The Seduction of Sophie Seacrest (22 page)

BOOK: The Seduction of Sophie Seacrest
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“Yes, wife?”

“I’ve been thinking about Jason

Alexander Bishop rolled onto his side and
eyed his wife. “No.”

Francie blinked her eyes open, and frowned.
“No, I cannot think of Jason Langford?”

She was the most exasperating woman he’d ever
met. Bedlam and beyond was where he’d be headed if he could not
quell his wife’s fanciful ideas. The woman possessed absolutely no
control when it came to keeping her pretty little nose out of other
people’s business. What did she have to do with Jason Langford?
“Does this have something to do with Julia Langford’s confession to
you the other day?” he mused. “The one she swore you to secrecy not
to repeat?”

“Pooh. You are my husband.” She grinned and
added, “You do not qualify.”

Alexander cleared his throat and feigned
outrage. “I do not qualify? That is not something a woman says to
her husband mere minutes after he has thoroughly satisfied her.” He
stroked a finger along the swell of her breast, easing it over the
lush flesh to circle a pink nipple. “Is it, Madame Wife?”

She shook her head and a delightful riot of
curls spilled around her. “No,” she managed on a choppy breath.

“I thought not.” He lowered his head and took
a nipple into his mouth.

“Alexander,” she sighed, weaving her fingers
through his hair. “I cannot think.”

“Then don’t.”

“You steal my thoughts.” She arched toward
his mouth, whimpering as he lifted her skirts and settled his hand
between her thighs.

“Again, dear wife? Have I left you so

“No, dear husband. You have left me over
satisfied,” she moaned as he inched up her thigh, “and dreaming of
being satisfied yet again.”

He lifted his head and stared into his wife’s
eyes. “I love you, Francie.”

“And I love you, Alexander. You’ve given me a
love I never knew could exist.” She paused. “Which is why I’m so
frantic to help others find a love such as ours.”

“Francie.” He was on the verge of making love
to his wife again and she had her mind on a

“I know, I’m meddling. I would not have
spoken one word but Julia informed me of a very sad story regarding
Jason and his one true love and how he lost her. She believes I
might be of assistance in transforming his thinking and perhaps
providing a new love for him.”

Alexander could not believe he was having
such a discussion with his half-naked wife when he was seconds from
pleasuring her. His curiosity won over and he asked, “How do you
propose to play matchmaker with Jason Langford when the man avoids
you as though you are the very devil?”

“I’m working on that little detail.”

“Do,” he said, knowing the man would move to
another continent if he discovered Francie were trying to play
matchmaker for him.

“Julia said her name was Ariana.”

“Hmmm.” Alexander nuzzled his wife’s neck,
determined to stop the conversation and spare Jason Langford from
his meddling wife’s overzealous matchmaking attempts.

“Yes, ahhhh, Alexander, that’s what she
said.” Francie squirmed and clutched his shoulders as he settled
his hand on the inside of her thigh.

“You don’t say?”

“Hmmm,” she sighed. “Julia said . . . she’d
help . . . find him . . . oooooohhhhh . . . a wife.” She jerked her
hips toward him as he slipped a finger inside her heat.

“Did she now?” Alexander unbuttoned his
breeches and knelt between her legs. His wife lay spread before him
like a red-haired goddess.

“Yes,” she murmured, opening her legs wider.
He plunged inside. “Yes!” She drew her legs around his back,
arching to meet each thrust. “Yes!” She sought his mouth for a
deep, tongue-filled kiss. Alexander filled her with long, powerful,
greedy strokes. Completely. Perfectly.
“Yes!” she
shouted as he spilled himself into her in a rage of wild,
uncontrollable need. She clawed his back, pulling him to her as she
cried, “Alexander!” Her body jerked against his, once, twice, three
times. “Oh, yes,” she sighed as she clung to him and he collapsed
on top of her.

Some time later, Alexander woke to find his
wife’s soft blue eyes studying him. He smoothed a lock of hair from
her face and kissed her softly on the mouth.


He kissed her again. And yet once more. It
wasn’t possible to speak when one was kissing, was it? He leaned in
to kiss her once more.

“Alexander?” she murmured between his


“I do have a plan for Jason. A wonderful plan
to find him the perfect wife. Would you like to hear it?”

Alexander sighed. He was too exhausted to
make love to his wife again and since that proved the only means to
still her thoughts of matchmaking Jason Langford, he settled
himself against her soft breasts and admitted a glorious defeat.
There could be worse punishments than lying next to a beautiful,
well-ravished, half-naked woman. He threw an arm around his wife’s
waist, closed his eyes and murmured, “You may begin . . . ”


The End


About the Author

Mary Campisi should have
known she’d become a writer when at age thirteen she began changing
the ending to all the books she read. It took several years and a
number of jobs, including registered nurse, receptionist in a
swanky hair salon, accounts payable clerk, and practice manager in
an OB/GYN office, for her to rediscover writing. Enter a mouse-less
computer, a floppy disk, and a dream large enough to fill a zip
drive. The rest of the story lives on in every book she writes.

When she’s not working on
her craft or following the lives of five young adult children,
Mary’s digging in the dirt with her flowers and herbs, cooking,
reading, walking her rescue lab mix, Cooper, or on the perfect day,
riding off into the sunset with her very own ‘hero’ husband on his
Electra Glide Classic.


Discover other titles by Mary Campisi at:

Pieces of You --

A Family Affair --


Other ways to connect with Mary:

Smashwords Author Page:

Mary’s website:

Mary loves to hear
from readers at
[email protected]





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