The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (34 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

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system. Natasha was eager to understand the messages her body was

imparting before giving birth.

I told Natasha that on an emotional level, kidneys hold ancient sadness,

regrets, guilt, blame, suffering, the inability to trust, tiredness, and fear. Intu-

itively, I felt that her kidney problems were connected to her decision to

become a mother.

Natasha shared that her mother had died unexpectedly when she was

twenty. When this happened Natasha was so shocked and distressed that

instead of grieving, she pushed away all the pain and buried herself in her


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The Secret of Life Wellness

studies. When Natasha turned thirty, she felt that she wanted to be a


All the unprocessed pain and grief that Natasha had buried manifested

as a kidney infection. Although she no longer had an infection, she still felt a

lot of sensitivity and discomfort around her kidneys and wanted to heal

completely. She resonated with my explanation and was willing to do a

completion ceremony with her mother.

I advised Natasha to place her hands on the area of her body where she

was still holding grief and take slow breaths. I also shared that releasing

sorrow would help her baby feel more peaceful and comfortable. Natasha

placed her hands on her solar plexus, closed her eyes, and visualized her

mum as she remembered her. She talked to her mum, telling her how dev-

astated she felt at her passing. She also imagined that her mum answered.

Natasha shared with her mum her feelings about becoming a mother and

her disappointment at not having her around when she has the baby. She

then asked her mother’s soul to bless and support her during labor.

After Natasha completed the process, she felt exhausted but cleansed.

All the discomfort she had in her kidneys disappeared. I encouraged her to

communicate with her mother whenever she needed extra support, knowing

that her mother’s love was always there. I also urged Natasha to recognize

where female support and motherly influence was present in her life.

During labor Natasha felt strong, empowered, and supported. She gave

birth naturally to a beautiful baby boy.

Natural Birth

Natural birth can be an empowering way to bring a child into the world. Often, a natu-

ral approach is gentler, less stressful, and less intrusive with little complication


A satisfying birth experience is strongly connected to the amount of control a woman

feels she can exercise over the actual birth. Preparation is the key to natural birth.


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Inna Segal

In natural birthing classes, women are taught to use their breath, heat, massage, and

water to lessen the pain in labor. They are also encouraged to mentally prepare and use

relaxation, visualization, and affirmation techniques to assist themselves through preg-

nancy, birth, and motherhood. Some women also work with hypnosis, color healing and

aromatherapy to aid them through the process.

To sustain energy during labor, rhythmic beats through music, vocalization, and

movement are recommended. Acupuncture is another fantastic tool for increasing

energy, speeding up labor and minimizing the intensity of contractions. Women are

encouraged to develop an attitude of surrender and welcome the labor instead of resist-

ing it. The more the mother is relaxed and informed, the easier she will handle labor,

even if it becomes difficult and she requires intervention.

One part of preparation is having a birth plan, which helps a woman understand

the different aspects of birth and clarifies in her mind what is going to happen. The

plan also lists her choices, such as the kind of support she desires during labor and

birth, her preferences for pain relief and positions she wants to be in, as well as the care

she desires after the baby is born.

Water births can provide a very gentle transition for the baby, who moves from

water into water, and therefore does not experience the shock of cold air. Water in labor

is tremendously useful in opening and relaxing the mother. The experience of weight-

lessness and warmth helps with pain relief.

Researchers have discovered that postnatal depression is considerably lower in

women who have a natural birth. It is important to do the research necessary before

you become pregnant and during pregnancy to assure that you have the best possible

experience of bringing a new life into this world. Of course the most important thing is

the health of the baby and the mother, so if medical intervention is required it should

always be taken.

Processes for Preparing for Pregnancy

Below are three powerful processes to help prepare you for pregnancy. I suggest you

work with second and third process daily until you become pregnant.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

Ask Questions

To prepare yourself for pregnancy ask: Am I ready to have this child? Do I have the

emotional and financial support required? Is there anything I need to resolve or heal

before I would be ready to have a baby? Am I physically healthy, or do I need to

improve my health? Do I need any extra supplements that can make my system


Meditate to Connect with the Baby

If you feel that you are ready to have a baby, you can do a simple meditation of calling

the child’s soul toward you. Lie or sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take slow deep

breaths. Allow your body to relax and unwind. The softer and more relaxed you feel, the

better. Imagine a beautiful yellow flame in front of you. Allow the flame to grow bigger

and warmer.

Say: “Divine Intelligence, I am ready to be a mother (or father), please help me

connect to the soul of my child.”

Take some slow deep breaths and allow yourself to sense the connection.

Ask to see the child or simply sense him or her. Surround them with beautiful pink

light. Place your hands on your heart, feel the warmth and allow the love and desire

from your heart to connect to this soul. Let this soul know how much you would love

to have them in your life.

