The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust (62 page)

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Kubran, Jack: saved

Kubran, Lea: saved

Kudlatschek (a Sudeten German): helps Jews

Kugler, Victor: a rescuer, betrayed

Kujata, Father Michael: hides a Jewish girl; Photo

Kukuryk, Wladyslaw: shelters two Jews

Kuna, General: a liberator

Kuna, Pastor Vladimir: helps Jews

Kurjanowicz, Ignacy and Maria: save Jews

Kurpi, Bronislawa: saves a four-year-old boy; Photo

‘Kurpi, Stanislaw Henryk’: an assumed identity; Photo

Kurtz (husband and wife): adopt a ‘Hidden Child’

Kutorgene, Dr Elena: hides Jews

Kuziai (Lithuania): a journey of rescue to

Kwiecinska, Janina: hides Jews

Kwiecinska, Janina, Maria and Hanna: help their mother (also named Janina) hide Jews

Kyprian, Father: and a Jewish boy in hiding


La Bouverie (Belgium): Jews given refuge in

La Caillaudière (France): a Jewish girl saved in

La Farge, Mademoiselle: a rescuer

La Garneyre (France): two Jewish children in hiding at

La Guespy children’s home (France): Jewish children hidden in

La Tour d’Auvergne (France): a rescuer in

Lacny, Wladyslaw, Stanislawa and Irena: give refuge to a Jewish family

Lador, Ehud: presents Righteous medals

Lafayette, Marquis de: his château becomes a place of refuge

Lajbman, Isaac and Bernard: given refuge; Photo

Lamhaut, Sara: in hiding; her First Communion, Photo

Landau, Dr Kamila: saved

Landau, Ludwig: sheltered, denounced, executed

Lando, Jerzy: the saga of his rescue

Lapchensko, Chaim: helped by a German

Lapis, Father: attempts to save Jews

Laporterie, Raoul: his rescue efforts

Laskowski (an Ethnic German): a decent guard

Latte, Konrad: his many rescuers

Lattes, Mario: recalls an Italian rescuer

Latvia: rescuers in

Latvians: and collaboration, xix; and rescue

Lau, Israel (later Chief Rabbi): saved

Laurentius, Dr: a ‘righteous man’

Laurysiewicz, Stefania: protects three Jews

Lavorishkes (Lithuania): an act of rescue in

Laxander, Walenty: saves a Jewish child

Lazanowski family: rescue three Jews

Lazareanu, Barbu: seeks help

Lazdijai (Lithuania): a Jewish girl saved in

Laznik, Esther Rachel: saved

Laznik, Heinich: his daughter’s rescue; finds his daughter after the war

Le Chambon-sur-Lignon (France): Jews in hiding at; a rescuer with some of her ‘children’ at, Photo

Le Coteau Fleuri (France): a refugee home

Le Henaff, Germaine: hides Jewish children

Le Jeune, Jeanne: hides a Jewish boy

Le Puy (France): a rescuer arrested in

Le Vernet (France): internment camp at

Lederman, Annette and Margot: in hiding; Photo

Leenhardt, Dr Adolf: a Viennese, helps Jews in Poland; and a rescue stratagem

Lefèvre family: shelter a Jewish boy

Leffe, Home of (Belgium): Jews given refuge in

Leforestier, Dr Roger and Danielle: help Jews; together, Photo

Lehr, General Alexander von: fails to get Italian help

Lehrer (a lawyer): saved

Lientje (a Jewish girl): with her rescuer, Photo

Leitner, Isabella: recalls a ‘gentile woman’ in Auschwitz who helped Jews

Lemecki, Mr: thanks Hitler, but saves Jews

Lemensorf, Leopold: helped by an Austrian

Leningrad (Russia): German drive to

Lentink-de-Boer, Eelkje: a Dutch rescuer

Lepin le Lac (France): a journey to safety through

Lepkifter, Grand Rabbi (of Liège): given refuge

‘Leroy’: an assumed surname

Lesin, Benjamin: relates a story of rescue and murder; and the ‘modesty’ of rescuers

Lesko (Poland): rescuers in

Lesterps (France): an act of rescue at

Levai, Eugene: lists Christian rescuers in Budapest

Levi family (from Genoa): protected by an Italian family

Levi, Elia: recalls her family’s rescue

Levi, Primo: at Buna-Monowitz

Levin, Isidor: saved

Levin, Leyzer: found a hiding place

Levine, Allan: reflects on betrayal and rescue

Levis family: rescued

Levis, Jeff (Pepos Levis): and ‘Greek Christian friends’

Levy, Alexander: recounts his mother’s rescue

Levy, Josephine: protected

Lévy, Madeleine: murdered

Lewartow, Rabbi Menashe: and ‘last respects to the dead’

