The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program (75 page)

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CIA IG Disposition Memo, “Alleged Use of Unauthorized Techniques,” dated December 6, 2006. 2004-77717- 16.

CIA IG Disposition Memo, “Alleged Use of Unauthorized Techniques,” dated December 6, 2006. 2004-77717- 16.

CIA IG Disposition Memo, “Alleged Use of Unauthorized Techniques,” dated December 6, 2006. 2004-77717- 16.

████████ 84854 ██████.

████████ 87617 ████████; ████ 87426 (111223Z AUG 03). Lillie was subjected to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques almost immediately upon his arrival at DETENTION SITE COBALT, on August ██, 2003. He was “stripped of his clothing,” and “placed in a cell in the standing sleep deprivation position, in darkness.” (See ███████████ 1242 (151914 ZAUG03).) A day later an interrogation plan for Lillie, including the use of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques, was submitted to CIA Headquarters on August ██, 2003. (See ███████████ 1243 (152049Z AUG 03).) CIA Headquarters approved the use of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques on Lillie on the following day, August ██, 2003. (See HEADQUARTERS █████ (██████ AUG 03).) As described, the Committee’s count of detainees subjected to unauthorized techniques did not include detainees such as Lillie, who were subjected to the CIA’s “standard” techniques prior to authorization from CIA Headquarters, but for whom authorization from CIA Headquarters was acquired shortly thereafter. As noted, the January 2003 guidelines required advance approval of such techniques “whenever feasible.”

████████ 9515 ███████████; ███████ 87617 ██████████; ████████ 87414 █████ █████; ████████ “Hambali Capture.” For additional details, see Volume II.

████████ 87617 ███████.

███████████████ 1271 ██████ AUG 03); ███████████ 1267 ███████ AUG 03). The cable also noted that CIA contractor Hammond DUNBAR had arrived at the detention site and was participating in Hambali’s interrogations as an interrogator. The “psychological assessment” portion of the cable was attributed to a CIA staff psychologist, however, and not to DUNBAR.

CIA officers interrogating Hambali in November 2003 wrote about Hambali’s “account of how, through statements read to him and constant repetition of questions, he was made aware of what type of answers his questioners wanted. [Hambali] said he merely gave answers that were similar to what was being asked and what he inferred the interrogator or debriefer wanted, and when the pressure subsided or he was told that the information he gave was okay, [Hambali] knew that he had provided the answer that was being sought.” The cable states, “Base assesses [Hambali]’s admission of previous fabrication to be credible. [Hambali]’s admission came after three weeks of daily debriefing sessions with [the case officer] carried out almost entirely in Bahasa Indonesia. [Hambali] has consistently warmed to [the case officer’s] discussions with him, and has provided to [the case officer] additional information that he had avoided in the past . . . More tellingly, [Hambali] has opened up considerably to [the case officer] about his fears and motivations, and has taken to trusting [the case officer] at his word. [Hambali] looks to [the case officer] as his sole confidant and the one person who has [Hambali]’s interest in mind . . .”
█████ 1142 (301055Z NOV 03). This cable appears to have been retransmitted the following day as ████████ 1144 (010823Z DEC 03).

██████ 1142 (301055Z NOV 03).

██████ 1072 (110606Z OCT 03); ████████ 1075 (111828Z OCT 03); █████ 1142 (301055Z NOV 03); ██████ 1158 (081459Z DEC 03); ███████████ 1604 (191232Z JAN 04). After an Indonesian speaker was deployed to debrief Hambali, the debriefer “got the distinct impression [Hambali] was just responding ‘yes’ in the typical Indonesian cultural manner when they [sic] do not comprehend a question.” The CIA cable then noted that, “[j]ust to clarify, [the Indonesian speaking debriefer] then posed the same question in Indonesian,” and “[w]ithout pause, [Hambah] replied with a direct contradiction, claiming that on 20 September 2001, he was in Karachi, not Qandahar.” (See ██████ 1075 (111828Z OCT 03).) A January 2004 cable stated that “Lillie is of limited value,” adding that “[h]is English is very poor, and we do not have a Malay linguist.”
██████████ 1604 (191232Z JAN 04).
See also
detainee reviews in Volume III for additional information.

