The Ride (22 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            “You good baby?” Tank asks me standing in the door way to his room. Arms crossed over his chest. Blood stain on his white tee. His handsome face full of concern. Since he found me in my room this is the first time he's set me down. Held me through the entire ride here. Held onto me through recanting the story to Gin, my dad, and Tiny. Carried me around the club. Held me while he had a drink and smoked a blunt with Happy. After some time he asked me if I wanted down. Reluctantly I said yes. I know he's got shit to do. “I'm pretty sure I'll be okay.” His face smooth’s a little, looking less wound up. “Got church for a bit. Need anythin' you find me, yeah?” Nodding I offer him a small smile. Looking satisfied with my answer he returns the smile and goes. Leaving me alone his room at the compound. I haven't spent much time in these rooms. I've seen a few from time to time, but usually they're off limits to the old ladies and family members. The rooms pretty big. Nothing special though. A king size bed in the middle of the room under a large window. Two night stands on either side. Off to one side is a long dresser. Above it a large TV mounted to the wall. The other side of the room has a loveseat sized couch with a matching chair. It's set up as a small living room area. There's not much decoration in the room. The walls white and the carpet a black industrial office style. The bedding all gray with a black throw blanket. It's all very functional, but not homey. The bathroom door on the other side of the room. I know it's a shared bathroom with Gin's room. A little scared to go in there, I fight with the decision to walk in there. God knows what I'll find. Laying back on the bed I grab up Tanks pillow. I know it's his because it smells exactly like him. Also its feather, the only kind he'll use. Apparently he's a little bit of a pillow snob. Bad ass biker is a freaking pillow snob, the thought makes me smile.

            Sitting alone I let my thoughts settle in. I can't hide from the reality that things are going to shit at the moment. This is my reality. My life. Club life is somewhat of a mystery to me at times. Although I've been around it since birth, it's still slightly unknown to me. Some aspects blatantly obvious and some still an unknown. I grew up in a great deal of secrecy and suspicion. Things weren't overtly hidden, but they were coded and hushed. Most women were left out of the loop. Left blissfully unaware of the partaking’s around them. We're taken care of, loved, protected, and safeguarded. The men, the club members, were the only ones in the know. My mother knew more than most, but she was still in the dark a lot of the time. Although I don't know many of the things the club does, I do know some of those things aren't always legal or moral. I also know they deal with a great deal of unsavory people, some being other club members. I do know many deaths lay at their feet, whether they caused the deaths first hand or didn't prevent them at someone else hands is an unknown to me. I know many members have served a good deal of time incarcerated or fighting not to be locked up. Throughout my life things have usually stayed good. As things were for the most part good, when they were bad, they were really bad. That's why I know what's going is bad. You can feel it. Since I can remember we've lost six members or family members. A man named Pipes when I was six was shot by a rival club. He was Peaches dad. It was hard on her and the guys. He was a loved member. That was a bad time for the club. A few years later and old lady named Rae passed due to cancer. She's Stitches mom and Sargent's wife. She was a beloved family member. Tanks father, our sister chapters president was killed when I was seventeen. His name was Red. That was another dark time for the club. Josh was killed soon after. Fallowed a few weeks later by a member named Crow. Another bad time for the club. Sadly my mother was killed a few years later. Another attack by a rival club. That may have been one of the darkest times for the guys. Lastly the prospect. Through the dark they still seem to push through. This is a club founded on strong, self-assured, and smart men. Men who don't believe in normal society’s beliefs and rules. Live lives without rules. Live their lives the way they deem fit. Men who fallow their own paths in life, swaying from the normalcy of life. This club is founded on drugs, weapons, extortion, money, blood, but also respect, loyalty, love, a kinship, and a one percent attitude.

            For all dark. For all the death. The brutality and destruction. This is a club full of family. Loyalty and love for one another. A family who will unconditionally support and back you without a need for reason. A group who protects each other no matter the situation. A club who's bonds burn fiercely. Always taught to protect, support, and love what is ours. Growing up in a place where our normal might be what someone else loathes. My childhood was unconventional at times. No matter the difference I was loved unconditionally. Cared for to the extreme of spoiling. Protected by an army of one percent thinking people. For all of the negative there is just as much positive. Every year the club organizes four charity runs for many different organizations. Children's hospitals, libraries, schools, churches, low income projects, and other community aiding organizations. All funds collected are given to a charity the members vote on based on need. As much as a million dollars is raised each time. The club helps struggling families in the community with varies needs such as bills, housing, food, and clothing throughout the year. The club has helped local business with things such as repairs and reconstruction after a fire if the insurance is unable to cover all the costs. A few of the member even went overseas when a city was destroyed by natural disasters, giving help where needed. Most members have served our country in some form of military. Every member caring in their own way. Giving what they can without a second thought. I've grown up loved by these people. I've always had wild and crazy aunties, uncles, cousins, and friends. I've always seen too much. I was let experience everything early and without restriction. My only limit in life being all my doings must be kept within club space with my family. Taught at a young age that everyone else was outsiders to be respected, but never trusted. I was taught to love and care for my family with the same fierceness they gave to me. Knowing this I don't blame the club or anyone for what’s happening to me. Yeah I'm scared at times, but I know I will be protected and safe. I know things will be handled in the clubs way. My job is to be supportive, understanding, and patient. Taking a deep breath I push down the fear and take solace in the club and their protection, because they are my family and won't let anything happen to me.

