The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust (61 page)

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Howil, Boguslaw: helps a Jewish friend

Hoxha, Nuro: hides Jews

Hryhorysztyn, Olena: ‘rich in spirit’

Hryniewicz, Sister Beata Bronislawa: helps two Jewish girls

Huellensen, Baroness von: a Jewish child hidden on her estate

Huffener family: rescuers, in Holland

Huguenots: descendants of, save Jews

humanist, a: also a rescuer

Hungarian diplomats: help Jews (in Rome):

Hungary: round-ups in, xix; Jews helped to escape to; a refugee from, in hiding in Italy; acts of rescue in

Huttenbach, Henry: writes about a Jewish couple in Worms, xix–xx

Hyrawka labour camp (Eastern Galicia): and a German rescuer


Ides family: Dutch rescuers

Ignalino (Vilna district): rescue in

Imam of Rhodes: saves Scroll of the Law

Independence Front (Belgium): appeals on behalf of Jews; helps Belgian Jews

Indig, Josef: a Jewish rescuer

industrialists (in Berlin): warn Jews

Infants’ House (Kaunas, Lithuania): Jewish children hidden in

Ingelscher, Paula: in hiding, Photo

Innsbruck (Austria): and the rescue of two Jewish women

Inquisition: rejected by the Dutch

Institut St Nicolas (Anderlecht, Belgium): two Jewish boys given sanctuary in

International Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission: and Cardinal Stepinac

International Committee of the Red Cross: reunification work of; protests against Hungarian deportations; issues letters of protection in Budapest; helped by a Hungarian army officer; continued rescue efforts of, in Budapest

International Congress of Surgeons: a ‘legendary’ Righteous Pole at

‘International Ghetto’: in Budapest

International Society for Yad Vashem: the Chairman of, rescued with his family in Poland

‘Iovayshayte, Berute’: an assumed name

Ipp, Dr Tania: saved

Israel: survivors in; rescuers invited to; and Soviet Jews; a rescuer and his survivor wife move to; a German rescuer settles in; a Righteous Gentile award in

Israeli Parliament (Knesset): Dutch rescuers described in, as ‘the exceptional ones’

Italiaander, Cirla (Cirla Lewis): in hiding

Italiaander, Jaap: deported and killed

‘Italian Wallenberg’ (Giorgio Perlasca): honoured

Italian Zone (south-eastern France): Jews smuggled to; Goebbels protests at ‘lax’ Italian treatment of Jews in; further German protests concerning

Italy: round-ups in, xix; invades Albania; a Papal Nuncio from, saves Jews; acts of rescue in

Izbica Lubelska (Poland): a Jewish family from, helped

Izieu (France): Jewish children taken from, by the SS


Jachowicz, Josef and his wife: hide a Jewish child; Photo

Jachowicz, Ryszard: recognized as Righteous, with his mother and fiancée

Jacobs, Helen: a rescuer

Jacobson, Philip: reports on a ‘turning point’

Jacqumotte, Réne: rescues twenty Jewish children

Jadwiga, Sister: hides a Jewish girl

Jaeger, Maximilian: supports his colleagues’ rescue efforts

Jaffa, Sharon: writes about a Jewish boy in hiding

Jakubowicz, Jakow: saved

Jamin, Father: shelters Jews

Jaminet, Father: shelters Jews

Jamoigne (Belgium): Jewish children given refuge in

Janina (Greece): ‘The Christian people…powerless’

‘Janina S.’: a rescuer

Janossy, Father Jozsef: rescues Jews in Budapest

Janowska concentration camp (Lvov):; a ‘very good sort’ in

Jansen, Jo: helps rescue a Jewish friend

Janssen, Hank: falls for a deception

Japan: Jews reach

Jarvin, Marcel: rescued, arrested, saved

Jasinski, Emilia: gives shelter

Jasinski, Stanislaw: gives shelter

Jasky, Joseph: hides three Jewish women

Jassy (Romania): a death train from

‘Jausson, Jeanine’: an assumed identity, Photo

Jedwabne (Poland): Jews rescued in

Jehovah’s Witness, a: helps Jews

Jelechowice (Eastern Galicia): Jews saved in

Jeretzian, Dr Ara: shelters Jews in Budapest

Jericho: and the road from Jerusalem

Jerusalem: funeral in, xv; conference in; evidence in; Avenue of the Righteous in; a rescuer invited to; ‘Hidden Children’ gather in; a visitor to, later leads rescue efforts; and the road to Jericho

Jerusalem Alley (Warsaw): and a search for a safe haven

‘Jerusalem of Lithuania’ (Vilna):

Jerusalem Post
: interviews a ‘Jew-lover’ describes a ceremony in Amsterdam honouring rescuers