WASHINGTON █████ ██████.

████████████████ 1393 (201006Z OCT 03). The information was also released in ███████████████ 48122 ███████████. CIA records indicate that the CIA’s interrogations of Arsala Khan resulted in one disseminated intelligence report derived from information Khan provided the day he experienced the hallucinations. See ███████, via CIA WASHINGTON DC ████ ████████.

████████████████ 1393 (201006Z OCT 03).

████████████████ 1396 ██████.

HEADQUARTERS █████ ███████.

HEADQUARTERS █████ ████████.

, for example, ██████████ 1407 ███████; ██████████ 1407 ███████: ██████ 2229 ████████; HEADQUARTERS ████ ████████; ██████████████ 1495 ███████; █████████████ 1375 ███████; █████ 1080 ████████; ███████████ 1375 █████████; █████ 3158 ███████; HEADQUARTERS ████ █████████.

██████████████ 1528 ████████.

This included Sayed Habib ($█████), Zarmein (“a nominal payment”), Modin Nik Mohammed ($███), and Ali Saeed Awadh ($█████). See Volume III for additional details.

For detailed information, see Volume III.

███████████████████ 36229 (060943Z APR 03).
See also
detainee reviews for Lillie, Hambali, Mustafa al-Hawsawi, and Suleiman Abdullah.

See Memorandum for John Rizzo, Acting General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, from Jay Bybee, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, August 1, 2002, Interrogation of al Qaeda Operative.”

ALEC ███████ (182321Z JUL 02).

See Abu Zubaydah detainee review in Volume III for additional information, as well as email from: [REDACTED], to: ██████████████ and [REDACTED], subject: 15 Aug Clinical; date: August 15, 2002, at 06:54 AM.

An email to OMS stated: “We are currently providing absolute minimum wound care (as evidenced by the steady deterioration of the wound), [Abu Zubaydah] has no opportunity to practice any form of hygienic self care (he’s filthy), the physical nature of this phase dictates multiple physical stresses (his reaction to today’s activity is I believe the culprit for the superior edge separation), and nutrition is bare bones (six cans of ensure daily).” See email from: [REDACTED], to: ████████ and [REDACTED], subject: 15 Aug Clinical; date: August 15, 2002, at 06:54 AM.

██████████ 10647 (201331Z AUG 02); ███████████ 10654 (211318Z AUG 02); ███████████ 10679 (250932Z AUG 02).

Records indicate that Abu Zubaydah ultimately lost the eye. See ███████ 11026 (070729Z OCT 02).

█████████ 10679 (250932Z AUG 02); █████████ 11026 (070729Z OCT 02).

█████████ 44147 ██████████; ████████████ 36862 (181352Z APR 03).

████████████████████ 36908 ██████████; █████████████ 36862 (181352Z APR 03). To accommodate Abu Hazim’s and Abd al-Karim’s injuries, the cable stated that, rather than being shackled standing during sleep deprivation, the detainees would be “seated, secured to a cell wall, with intermittent disruptions of normal sleeping patterns.” For water dousing, the detainees’ injured legs would be “wrapped in plastic.” The requests were approved. See DIRECTOR █████ ██████████; DIRECTOR █████ ███████ █████.

