The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust (60 page)

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Garrard, John and Carol: list the Righteous in Brest-Litovsk

Gartenberg, Halina: hidden

Garwolin (Poland): a rescuer in

Gastruccio, Aldo: an Italian, helps Jews in Salonika

Gawrylkewicz, Antoni: warns Jews

Gazzaniga (Italy): a Jewish brother and sister given refuge in

Gdud, Vova: saved

Gechman, Dr Elias: helped by Polish fellow-prisoners

Gehre, Max and Anni: rescuers, in Berlin

Gelber, Maurycy: rescued

Gelozo, General Carlo: rejects a German appeal for help

General-Government (of German-occupied Poland): a protest from; acts of rescue in; mass murder in; punishments for helping Jews in; and a protest

Genoa (Italy): Jews from, found refuge in the countryside

‘Gerard, François and Jean-Louis’: and an assumed identity

Gerlier, Cardinal (Archbishop of Lyons): helps find hiding places for Jews; refuses to surrender Jewish children

German Catholic Peace Movement: and an active helper

German Confessional Church: and a Righteous act

German Green Police (Holland): an unsuccessful raid by

Germans: and ‘a friend of the Jews’ and a village rescue effort; and a laundry in Tamopol; and a factory hideout; and a warning to Jews in hiding; and a ‘soft-hearted Nazi officer’ and a Jewish couple in hiding; and a Righteous doctor; beyond Germany, Righteous acts of

Germany: and the Jews, xix–xx; refugees from; a Jew in, helps his rescuer after the war; post-war internment in; rescuers in; refugees from, find eventual sanctuary in France; a Benedictine monk’s distressing visit to (1938); a teenager from, finds sanctuary in Holland; refugee children from, find sanctuary in Italy; a Jewish girl protected in a munitions factory in

Geron, Bernard: finds sanctuary; with his rescuer and his rescuer’s son, Photo

Gerritsen, Gradus: a rescuer, shot

Gersfelt, Dr Jorgen: helps Jews escape

Gerstein, SS Lieutenant Kurt: shaken

Gerwen, Franz and Maria Julia van: Belgian rescuers; the attic hideout, Photo

Gestapo: and hostile neighbours, xvi; hunt for Jews; ‘fury’ of; execute non-Jews who help Jews; surround the Lvov ghetto; killings by; kill a Pole for helping Jews; torture a rescuer; Jews betrayed to; raids by; and a threatened betrayal; a rescuer arrested by; fear of arrest by; and a threat of blackmail; rescuers executed by; outwitted by a German countess; its chief allows fourteen Jews to leave Germany; active in Berlin; and a protest, in Berlin; in Innsbruck; a German hiding from; in Amsterdam; in Tarnow; in Cracow; in Lvov; in Prague; in Liptovsky St Mikulas; in Norway; in France; in Belgium; in Holland; in Italy; in Hungary; a rescuer’s confrontations with; learns of Italian refusal to support French anti-Jewish measures; the terror of, and rescue

Getter, Sister Matylda: rescues several hundred Jewish children

Geuzebroek-Zein, Klaasje: a Dutch rescuer

Giampereta (Italy): a safe haven in

Gies, Miep: a rescuer

Gietl (a rabbi’s daughter): saved; shot

Gilad-Goldman, Michael: recalls ‘a protector’

Gilleleje (Denmark): Jews hidden in, but discovered; the attic in, Photo

Gineste, Marie-Rose: transmits a protest

Ginsberg, Gizela: rescued

Ginz, Uta: recalls a Righteous Czech

Giorgetti, Ezio: hides thirty-eight Jews

Gitelman, David and Leah: hand over their baby girl

Gitelman, Getele: saved

Glagolyev, Aleksey: saves five Jews; Photo

Glasgow (Scotland): a Righteous award ceremony in

Glass House (Budapest): Swiss protection extended to; an Arrow Cross attack on; Photo

Glassman, Martin and Gary: the saga of their rescue

Glazer, Zwi (Zvi Gill): recalls a compassionate German guard

Glos Lubelski
(‘Voice of Lublin’): and the latest news

Gluskin, Monica: given refuge

God: his commandment; ‘does not allow murder’ ‘will protect us’ His ‘call and full authority’ distinction between Jews and others ‘unfaithful’ to; work ‘in honour of’ a ‘sign of the love of’ and the ‘task’ of rescue

Godlewski, Marceli: saves Jews

‘God’s punishment’: for saving Jews

Goebbels, Dr Josef: indignant; gives in; protest against Italian ‘lax’ treatment of Jews

Goering, Reichsmarschal Hermann: a protest to

Goeth, Amon: challenges two Righteous Austrians; his sadism

Gold, Edgar: reflects on collaboration, xix Goldberg, Jeffrey: meets two rescuers (in 1986)