Jerzens (Austria): a Jewish woman ‘in paradise’ in

Jesuit College (Budapest): the Prior of, gives Jews sanctuary

Jesuit Residence (Budapest): sanctuary in

Jesuits: save Jews, xvi

Jesus: and a Ukrainian’s curse; and the population of Drohobycz; and the peasants of Siedliska; ‘Go thou and do likewise’ ‘I would be forgiven’ a ‘witness’ to a pledge; work ‘pleasing’ to; the ‘idea of’, and a rescuer

Jewish Centre of Culture (Warsaw): Righteous medals presented at

Jewish Children’s Home (Oslo): a warning to

Jewish Council (Amsterdam, Holland): and an ominous notice

Jewish Fighting Organization (Warsaw): seeks weapons; a member of, in hiding; members of, recall Righteous Poles; a member of, saved after being wounded

Jewish Foundation for the Righteous: assists rescuers

Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw): testimony in

Joachim S.: in hiding

Jodoigne (Belgium): Jews hidden in

Jolimont (Belgium): a clinic in, shelters Jews

Jonisz, Cywia: in hiding

Josephinium (Budapest): sixty Jewish children hidden in

Jozefek, Kazimierz: hanged for helping Jews

Jozsefvaros Station (Budapest): deportations from

Jozwikowska, Sister Stanislawa: takes in two Jewish girls

Jukalo, Mr: helps Jews

Jurgens, Albert: a rescuer, in Berlin

Jurkovic, Pastor: helps Jews

Justice in Jerusalem
(Gideon Hausner): thanks Norwegian resistance for rescue efforts

Justman-Wisnicki, Lorraine: reflects on ‘the plague of blackmail’ helped by Austrians

Justyna, Danka: helps save three Jews

Justyna, Mala: helps save three Jews

Jusym, Salomon: in hiding

Juzek family: hide Jews


Kabacznik, Miriam: in hiding

Kabilio-Grinberg, Tova: and her father’s escape

Kaczerginski, Shmerl: saved

Kaczmarek, Father: and a Jewish girl in hiding

Kaczmarski, Stefan: killed for hiding Jews

Kagan, Idel (Jack): and rescue in eastern Poland

Kagan, Joseph: saved

Kagan, Margaret: saved

Kagan, Mira: hidden

Kajszczak, Bronislaw: ‘truly risked his life for us’

Kakol, Jan: saves a Jewish child

Kalarash (Romania): a death train to

Kalenczuk, Fiodor: saves Jews

Kalin, Lea: protected in a munitions factory; with her Polish fellow-workers, Photo

Kallo, Ferenc: a rescuer, executed

Kaltenbrunner, Ernst: protests about Italian help for Jews

Kaluszko, Jan: helps Jews in Warsaw

Kamenets Podolsk (Ukraine): acts of rescue at

Kaminska, Mrs: suspects a Jewish woman is in hiding

Kampen (Holland): rescuers in

Kampenhout, Reinier: a Dutch rescuer, caught and killed

Kanabus, Dr Feliks: reverses circumcisions

Kanes, Caroline: ‘smuggle my baby out…’

Kanes, Levie: a Jewish baby, saved in Holland

Kanes, Levie (senior) and Ester: murdered at Sobibor

Kanes, Maurits and Rebecca: murdered at Auschwitz with their children

Kanes, Salomon: murdered

Kanis, Jan: a rescuer, in Holland

Kanis, Petronela: takes over her husband’s work of rescue

Kanner, Cecile (Cecile Kann-Kanner): the saga of her rescue

Kansas City Star
: a reporter on, seeks recognition for a rescuer

Kanzler, Simon: in hiding, victim of an SS reprisal

Kapitan, Yashuk: shelters Jews

Kaplan, Mary: hidden

Kaplanas, Zahar: saved

Karlby, Bent: helps Jews escape from Denmark

Karpe, Liese: her parents comforted

Karrer, Lucas: sends Jews to safety

Kassa (Hungarian-occupied Czechoslovakia): an act of rescue in

Katerini (Greece): rescue in

Katow (a Dutch Jewish girl): in hiding

Katyn forest (Russia): murders at

Katzenelson, Yitzhak: interned with his son; deported

Kaufering (Germany): an act of kindness at

Kaufman, Guta: saved

Kaufmann, Marion: her various rescuers; with her Gypsy rescuers, Photo

Kaunas (Lithuania): ‘Righteous Diplomats’ in; ‘Righteous Gentiles’ in;
see also
Kovno Ghetto

Kavaja (Albania): Jews find refuge in

Kazimierz Square (Warsaw): and the murder of a family that sheltered Jews

Keidziai (Lithuania): Jews hidden in

Keller, Zygmunt: in hiding

Kepski, Juliusz and Stefania: given refuge

Kerkhofs, Bishop: helps hide Jews

Kermisz, Dr J.: information provided by

Keurhorst, Cornelius: a rescuer, shot

Kfare, Roza: in hiding

‘Khaminskyi’: a surname, in hiding

Kharkov (Ukraine): rescuers in

Kielce (Poland): a rescuer escapes in; rescuers in; Council for Assistance to the Jews in; a Christian woman from, and her acts of kindness in Auschwitz