With regard to Abu Hazim, on April 24, 2003, an additional CIA Headquarters approval cable was sent to DETENTION SITE COBALT authorizing interrogator ██████████ to use the attention grasp, facial insult slap, abdominal slap, water dousing, and sleep deprivation up to 72 hours; the cable did not approve the use of walling or the facial hold. (See DIRECTOR █████ █████████) Despite the lack of approval, walling was used against Abu Hazim on April 28-29, 2003, and the facial hold was used on April 27, 2003. (See ██████████ █████ 37411 (291829Z APR 03); ████████████ 37410 (291828Z APR 03); ███████████ ███████ 37509 (021309Z MAY 03).) A May 10, 2003, CIA Headquarters cable approved walling and the facial grasp. (See DIRECTOR ███████ ██████████ 03).) Abd al-Karim was also subjected to unapproved CIA enhanced interrogation techniques that the detention site initially indicated would not be used due to the detainee’s injuries. Without approval from CIA Headquarters, CIA interrogators subjected Abd al-Karim to cramped confinement on April 19-20, 2003; stress positions on April 21, 2003; and walling on April 21, and 29, 2003. (See ████████████ 37121 (221703Z APR 03); ████████████; 37152 (231424Z APR 03); ████████████; 37202 (250948Z APR 03); ████████████; 37508 (021305Z MAY 03).) On May 10, 2003, CIA Headquarters approved an expanded list of CIA enhanced interrogation techniques that could be used against Abd al-Karim, including walling and stress positions. See DIRECTOR █████ ████████ MAY 03).

DIRECTOR █████ ██████ MAY 03).

█████████████████ 36862 (181352Z APR 03).

DIRECTOR ████ ████████.

████████████████████ 38262 (150541Z MAY 03); ████████████ ██ 38161 (131326Z MAY 03).

██████████████ 38161 (131326Z MAY 03).

██████████████ 38161 (131326Z MAY 03).

See DIRECTOR ████ █████ MAY 03) for Abu Hazim; and DIRECTOR ████ █████ MAY 03) for Abd al-Karim.

████████████ 39582 (041743Z JUN 03); ████████████ 39656 (060955Z JUN 03);

████████████ 38365 (170652Z MAY 03).

Asadallah was also placed in a “small isolation box” for 30 minutes, without authorization and without discussion of how the technique would affect his ankle. (See ███████████████ 34098 ██████████; ███████████ 34294 ████████████ 34310 ███████████.) While CIA records contain information on other detainee medical complaints (see Volume III), those records also suggest that detainee medical complaints could be underreported in CIA medical records. For example, CIA medical records consistently report that CIA detainee Ramzi bin al-Shibh had no medical complaints. However, CIA interrogation records indicate that when bin al-Shibh had previously complained of ailments to CIA personnel, he was subjected to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques and told by CIA interrogators that his medical condition was not of concern to the CIA. (See █████████ 10591 (252002Z FEB 03); ██████ 10627 (281949Z FEB 03).) In testimony on April 12, 2007, CIA Director Michael Hayden referenced medical care of detainees in the context of the ICRC report on CIA detentions. Hayden testified to the Committee: “The medical section of the ICRC report concludes that the association of CIA medical officers with the interrogation program is ‘contrary to international standards of medical ethics.’ That is just wrong. The role of CIA medical officers in the detainee program is and always has been and always will be to ensure the safety and the well-being of the detainee. The placement of medical officers during the interrogation techniques represents an extra measure of caution. Our medical officers do not recommend the employment or continuation of any procedures or techniques. The allegation in the report that a CIA medical officer threatened a detainee, stating that medical care was conditional on cooperation is blatantly false. Health care has always been administered based upon detainee needs. It’s neither policy nor practice to link medical care to any other aspect of the detainee program.” This testimony was incongruent with CIA records.

For additional details, see Volume III.

███████ 1759 (021319Z OCT 04); HEADQUARTERS ██████ (040023Z NOV 05); ██████ 1890 (171225Z NOV 04); ██████ 1878 (140915ZNOV 04); ██████ 1930 (061620Z DEC 04); ██████ 2207 (111319Z APR 05) ██████ 2210 (141507Z APR 05); ██████ 2535 (051805Z JUL 05); ██████ 2589 (120857Z JUL 05); ██████ 2830 (291304Z AUG 05); 1890 (171225Z NOV 04); ██████ 1893 (200831Z NOV 04); CIA document entitled, “Detainee Talking Points for ICRC Rebuttal, 12 April 2007”; ██████ 2210 (141507Z APR 05); ██████ 2535 (051805Z JUL 05); ██████ 2210 (141507Z APR 05); ██████ 2535 (051805Z JUL 05); ██████ 2830 (291304Z AUG 05); ██████ 1930 (061620Z DEC 04); ██████ 2210 (141507Z APR 05).

