The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (39 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

BOOK: The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions
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would read it.”
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
became a bestseller.

Processes for Creating a Positive Relationship with Money

Below are 5 powerful exercises to help you accelerate your prosperity. I highly recom-

mend that you practice them regularly. Work daily with the process for examining and

deleting your beliefs as well as the process for expanding your nervous system as they

are very powerful in creating fast and lasting changes.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

Practice Holding Money

Hold some money in your hands. Ask yourself how you feel about it. Are you holding a

little bit of money or a lot of money? Do you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? How

much money do you feel comfortable having in your wallet, in your bank account, in

your home? Are you comfortable with just a little or a lot? Every day, practice holding

more money than you are used to, increasing your comfort levels.

Examine Your Beliefs

Let’s examine some of your beliefs. When you focus on creating money, you need to

understand what deeply ingrained beliefs you may carry. Often, those beliefs come

from your parents and your childhood. Do you believe that money is bad, not spiritual,

hard to get? Do you tell yourself that there is not enough money? Do you ever say that

you don’t care about money, judge it, and judge people who have it? Do you feel con-

trolled by money? Do you feel limited and tell others you would be happy if you had

just enough to pay your bills?

For five minutes write down as many negative beliefs about money as you can think

of without stopping. Once you have done that, look at each one and do a simple

deleting process.

Say: “Divine Healing Intelligence, please help me delete, delete and delete my lim-

iting beliefs about money, such as ____________________ (put in a belief ), as well as

all points of view and positive and negative charge. Thank you.”

Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times until you feel lighter.

Visualize an Abundant Childhood

Think about what you felt toward money when you were a child. If your family was

poor or struggled with money, you may still carry those memories in your mind. A

meditation you can do is: Imagine yourself as a child having the things you wanted but

were unable to have. Picture what it would have been like if your family had, had plenty

of money and you were able to enjoy it. Allow yourself to feel good about having

money. Then visualize yourself growing up with a lot of money and all the


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opportunities that money provides. The intention is to build an internal feeling of

abundance and change ingrained childhood patterns.

See Yourself and Others as Abundant

For the next month, think of your friends and people that you meet as having an abun-

dance of money. This way you will reprogram your subconscious mind from lack to

plenty. Practice seeing them as abundant every time you think of, speak to, or see them.

Look at money every day and tell it that you like it or, even that you love it. The

better you feel about money, the more likely it will come into your life. Treat it like you

would treat a good friend. Bless your money every time you pay someone or your bills,

and ask that it return to you tenfold. Then imagine receiving it.

Write down and clarify your goals and dreams. Take daily steps toward making

these a reality. It does not matter how big or small a step. The important part is for you

to be consistent.

Expand the Nervous System

Rub your hands together vigorously, then hold apart about 5-10 centimeters. You

should feel a tingling sensation. Imagine holding a big ball of green light between your

hands. Focus on receiving more money, abundance, and fantastic opportunities than

you have ever experienced. Imagine that the energetic potential of all those opportuni-

ties are now being infused into this green ball of energy. Focus on feeling joyful at the

possibility of receiving those great things. The better you feel when you are focused on

manifesting, the faster it happens.

Allow that green ball of energy to grow.

Place your hands on your mid-back and breathe in. Visualize your whole nervous

system expanding and aligning to your dreams as it is being flooded with the powerful

green rays of light. Imagine receiving what you have asked for. Focus on embracing it

with your whole being. Give yourself permission to own and enjoy it. Be grateful that

you can manifest your dreams. The more real it feels, the faster you will receive it.


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Give yourself permission to be open to intuitive and Divine Guidance and to

taking the necessary steps towards your goal.

Invoke Success

Say the following statement out loud or to yourself: I accept my good on all levels:

mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual, and physical. I now open my mind, heart, and

soul to receive intuitive direction and Divine Guidance about my dreams. I now choose

to align myself with all the richness of life which is for my highest good. I attract

success and wonderful opportunities for me. Thank you.

Repeat the word “AMPLIFY” several times until you feel lighter.


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Part IV
Letting Go

The last part of this book is about taking off and letting go. As you let go of excess

emotional, physical, and energetic weight, you become lighter and have the capac-

ity to make new, empowered choices, which can help you take off and become more

successful in your life.

When your point of view about yourself and your life changes, your capacity to

become more present and a fuller participant of your life dramatically increases. Thus,

you become softer, more loving and accepting of yourself. When you let go of

something in your life, whether it is an old belief, weight, emotional discontent, rela-

tionship, house, country, or way of life, you have the possibility of welcoming new

people, opportunities, love, joy, growth, compassion, and soulfulness into your daily


Letting go is an important and often difficult part of maturing and moving forward.