Kiev (Ukraine): a priest in, saves Jews; a Righteous German, in a labour camp near; two Righteous Ukrainian sisters in

Kilessopoulis, Nikos: helps Jews

Kindertransport: rescue of Jews through

Kiril, Metropolitan (of Plovdiv): rescues Jews

Kiss, Barna: helps Jews in his labour unit

Kistarcsa (Hungary): a Scottish woman deported from; Jews brought out from

Kizelshtein family: saved by a German

Kizelshtein, Mina (Mina Doron): her testimony about a Righteous German

Kizelshtein, Shamai: gives testimony for a Righteous German

Klajman, Jankiel: and ‘the kindness of many strangers’

Klarsfeld, Serge: and the war against French Jewish children

Klass-Aronowitz, Selma: recalls her rescuer

Kleiba, Father: shelters Jews

Kleiman, Lidia: in hiding

Klein, Annie and Charles: in hiding, with the daughter of their rescuer, Photo

Klein, Maria: given sanctuary

Klejnot, Estera: given refuge

Klepacka, Maria: her act of rescue

Klepacka-Donalis, Helena: recognized as Righteous

Kleparow (Lvov): a rescuer in, executed

Klepinin, Father: helps Jews; arrested

Klibanski, Bronka: pays tribute to a rescuer

Klima, Mrs: helps hide a Jewish couple

Klin, David: recalls help given to Jews

Klipstein, Irma and Leo: find refuge

Klipstein, Ursula (Janine Gimpleman Sokolov): in hiding

Klukowski, Dr Zygmunt: records fate of a Righteous Pole

Knapp, Max and Ans: help save a Jewish child

Knies, Hildegard: a rescuer, in Berlin

Knochen, SS Colonel: protests at Italian refusal to adopt German view of ‘the Jewish question’ protests at Italian sabotage of anti-Jewish measures

Kobilnitsky, Lew: rescues Jews

Koehler, Max: a rescuer, in Berlin

Kohl, Max: a German rescuer

Kolacz, Andrzej: hides six Jews

Kolacz family: rescuers

Kolacz, Stanislawa: brings water for Jews in hiding

Koldiczewo (eastern Poland): a rescuer imprisoned at

Kolin (Czechoslovakia): a survivor from

Kolomyja (Eastern Galicia): Jews saved in; an escapee from

Kongsvinger (Norway): a route to safety through

Konieczny, Joseph (and his sons Stach and Sender): shelter seventeen Jews

Konieczny, Mrs: shot

Kontsevych family: shelter Jews

Kontsevych, Tanka: her ‘humaneness’

Kopacsi, Sandor: hides seven Jews

Koren, Pastor Emil: helps Jews in Budapest

Koreniuk, Marie: helps Jews in hiding

Korkuc, Kazimierz: helps Jews

Korkuciany (Poland): Jews find refuge in

Korkut, Dervis: refuses to collaborate

Korkut, Servet: and a rescue stratagem

Korn, David: and the noble acts of Pastor Kuna

kosher food: provided for Jews in hiding

Koslowska, Krystyna: recognized as Righteous

Kosovo (Yugoslavia): Jews deported from

Kosow (Eastern Galicia): a Jewish girl hidden in

Kossak, Zofia: and the Council for Assistance to the Jews; Photo

Kostopol (Poland): an escape from

Kostowiec (Poland): an orphanage at

Kostrze (Poland): a ‘kind’ German at

Kovno Ghetto (Lithuania): Jews rescued from; a survivor of, and an act of kindness in Dachau; a survivor of, and an act of kindness in a slave labour camp

Kowalski, Colonel Wladislaw: his rescue efforts

Kowicki, Janka: and a Jewish girl in hiding

Kowicki, Sophie and Emil: rescuers

Kozlovsky, Kostik: helps Jews

Krakinowski, Miriam: saved

‘Kraler, Mr’: a rescuer’s pseudonym

Kramarski, Alojzy: a Polish ‘benefactor’

Kranz, Zygmunt and Franciszka: saved, with their son

Kranzberg, Pessah: hidden, with his family

Krasucki, Irena: takes in a new-born infant

Kraszewski, Bianka: in hiding

Krell, Robert: recalls his Dutch rescuers

Kremenchug (Russia): a Righteous Russian in

Kremer, Akiba: given shelter, then murdered

Kreuzlingen (Switzerland): women released from a concentration camp reach Switzerland through

Kristallnacht: Jewish refugees from; and a prayer ‘for the Jews’ and a Nazi Party member’s contempt for

Krol, Mulik: rescued

Kron, Gita: her daughter saved

Kron, Ruth: saved

Kron, Tamara: deported

Krosney, Mary Stewart: recounts the story of a French rescuer

Kruja (Albania): Jews find refuge in

Krupinksi, Jerzy and Aniela: given sanctuary

Kryvoiaza, Alexander: saves Jews

Kryzhevsky, Fedor: saves Jews

Ksiaz Wielki (Poland): seventeen Jews hidden in

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