow, American Tree, 57, 187
Chipping, 33, 47, 192
Clay-colored, 88, 100, 101, 196
Field, 191
Fox, 46, 190
Grasshopper, 36–38, 44, 83, 88, 194
Harris's, 67–69, 189
Henslow's, 76, 77, 83, 194
House, 145, 158
Lark, 91, 197, 202
Le Conte's, 81, 82, 99–102, 197
Lincoln's, 52, 193
Nelson's (formerly Nelson's Sharp-
tailed), 128–30, 199
Savannah, 192
Song, 190
Swamp, 47, 191
Vesper, 88, 196
White-crowned, 46, 191
White-throated, 52, 187

Starling, European, 65, 108, 186

Swallow, Bank, 192
Barn, 192
Cave, 202
Cliff, 192
Northern Rough-winged, 192
Tree, 190

Swan, Mute, 186
Trumpeter, 145, 166, 199
Tundra, 187

Swift, Chimney, 192

Tanager, Scarlet, 194
Summer, 75, 83, 194
Western, 95, 177

Teal, Blue-winged, 191
Green-winged, 189

Tern, Arctic, 202
Black, 83, 195
Caspian, 192
Common, 192
Forster's, 191

Thrasher, Brown, 192

Thrush, Gray-cheeked, 81, 87, 196
Hermit, 54, 55
Swainson's, 193
Varied, 176, 201
Wood, 193

Titmouse, Tufted, 186

Towhee, Eastern, 53, 190

Turkey, Wild, 69, 189

Turnstone, Ruddy, 90, 163, 197

Veery, 193

Vireo, Black-capped, 174
Blue-headed, 47, 192
Cassin's, 167
Philadelphia, 83, 195
Red-Eyed, 47, 195
Warbling, 194
White-eyed, 83, 194

Yellow-throated, 81, 88, 93, 196

Vulture, Black, 202
Turkey, 34, 53, 190

Warbler, Bay-breasted, 194
Black-and-white, 193
Blackburnian, 194
Blackpoll, 43, 44, 83, 195
Black-throated Blue, 193
Black-throated Green, 182, 192
Blue-winged, 83, 195
Canada, 83, 195
Cape May, 193
Cerulean, 75, 83, 194
Chestnut-sided, 47, 194
Connecticut, 95, 100, 201
Golden-winged, 81, 84, 89, 90, 93, 196
Hooded, 83, 194
Kentucky, 75, 82, 177, 201
Kirtland's, 46, 82, 201
Magnolia, 193
Mourning, 52, 53, 79, 83, 195
Nashville, 193
Orange-crowned, 82, 84, 131, 132, 199
Palm, 192
Pine, 47, 192
Prairie, 46, 83, 195
Prothonotary, 43, 80, 84, 196
Tennessee, 83, 195
Wilson's, 83, 194
Yellow, 46, 47, 194
Yellow-rumped, 192
Yellow-throated, 72, 73, 192
Worm-eating, 47, 75, 76, 83, 194

Waterthrush, Louisiana, 81, 84, 91, 93,
176, 197
Northern, 83, 194

Waxwing, Bohemian, 148–50, 164, 200
Cedar, 108, 192

Wheatear, Northern, 120, 133, 134, 199,

Whimbrel, 87, 110, 196

Whip-poor-will, 82, 177, 201

Wigeon, American, 145, 147, 188
Eurasian, 72, 145, 147, 199

Willet, 108, 198

Woodcock, American, 70, 71, 190

Woodpecker, American Three-toed, 57,
59, 60, 62, 63, 188
Black-backed, 58, 59, 187
Downy, 186
Hairy, 57, 187
Pileated, 25–27, 190
Red-bellied, 189
Red-headed, 83, 194