Goldberg, Nadja: her daughter’s rescue

Goldberg, Rachala (Rachel): saved

Goldman, Maria: in hiding, victim of an SS reprisal

Goldschläger, Alain: reflects on the Righteous in Belgium

Goldschläger, Christian (a Jewish boy): given refuge

Goldstein, Bernard: his hiding places and rescuers

Goldstein, Evy: a baby, in hiding

Goldstein family: saved by a German

Goldstein, Herta: survives, in Berlin

Goldstein, Jack: and a commemoration for his rescuer

Goldstein, Rita: her rescuers; with a group of Catholic girls, Photo

Goldstein, Slioma and Tamara: rescued

Golleschau (Sudetenland): a destination denied

Golliet, Jeanne and François: help Jews escape to Switzerland

Golliet, Pierre: witnesses an act of rescue

Golovchenko, Polina: saves Jews

Gomoiu, Dr Victor: appeals on behalf of Jews

Gonsette, Alphonse and Emilie: save a Jewish child

good: ‘rare…and fragile’

Good, Michael: seeks to honour a Righteous German

Good, Pearl (Perela Esterowicz): and ‘Jews hidden by Gentiles’ in Vilna; and a Righteous German

Good Samaritan, the: recalled

Good Shepherd organization (Budapest): rescue efforts of

Goodman, Lea: and a German overseer

goodness: ‘leaves us gasping’ the ‘fragility’ of

Goral family: shelter Jews

‘Gordon, Renée’: an assumed name

Gorlova, Mrs: hides Jews

Gospels, the: insisted upon as a guide

Gosselies (Belgium): an act of rescue in

Gotautas, Bronius: saves a Jewish doctor

Grabowska, Anna: hides a Jewish woman

Graebe, Fritz: a German rescuer, in Poland

Greece: round-ups in, xix; acts of rescue in

Greek Orthodox: save Jews, xvi

Greenfield, Hana: reflects on rescue and recognition

Grenoble (France): a Jew given shelter near; betrayed Jews taken through

Grigoriev, Pyotr: saves Jews

Grobelny, Julian: active in Council for Assistance to the Jews

Grodek Jagiellonski (Eastern Galicia): a Jewess in hiding in

Grodno (eastern Poland): Jews sent for safety to; Jews helped to make contact with

Grondowsky (a Jew): saved

Groningen (Holland): rescuers in

Gross Kiesow (Pomerania): an act of rescue in

Gross Rosen concentration camp (Silesia):; deportations to

Grossman, Haika: helped by a German

Grüber, Pastor Heinrich: his Righteous acts; arrested and imprisoned

Gruenberg, Miriam: rescued

Grunbaum, Irene: ‘your small country remained open, Albania’

Gruner, Peter: his brave stance

Grüninger, Captain Paul: helps Jews

Grunwald, Margherita: arrested, tortured, killed

Gruszka Zaporska (Poland): and a Righteous Pole

Grutsch, Adelheid: provides a ‘paradise’

Grutsch, Lambert: an Austrian rescuer

Grzybowski Place (Warsaw): and a Righteous priest

Gualtieri, General Carlo di: opposes French anti-Jewish measures

Gubbio (Italy): Jews given refuge in

Guelen, Andrée: a Belgian rescuer

Guicherd, Victor and Josephine: rescuers

Guillaume, Marthe: a rescuer

Gulbinovicz, Olga: ‘How could we possibly refuse them help…?’

Gumpel, Ruth: gives testimony about her rescuers

Gumz, Emma: a rescuer, in Berlin

Gunther, Rolf: deportation plans of, thwarted

Gurs concentration camp (Vichy France): and a Righteous German pastor; young survivors of, hidden and saved

Gusarov, Katia: narrates a story of rescue

Gustav VI Adolf (King of Sweden): protests against deportations

Guterman, Ben: helped by a German soldier

Gutgeld, Jacob, Shalom and David: given sanctuary

Gutin family: saved

Gutman, Yisrael: reflects on Polish rescuers in Warsaw

Guy, Marinette: smuggles Jewish children into Switzerland

Gylys, Father Jonas: tries to comfort Jews

Gypsies: and the rescue of a Jewish girl in Holland; and a gesture of sympathy in Hungary; a Jewish girl in hiding with, Photo

Gyula, Bishop Czapik: saves eight Jewish women


Haarlem (Holland): Righteous acts in

Hagstrom, Suzan: recounts a story of rescue and danger; and the murder of a ‘kind man’

Hague, The (Holland): rescuers from; Jews from, smuggled out of Holland; a brief respite in; a baby smuggled into

