Authors: Jaci J
Walking back into the club later that night it's dead and dark. Idly I wonder if Lil's around. She's always somewhere in the four front of my mind. I really need help. The lights pretty much killed except for the ones above the bar once I step inside. The place is dead. The rain pounding on the roof echoes in the large room. Leo's sitting at the bar with Sargent beers in hand talking quietly. Everyone else is gone as far as I can see. Bright flashes of light from the loft catch my attention. It's not very often the brothers hang up there unless we're playing poker. Heading up the stairs to see what’s going on I find it dark up there too. The only light coming from the large TV. Across from the TV is a large leather couch. Laid on that couch is a little Lil wrapped up in a blanket. “Hey sweets, whatcha doin' up here?” Big brown eyes find me. Smiling she lifts her legs up. “Sit and watch a movie with me,” she says softly. Because I can never seem to find my balls when I'm around her I sit my ass down right next to her. Curled onto her side, ass against my thigh. Laying her legs back over my lap she gets comfortable again. Instantly I put my hands on her. It’s a small part of her body, but I fucking take it. One hand on her thigh, the other around her ankle. Just one touch and I'm fucking hard. I try to ignore the deep ache, but it’s not going to be easy. Looking at the TV I see she's watching
intently. Eyes wide and focused. Bowl of popcorn on the floor next to her. A bottle of water clutched in her hand. Up here alone in the pitch black, raining pounding on the skylights, and she's watching scary movies. Never in my life have I met a girl like her. “You like scary movies baby?” I ask her. Turning those brown beauties back to me she smiles wickedly nodding enthusiastically. “Hell yes,” she chirps happily. “Always blowin' my mind babe.” Giving me a huge smile that lasts all of two seconds before her eyes are back on the movie. I'll take it. We sit silently for a moment and then out of nowhere she says, “Its Halloween, everyone's entitled to one good scare.” Baby just starts quoting the movie right before the actor says it. “How many times you seen this shit?” I ask waving a hand at the damn movie. That makes her laugh. Shrugging her shoulders she says flippantly, “a few times.” I spend hours up there with her watching movies. Sitting as close to me as she can to me. Some part of her body always touching me. We watch
The Exorcist, The Evil Dead, House of a 1000 Corpses, and Hellraiser.
And I'll be fucking damned, that little beautiful thing knows damn near every word to each scary movie we watch. A while later she looks at me, finally breaking eye contact with the movie. Cocking her head to one side eyes narrowed, lips curled into a sinister smile she looks at me with a strange expression. With an evil little laugh she says, “It’s all true. The bogeyman is real and you found him.” Her voice creepy and a little scary. Staring at her like she's nuts when she busts out laughing. “You … you should have seen your face,” she laughs softly. Listening to her laugh makes me smile. It makes that dead piece of meat in my chest work over time. “
House of a 1000 Corpses
is one of my favorite movies of all time,” she's finally able to say through her giggles. Nodding I'd have to agree considering she's knows it word for word. “You're a fuckin' weirdo baby.” Shrugging she shoots me a quick smirk. “Yeah, but you love it.” Fuck she's got me there. It's impossible not to too. And that's how my night goes. I spend hours up there with her laughing, talking, and watching horror movies together. I sit on that couch until four am with her. The entire time she smiles and giggles. Cuddled up on that couch against me, keeping her all to myself. Best fucking night.
Job is done. No blood spilled on our side. I'd say shit went in our favor. Ten miles until we pull back into town. It's been three long days. One day turned into three. Not my idea of fun, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I'm itching to get home and off of the road. Usually the road is where I'm at home. Always keeping me calm and focused. Out there on the open road with no restrictions. Not now. Knowing Lil's around has me antsy to get back. I'm just not sure what to make of her. She's been in the back of my mind these last few days. Women are important I get that shit. I guess I just never gave a fuck before. They have a place and serve a purpose to us and the club, but they've never really mattered to me before. Before Lil they were just somewhere to get my dick wet and clean up around the club. Don't get me wrong I love my mom. After pops died I sent her back North to keep her safe. Have her living with my aunt. Both of them safe and out of the way. But other than my mom, aunt, and one female cousin, women were just a thing to fuck for me. Nothing more, nothing less. Now Lil's got me thinking all kinds of crazy shit. Got me thinking about her constantly. Wondering, questioning shit. It's got me all kinds of fucked up in the head.
