The Ride (4 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            I found myself glancing around that damn barbeque looking for Tank. Lord knows why. Probably stupidity. Or better yet, insanity. My track record with men isn't very good. I'm batting zero for two. Cage hangs around me like a lost puppy. Shit he's annoying. What I ever saw him I don't know, but now I’m seriously reconsidering it. Still I watched for Tank while visiting with everyone. Throughout the greetings, hugs, and conversation I kept vigil on that back door. It was never out of my sight. A few hours later I spot him walking into the party. That hum of need hits me. All of a sudden I’m anxious. A bubble of excitement at seeing him settles over me. My heart picking up its pace. My body heating. Yeah he just does something strange to me. Gets me all fucked. There's just something about him. Something about him that draws me right in. Black fitted cap on backwards. A black bandana around his face covering everything but his eyes. He’s wearing his cut over a black hoodie, dark jeans, and his Georgia's. Even though I couldn't see his face I knew it was him. I'd know those eyes from anywhere. Beautifully crystal blue eyes demanding your attention even from across the room. I stayed rooted to my spot, but I watched him. I watched him for a while. I'd find him with the guys talking, drinking, and smoking. With girls hanging around him, always touching him. Seems the club whores flock to him in droves. I don't blame them. I'd find him laughing with friends. He never saw me looking, but I watched him. I'm not even really sure why I did it. Just couldn't keep my mind or eyes off of him. He's fucking beautiful, all big and scary, but sexy. My strange obsession won out. While dancing with a few girls I saw him heading for the door. I couldn't let him go. Not yet anyways. I had to touch him. Hand to get my hands on him. My body got the best of me. Need won out. He danced with me, no questions asked. My body against his I just let myself go. Enjoyed his hands on me. His hard body pressed against mine felt amazing. Safely tucked against him. Just feeling him feeling me. It was perfect.

            I haven't seen Tank or any of guys for a few days now. They left after the party and haven't been back. But he isn't far from my mind. The earlier rumble of bikes tells me the guys are back around here somewhere. They must be back now. Some family of my mom's came into town. My Uncle Dan, cousins Trace, Tyler, and Samantha are staying with us. It's always good to see family. My uncle Dan, or as most call him Danny Boy, is president of the Hell's Disciples in the Oregon chapter. We've been hanging out eating, drinking, and catching up. I've missed them more then I realized. Walking my lazy ass down stairs I find the guys suited up and ready to roll. “You ready to be stomped sis?” Trace taunts me from the door. Shit head. He and Tyler are three years older than Sam and I. They've been giving us shit since before we could walk. “Not on your best day
,” I counter tossing a muffin at him. Samantha comes down stairs behind me in my borrowed clothes. Carhartt's and an AC/DC tee. Looking every bit the country girl she isn't. Both Tyler and Trace snort and laugh at her. “Come on Lil. This shit is ugly as hell,” she whines picking at the shirt. Shooting her a dirty look she throws her hands up. “Bitch don't look at me like that. You look hot in everything.” I'm clad in the same attire. Black Carhartts and a white Aerosmith tank. Hair in a damn messy bun I'm ready for some mud and fun. Grabbing her arm I tug her out the door. “Shut up! It'll be fun!” Pulling her along behind me I run head first right into a hard chest. Glancing up Tank's smirking down at me. God he smells good. Smells like leather, spice, smoke, and man. My panties instantly wet. Well shit. Dressed in jeans and a black tee he looks perfectly fuckable. And well now I just drooled a little. Grabbing onto my arm he steadies me before I land on my ass. Rough fingers touch my skin. “Tank. Hey,” I mutter like an idiot. God I’m smooth. Caught up in staring at him I don't see Sam coming. She buts me out of the way with her hip. Smiling up at Tank she bats her lashes and pushes her tits out. I can't help the snicker and eye roll. Dirty little slut. “Hi. I'm Sammy,” she croons sweetly. He nods at her politely, but never looks away from me. Ignoring the blonde beauty next to me he smirks back at me. Eyes roaming me from head to toe. Nodding at my tank he smiles a sneaky smile. Sliding a long finger under the strap of my tank and bra he snaps it. A shiver travels down my spine at his touch. My body instantly needy for him. “Where you off to dressed so sexy?” he asks with a cocky drawl. Eyes burning into me not hiding the lust in his stare. Tossing keys at Tank he catches them, my pops stands at the end of the porch. “Pits,” Pops answers for me. Tank grins down at me. Oh no. “Ready to get fuckin' dirty baby?”