Invite a Child into Your Life

Say: “I invite you into my life. I am willing to love you, take care of you, and support

you in your growth and expansion. I ask that if it is for my highest good and your high-

est good that you come into my life in perfect time with ease and grace. Thank you for

connecting with me.” (Feel free to add anything else.)

Repeat the word “ALLOW” several times until you feel lighter.

When you are pregnant, feel free to communicate with your child, play them soft

music, sing to them, and do gentle healing exercises.


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A Daily Process If You Experience Challenges Getting Pregnant

Rub your hands together for thirty seconds. Visualize a ball of orange light between

your hands. In your mind’s eye, make it as intense and warm as possible. Breathe deeply

and slowly. Place your hands on your lower abdomen where your uterus is situated.

Take a deep breath in and then exhale slowly. Imagine that the orange ball moves

through your uterus and clears any density, stuckness, or negativity out of your uterus,

ovaries, and any other related organs. Ask that your uterus create the best possible envi-

ronment for a baby to grow in. Visualize soft pink light moving through your uterus

and send it vibrations of love and softness. Imagine a healthy baby growing inside you,

feeling happy, joyful, and protected.

Take a few more deep breaths, relax your hands, and gently open your eyes. Focus

on honoring your body and being gentle with yourself.


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How You Can Raise Healthy,

Confident Children

I have young children, and I would like to learn ways to assist them

to be more confident and help them heal.

Once you have children, your task is raising them to be healthy, happy, self-assured

individuals. Education, time, and love are major keys in helping children feel

confident. I encourage you to apply my suggestions though the use of color healing,

imagination and visualization to help your children deal with challenges such as rejec-

tion, fears, difficulty sleeping and a variety of health issues.

Encouraging Healthy Habits in Children

It is important to inspire children to eat in a healthy manner from an early age. Obesity

in children is a huge problem and can lead to health problems, lack of confidence, and

bullying. So take the time to educate them about eating nutritious food. You might

decide to take them shopping, cook with them, and teach them what a well-balanced

diet is. Another way to make eating fun and healthy is to try to include a variety of col-

orful food in their diets. If your children are younger, you can create a game of how

many colors they can eat at each meal. You can also briefly explain the qualities of each


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color as they are eating or drinking, so that they feel confident that they are improving

their heath and gaining strength as they eat. This can also promote variety and encour-

age them to try new food.

Touch and Connection

Children require time and attention from their parents. They need to feel loved and

shown a lot of affection to feel happy and healthy. Numerous studies demonstrate that

babies who are not touched have weakened immune systems, may suffer severe emo-

tional problems, exhibit violent behavior, have slower development, and are subject to

more illnesses.

As adults, we need to take the time to encourage and inspire children to become

creative, warm, kind, caring, and responsible. We need to give children the time and

space to dream, play, and discover without pushing them to become what we think they

should be.

Understanding Why Children Get Sick

There are no simple or easy answers to the question of why children get sick. In fact, I

have always told people that although we have many similarities, each person is unique

and must discover the particular factors which create specific condition in their bodies.

I have spent years teaching people to connect to and listen to the wisdom of their bod-

ies. What I do know is that the state that the mother is in while pregnant and how she

feels about herself, her partner, family, and finances has a deep influence on the child.

This is not to say that we need to blame the mother, or father, for any difficulties that

happened to a child. We need to develop compassion and an understanding of our bod-

ies and what causes our bodies to stress and deteriorate.

If we look at the perspective of the soul, we can see the soul choosing a certain

body, either because they need to deal with a particular karmic situation, learn some-

thing, or teach others. It is also possible that a parent and a child have previously agreed

to a contract, which can only be fulfilled through illness.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

Lilly’s Story: Illness as Insight into the Past

Through my different travels, I have met many people who have had sick

children. My intention has always been to be compassionate with those

people and help their children get better and to offer support.

On a trip overseas, I met Lilly who had a son who was battling leukemia

for several years. From meeting many people who have leukemia, I had

gathered that since it was a blood disorder it had a lot of relevance to

family and blood ties.

When Lilly found out what I did she asked if I could give her some

insights into why her son had developed leukemia. When I tuned into Lilly, I

could feel that she carried a lot of unprocessed pain in relation to her father,

who had died two years earlier. I also felt that there had been abuse in the

family. Lilly confirmed this and told me that there was incest in her family

and a lot of pain and trauma that had never been resolved. Lilly also told

me that when she was pregnant with her son, she was going through a lot

of stress. There were court cases, sicknesses, anger, lies, and resentment.

Lilly’s father got very ill around that time. So, she was unable to talk to him

about all the pain she was carrying. Lilly developed fibromyalgia as well as

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