██████ 2210 (141507Z APR 05); ██████ 2535 (051805Z JUL 05); ██████ 2830 (291304Z AUG 05).

██████ 1691 (081609Z SEP 04); ██████ 1716 (180742Z SEP 04); 1998 (020752Z JAN 05); ███████ 2023 (151735Z JAN 05); 2515 (301946Z JUN 05); ████████████ 1150 (282019Z NOV 03).

██████ 1029 (291750Z JUN 06); █████ 1142 (041358Z AUG 06); ██████ 1543 (111600Z AUG 04); ██████ 1716 (180742Z SEP 04); 3051 (301235Z SEP 05); ██████ 1029 (291750Z JUN 06).

See, for example, ██████ 2474 (251622Z JUN 05); ██████ 2673 (021451Z AUG 05); ██████ 1716 (180742Z SEP 04).

See, for example, ██████ 1356 (011644Z JUL 04); ██████ 1880 (140917Z NOV 04); ██████ 1959 (111700Z DEC 04); ██████ 1962 (121029Z DEC 04); ██████ 1959 (111700Z DEC 04); ██████ 2038 (211558Z JAN 05); ██████ 1091 (031835Z NOV 03); ██████ 1266 (052309Z JAN 04); ██████ 1630 (271440Z MAR 04).

███████ 1203 (231709Z MAY 04); ██████ 1202 (231644Z MAY 04). CIA records indicate that at least five detainees were subjected to rectal rehydration or rectal feeding: Abu Zubaydah, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, Khalid Shaykh Mohammad, Majid Khan, and Marwan al-Jabbur. See Volume III for additional details.

Email from: ████████; to: █████. [DETENTION SITE BLACK █████ cc: ████████; subject: Interrogator Assessments/Request for Endgame Views; date: October 30, 2004.

HEADQUARTERS █████ (282217Z JUL 05).

CIA Sametime exchange, dated 29/JUL/05 08:01:51–08:50:13; between ██████████ and █████████████ ███████████.

██████████████ 3183 (161626Z SEP 04); ███████████████ 3184 (161628Z SEP 04); 3190 (181558Z SEP 04); ██████████████ 3196 (201731Z SEP 04); ██████████████; 3197 (201731Z SEP 04); █████████████; 3206 (211819Z SEP 04); ██████████████ 3135 (120625Z SEP04); ██████████████ 3181 (161621Z SEP 04).

██████████████████ 3237 (230552Z SEP 04).

██████████████████ 3240 (231839Z SEP 04).

██████████████████ 3259 (261734Z SEP 04). The CIA’s June 2013 Response states that “rectal rehydration” is a “well acknowledged medical technique to address pressing health issues.” A follow-up CIA document provided on October 25, 2013 (DTS #2013-3152), states that “[f]rom a health perspective, Majid Khan became uncooperative on 31 August 2004, when he initiated a hunger strike and before he underwent rectal rehydration . . . CIA assesses that the use of rectal rehydration is a medically sound hydration technique . . . .” The assertion that Majid Khan was “uncooperative” prior to rectal rehydration and rectal feeding is inaccurate. As described in CIA records, prior to being subjected to rectal rehydration and rectal feeding, Majid Khan cooperated with the nasogastric feedings and was permitted to infuse the fluids and nutrients himself.

███████████ 3694 (301800Z NOV 04); ███████████ 4242 (191550Z MAR 05); ███████████ 4250 (221213Z MAR 05).

