The Tide Knot (6 page)

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Authors: Helen Dunmore

Tags: #Ages 10 and up

BOOK: The Tide Knot
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  I don’t want to. The wreck scares me. It must be terrifying to be driven ashore, helpless, caught by storm and tide. To know that your ship is going to smash on the rocks and break up and that the water is too deep and wild to swim for shore.  

  The wind is beginning to whistle. I hear voices, crying out in terror. The
surges forward on a huge wave and crashes onto the hidden reef. The entire ship judders with the shock. Metal shrieks and rips and grinds as the side of the
is torn open and the sea pours into her bel y.

  Then the jumble of sound is pierced by human screams.

  “No, Faro! No! I don’t want to hear any more!” Immediately the window of memory closes. I’m back in the calm moonlit water, with Faro.

  “You saw it, little sister,” he says with satisfaction. “I wasn’t sure if you would have lost your power, living in the town.”

  I shudder. “How could that wreck be in your memory, Faro? You’re not old enough to remember it.”

  “The memory was passed to me by my ancestors, and so I can pass it on to you.”

  “I wish you hadn’t. I don’t want those memories in my mind. Let’s get away from the wreck.”

  “We can go right away if you want. Will you come deeper into Ingo with me, Sapphire? There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  “Who?” My heart leaps. Perhaps—perhaps—could Faro possibly know someone who knows where Dad is?

  “My teacher.”  

  “Oh.” I try hard to keep the disappointment out of my voice, but Faro picks it up at once.

  “He is a great teacher,” he says, his voice proud, ready to take offense.

  “I’m sure he is. Um, what’s his name?”


  “I can’t imagine going to school under the sea. What’s it like?”

  Faro laughs. “We don’t go to school. We learn things when we need to learn them.”

  “I see”—Faro sounds so sure that his way is the right way—“but wouldn’t it be easier just to go to school and learn everything in one place?”

  “I’ve heard about ‘schools.’ Thirty of you young humans together, with only one old human to teach you. All day long in one room.”

  “We move to different classrooms for different lessons,” I say.

  “Hm,” says Faro.

  “We go outside at break and lunchtime.”

  “Human life is very strange,” says Faro slowly and meditatively. “All the young ones together, out of sight in these ‘schools.’ Do you like it, Sapphire?”  

  “We have to do it. It’s the law.”

  Faro nods thoughtful y. “I should like to see it. I expect the rooms are very beautiful, or none of you would stay. But Sapphire, come with me to visit my teacher. He wants to meet you.”

  “How far is it?”

  “Not far,” says Faro carelessly. “A little beyond the Lost Islands, that’s all . We can be there and back by morning.”

  “Morning!” All of a sudden the image of Sadie floods into my mind. Sadie, tied to an iron pole. She thinks I’m coming back in a few minutes. She’ll be worried already, pointing her nose toward the beach and rising tide, whining anxiously. I see her as clearly as I saw the inside of Faro’s memory. Usually the human world is cloudy when you’re in Ingo, but Sadie’s image is bright and sharp. “I’ve got to get back, Faro.”

  “Don’t worry about the time, Sapphire. Ingo is strong tonight. But I don’t need to tell  you that, do I? You felt it. You slipped into Ingo almost before you knew it, and it didn’t hurt at all . Your Mer blood knows that Ingo is strong. Not only strong but happy. Listen, listen, Sapphire. You can hear that Ingo is

  The word beats in my memory. Who said that to me? Of course, it was the dolphins. But they didn’t sound as if they were talking about happiness. It sounded urgent, dangerous. Like a warning.

  “I have to go,” I say. “I must get back to Sadie. I left her tied to a pole by her leash.”

  Faro somersaults through the moonlit water. His body spins in a pattern of light and shadow. When he’s the right way up again, he says, “It seems to me that the one who is tied by a leash is you.”


  “Yes. You’ve always got to go home. You stay in the shallows. You want to come to Ingo, but as soon as you’re here, you want to go back again. Saldowr needs to speak to you. He has something to tell  you.”

  I’m about to snap back when I realize that Faro is sharp because he is hurt. He offered to take me to his teacher, and I refused. The offer must have been important to him.

  Faro has never spoken to me about his father or his mother.

  Perhaps he has no parents, and this teacher means a great deal to him.

  “I’m sorry, Faro. I’d like to meet your teacher very much,” I say, “but I can’t tonight, not when I’ve left Sadie tied up.”