            Messing with my phone when I hear someone open and close Gin's door on the other side of Tanks door. Bored, I figure bugging Gin will kill some time. Hopping off the bed I make my way to the bathroom. With a light tap I wait for a reply, but I get nothing. Going into the bathroom I'm a tad thankful there are no used condoms or lube lying around. I can handle a stray thong. Not a huge fan of left over sex extras. The bathroom is pretty clean besides the dirty clothes on the floor. Men. Tapping on Gin's door I wait for a reply. If I just walk in God knows what I'll find on the other side. Without a word he flings the door open, am annoyed scowl on his face. Club gash standing by his bed missing her shirt. Of lovely. I guess I'm interrupting. “What? ...” Seeing me his face changes to one of love. “Gin,” I mumble on an eye roll. Seriously? A naked whore in here? Peaches is going to strangle him. Or she very well could castrate him. It's all up in the air depending on her mood. “What up sissy?” Gin chuckles with a smack of a kiss to the cheek. He knows I'm not thrilled about his little friend, but apparently it's funny. “Who the fuck is this Gin?” The shirtless girl snarls at me. Gin cocks his head slowly towards her. “Get the fuck outta my room. A little education for your ass bitch before you go. This Lil, my sis. So watch your slut mouth around her, yeah?” Nodding, the girl heads for the door. She leaves, but not before throwing me a glare before she does. Ignoring the girl Gin gets comfortable. Flopping back on his bed he snatches a game controller from his night stand. His room looks strikingly similar to Tanks. The only difference is the mess. Food containers, booze bottles, and dirty clothes littler every available surface. With a few clicks on his remote the giant ass TV comes on. Apparently large TV's are a guy thing. Right into blowing up zombies he goes. It's always been this way with Gin and me. We could spend all out time talking or not talk at all. It's always comfortable and easy with him. Always loving me for me. The constant in my life who has loved me with a sincerity only blood can. My best friend. My cousin. My brother. Sitting down next to him he mindlessly hands me a controller without taking his eyes off of the TV. “Imma kill ya ass at this game sis,” he warns softly. Side by side, leaning against his head board we play. He killed me. I do suck at this gaming shit. Gin's good, but it's only because he spends into the wee hours of the night playing. I resort to cheating to win. Whacking his controller out of his hand I proceed to shoot his guy in the face. “Boo you suck!” I chant right at him. “I'm the shit!” Laughing he smacks away my controller right back. “Who's the shit now?” Pointing at him I laugh in his face. Scoffing he hands me my controller back. “Alright sis it's on now.”

            Deep rough voices pull me from my sleep. Oh shit. Instantly I recall where I'm at. I didn't mean to fall asleep. “What the fuck? Thought you were leavin'?” I hear Tank say to Gin. Listening I hear Gin move around on the bed. “Changed my mind,” Gin retorts plainly. His voice lacking any interest in the conversation. Tank laughs but it's not a humorous laugh. “I see that. Fuck spent an hour runnin' around like a fuck lookin' for her. Thought somethin' bad happened. Fuck man, could of text me. Never thought to look in here.” Gin gets off the bed causing Peaches to roll towards me. Her side leaning into my back. While we were playing video games Peaches came in and got in bed with me. Gin sat at the foot of the bed ignoring us and playing. Peaches and I lay in bed chatting and laughing. She made me read Cosmo with her, forcing me to take those stupid quizzes. I guess we feel asleep somewhere between then and now. “How the fuck would I know you were lookin' for her.” The bed dips again, but this time closer to me. Instantly I can smell him. Tank, smoke, spice, man, and leather. A rough hand on my face makes me open my eyes. “Woke her up asshole,” Gin mumbles mindlessly. He's now standing at the foot of the bed staring at the TV playing his game. Such a loser. “Baby?” Tank says softly. Sitting up, I accidentally pull the blankets off Peaches. She tugs on the blanket and grumbles “go away Tank. She's keepin' me warm.” Tank snorts a laugh. Looking at him he's smiling at me. “To fuckin' bad. I want my girl back now.” A hand behind my back and one under my legs Tank scoops me up effortlessly. Gin turns his head quickly to look at me. “Night Caleb. Love you,” I tell him. Shaking his head at me looking clearly annoyed with his name. I just give him a sweet innocent smile. Lifting an eye brow he smirks. “Yeah, yea. Love you too sis.” Looking at Peaches she cracks one eye open at me. “Loves you bitch.” With a laugh and a smile she turns over towards Gin. “Loves you too bitch face.” Tank laughs at us, “you two are fuckin' strange.”