Wren, Carolina, 162, 195
House, 193
Marsh, 83, 195
Sedge, 87, 196
Winter, 191

Yellowlegs, Greater, 127, 191
Lesser, 193

Yellowthroat, Common, 194


Adam Beck Power Plant (Niagara River),
168, 186

Algonquin Provincial Park, 27, 33, 56–64,
103, 187, 188

Amherst Island, 72, 189, 193

Angler Line (Lake St. Clair), 77, 83, 195

Ashbridge's Bay (Toronto), 155, 157,
189, 200

Atikokan, 97

Baillieborough, 192

Beeton Sod Farms, 110, 198

Blenheim Sewage Lagoons, 133

Brantford airport, 69, 189

Brighton, 152, 200

Brighton Water Polishing Facility
(Wetlands), 109, 198

Bronte, 112, 191

Buckhorn, 191

Burlington, 161, 168, 170

Cameron Ranch (Carden Alvar), 88, 196

Carden Alvar Birding Area (near
Kirkfield), 88–90, 196

Chatterton Point (Presqu'ile Provincial
Park), 107

Chippewa, 169, 186, 187

Cobourg, 69, 90, 97, 118, 111, 129, 151,
177, 186, 188, 191, 192, 198, 200

Cobourg Harbour, 107, 145, 146, 156,
159, 185–87, 189, 197–200

Colonel Sam Smith Park (Toronto), 87,
95, 100, 196

Comber, 75

Cootes Paradise (Hamilton), 97, 128, 199

Coot's Pond (Darlington), 134, 199

Corner Marsh (Pickering), 54, 183, 192

Cornwall, 29

Cranberry Marsh, 108, 146, 192, 198

Desbarats, 197

Dickinson Road (Port Hope), 188

Dundas Marsh, 130, 141, 142

Dupont pond (Kingston), 145

Durham Regional Forest, 175

Edgelake Park (Stoney Creek), 73

Ferndale, 178–80

Fish Point (Pelee Island), 79, 121, 122

Fisherville, 189

Fort Erie, 125, 161, 168, 169

Fred's Marsh (Rainy River), 99, 101,

Gasline (Lake Erie), 91, 197

Grafton, 196

Gray Road (Hamilton), 170, 189

Grimsby Sewage Lagoons, 70, 191

Guelph, 151

Gull Island (Presqu'ile Provincial Park),

Hamilton, 56, 97, 128, 141, 186, 192

Harrington, 115, 116, 198

Hillman's Marsh (Pelee), 68, 79, 81, 83,
84, 92, 131, 146, 194, 195, 199

Holland Marsh, 68

Humber Bay, 189

Jarvis Sewage Lagoons, 107, 198

Jobes' Woods (Presqu'ile Provincial
Park), 54

Kilbride, 105, 177

King City, 25

Kingston, 188, 199

Kirkfield, 52, 88, 196

Lake St. Clair, 77

Lake Simcoe, 138, 149

Lee Brown's Pond (Long Point), 146

Leslie Street Spit (Toronto), 160, 176,
183, 189, 192, 193

Lone Pine Marsh (Northumberland
County), 92, 197

Long Point, 70, 72, 91, 146, 177, 191,
197, 201

Lucas Point (Cobourg), 69

Lynde Creek, 134

Lynde Marsh (Whitby), 130

Lynde Shores Conservation Area
(Whitby), 191, 199

McLaughlin Bay (Oshawa), 171

Mississauga, 160

Niagara Falls, 186

Niagara-on-the-Lake, 56, 161, 170, 174,

Niagara River, 186, 187

Nonquon Sewage Lagoons, 86, 107, 193,

Normar Road (Cobourg), 191

Northumberland County Forest, 187

Oakville, 176

Old Cut (Long Point), 78

Opeongo Road (Algonquin), 58, 187

Opinicon Road (near Kingston), 88, 89,

Oshawa Second Marsh, 147, 171, 183,

Ottawa, 66

Owen Point (Presqu'ile Provincial Park),
110, 123, 124, 163

Pelee Island, 83, 84, 86, 87, 95, 155, 156,
177, 195, 199

Peterborough airport, 189

Point Pelee National Park, 44, 48, 73–85,
131, 155, 194, 195

Port Hope, 188

Port Rowan, 191

Port Weller, 68, 161, 167

Presqu'ile Provincial Park, 64, 65, 107–
09, 122, 159, 161, 162, 188, 192, 196,

Prince Edward County, 67, 189

Prince Edward Point, 129, 199

Pumpkin Point Marsh (near Sault Ste.
Marie), 96, 201

Punkeydoodles Corners, 152

Queenston, 168, 170

Rainy River, 29, 84, 86, 94, 95, 97, 102,
103, 177, 197, 201

Rainy River Road, 197

Rattray Marsh (Mississauga), 80

Red Bay, 182

Reesor Pond (Markham area), 117, 144,
191, 199

Rondeau Provincial Park, 43, 71, 75, 79,
80, 83, 84, 194–96

Roseneath, 188

St. Clair Conservation Area, 78, 83

St. Clair Wildlife Area, 195

Salem (Northumberland County), 188

Sanford, 178

Sayers Park (Hamilton), 170, 171, 200

Sebastopol Island (Presqu'ile Provincial
Park), 161

Selkirk Provincial Park, 176, 188

Shrewsbury, 133, 199

Simcoe, 148

Spooky Hollow (Long Point area), 106,

Spruce Bog Trail (Algonquin), 63, 187,

Stoney Creek, 72, 106, 167, 192, 197, 200

Straggle Lake, (Haliburton), 106, 197

Thickson's Woods (Whitby/Oshawa area), 84, 87, 103, 192, 193

Thomas Road (Grafton), 190

Tilden's Woods (Point Pelee National Park), 52, 75

Toronto, 191

Van Wagner's Beach (Lake Ontario), 111,

136, 198, 199

West Beach Hiking Trail (Point Pelee), 77

Whitney (Algonquin Provincial Park),
57, 60

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