The Ride (5 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            A few hours later I'm sitting outside around the fire with a few guys and a couple club sluts. Listening to them talk about bikes and bitches, listening to the girls giggle and shit. Every time I hear something I glance up waiting to see Lil walk through that gate. Trix and Mouth are hanging on me like damn parasites. Thankfully Bubbles hasn't been hanging around. Not that these girls are much better. Ignoring the girls I watch and wait for Lil. I don't even know if she's coming out here. That girl she was with earlier is here, so like the fucking douche I've become I hold out hope. Starring at the damn back gate like some kind of stalker. An hour later I've all but given up on her. I wait for no bitch. “Come up stairs with me baby?” Trix whines with a flirty smile. Sitting on my lap, legs wrapped around me. Pussy dressed into my dick. A week ago I'd been about that shit. Now it's not holding my interest. A few more of the guys have shown up and brought a bunch of new girls. Party is going down tonight. I let Trix do her thing. She's rubbing on me, kissing on my neck, and shit. Spitting all kinds of freaky shit in my ear. I'm trying my fucking hardest to distract myself from Lil. Trying to be interested in what Trix is offering, but fuck it is not working. Pussy right there and my dick does not even flinch. Fifteen minutes later I feel it rather than see it. I can fucking feel her. Looking up, in she walks. Heart hits my feet. Two big ass dogs beside her jumping around. They sure as fuck look scary. She's wearing a long black strapless dress. Fucking beautiful. I could give a shit less about what she wears really. No clothes works best for me any way. Or maybe that blue lace bra or that towel. Fucking hell. Pull it together man. In her hand a bottle of Jack. On those lips a mouthwatering smile. Hair piled in a mess on her head. Walking right up to her dad and a few guys she talks to them for a minute. All while the two obedient dogs flank her side. I've all but forgot about Trix and Mouth. I can't stop watching Lil. Turning around she spots me. How, I don't know? Maybe she can feel me staring holes through every inch of her. For fucks sake I'm losing my edge. Those God damn lips turn up even bigger when she finds my eyes. She says something to her pops, interrupting him. I wait for the anger from him, but nothing. Low don't tolerate that shit. No bitch comes before club business. He's talking to some pretty important motherfuckers, but he ignores the men and looks at her. Smiling at her he's not the Low I know when she's around. Nodding his head at her she turns away. He's fucking putty in her hands. Saying something to the two beasts next to her she strides towards me. Every brother watching her as she passes. I'm stuck staring too. I’m never able to look away while she makes her way to me. My fucking heart beats a little faster the closer she gets. That hunk of flesh really getting a work out lately. Walking right up to me she stares at me sitting on a bench. She's either ignoring the gash on my lap or she don't give a shit. Smiling down at me she holds out the bottle. “Have a drink with me?” she asks. Fuck yes a drink.

            “He's busy bitch!” Trix sneers at Lil. Turning eyes to Trix Lil laughs at her. It's not that sweet laugh I like so damn much. It's more of a scary as hell evil little laugh. “Yeah?” Lil challenges, her head cocked to one side. Confidence in her words. Lil just stands there casually looking fine as fuck. Trix snakes a possessive arm around my neck. Wiggling herself as close as possible to me. Body rigid. “Yeah bitch. Get lost.” Lil laughs again. I'm about to smack the shit out of Trix when Lil holds up a little hand. “You know who Low is?” Lil asks Trix with a sneaky little smile. I let her go. She's got this shit. The devil in those eyes again. Not about to stop her now. “Are you fuckin’ stupid? Of course I know Low.” Trix snaps impatiently. That stealthy little smile turning up even brighter on Lil's face at Trix’s answer. “Be a doll and go run along and let him know his daughter will be out late will ya?” Lil asks Trix sweetly. Trix looks lost. An annoyed pout pinching her face as she stares at Lil. “What? Who the fuck's his daughter?” Swear to God these club whores are stupid as hell. Lil just gives her an expectant little smile. Trix's eyes widen in recognition. Face clearly understanding what Lil's getting at. “Fuck,” Trix mutters under her breath. “What the fuck ever,” she growls marching off. Getting lost she mumbles shit under her breath wandering away. Sitting down Lil smirks proudly. “Stupid ass club gash,” she mumbles with a laugh. Well fuck. She just keeps blowing my mind. “Sitzen,” she says softly to the big ass dogs I'd all but forgot about. What the fuck did she just say? Looking over at her she's looking at the two dogs. Both, without hesitation, sit down. “Who are they?” I ask her nodding at the big ass scary beasts at her feet. “George Milton and Lennie Small,” she says with a fond smile for the two giant ass Rottweiler’s next to her feet. Nice names for dogs. She looks at me probably noticing my confused expression. “From
Of Mice and Men
, one of my favorite books.” Never read it, but now I'm going to. Taking in the dogs they're fucking huge. Giant ass mean looking shits. No one’s fucking with her or them. Not sure if I should be relieved or a little scared. “They're pretty big,” I tell her. Like she don't fucking know idiot. What the hell is going on with me? She does all kinds a crazy shit to me. Smiling she nods in agreement, “yeah Georgie boy's about a buck ten and Lennie is a buck forty.” Jesus Christ. Yeah they're huge. “I got them from Germany a few years ago. Love my boys.” she says patting their heads. Both look up at her adoringly. I'm sensing a trend. Every male who encounters her falls in love. I get it now, Lil renders all men stupid. There's just something about her. Well I won't be sneaking into her room again anytime soon with big and bigger around. “They're pretty good.” I comment. Again she pets them lovingly. “They should be, paid ten grand for each of them to be this good. But I would have paid much more for my babies if I had too.” Ten fucking grand. That's got to be Lows doing. Happy slides his body next to Lil, throwing an arm around her. Both dogs jump up, ready to kill Happy. Snarls and teeth pointed right at him. Stupid mother fuckers 'bout to get eaten. “Platz,” Lil says in a soft commanding voice. Just like that both dogs lay back down. Poor Happy might need to change his pants after that.