Two months later. …

            Shit's been calm and quiet. Nothing. No news. No threats. No hits. Nothing. Not a God damn thing. You'd think 'hey that's good. Things are looking up'. Fuck no. This is calm before the storm. That shit's still in the air. We're waiting for the other shoe to drop. We might be on edge, but that don't mean we aren't living. That's exactly what we're doing. We're living our lives. This weeks a big one. It's Rampage and Stitches birthdays. It's also Leo and Mary's twenty-fifth anniversary. So we're partying. Saturday and the place is starting to fill up already. Midafternoon and we've got at least fifty people hanging around. Foods ready. Drinks are flowing. Bar's stocked. All the fun party
are here. And the entertainment for the night is due to arrive in a few hours. “How many Lil order?” Happy asks me rubbing his hands together looking like a kid on Christmas. No clue. Lil's been staying tight lipped on that shit. Only people in on it is Peaches and Cali. Sneaky ass bitches. “Fuck if I know.” Gin looks pretty fucked up already. Barely able to stand up, his ass is using the bar for support. “Betta be some chunky ones. Big asses n' big titties,” he slurs. If my baby picked them they'll be fucking hot and thick. I know how my girl likes her girls. Likes them how I do. Although I won’t share that shit with a dude or bitch don't mean I don't let her get an eye full. “Jesus Christ if they look like Lil and Peaches imma be one happy birthday boy,” Rampage says looking like he's ready for me to knock him the fuck out. “Oh fuck maybe we could talk Lil into it. She's a freak, she'd be down,” Stitch pipes up. Looking at him like he's lost his fucking mind he just laughs. Him and Rampage nod at one another in agreement. Assholes trying to fuck with me. “Shut the fuck up.”

            Sitting my ass in one of the leather chairs in the common room I'm drinking some Rum straight out of the bottle. Gave the fuck up on my cup. Why Rum you ask? Because that was the bottle I pulled up when I stuck my hand behind the bar. It'll get me fucked so it'll work. It's dim as fuck in here. Smoke wafting around the place. Music loud as hell. Three girls dancing around the poles. Shaking their shit. These aren’t your local strip club bitches either. These girls know their shit. Pretty fucking hot too. Lil's got some phenomenal taste in girls. One bitch is pretty tall. Long straight black hair. Skinny as fuck, but with a big ass. She could use some tits though. She's tatted from head to toe. The second girl is a little smaller. Blonde hair. Big blue eyes. Pink ass lips. Perfect tits and ass. Looks like a fucking Barbie or some shit. Not my style, but she's good looking none the less. The third is my favorite. Have a feeling my baby picked that one with me in mind. Long brown hair. Big ass. Big tits. Dark eyes. She's hot too. Kind of reminds me of Lil, except some cheap knock off. No bitch compares to my girl. They've lost their clothes. Talking naked, pussies right in your face, naked. Yeah Rampage is one happy birthday boy right now. At the moment he's got a girl hand standing right in front of him, pussy right in his face. Stitch disappeared with another girl that came along with the strippers. She had fire engine red hair. Piercing that even scared the shit out of me. Cali's grinding on a brother from another chapter. Those two always enjoying other people. Happy's sitting at the bar. Low's getting a lap dance. Looking over my shoulder Lil and Peaches are taking lines off of the bar. Both laughing and smiling at one another. Giggling and doing their happy ass girl chatter thing. Lil's drunk and high as fuck. The hot brunet dances her ass towards me. “Wanna have a little fun with me daddy?” I've got to laugh at that shit. Not only would Lil remove my balls from my body for that shit, I don't think I could get it up for this bitch. She's hot, but fuck if she isn’t Lil. “Nah. See that bitch over by the bar.” The girl looks up fallowing my eyes. A seductive smile tugs at her lips. “Oh yeah I see her. That's the hot little piece that came to the club.” Looking Lil up and down the girl looks like she's about to cum. “Me and Cherry over there,” she purrs throwing her head in the direction of her tattooed partner. “We spotted her as soon as she walked that fine ass into the bar. Fuck she's hot and I'd love to get my tongue between those thick thighs.” Well fuck. Giving Lil a look myself she catches me right away. She's always able to tell when I'm looking at her. Giving me a little nod she grabs a bottle. “Girls mine. Ain't sharing her and she don't share me.” With a sad little pout the girl smiles anyways. “Change your mind handsome, find me. Want a dance anyways though?” Why the fuck not? “Shit yeah.”

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