███████████ 3724 (031723Z DEC 04).

███████████ 3835 (260659Z DEC 04).

███████████ 4614 (071358Z JUN 05).

February 12, 2003, MFR from Scott Muller, Subject: “Humane” treatment of CIA detainees; March 7, 2003, Memorandum for DDCIA from Muller, Subject: Proposed Response to Human Rights Watch Letter.

January 9, 2003, Draft Memorandum for Scott Mueller [sic], General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency, from John C. Yoo, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, re: Application of the President’s February 7, 2002, Memorandum on the Geneva Convention (III) of 1949 to the Release of an al Qaeda Detainee to the Custody of the CIA. The memorandum stated that neither al-Qa’ida nor Taliban detainees qualified as prisoners of war under Geneva, and that Common Article 3 of Geneva, requiring humane treatment of individuals in a conflict, did not apply to al-Qa’ida or Taliban detainees

March 18, 2003, Memorandum for the Record from █████████, Subject: meeting with DOJ and NSC Legal Adviser.

See, for example, March 18, 2003, email from: ████████████; to: Scott Muller; subject: Memorandum for the Record - Telcon with OLC; date: March 13, 2003; email from: Scott W. Muller; to: Stanley M. Moskowitz, John H. Moseman; cc: ███████████, John A. Rizzo, ███████████; subject: Interrogations; date: April 1, 2003, at 1:18:35 PM; email from: ███████████; to: Scott Muller; cc: John Rizzo, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED]; subject: Black letter law on Interrogations; Legal Principles Applicable to CIA Detention and Interrogation of Captured Al-Qa’ida Personnel; date: April 17, 2003.

June 25, 2003, Letter from William J. Haynes, II, General Counsel of the Department of Defense to Patrick Leahy, United States Senate.

June 30, 2003, Memorandum for the Record from ███████████, Subject: White House Meeting on Enhanced Techniques (DTS #2009-2659).

See, for example, email from: ████████████ to: [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]; subject: FYI - Draft Paragraphs for the DCI on the Legal Issues on Interrogation, as requested by the General Counsel; date: March 14, 2003; June 26, 2003, Statement by the President, United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture,; email from: John Rizzo; to: John Moseman, ███████████; cc: Buzzy Krongard, Scott Muller, William Harlow; subject: Today’s Washington Post Piece on Administration Detainee Policy; date: June 27, 2003; July 3, 2003, Memorandum for National Security Advisor from Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet, Subject: Reaffirmation of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Interrogation Program.

Bin Attash has one leg, which swelled during standing sleep deprivation, resulting in the transition to seated sleep deprivation. He was also subjected to nudity and dietary manipulation during this period. See ████████ 12371 (212121Z JUL 03); ███████ 12385 (222045Z JUL 03); and ███████ 12389 (232040Z JUL 03).

HVT Training and Curriculum, November 2, 2002, at 17.

HVT Training and Curriculum, November 2, 2002, at 17.

See, for example, ████████ 10168 (092130Z JAN 03); Interview Report, 2003-7123-IG, Review of Interrogations for Counterterrorism Purposes, ███████, April 7, 2003; CIA Office of Inspector General, Special Review: Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities (September 2001–October 2003) (2003- 7123-IG), May 7, 2004; ██████ 10168 (092130Z JAN 03); █████████████ 34098 █████████████: ███████████ 31479 (262200Z FEB 03); ████████████ 34294 █████████████; ███████████ 34310 █████████: ██████████████ 34757 (101742Z MAR 03); and █████████████████ 35025 (161321Z MAR 03).

April 7, 2005, Briefing for Blue Ribbon Panel: CIA Rendition, Detention, and Interrogation Programs at 22; Memorandum for Chief, ███████████████████████, via ████ CTC Legal from Chief, CTC/RDG, July 28, 2003, Subject: Decertification of former Interrogator. Document not signed by ██████████████ because he was not “available for signature.”

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