Lewin, Rabbi Aaron: murdered

Lewin, Cesia and Janek: shelter found for

Lewin, Kurt: found a place to hide

Lewin, Yechezkel: seeks support for fellow Jews

Lewin, Zofia: records Righteous acts; reflects on her rescuers

Lewit, Erna: saved

Lewit, Jakov: his daughter in hiding

Lewkowitz, Berthe and Jacques: given a safe haven

Lewkowitz, Perl: deported with one of her sons

Leysorek, Heynoch: escapes execution

Lichtenberg, Bernhard: offers prayers for the Jews

Lichterman, Jakub: finds refuge from a Death March

Liczkowce (Eastern Galicia): a Jewish girl hidden in

Lida (eastern Poland): an escape route through; Jews sent for safety to

Liderman, Josef: seeks sanctuary, then murdered

Liderman, Szmuel: seeks sanctuary

Liedke, Major: agrees to a subterfuge

Liège (Belgium): and a Belgian rescuer

Liem, Jean-Louis and Betty: rescuers

Lille (France): a Dutch escape route through

Lillehammer (Norway): Jews in hiding in

Limbourg (Belgium): a Jewish girl in hiding in

Limburg province (Holland): rescuers from

Limoges (France): Jews smuggled to; a Jewish family given shelter near

Lindenberg, Renée: saved, xvii

Lingens-Reiner, Ella: saves a Jewish girl; helps a Jew escape, and punished

Lipke, Alfred: helps his father hide Jews

Lipke, Janis: saves Jews

Lipke, Johanna: helps her husband hide Jews

Liptovsky St Mikulas (Slovakia): refuge in

Liszewski, Wladyslaw: helps Jews in hiding

Lithuania: paucity of rescuers in, xvii; Jews flee through; and Vilna; acts of rescue in

Lithuanian Nationalists: murder a rescuer of Jews

Lithuanians: and collaboration: xix

Litka (a rescuer’s daughter):

Lito, Dr Spiro: intercedes on behalf of Jews

Litovsky, Fira: given shelter

Litovsky, Masha: in hiding

Litvin family: in hiding

Liwarek, Rosa (Lady Lipworth): the saga of her rescue

Lobith-Tolkamer (Holland): rescuers in

Lodz (Poland): a rescuer from; deportations to

Lomna (Eastern Galicia): Jewish girls hidden in

Lomza (Poland): Jews in hiding in villages near

Londner-Conforti, Dora: given shelter

London (England): a Righteous Polish couple honoured in; testimony about two Righteous Poles given in; a Righteous Dutch woman honoured in

Loosdrecht (Holland): a Zionist kibbutz at

‘L’Or, Josie’: an assumed identity

Lorraine: refugees from, in hiding with Jews

Louvain (Belgium): Jews hidden in

‘Loverina, Maria’: an assumed identity

Lowenthal, Isidore and Régine: smuggled into Switzerland

Löwi family (from Germany): given refuge in Italy

Lowy, Temi: found refuge

Lubartow (Poland): Jews in hiding in

Lubbeek (Belgium): six Jewish girls in hiding at; Photo

Lubetkin, Zivia: and Polish weaponry given to Jews; given shelter

Lublin (Poland): Council for Assistance to the Jews in

Luckner, Gertrud: helps Jews

Ludwikowski, Alojzy: helps Jews

Luisa, Maria de: finds a place of refuge for her former employers

Lukiszki Prison (Vilna): two Jews released from

Lukow (Poland): acts of betrayal at

Lund, Sigrid: helps Jews

Luserna San Giovanni (Italy): a Jewish family given refuge in

Lushnja (Albania): Jews find refuge in

Lustig, Hana (Hana Greenfield): recalls ‘good people’ near a slave labour camp

Lustig, finds refuge

Lutheran Evangelical Church (Slovakia): protests

Lutherans: save Jews, xvi

Lutjen family: rescuers, in Holland

Lutsk (Poland): murder and rescue in

Lutz, Carl: his rescue efforts in Budapest; remains in Budapest; provides a safe haven in his bomb shelter; his stepdaughter reflects on his motivation; Photo

Lutz, Gertrude: helps her husband in Budapest

Luxembourg: and two rescuers

Luzzati, Adriana: in hiding

Lvov (Eastern Galicia): acts of rescue in; rescuers on trial in; and a sewer hiding place; and an orphanage hiding place; a survivor from; refugees from; a rescuer’s journey to; Council for Assistance to the Jews in; an escapee from; German rescuers in; Italian soldiers in, help Jews

Lyons (France): rescue efforts in, and around; a rescuer imprisoned in; a journey through, to safety; order for arrest of Jews cancelled in