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How You Can Love Your Body and

Attain Your Ideal Weight

I have struggled with my weight for many years. I have tried every diet under

the sun, but nothing seems to work. My weight issue is highly emotional;

it is possible it goes back to my childhood. I have never felt happy in my body and

have always judged it. I am ready to love my body and let go of any excess weight.

Can you please share some of your insights about weight loss?

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems facing the world today. Stress, fast

food, financial instability, lack of exercise, and an unhealthy lifestyle have con-

tributed to weight gain. Although diet and exercise is vital in order to maintain a

healthy body, unresolved emotions and deeply ingrained negative thought patterns can

play a huge role in holding on to unnecessary weight.

Stop Substituting Food for Love

Many people use food as a substitute for love, communication, and support, and as a

way to stuff down their feelings. Your body can also hold on to weight when it feels

under threat and in need of protection. Unconsciously, you may carry a belief that the

bigger you are, the stronger you will be, and that no one will be able to hurt you. More

than ever before, people are experiencing the pressure to rise to the top of their profes-

sions, make substantial incomes, travel, have stable family lives, spend time with their

children, and in other words, be superhuman.


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Often this leaves little time for us to connect to our bodies, eat consciously, deal

with challenging issues, and heal painful emotions.

Recognizing Your Worth

Girls and boys, younger than ever before, are developing eating disorders because they

are sold a particular image of beauty. Often weight problems begin early, with feelings

of not being good enough, self-judgment, and a deep need for love and approval.

When people have been abused, taken advantage of, or traumatized, they can

develop a negative self-image and punish themselves by eating unhealthy food and put-

ting on weight. Then they feel guilty and beat themselves up for being heavy and thus

begins a never-ending cycle of feeling fat, bad, and like a failure. They often see them-

selves as ugly, overweight, and worthless.

Recognizing your beauty, Divinity, and worth can help you to take care of yourself,

make better choices, heal, and lose weight. Connecting to your body can be very con-

fronting, as it will show you what you believe about yourself, the hurts you hold on to,

and how you treat yourself.

In order to change, you need to make a decision that you are lovable and have

the courage to make new choices. Taking care of yourself both internally and externally can

help you feel good about yourself, increase your self-confidence, and open doors to incredible

opportunities, relationships, friendships, jobs, and most importantly, contentment.

Laura’s Story: Owning Her Beauty

Laura had been obese for more than fifteen years. When I tuned in to her, I

knew that a traumatic experience had caused Laura to gain weight. She

recalled that when she was going through her divorce, she dressed up and

went with friends to a sporting event. A man passed her and whistled. At

that moment, Laura heard her soon to be ex-husband, who also happened

to be at the event, make a crude and painful comment.

Laura was so humiliated that she instantly closed up and disowned her

attractiveness and desirability. Within a few months, she had gained an


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enormous amount of weight. Repulsed by what had happened, she did all

she could to appear unattractive to men, so that she would never again

invite that kind of sexual attention.

It took a substantial amount of time for Laura to forgive her ex-husband

and move forward. She is still in the process of embracing her beauty and


I encouraged Laura to change her attitude toward her body and herself,

and discover how she could see and treat herself differently. Laura became

softer and more loving in her attitude to her body. She also worked on feel-

ing more comfortable with men.

Karen’s Story: Losing the Weight of a Traumatic Experience

Karen contacted me because, no matter what she did, she simply could not

lose weight. She’d gained excess weight in her childhood and had, had a

lifelong battle with the bulge.

When I tuned in to Karen, I saw that, as a young girl, she had been very

skinny. I knew something serious happened to her when she was younger,

as images of hospitalization flashed through my mind. I had a feeling that

Karen had almost died. I saw her soul float out of her body, surrounded by

people who were commenting that she looked so thin and fragile that they

did not think that she would make it.

Upon hearing those words, Karen made a subconscious decision to put

on weight, so that she could be strong and healthy and not end up on a

verge of death. She observed the pain that it caused her family and felt

guilty. She also felt an immense responsibility and desire to make them

happy. Since this was a life and death situation, Karen’s vow to hold on to

her weight was strong.

Karen was astonished to discover that this experience was stopping her

from shedding the weight. Once she recognized what had happened, she

worked with her inner child, creating a new set of choices. Within a short


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period of time, her weight began to drop as she no longer needed to pro-

tect this part of her.

She also began to create a new, healthy relationship with food, no

longer starving herself and then putting on weight.

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