            Body covered in mud from head to toe. I think the only part of me that's still fleshed colored is my eyes where my aviators cover. We're riding quads out in the pits of the back woods at pops property. Climbing dirty hills, riding through muddy holes. Stuck in three feet of mud my four wheeler isn't going anywhere any time soon. I've given up on pulling it out. Sam is no damn help, sitting on her four wheeler whining like a bitch. “You need a little help sugar?” Tank taunts me. He's been giving me shit all day. Soaking me in mud whenever he can. Not to worry he's been getting as good as he's giving. Smiling sweetly I bat my eye lashes innocently. “Pretty please.” Hopping off of his four wheeler he saunters over to me. Swagger in that big body. His broad shoulders hold an air of arrogance and strength in them. Tucking his own aviators into the neck of his tee he winks at me. Dirty jeans, a black fitted tee, and CAT boots loosely laced he’s the picture of sexy man. Sticking his hand out to me I place my hand in his. Rough strong fingers grip my hand firmly. Squeezing my hand lightly he smiles knowingly. Standing on the edge of the big muddy hole I'm stuck in he tries to help me out. With one swift tug he's sliding right into the puddle with me. Pay back asshole. “What the fu …,” is all he gets out before it's too late. It doesn't go as I planned. Instead of dropping my hand he's pulling me along with him. Shit. Landing flat on his back. Me sideways on my back over his stomach. We're now completely covered in mud. “You little shit,” he chuckles. Scooping up a hand full of mud he rubs it all over my stomach. Hand caressing my body. Down my chest and over my already filthy tank. My body shutters involuntarily. Skin breaking out in goose bumps at his touch. My breath catches. Damn it. Big ol' asshole. Hopping up I push away from him. I can't sit there on him like that. If he keeps touching me I can't be held accountable for my actions. Sitting up on his elbows he smirks at me. I hate that smirk. “Got a little mud on your shirt sweets,” he says tipping his head towards my shirt. Eyes staring at my tits as he talks to me. Ya think? I just stare at him for a second, taking in all his handsomeness. He really is nice to look at. Beautiful face. Very manly, but not any less handsome. A three inch scar right about his right eyebrow. It's faded, so I'm guessing it's pretty old. Sexy lips, always smirking like he knows something I don't. Hard muscular body covered in tattoos. One arm has the Disciples insignia on his forearm. Its three black clocked figures with the flames of hell behind them. The figures are decrepit looking skeletons. Black bandanna's around their faces. The figure in the middle holding a scythe, the one on the right holding a standard issue military riffle, and the other holding a helmet. Same tattoo all the guys have. The rest of his arm is completely covered. Every inch of skin is covered in a verity of different tattoos. The designs very from a zipper being unzipped to revile flesh and bone on his shoulder, to a motorcycle, and a giant perfectly detailed Trojan soldier in battle takes up his entire back. Caught glimpse of that the other night. There are so many tattoos it's hard to see them all unless you take the time to sit down and look at each and every one. Along with a fifty cent piece sized scar from what I'm guessing was a bullet on his shoulder. He's pretty fucking hot. Stuck in my Tank daze I don't see him coming until I'm hauled off with him. Happy scoops my ass up and slides us both back into the same mud pit I just crawled out of. “Look at ya babe all muddy n' shit,” Happy laughs next to me. I can hear Tank laughing too. Scooping up two big hand fulls of mud I pelt them both. Pushing myself back up I smile sweetly. “Awe look at that the both of ya all muddy n'
.” Hopping on Tanks four wheeler I crank it up and haul off leaving both their sorry ass in the mud hole laughing. They can pull my ride out themselves. Jackasses.

            Ten muddy four wheelers parked outside the barn when I pull in. Poor prospects got a lot of cleaning to do later. Walking into the shop my dad looks me up and down and nods in approval. “Looks like you had fun doll face,” he chuckles. Spent the better part of the day dodging Tank and Happy's attempt and covering me in mud, I’d say it was a good day. Tank and Happy are leaning against the bar with beers in hand and shit eaten grins on their faces as I walk in. “You have fun sweet cheeks?” Happy asks damn near dances around with glee. I did, but I'm not telling him that. I'll make his suffer. “Eh,” I shrug. Happy stops his little dance and looks at me. He looks a little put off by my
. Looking over at Tank he looks amused. Cocky grin as he leans his big body against the bar. “Oh come on Lil I was just havin' a little fun sis,” Happy whines at me. My dad hollers for him and with a sullen face he scoots off. “I'm dirty. I need a shower,” I tell Tank. A wicked smile sparks his eyes. “Yeah I can see that.” His eyes run the length of my body. Eyes lingering over every inch on my body making me antsy. “Got a little dirt on your back angel. Need help with that in the shower?” he asks me. Dirty man. This one is trouble. Shaking my head slowly I take a few steps back. He wants to play dirty huh? Reaching for the hem of my tank I peal it slowly up my body. Mud sticking to my skin. His eyes never leave me, never leave my body. Up over my head it goes, left in only my blue lace bra. Leaving little to the imagination. Mud dripping down my body onto the floor. Just like that his eyes trained right on my tits. Men. “Nah, baby I got it,” I drawl with a cocky clip. Balling up my dirty tank I toss it right at him. Never saw it coming. Hitting him right in the chest with a splat. His wide eyes snap up to mine. He looks shocked. Throwing him a wink I walk out. Shocked face morphing into a sneaky smile.