  “Hm,” says Faro, sounding a little mollified by my apology. “We’ll see. Saldowr is not like a tame dog, Sapphire. You can’t leave
tied up and return when you feel like it.”  

  I stumble out of the water, dripping wet, into the chill of the night. The sea is slapping up to the very top step. As I watch, another wave pounces, and the steps are completely submerged.  

  I shiver again, uncontrollably. Quick, quick, I must get home. My fingers shake violently as I untie Sadie. She presses against me, her body warm against mine, and her rough tongue licks my hands. But Sadie is trembling too.

  She’s afraid. Cold makes my voice stammer as I try to reassure her.

  “I’m s-s-s-sorry I left you s-s-such a long time….I didn’t mean to s-s-scare you, Sadie….Please, Sadie darling, stop shaking like that.”

  I slide my key into the front door lock, creep up the stairs, and dive into the bathroom. I strip off my wet clothes, jump into the shower, and turn it on full . The hot water prickles like needles on my cold skin. I stand there, eyes shut, soaking up the steamy heat. In Ingo I’m never cold. I’ll put my clothes in the washing machine, stuff my trainers with newspaper, and leave them by the boiler so that they’re dry by morning—

  “Sapphy! Sapphire! Is that you in there?”

  “Yes, Mum!”

  “You were quick. I hope Sadie got a proper walk. Don’t use all the hot water now.”

  I was quick, was I? So Faro was right. Time is hardly moving at all in Ingo tonight.

  “Out in a minute, Mum!” I call .

  The next morning I come down to find Sadie lying full length on the living room rug. Mum’s making coffee at the kitchen end of the room. She looks up quickly as I come in.

  “Sapphy, I don’t want you to worry, but Sadie doesn’t look too good.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I don’t know. She’s not herself.”

  I kneel beside Sadie, and she thumps her tail languidly against the floor. Her eyes are dull . Even her coat seems to have lost its shine. But she was fine last night. I’m sure she was….

  A cold feeling of dread steals into my heart, mixed with responsibility and guilt. I left Sadie tied up to a post. I went into Ingo without thinking about her. I might have been gone hours. But I wasn’t, I wasn’t. I was back almost before she had time to miss me.

  Time. Is dog time the same as human time? Maybe my absence seemed endless to Sadie. Maybe she was afraid I’d drowned. Could Sadie possibly have guessed where I was? If she sensed that I’d left her behind, along with everything in the Air, to plunge into a strange world where she couldn’t survive for more than a minute, how frightened she must have been. She must have thought I’d abandoned her.

  “Shall we go for a walk, Sadie?” I say, testing her. But she doesn’t rise to the chal enge. There’s no joyous leap to her feet, no skittering of paws on the wooden floor, no gleam of delight in her eyes. Sadie stares at me sadly, as if to say,

  “Why do you ask me now, when you know I can’t come?”

  “She’s ill , Mum. She’s really ill.” I can’t help panic breaking into my voice, even though I don’t want to alarm Sadie.

  Mum leaves the stove, comes over, and stares down at Sadie, frowning. “No, she’s not right, is she?” she says at last. “I wish Roger was here. He’d know what to do. But he’s up at Newquay today.”

  “I’ll take her to the vet.”

  “The vet? I don’t know. I don’t think it’s that bad, Sapphy.

  She’s only just become ill . We’ll let it wait a day or so and see how she gets on.”

  “You’re only saying that because the vet is expensive!” I burst out. “I’ll pay for it. I’ve still got most of my birthday money. That’ll be enough.”

  “Sapphy, do you really think I’m the sort of mother who’d make you spend your birthday money on taking the dog to the vet? Do you?”

  Mum sounds really upset.

  “I don’t care. There’s nothing else I want to spend it on.” I know I’m being unfair. Mum doesn’t see the danger, because she doesn’t know what Sadie experienced last night.

  “Listen,” says Mum soothingly, “stop worrying, Sapphy. If Sadie needs a vet, then she’ll go to a vet. But we’ll wait and see until tomorrow.”

  “But she’s
, Mum. Look at her. She looks as if all her life’s gone out of her.”

  “It’s not as bad as that,” says Mum briskly. “You do exaggerate, Sapphire. There’s Conor coming down now.

  Maybe he’ll be able to convince you.”

