The Shadow of Mist (2 page)

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Authors: Yasmine Galenorn

BOOK: The Shadow of Mist
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“Siobhan Morgan, you won't be defying your father.” Mother shoved me back into my chair. She looked harried and tense, and I had the feeling she hadn't expected me to protest. “Terrance Fell is your betrothed and you
marry him. Your father and I gave our word. You're honor bound to uphold our promise.”
I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the back of the rocking chair. The walls were in need of patching, and the roof leaked, and my mother was trying desperately to sweep the floor but the dirt and sand were thick.
We'd moved into the house six years before, when Father first brought the family out of the Orkney Islands, where we were starving, to the streets of Queenstown in Ireland. The dirt here smelled nasty, unlike the clean tang of the dirt in our old home. The house was always dusty, and too close to too many humans. I longed for the sound of rolling waves cresting on the coast of the islands, but here we had food, and my brothers and father could find work. We lived on the outskirts of the city, near the cove, keeping to ourselves as most of the roane did.
That was what our people were called here—the
, rather than
, but I stubbornly held on to the name I'd grown up with.
was comforting and familiar;
was strange and confusing. As confusing as the ways of the city and the bustle of so many humans wandering through the streets. After six years, I'd adapted to living in their midst, but now I wished I'd never seen the streets of Queenstown.
“I won't marry him! I won't.” Angry, I tossed the dress I was stitching to the floor and balled my hands into fists. I'd never spoken to my mother like this, and part of me felt embarrassed and ashamed, but there was too much at stake to go along quietly.
“Pick up that dress. It's your wedding gown—at least for the human ceremony.” Rhiannon rested her hands on her hips and stared at me. “Siobhan, you can't betray us. Terrance is the prince of his people. He'll assure that our family will never go without. He's rich, he's well placed in both human and roane society, and he has promised that you'll never want for anything.”
I pressed my lips together and snatched up the dress. The linen crinkled in my hand and I wanted to slash it to ribbons rather than wear it for the man who had raped me. Father knew, and Mother. That was why Terrance had offered to marry me. He wouldn't have to face the Pod Tribunal then.
know. I'd always know that my husband had forced me and then bought me for the promise of riches. The thought of his touch made my skin crawl and I let out a sharp cry.
“We aren't roane. We're selkie. He's not one of us.” The fact that my parents knew what he'd done hadn't swayed them. I'd already pleaded for them to take him before the Tribunal, but they were frightened by the power he held in Queenstown and among the roane. They tried to justify it, but I knew they didn't want to rock the boat. I was the sacrificial lamb, offered on a silver platter to keep the peace and make the prince of the roane happy.
“You're right—Terrance
one of us, and that's a good thing for the Pod,” my mother said. “You know the elders are calling for new blood. We're dying, Siobhan. You can't mate with our men. Inbreeding is killing our people. That's why . . .”
She paused, then after a moment added, “That's why I joined your father's Pod. To bring new blood into the mix. No, it's set. You'll marry Terrance and become a princess, and bear his children for the good of our family and the Pod.”
I didn't say anything. What could I say except to lash out at her again?
My mother paused, gazing at me out of the corner of her eye. Her voice was soft, almost gentle, as she added, “I know how you feel, my dear. I was brought into your father's Pod in much the same way. He carried me off from my family and I couldn't resist him, and so it was that I became Rhiannon of the Northern Orkney Pod. Your father married me and brought me to his people—my people, now—and we've grown to love each other over the years. The fact that Terrance agreed to align his Pod with the Cobh Selkie Pod is enough to wash away all his other sins, my daughter. We desperately need the new blood.”
I stared at her for a moment. Were all the women of our Pod simply prizes for men? “Are we like the
, then? Do women count for nothing? Should I just roll over and let any man have his way with me if you say it's good for our people?”
“Hush. Don't say such things. It's not like that.” The pained look on my mother's face made me feel good. I'd hit a tender spot. I wanted to twist the knife, but finally just shook my head.
“Then you
care that he raped me. And the Tribunal closes its eyes. My own parents are content to ignore what he did in order to put food on the table and to bring new blood to the Pod?”
Rhiannon let out a long sigh. “We all make sacrifices, Siobhan. We all give up our freedom for the betterment of our families. Your family is the Pod. Your duty is to do whatever it takes to ensure the continuation of our people. Now dust off your dress and get back to your sewing.”
“That's it, then?”
She shrugged to indicate the argument was over. “We're going out tonight to the waters, and you need to finish the dress before day after tomorrow. You're getting married, Siobhan. To a prince. He's rich, and will give you children and standing. And he's joining our people. Take joy in the thought of what you can do for others, and