Lyrer, Eugen: helps shelter Jewish children


Maastricht (Holland): rescuers in

Macedonia: Jews deported from; Italian consular protection in

Macenavicius, Antanas and Maria: save Jews

Machay, the Reverend Dr Ferdynand: gives shelter

Madritsch, Julius: a Righteous Austrian, in Poland

Maglione, Cardinal: reports ‘gross infraction’ of principles

Mahler, Selik and Salomon: helped to escape

Mährisch-Ostrau (Moravska Ostrava, Czechoslovakia): Emilie Schindler’s mission of mercy to

Majdanek concentration camp (German-occupied Poland):; a Polish prisoner in, helps Jewish prisoners

Malach, Madame: and her Italian rescuer

Malickis (husband and wife): save Jews

Malines (Belgium): a detention camp at; medical help in a convent at; a Jewish couple find safety in; deportations from

Malle, Louis: his film tribute to a rescuer

Maltzan, Countess Maria von: helps Jews, and hides Jews

Mandil, Irena and Gavra: in hiding, with their rescuers, Photo

Manielewicz, Celina: rescued, after a massacre

Manker, Khemie and Lily: saved

Mann, Gertrude (Gertrude Krol-Mann): smuggled out of Holland

Mannheim (Germany): a young deportee from a village near, hidden and saved

Mantoudis, Michael and Adamantia: hide a family of Greek Jews

Maplewood (New Jersey): a rescuer commemorated in

Marcinelles (Belgium): two Jewish boys in hiding in

Marconi, Monsignor Giuseppe: intervenes to help Jews

margarine and sausages: in a labour camp

Margoshes, Dr S.: meets a ‘legendary’ rescuer

Maria and Stefan (husband and wife): rescuers

Marianne and Adèle (Catholic sisters): give refuge to two Jewish children

Maribor (Slovenia): Jewish girls helped in

‘Marina and Gilberto Carnazzi’: an assumed identity

Marienburg (East Prussia): British rescuers from a prisoner-of-war camp at

marmalade: a gift of

Marneffe (Belgium): internment at

Marquet, Abbé: helps Jews

Marseilles (France): Jews helped to leave; Jews hidden in; a route to safety through

Marszalkowska Street (Warsaw): refuge near

Marten family (Belgium): shelters Jews

Masing, Dr Uku and Eha: save a Jewish student

Masse, Albert: saves a nine-year-old Jewish boy

Masutti family: help a Jewish family

Mat, Abbé: his acts of rescue

Matassini (an Italian peasant): helps a Jewish family

Matusiewicz, Josef and Paulina: shelter a Jewish girl

Matuson, Sara: saved by British prisoners of war

Matuszynski family: given shelter

Maurits, Willem and Jeanne: Dutch rescuers

Maury, Monseigneur Jean-Baptiste: helps save Jewish children

Mauthausen concentration camp: a rescuer deported to; deportation of Jews to; and a warning in Holland; deportations to, from Budapest; Jewish women released from, and taken to Switzerland; a train reaches Switzerland from, Photo

Maxwell, Dr Elisabeth: reflects on rescue, xx; describes an ecumenical rescue effort; describes a Belgian rescuer; describes the rescue activities of a nun in a concentration camp

Mayer, Hans and Nel: look after Jewish children

Mazia, Frieda: witnesses an execution

Meed, Benjamin: reflects on rescue

Meed, Vladka: reflects on rescue; records acts of rescue

Meijer family: in hiding

Melamed, Joseph: recalls clergymen who rescued Jews

Memel: a German from, and an act of kindness in Dachau

Mende (France): a Jewish girl at school at

Mendes, Aristides de Sousa: helps Jews

Mendon, Madame: saves two Jewish children

Mersi, Captain Lucillo: helps Jews in Greece

Methodists: help Jews

Metz (France): refugees from, given false identity cards

Metz, Loekie: a Jewish girl, and a Dutch rescuer

Meulemeester family: Belgian rescuers

Meyer, Ernie: writes about a Righteous German Army officer

Meyers, Odette: in hiding

Miami (Florida): a survivor visits

Michalewska, Marja: helps Jews to survive

Michalowice (Poland): execution of Righteous Poles at

Michman, Dr Jozeph: writes about Dutch rescuers

Miessen, Heinrich: helps Jews in Holland

Mihai (Michael), King of Romania: his mother’s pressure on

Mikulai, Gusztav: saves Jews in Budapest

Milan (Italy): deportation and rescue in

Milanowek (near Warsaw): Council for Assistance to the Jews moves to

Milch, Baruch: saved, amid betrayal and slaughter

Milford, Charles (Klaus Mühlfelder): reflects on a protest in Berlin

Milis Institute (Prague): the head of, helps Jews

Millau (France): a Jewish girl in hiding in

Millieux, Roger: hides two Jews

Milowski, Helena and Waclaw: hide a Jewish couple

Milowski, Lucek: brings Jews water

Minneapolis (Minnesota): a survivor speaks in

Minsk (Byelorussia): rescue in

Minsk Mazowiecki (Poland): a rescuer in

Mironiuk, Okseniya: saves a Jew

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