            Passing the bottle of jack back and forth, we talk. Not about anything in particular. We talk about life, about the club, about the guys. Mostly I talk and she listens. I ask her about herself, but somehow we end up talking about me in the end. Girl's good at steering the conversation away from herself. Always smiling at me as I talk. Eyes right on me. Swear to God that girl looks right into me. Crazy shit. Body turned towards me as she listens to me intently. Baby actually looks like she gives a shit about what I'm telling her. She's not interested in the cut, my dick, the bike, or the club unlike every bitch I usually talk too. “How did you end up in the club?” she asks me. It's was my birth right. Born into this life, it's all I've ever known. “Pops was president of our chapter. I guess it was just s’posed to happen,” I say shrugging. “You a little biker brat, yeah?” I ask her in return. That makes her laugh. “Nah, club princess.” Happy adds with a grin. That makes her laugh again. Her laugh makes me smile. “Yeah somethin' like that. The club is all I've ever known too. As you know I tried to get away, but the club has a way of holdin' on to you.” Looking at my cut she nods. “You're the new VP then. I knew your pops. Nice guy.” That motherfucker was never nice. Maybe to her because she has a pussy and is hot as fuck, but he wasn't nice otherwise. “Yeah real nice.” Wrapped up in Lil I don't notice Low walking over towards us until he's standing right in front of me. “Hier,” Low rumbles. Both dog jumps up and flank his sides. Damn, little soldiers. Leaning down he kisses Lil's forehead. “Careful daddy. And be careful with my boys,” she says with a smile. Turning to me he nods. Standing up I go to fallow the Prez. I know the drill. Shaking his head he actually smiles. I've seen that motherfucker smile a handful of times, usually involves money and pussy. Since Lil's come back he smiles all the damn time. “Nah, you stay. Take Lil home. Watch her.” He says with a touch of seriousness. “Don't let
near her.” He adds before leaving. Happy doesn't fallow him either. I guess it's the three of us tonight. … Before long Happy's face is buried in some bitches tits, along with the rest of the boys who stayed behind. It's getting late and cold. Probably should take Lil home. “Lil?” Nothing. I know she's next to me, I can feel her leaning against me. “Lil.” Looking over at her her heads on my shoulder, eyes closed. Girl fell asleep. Shit. “Come on babe, ya gotta wake up. Gotta take ya home.” Taking the Jack from her hand I notice we've killed the entire bottle. That's healthy.

            Laying her little ass in bed is easy. Getting her into the truck and belted in was a little harder. She weighs nothing. Leaving her was a whole other thing. Sitting down on the edge of the bed I watch her for a second. Make sure she's okay. So that's not the only reason I've stuck around watching her. I just can't seem to peal my ass off of her bed and leave her. She's so fucking beautiful. I watch the way her face looks peaceful and serene when she's sleeping. She sighs and rolls into me. Watching her sleep my cell rings screaming in the silence damn near startling the fuck out of me. Jesus Christ. Looking at the screen its Bubbles. Stupid ass bitch blowing my phone up again. Crying and whining about loving me or loving her or something equally stupid. Her absence didn't last long. Bitch doesn’t love me and I sure as shit don't love her. She's lucky she got my time and dick, other than that she isn’t worth shit to me. Silencing it, I shove it back in my pocket. Fuck. Leaning back against the headboard I shove my hands in my hair annoyed with Bubbles. I’m staring at the wall when I feel it. She puts her arm over my thigh and pulls herself closer to me. Looking down at Lil again, she looks happy and content cuddles up next to me. Too fucking perfect. Long hair all over the place, sexy fucking lips. What the fuck am I doing here? I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm getting myself in deep shit. Not sure if I can leave her alone. I'm stuck to the spot. I'm just to God damn interested. Finally meeting the girl I've long been interested in. Thought that if I met her that would be it, apparently I was wrong.


