The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (14 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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Andrew then pushed me onto my back. "Tonight, it's about you. You have made me a very happy man, Ms. Moore."

I sat up on my elbows, and watched as he lowered his head—teasing me—then he blew, causing the most mind-blowing sensory experience ever. I felt a ripple building as his fingers joined in the symphony as he played my body like an instrument. Feeling, seeing and hearing what he was doing caused me to explode. He continued to shower me with love for a few more moments, before he took me as his. The pace was slow and steady, until we both had built towards our climax together in unison as he called out my name.

The whole evening had been overwhelming, and the fact that I was about to become Mrs. Andrew Hughes, both thrilled and scared the hell out of me at the same time. We lay in each other's arms afterward, while Andrew played with the ring on my finger. I was about to become Mrs. Andrew Hughes.






The honeymoon was over and the wedding hadn't even happened yet.

Andrew and I stayed at the villa for the rest of the weekend, spending time walking along the beach when we weren't in bed. Although, most of our time was spent in bed. We both had a busy week ahead of us, and unfortunately reality was calling. Andrew had a promotional tour to prepare for, and I had a Thomas to find.

The week started out normally, but that all changed when I decided to run some errands on my own. I didn't notice anything unusual when I walked into the dress shop, but when I left the store, everything changed.

Sometimes, I knew I had been followed, but I tried not to think of it. Being followed by paps was becoming more frequent, and as much as I hated it, the reality was that it was now a part of my life. As I got into my car and drove off, I didn't notice, at first, that every time I pulled to the right hand side of the road, a blue car drove to my left. When it dawned on me, I tried to stay focused on not hitting anyone as he tailed me.

Nothing out of the ordinary—other than that—happened that week; until I pulled out of Andrew's driveway, heading to the studio, and there were media trucks lined along the secluded road. I called Andrew immediately, to warn him, but I found out that he was too late in warning
. I had left the house so quickly, that I didn't realize he was still at home. He had kissed me goodbye that morning when he had tiptoed out of the bedroom, but I thought that he had headed out. Apparently, he was in his home office with Frank and Maisie—his new...whatever. She helps Frank—and some others, including Andrew's publicist who was also in attendance. They were discussing how they were going to handle the press regarding our engagement.

Apparently, the paps that had followed me had seen my engagement ring. They were able to get several shots of the ring as I was driving. I knew that Andrew was planning to make a public announcement in the next few weeks, but he was too late. By the time I had reached the studio, I had realized just how fast news had spread when people had walked by me slowly staring at my left hand. The ring wasn't hard to miss, but it was weird having your hand as the center of attention.

It was a media circus in front of the house during the next week. I had to stop driving myself for a while after being chased down again by two very aggressive paps. Andrew wanted me safe. Hell, I wanted me safe and everyone else on the road. I had almost run over a bicyclist because I was trying to escape from them.

In the midst of the chaos, I was scheduled to move the rest of my belongings to Virginia. It had already been planned, as well as a birthday surprise for Andrew. We were going to have a family dinner at his parent's house, and that night I planned to serve him a dessert that he wouldn't forget. But the surprise was on me when Andrew couldn't get out of an earlier commitment. He was shooting several promotional spots slated to take place over several days. This meant that he had to stay in LA while I headed to Virginia. I insisted on staying, not wanting him to spend his birthday alone. Andrew insisted that I go because he had to work all day on his birthday as well as the next day. It became a full-blown argument, ending with him flying to Virginia after the shoot to spend the rest of his birthday weekend with both his family and me.

Since Andrew couldn't fly out with me, Connor was coming instead. I questioned this until we were attacked at the airport. The scene was nothing like London. For some reason, these jackasses were more aggressive, as if that would make me stop and pose for them. The moment that we pulled up, they swarmed the SUV.

It amazed me how they could find out when someone was leaving town. I wanted to ask if they stalked around and waited for someone to come to the airport check-in lane. They had to have some type of tip-off. As Connor exited the car, he threw some curse words their way. Then, he opened my door, pulling me under his arms as he bulldozed through them while I kept my head down as Andrew had always said.

"Get out of the way you assholes!" Connor yelled passing through them.

"Andria, how did Andrew propose?" One shouted out.

"Are you pregnant?"

"What do you think about Brittney stating that the wedding will never happen?"

I lifted my head and Connor tightened his grip.


I turned around when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't touch her!" Connor shouted as he released me, stepping into the man's face.

"Look man, I'm just trying to do my job."

"Then you should know to
not touch
, jackass! Next time, I'll break your damn hand."

"Do it," he heckled back.

Cameras were now all pointed at them; I took Connor's arm and said, "We need to check in. This jerk is not worth an assault charge."

Connor and the guy had some type of standoff, before he took my hand dragging me behind him into the airport. The paps stayed with us the entire time until we cleared security and walked around the corner towards the gate.

"I hate them!" he said fumingly. "They're pathetic scum," he spit out.

"I agree," I answered, while thinking of something to calm the situation down. "Hey, thanks for getting me through that."

"It's my job."

"I know that, but I can still say thank you." He didn’t say anything as we continued to walk towards the airport lounge.

We had a few minutes to sit and relax until the flight departed. We sat in silence for a while with our drinks, when I heard Connor mumbling to himself. I didn't catch it at first, but it was his attempt at starting up a conversation with me.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that?"

He took a long sip of his dark liquid and said, "I never congratulated you on your—you know—the ring wedding marriage thing."

I smiled at him. "Thanks, Connor."

"Drew's a good guy, when he wants to be."

"That's my future husband," I huffed out.

Then I laughed to myself. I was marrying Andrew. Then I freaked out,
I was marrying Andrew
. As joyful as I was, the thought of everything in which that entailed weighed heavily on me. I wasn't adjusting as quickly as I had thought to Andrew's lifestyle, even though everyone one said I would eventually. It had been a while and that
seemed to be taking its time. Although, everyone around me seemed to be faring a little better as time went on.

When I told my Dad about our engagement, I was shocked that he already knew. Andrew had managed to "ask him" for my hand, when we had visited him in Baltimore. I thought of how old-fashioned that was, and resulted in receiving a very special gift from me that night. The fact that he had wanted my dad's blessing...well, it touched me.

My mom popped my eardrum as she screamed when I had told her the news. She rivaled Erin when I had told her on the same day. I could literally hear my mom dancing around as she screamed out, "My baby is getting married." When she added, "And to a sexy Greek God," I said that I would talk to her later. Having your Mother lusting over your boyfriend—fiancé—was disturbing to say the least.

Andrew and I had both told his parents together over a conference line. Rebeca cried, which in turn made me cry, and Nelson told Andrew how proud he was of him. We spoke at length, and Rebeca was excited to hear about the wedding plans. I explained that Andrew and I had decided on a small ceremony with only family and close friends. She understood and was excited when I asked if she could assist my mother and me in planning the wedding. She cried again, and of course, that made me cry again too. By the time we ended the call, I was crying in Andrew's arms. It had been a very emotional week, and it felt good to cry.

Erin squealed and cheered, but she had been clued in when Andrew asked for her assistance in planning the night at the villa. Of course, she had started planning our wedding, and already had venues picked out. It looked as if we only needed to pick a date.

That seemed impossible at first. Andrew had junkets scheduled in the winter for Christopher's film, and
was to begin filming the first of the year. We would have to plan it for the end of the year, or have a long engagement and wait until the spring of next year. It didn't matter to me, but Andrew was leaning more towards the last few months of this year. We still had time to decide, which left me time to get used to being a fiancée first. One step at a time, I thought, but Andrew had other ideas. Ready or not, I would be Mrs. Andrew Hughes by winter.

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