be glad he finds you attractive
As I settled down in the rocking chair, dress in hand, my thoughts raced ahead. I had two days. Just two days in which to ensure that Terrance would never touch me again. Two days in which to change a thousand years of tradition. Or . . . perhaps . . . maybe I didn't need to change tradition. Maybe what I needed was to change myself—to put myself out of his reach.
Mulling over this new idea, I went back to my sewing, but with every stitch, I felt like I was tightening the noose on my future.
That night, standing on the edge of the harbor, I stared out over the darkened waters. Most of my family had already slipped back into their skins and returned to the sea. Selkies hid their skins when taking human form, and each of us had a safety cache in which to store them. Now I carried mine with me as the others had, in a satchel slung low on my hip.
I watched the water, mesmerized by the lapping of the waves. Then, slowly, I edged my way toward the breakers. I glanced around. Nobody near, no one to watch. I could safely change and slip out to sea, sleekly skimming through the currents. Maybe I should just keep going. Head into open ocean and see where it took me.
Chances were I'd end up shark food or caught by fishermen, but would that be worse than a life wedded to Terrance? Than bearing his hands on me night after night?
I tried to imagine what it would be like to find myself in the grips of a shark.
It would be over soon, though I'd be alone. Could I do it? Face dying by myself? I could live without my Pod, become a rogue—that I knew I was capable of. But a painful and bloody death alone in the night sea? The thought was more than I could bear.
, I couldn't do it. I'd always be wondering when and where the end would come, because selkies on their own didn't last long. And if the Finfolk got hold of me, it would be worse.
As I stood there, ankle-deep in the water, another thought crept into my mind. There was one option I'd overlooked. I could end it
. Walk into the sea in human form. Drowning was easy—just let the breath go and close my eyes as I drifted in the arms of the Ocean Mother. Everything would be over . . . all the worry, all the fear of disappointing everyone.
Marrying Terrance was out of the question, and my parents had effectively handed me over to him. Life alone at sea was too dangerous. I couldn't stay in the city—Terrance would find me. I couldn't go home to the Orkneys—he'd follow me there, too.
Dazed and feeling betrayed, I slowly began to wade into the water, the skirts of my dress floating on the surface as the chill hit me to the core. Even in June, the water was cold. As I breathlessly made my way in up to my knees, my toes curled around the silt and I reveled in the feel of the soft, wet sand.
A loud, resounding noise startled me out of my thoughts and I jerked my gaze across the cove. An ocean liner was pulling into port, returning from America, no doubt, where thousands of emigrants were flocking in hopes of better days and a life that might promise something other than poverty and starvation.
Fresh starts and new beginnings. That's what they hope for.
For a moment, I dismissed the gigantic hull of a boat from my mind, but then . . . I looked at it again. Queenstown—or Cobh, as it had been known for centuries before some idiot human had renamed it after the queen—was an integral port to the world. And now, as I gazed at the ship, an idea began to form. What if
was on that boat when it sailed? The liner would leave soon—they were sailing quickly, to meet the demand. What if I booked passage on the
and simply vanished into a new life?
My stomach quivered. I'd be leaving my family, leaving my home for a distant shore to . . . What future did I have in America?
Any future you want to make.
The thought echoed as I turned the idea over in my mind. I couldn't really do this.
Could I?
But if I didn't . . . Terrance's face loomed large in my thoughts again and I began to shake. I couldn't let him touch me again.
“I want you,” he'd said, reaching out to stroke my cheek.
I darted away from him. Something about him made my skin crawl. I'd shaken off his hand when he tried to hold mine, but his fingers on my face felt so much more invasive. I'd gone on the walk with him only because my father insisted that I get out of the house.
Get some fresh air,
he'd said.
“Terry, I don't feel that way about you.” I tried to lighten my words in order to take away the sting, but no matter how I said it, it was a rejection. “I'm stubborn, my family says. I honestly don't know what I want but I'm not really looking for marriage right now.”
Not exactly the truth, but close enough. I
looking for love, but only with the right person. I was looking for a man who made my heart beat faster, who made my pulse race and my breath catch in my throat because I wanted him more than I wanted anybody or anything else.
Terry snorted. “You don't have to feel the same way.” As he moved closer, I danced to the other side, wading through the knee-deep grass that ran along the side of the cliff overlooking the harbor.
“Look—the ships are coming into port.” I tried to change the subject, calculating the distance between us as I darted out of his reach. There was something in his eyes that made me want to run home and lock the door behind me. He was ruthless, a man who would do whatever it took to get what he wanted.

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