            Head's a little foggy, but not nearly bad enough for drinking an entire bottle of Jack. Stretching my arms above my head my hands bump into something hard as hell. Looking down I see a long jean clad leg under my cheek. Fallowing the huge thigh under my head I fallow it up to a thermal covered stomach and up to Tank's beautiful face. In between his legs, head on one of his thighs, body draped over it too. Oh no. What the hell did I do? Slapping myself in the forehead I pray to God I didn't do something stupid last night. To chicken shit to check with my eyes I touch my chest. I feel my maxi dress. Oh thank you Jesus. Sighing, I relax back a little. That could have been bad. Like really fucking bad. Sleeping with my dad’s VP would not have gone over well with the guys. Sitting myself up I look him over. Lord he is beautiful. So peaceful in sleep. Face relaxed, at ease. Long lashes fan his cheeks. Face scruffy and sexy, in need of a good shave. Strong arms behind his head. He's propped fully clothed against the headboard. That's going to hurt when he wakes up. He even still has his cut and boots on. Shifting carefully I pull myself off of the bed. I go about removing his boots. After a long shower I throw on a pair of comfy boyfriend sweats and a cropped
Fog Hat
tee. Checking the bed Tank’s still asleep so I go down stairs. Headed for some much needed liquid energy in the kitchen. Making a pot of fresh coffee I leave it to brew while I check dad's room. Still gone. Making two cups of coffee I carry them back to my room.

            “Tank?” I whisper as softly as I can trying not to startle him awake. But I get nothing. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t make a noise. This man sleeps like a fucking log. Reaching out I touch his arm, “Tank,” I say a little more force. With a harsh start he damn near jumps off of the bed knocking me down. Stumbling back a little I catch myself before I land on my ass. Well that didn't work, scared the fucking hell out of him and myself. Eyes blinking rapidly, searching the room he looks a little lost for a second. “The fuck,” he stammers a little confused. Looking around he looks me up and down finally looking like he understands what’s going on. Letting go of a deep breath he sighs deeply. “Jesus Christ Lil,” he says his voice thick with sleep and a little shaky. “Sorry,” I tell him. Now I feel bad. I should have let the man sleep. Apparently he needed it. “I didn't mean to … well I mean … I'm sorry.” I'm a stuttering mess standing here feeling stupid. He shakes his head and smiles reassuringly. Standing straight he stretches. Arms pulling over his head. The strain and stretch of muscles in his body tighten. Shirt riding up, a tattoo across his lower stomach peeks out. Thighs clench. Panties dampen. Too damn hot for his and my own good. “No it's okay. Sorry I freaked. Ya scared the fuckin' hell outta me babe. Not used to being woken up by somebody.” No one wakes him up? What he always wakes the whores before he goes? Shaking the snarky thought off I hand him the coffee I brought. “Made it how I drink it.” I tell him in a way of an apology for the possibility of shit coffee. “How do you drink it?” he asks looking into the cup. His expression is bleak. It's not like I put arsenic in it. “Black.” I shrug. He chuckles shaking his head in amusement. “Never met a girl like you Lil.” His smile is genuine. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. He's not the first guy to tell me that. My high school boyfriend thought that about me. Look how that worked out for him.

            Settled at the breakfast bar Tank watches me cook breakfast. His eyes tracking my every move. Every time he watches me I notice he always seems to pay attention to everything. His eyes always taking in everything I do. He's offered to help a few times now. I appreciate his offer, but he'd only get in my way. The rumble of bikes filters in through the back door fallowed by heavy boots on the back porch. “Where's Tank ...” Pop's shouts from the door, stopping once he sees him. Looking over at me he offers a tight smile. Shit, that smile is not good. “Let's go. We've got shit to handle.” Without a word Tank stands up. Dad's words leave a sinking feeling in my stomach. He doesn't look happy. My dad's cell rings pulling him away for a second. Stepping outside he shouts into it, “the fuck's wrong now?” Yeah he's definitely pissed. In a hurried fashion I wrap four pieces of bacon and two sausage links in a pancake. Fast food. Handing it to Tank he smirks at my little invention. It's not the first time I've made it and it won’t be the last. “Breakfast on the go, you tryin’ to get rid of me?” he teases. Smart ass. Walking right up to me he bends down and kisses my cheek catching me off guard. His scratchy scruff rubs against my cheek and jaw causing me to shiver. “Thanks babe,” he breathes softly, lips barely brushing my ear. My skin goose bumps. Damn. Turning away he strides out the door without another look. Swagger in that walk. Watching him go a void settles in. All of sudden the house is empty and big. Sagging onto a stool I let the silence of the house wash over me. I’ve been left alone. I knew moving back here I'd spend a lot of time alone. My dad has always been gone a lot. Runs, that's what he calls them. The name doesn't really matter. What does matter is he's gone, taking the guys with him and I'm stuck here alone. Before, at least I had my mom, friends, and old ladies to spend time with. Now I'm alone. I could spend time with the wives and girlfriends of club members, but they too have lives. The roar of bikes fills the silence until they fade into the distance. Alone for now.

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