I can feel my burner vibrate in my pocket. Sliding it out I see Low's name across the screen. “Yeah,” I answer. Don't want to miss his call. “I'm hittin' the shop. Swing by see Lil, make sure she good.” With that he ends the call. Motherfucker doesn’t have to ask me twice. Turning down the long dirt road I fallow the line of trees. Not sure why Low's got to live in B.F.E. Fifteen miles out of town. Only house for miles. How Lil is safe out here alone is beyond me. Jesus Christ anything could happen to her. No one would be able to hear her scream out here. Pulling up in front of the house my hearts a little racy. The shit this girl does to me is crazy. Pulling up out front I don't see her jeep. I don't knock on the door. Never did before, not starting it now. The house is quiet when I walk in. The dogs out back in the yard. I can hear them barking. It is still pretty early though so I don't expect her to be awake. Pushing open her bedroom door I find someone other than Lil in her bed. What the fuck is Peaches doing here? And only in panties at that? Crazy ass Peaches. Closing it behind me I go in search of Lil. Not in any room thus far. Last room, Low's office. Pushing open the door I find her. What a fucking sight I find.
Lil's sitting on the floor, legs spread wide. Hair a fucking mess, lopsided on her head. I can see her side profile. What the fuck happened to her clothes? Black bra and black panties is all she's wearing. Fucking hot. Jesus Christ now I'm fucking hard. She's the picture of perfection. The best part of this whole fucking thing is the pile of guns she's sitting around. One gun in her hand, a nine millimeter. Crazy bitch, beautifully crazy. Turning her head towards me she smiles widely. Eyes a little red, but still bright. Jesus Christ. “Hey Tank,” she says her voice rough and gavel. “What the hell you doin'?” I ask her, because I'll be damned if I can figure it out myself. Looking around the mess of guns, down at herself, and back up and me she laughs. She is crazy, and I fucking love it. Patting the floor next to her she smiles again. Like the bitch I've become I sit my ass down next to her. “Seriously baby what are ya doin'?” Picking up a Glock I look it over. Holding up a kit she shrugs sheepishly. She's filing the guns. Fucking hell. Low's got her filing off serial numbers. “You shouldn't be doin' that shit.” Taking the shit and gun from her I set it down. Bad, bad fucking idea Low. Isn't that the prospects fucking job anyway? Not his God damn daughter. “He didn't ask me. I just know how it works. Y'all have been busy.” Pile of weapons and my eyes are only on her. Such a good little criminal she is. Looking her body over I can't help myself. There isn't a thing flawed on her perfect little body. She catches me looking and I don't fucking care. At this point it doesn't matter. She's a beautiful bitch and hell I've got a dick. “The naked bitch in your bed? And what the hell happened to
clothes?” I continue trying to figure this girl out. Shrugging she stands up. Giving me a good eye full. Fuck me, well more like fuck her. “A rough night,” she quips. The devil in those eyes. Help me Jesus.
Fallowing her into the kitchen she jumps onto the counter. Still damn near naked. The back door slams open. In walks Gin. Boots clomping on the wood floor. I all but throw myself over her body. This motherfucker does not need to see her without any damn clothes. Looking between her and I, he chuckles. Shrugging her lack of clothing off he leans himself against the counter. His big ol' grin says this isn't his first time seeing her like this. “Well shit. I'm havin' these flash backs to the night of the barbeque,” Gin laughs teasing Lil. Groaning she flops her head into my back. Her body on mine hits me straight in the stomach. I'm dying to put my hands all over her. “Shut the fuck up Gin,” she grumbles into my back. I can feel the heat of her body on me. What the hell? I'm getting a bad feeling about this shit. “Baby,” Peaches shrieks running down the stairs, throwing her naked body all over Gin. Catching her mid jump he cops a feel of her ass. Well I guess she didn't find her clothes. Crawling off Gin Peaches settles herself next to Lil on the counter. That girl has never been one for clothes. I'm pretty sure I've seen her naked as much as Gin has and she don't belong to me. He doesn’t seem to fucking care though. Looking at the two of them I can't help the smirk. Lil and Peaches now there's a fucking combo. Peaches is hot don't get me wrong. Long curly black hair, green eyes. Nice body. But it's Lil for Christ sake. Lil is a fucking sight. God damn gorgeous. Long dark brown hair you want to wrap your hands in. Deep brown eyes drawing you in. Perfect lips. Flawless skin. Big ass tits. Ass for days. Those thighs you just want wrapped around your head. Yeah she's pretty much perfect. Lil sits there innocently, bra and panties. Peaches, panties only. What the fuck did these two do last night? “Peaches you have too much fun without me last night?” Gin grins like an idiot. Peaches shoots Lil a look. They exchange some sort of girl look between the two of them. Peaches giggles. Am I missing something? Looking at Gin he's only looking at Peaches. He's lucky he loves that girl so damn much, because if he was looking at Lil like he is Peaches he'd be dead right now. Not to mention they're related which is sick as fuck on its own. “Nothing happened. I'm not seventeen anymore.” Lil mumbles. Gin and Peaches exchange look and she shakes her head. Picking Peaches up Gin hauls her out of the giggling. “Whatever ya say sis.” Leaving me alone with my little Lil. “Don't ask. It's not a story worth tellin' or hearin',” she stops me before I can ask. Yeah those are the worst kind of stories. I've got a whole shit load of those myself. “Might wanna throw some clothes on before the brothers start filin' in.” I offer her my hand. Taking it she hops off of the counter. “Thanks Tank.”