Haifa (Palestine Mandate): Wallenberg serves in

Haining, Jane: her crime, to weep

Halevy, Leah: in hiding in Assisi

‘Halina’: an assumed name

Halter, Roman: rescued, and the fate of one of his rescuers

‘Hambenne, Janine’: an assumed identity

Hamburg (Germany): a German officer from, helps Jews

Hammerstein, Marie Therese von: warns Jews, and helps Jews

Hammond, George: helps save a Jewish girl

Hansson, Per Albin: agrees to help Danish Jews

Hardaga, Mustafa: protects Jews

Harder, Albert (and his wife): hide three Jewish women

Harshav, Barbara: gives details of a rescuer

Hass, Eidikus: sent for safety

Hass, Izabela (‘Zula’): her survival and rescue

Hass, Rena: survives

Hasselt (Belgium): Jewish girls saved near

Hausner, Gideon: expresses appreciation for Norwegian rescue efforts

Haussman, Karl: hidden and saved

‘He who saves one life…’:

Heart of Jesus Convent (Skorzec, Poland): two Jewish girls given sanctuary in

Hebras, Pierre and Louise: shelter a Jewish family

Hebrew language: and gravestones; and a girl taken out of the Kovno Ghetto

Heemstede (Holland): a Jewish girl in hiding in

Heerlen (Holland): a Jewish girl given refuge in

Hegedus, Tibor: recalls acts of rescue, amid slaughter

Hegyeshalom (Hungary): a Death March to

Helfgott, Anita: given sanctuary; Photos

Helfgott, Ben: saved

Hellman, Arthur: found refuge; betrayed and executed

Hellman, Emelie and Heinrich: deported

Hellman, Peter: recounts the story of a French rescuer

Helman, Benjamin: given sanctuary

Helman, Gdula: hidden and saved

Helman, Gita: hidden and betrayed

Helmanowitsch, SS Private: and an act of kindness in Dachau

Helmrich, Donata: helps Jewish girls

Helmrich, Eberhard: a German rescuer; reflects on motivation

Helweg, Ole: helps Jews escape from Denmark

Henia (a Jewish girl): saved

‘Henry, Ginette’: an assumed identity

Herben, Jantje: found a safe haven

Herbst, Sabina and Ziunia: saved

Herches (a Polish Jew): in hiding

Herczog, Dora (Dora Herczog Levi): recalls her family’s rescue

Herczog family: in hiding in Italy

Herensztat, Greta: her rescuer

Héritier, Henri and Emma: shelter Jewish children

Herman, Marek: hidden by Italians

Hermina (a Jewish girl): her successful bribe

Hershkowitz, Martin: escapes execution

Herzog, Henry: his rescuers

Hesse, Kurt and Erica: befriended

‘Hexa No. 2’: an act of kindness by

‘Hidden Children’: gather, xvi; and Father Bruno

Hiller, Moses and Helen: entrust their two-year-old child to a Catholic couple

Hiller, Shachne: in hiding; Photo

Hilvarenbeek (Holland): an escape route through

Hilversum (Holland): a rescuer in

Himmler, Heinrich: orders an arrest; seeks deportation of Finland’s Jews; protests at Italian ‘resistance to the Final Solution’

Hirschel, Hans: hidden; marries his rescuer

Hirschi, Agnes: given shelter; reflects on Carl Lutz’s motivation

Hirshaut, Julien: recalls ‘a decent Gentile’

Hirszfeld, Professor Ludwig: saved

Hitler, Adolf: his ‘inferno’ his repression; his Jewish policies challenged, by a German pastor; outwitted by Bulgaria; and the Jews of Denmark; ‘support’ for victims of, in Belgium; ‘comfort’ in the news of the assassination of; rebuffed by Hungary’s Admiral Horthy

Hitler’s Chancellery (Berlin): a protest forwarded to

Ho, Dr Feng Shan: helps Jews leave Vienna

Hobart (Tasmania): a rescuer emigrates to

Hodbomont (Belgium): Jews in hiding in

Hoffnung, Martha: warned, and finds safety

Holland: a survivor from, xix; round-ups in, xix; and the German invasion; a German pastor helps Jews escape to; a German woman helps Jews escape to, and is executed; two Righteous Germans in; acts of rescue in; dislike of German occupation in; a hiding place in, discovered, Photos

Holland, Paul: gives refuge, with his mother

Holländer, Lisa: a Christian rescuer, in Berlin

Holländer, Paul: a Jew, killed

Holy Cross Society (Budapest): the head of, rescues Jews

Homar family: shelter Jews

Home Army (Armia Krajowa): helps Jews; harms Jews

Home for the Blind (Hodbomont, Belgium): Jews in hiding in

Home of Leffe (Belgium): shelters Jews

Hoones Forest (Holland): a hiding place in

Horobacki, Milica: teaches English

Horobacki, Wladyslaw: gives sanctuary

Horodyszcze Hill labour camp (Eastern Galicia):

Horowitz, Helena: rescued

Horowitz, Isaac, Bala and Gabriel: given refuge

Horstmeyer, Rudolf and Felicia: protected by former pupils

Horthy, Admiral: twice rejects Hitler’s request; demands an end to deportations

Horvath, Kalman: his efforts to save Jews from deportation

Horvatinovic, Professor Branko: saved

Hoszcza (Poland): a Jewish family rescued in

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