  But Conor is in no mood for long discussions about Sadie’s welfare. He is giving an IT presentation at school today, and mental y he is already there, standing in front of the class. He barely glances at Sadie. “Calm down, Saph.

  Sadie’s tired, that’s all .”


  “Got to go, Mum. Later, Saph.”

  “Is that the time?” Mum exclaims. “Oh, no! Why do I keep getting these breakfast shifts?”

  Conor grabs his bag, guitar, IT folder, bottle of water; and he’s out of the door.

  “The bus, Sapphire! You’re going to miss the school bus!”

  “It’s okay, Mum, you go to work. I’ve still got to pack my lunch. The bus doesn’t leave for ten minutes.” The door slams, and Mum’s gone.

  Ten minutes. I open the fridge door and look inside. Milk, eggs, yogurt…I stare at them. What did I open the fridge for?

Wake up, Sapphire, you’re supposed to be making your
Just then Sadie whines, very quietly and pitiful y. I slam the fridge door and hurry to her side. In a second the decision is made. I’m not going to school. I am taking Sadie to the vet. I know where his office is—on Geevor Hil . My birthday money is in the chest under my bed. Forty pounds.

  If the vet sees that Sadie’s sick, surely he can do something for forty pounds?

  “Come on, Sadie. Come on, now, good girl. We’re going to see someone who’l make you feel better.” I clip on Sadie’s col ar and tug gently. She clambers awkwardly to her feet and pads slowly across the floor to the front door.

  I look up and down the street. No one’s about. “Come on, Sadie.” We make our way very slowly along the beach road and then up to the corner by the graveyard, where Geevor Hil begins. The vet’s office is halfway up. Sadie pants like a dog ten times her age. Her head droops to her chest.

  “Why ent you at school, my girl?”

  Oh, no, it’s Mrs. Eagle. She’ll tell  Mum.

  “Inset day,” I say quickly.

  “Never had they in my day,” says Mrs. Eagle critical y.

  “You belong to be at school on a working day.” I smile brightly and slip past her. “Just taking Sadie for a walk, Mrs. Eagle.”  

  “Don’t look to me like she wants to walk up Geevor; looks to me like she wants to go back downlong,” grumbles Mrs.

  Eagle. I escape as fast as I can, almost dragging Sadie.  

  The vet’s office is the one with the blue door. But on the blue door there is a laminated notice:





  It is Monday. They’re closed. Sadie looks up at me in mournful exhaustion. I know in every fiber of my body that Mum and Conor are wrong. Sadie’s condition is serious.

  There isn’t time to wait for tomorrow’s office hours. Sadie needs help now, and there’s only one person who might be able to give it. Granny Carne. Everyone round Senara goes to Granny Carne when they have a trouble they can’t solve. I think of Granny Carne’s amber, piercing eyes and the power in her. She’ll know what’s wrong with Sadie. She’ll help her if anyone can.

  At the same moment I hear the growl of a bus engine, changing gear at the bottom of the hill . I look back, and there is a shabby blue bus with SENARA CHURCHTOWN on the destination board.
I stick out my hand.

  The bus lumbers past without stopping. The driver turns to me and yells something I can’t hear. Then, as he gets toward the top of the hill , I see he’s pulling in at the bus stop to wait for me.

  “Can’t stop on the hill , see,” he says as I climb up the steps, pushing Sadie ahead of me. “Lucky for you I’m ahead of myself this morning.”

  “Thanks for waiting.”

  “I could see that poor old dog couldn’t hardly get up Geevor.”

  I find my fare and go to the back of the bus. He thought Sadie was old. That must be because she looks so weak.

  I flop down on the backseat, with Sadie at my feet. The driver pulls out onto the road again and picks up speed. On we go past the gray stone houses, past the rugby ground and the RV site, past the farm at the edge of town and to the crossroads where the school bus turns left. This bus turns right, onto the open road that leads across the moors to Senara. A streak of pale wintry sun lights up the hill s. The landscape opens wide and beautiful around us. I take a deep breath of freedom. No crowds, no busy streets. Just a narrow gray road rising over the wild country toward home.





hen the old blue bus drives off into the distance, leaving me at the roadside with Sadie, the reality of what I’ve done hits me. This is the stop before Senara Churchtown and the nearest stop to Granny Carne’s cottage. There are no houses here, only the road and the hill s covered in bracken, furze, and heather. There’s a wide black scar across the hill s, from a gorse fire.

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