I left her at home with Peaches. Had shit to take care of. Picking up a load of guns and my head just ain't in the game. I can't get Lil out of my head. No matter how hard I try she's still there. Should fuck her out of my system. Fuck that bitch right out of my head. “You alright man?” Gin asks me while looking over an A.K. Fuck no I'm not. Shrugging I just grunt a, “yeah.” Picking up thousands of dollars’ worth of guns with my head all fucked is not a smart move. “You know that shit back at the house is just a fuckin' joke man. Lil's my cousin might as well be my little sister and that's fuckin' wrong. Just like givin' her hell,” he tells me while fucking with a rifle. Nodding I try to push her out of my head. I keep her pushed back, but it isn't easy. The deal goes as planned thank God. My shit isn't all together and I do not feel like dying today. “You got the truck? I gotta hit town for a few,” I ask Gin. Shaking his head he hops in the truck. “I got this shit,” he says through the window. Nodding my okay I hop on my bike. Ride that bitch to town. Picking up a part only takes a few minutes. Walking towards the door of the parts store I see a body on my bike. My blood boils instantly. Motherfuckers think its fun to look at her. Some are even stupid enough to sit on her. She ain't a God damn amusement park ride. Seeing fucking red and a dead body I smash my way through the door ready to tear somebody limb from limb. That's until I see her. Lil's thick thighs wrapped around my bike, arms folded over the handle bars. Sweet smile on her face. She's wearing some white jean shorts and a black tee. Hair down, aviators on her head. “Me n' your lady were just gettin' acquainted,” she says softy running a hand over the handle. My poor fucking dick twitches in my pants. She sure is giving him a workout. That thing doesn't get much wrest when Lil's around. Any other person touches my bike they lose a fucking hand. No bitch sits on my lady. Lil's body all over my lady has me fucking hard. “I think she likes you too,” I croak out pathetically. What the hell is wrong with me? Smiling she laughs looking happy. “Yeah? I like her too.” This is a picture I'll never forget. That image burned into my mind until I'm dead and buried. “Whatcha ya doin' out here?” I grumble, remembering the protection order we've got going. Shrugging she hops off the bike. An air of innocents and free spirit fallows her. “Needed a few things,” she says cryptically holding up a shopping bag. Fucking hell, she's alone. I thought I left her ass with Peaches. Her being out here alone annoys the shit out of me. What the fuck is the point of a protection order if no one fallows it? If she didn't bring a brother with her she should have at the God damn least brought a prospect or Peaches with her. “How you gettin' home?” I ask her. I'm not sure why I'm even asking because; she's coming with me either way. She doesn't get a choice. She's can come willingly or I'll take her by force. “I was going to call Peaches or something,” she says nonchalantly. Wrong answer. Swinging a leg over my girl I pat the seat behind me. My first bike I promised myself no bitch would ride on her. As I got older I changed that rule to no bitch on my bike until it was girl or my old lady and here I am inviting a girl on all the damn time. I'm getting soft. “You sure you don't mind?” she asks walking towards me. Am I sure? Never been surer. “Hop on, arms around me baby.” Sitting her little body behind me she wraps herself around me. Stuffing down the shiver her touch gives me. Start the bitch up, giving her a good throttle. Her little hands wiggle up under my cut. Fuck. I can feel her warm hands through my thin shirt. Thighs wrapped around me. Body pressed against mine. … Now I'm fucking hard again. Jesus Christ.