           Standing in the shower I watch the water run from dirty brown to clear. Letting the mud wash from my body. Scrubbing down I smell fresh and clean. Slipping out of the shower and into my room I'm in search of comfy clothes. Turning to shut the door I damn near jump three feet, Tanks standing right next to my door holding my shirt. Arms crossed. Those beautiful blue eyes full of mischief and trouble. “Forget something?” His voice teasing, but his eyes hungry. The fact I’m wearing damn near nothing blatantly obvious by the way he stares hungrily and his eyes glaze a little. Hell he’s not even able to look at my face when he shows me my shirt he’s holding. Bastard. Letting my shirt dangle from his finger he looks me over like I'm food and he's hungry. This is too easy. Leaning my towel clad body into his I press my hands to his chest. I have to stifle a moan. Why does he have to be so damn cut? His chest firm and warm under my hands. The intense need to dig my finger nails into his skin burns my hands. Focus. Damn it woman stuff it down and focus. “Thanks Tank,” I whisper. Right there. See that look in his eyes. That look right there. Eyes glazed over. His mouth slack and hungry. Body slumped and leaning into my hands. Every ounce of blood and every cell of intelligence he had has now been relocated to his dick. Putty. I own him. I own that shit. Anything I want I can have. I'm not in the man eating mood right now so he's safe … for now. Raising my eyebrow in mock inpatients I look at the door and back to him. It’s really more for him than me, because he keeps standing here looking at me like that I may just fuck him against my wall. Seeing as how fucking him will only get him killed I decide against it. Pulling himself out of sex crazed stupor he shakes his head. Looking a little confused and maybe even a little scared. “Um … yeah,” he stammers thrown off balance. Turning around he heads for the door never looking back. With that he's gone. Men can't live with ‘em can't live without ‘em.




            Any other bitch hit me with a dirty ass shirt she'd be on her ass. Lil nails me with one and I'm keeping that motherfucker. Hard as a fucking rock after that little stunt. Took four fucking minutes to be able to walk again, and that was just barely. That blue lace bra will result in some serious blue balls later. If she was any other women she'd be taking care of those blue balls too. But fuck no she isn’t just any bitch and I've got to suffer through them until I find someone to help me out. Jesus Christ the blue lace bra. Her body is fucking perfect, but there was something that caught my eye just like the night she fed me. Under her tit is another tattoo. Yeah I was fucking staring at her tits, if you saw them you'd be staring too. A black tattoo of some sort of scrawl across her ribcage and around her back. Words I couldn't make out. A few lines of them. They’ve got to be about eight inches long each of them. Same tattoo as the one on her thigh. God damn intriguing. Makes me want to explore that body. Looking for any excuse to see her again I take her shirt back to her. Why? I don't know, because she's not getting that dirty thing back. I'm keeping that shit. Just like a stalker that shits coming home with me. As soon as I set foot in the house I can hear the shower running. I'm really getting good at this self-control shit. I thought about busting in that door, pulling her wet naked body out of that shower, and fucking her while she's bent over the sink. It's not classy or romantic. I want in this bitch like something terrible. I want her like nothing I've ever wanted before.

            Walking into her room I take in the space. Soft and comfortable is what I'd call it. Big ass bed with its all white bedding. Damn virginal bedding. Definitely could spend some time messing up that bed right along with dirtying it up. TV, dresser, and some pictures. Clothes on the bed. Before I can finish creeping around I hear the bathroom door open. A moment later in she walks wrapped in a towel. Fuck me, a towel. And she's wet. She's not helping my painfully hard dick. Turning around she fucking flinches. Eyes huge. I'm sure I startled her, but it doesn't last long. Straightening herself she smirks at me. Holding her shirt out to her I tease her. “Forget something?” I ask her. Something flashes in those big innocent eyes. Something that scares the living shit out of me. Leaning into me she touches my chest. I have to fight the groan working its way out. My body instinctively wants to lean into her. I have to remind myself to keep my hands to myself. Everything in me fights to get closer to her, to have her touch me more. It's never happened before. Never in my life have I had this strange pull just from one touch. “Thanks Tank,” she whispers softly, a seductive edge in that soft voice. Watching a single drop of water slide down her neck, to her shoulder, and down into her cleavage. I'm captivated. I actually have to fight against my tongue from instantly wanting to lick the drop of water off of her body. Shoot me now. Just fucking put a bullet in me. I watch her look at the door and back at me. It’s my cue to get the fuck out. I have to fight myself not to stay. Rip that towel off and do terrible things to that lovely body. Will it always be this difficult to be around her? Fucking kill me now if it is. This girl is going to be the death of me. Good girl, with dirty habits. I can see it in those eyes. Fuck do I want to be one of those dirty habits.

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