The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (5 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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There was something flying around my ear. I swatted around and it still buzzed in my ear. It wasn't until the buzzing noise became a low humming sound that I realized I was swatting Andrew away. I opened my blue eyes to his deep, ever changing green ones as he continued to nip and kiss around my ear.

I hummed out in my own satisfaction as every nerve ending stood on end. Andrew’s mouth was a slow torture until he stopped to look up at me. "Did you have a nice nap?"

"I did. How long have I been asleep?"

"I've been here for over an hour."

I sat up on the small bed. "Why didn't you wake me?"

He started placing warm kisses across one shoulder. "You needed your rest."

"I haven't seen you in eight days—I can rest when I get back to Dallas."

"I thought I should be good and let you rest up."

Brow raised, I asked, "Rest up?"

His lips trailed up my neck until we were face to face. "I planned to keep you up for quite a long time tonight, Ms. Moore."

"Well, then, I'm grateful you let me 'rest up.'"

"Are you ready to go?"

I was a little disappointed that we were leaving. "I thought we were going to start here." I said timidly.

How does he do that to me? One minute I'm a nervous wreck, the next minute I'm a whore wanting to be spanked.


Apparently, that last thought came across on my face. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. I thought the hotel would be more comfortable."

I took a better look at Andrew, who was freshly showered, hair wet and in disarray, and he smelled like…hmmm…then I kissed him. Actually, French kissed him. We were far from the niceties. I wanted him, and I was sure that I couldn’t wait until we reached our hotel.

Andrew moaned into my mouth as he wrapped his arms around me. I squeezed out of them and pushed him onto his back as I straddled him. I yanked at his pants, as he helped me slide them down. "It's been too long, and I can’t wait."

"I love when you take what you want, baby."

He was going to really love me, because I was about to take exactly what I had been craving for. I quickly started to unbutton his shirt. Andrew finished for me, tossing it to the side while I pulled off my cardigan and lifted the tank top over my head. I looked down as he stared at my breasts. The look of anticipation in his eyes was priceless. I loved how this man made me feel. He always seemed to want me, and God knows I always wanted him.

I unhooked my bra letting it fall to my side as I stood to slide my pants and panties off. Andrew’s eyes glided down my naked body as if he was seeing me for the first time. For a split second, I felt self-conscious. His eyes dissected every inch of me, and when they reached my breasts, they stood at attention, ready to serve him in every way. His brow rose, as he moved back against the headboard signaling me to follow him.

I climbed back on top of him as he took one nub into his mouth. My head fell back, as the sensation of his tongue sliding back and forth surged down to my core. I swear there was a line attached from my breast to my sex. Every nip, bite, and suck spoke directly to me, and when Andrew moaned, the vibration sent shock waves throughout my entire body. "Ah…I missed your mouth on me."

Andrew looked up with
smirk and said, "I missed being buried inside of you." And with no warning, he lifted me up and slammed me down to the hilt. I screamed out, as he held me down, not moving until I brought my head forward to look at him. "Move," he commanded.

I circled my hips, as I indeed moved. My speed picked up as the sensations grew. "Aug," was all I could pant out, along with incoherent words. The sounds from the friction were erotic as I continued to feel every stretch from Andrew.

"Bounce, baby. Harder!" he groaned out.

I placed my hands on his thighs behind me for leverage, while I did exactly that until I heard, "Oh. My. God!" as Amy's voice ranged out.

We both looked over at her as she stood staring at the two of us like a deer in headlights. "Get out!" Andrew yelled.

It took her a minute, but she finally came to, and left.

Now, you would have thought that I would have been appalled, and climbed off Andrew right then. Surely, not continue on as she stood horrified while she watched. Yet, there was something about her seeing exactly what I could do for Andrew….

Kept repeating over again in my mind. All the games she had played, and all the effort she had been making to try to "win" Andrew away was futile. I fell on top of Andrew's sweaty chest, as he twitched a few more times. We laid there while we both caught our breaths, not wanting the connection to break.

"Sorry, about that," he said.

"You're apologizing for

"For Amy."

"Why didn't you lock the door?"

"I did."

"How did she get in?"

"She has a key."

"Did you hear a knock?"

"Actually, no."

I lifted myself off of his chest to look him straight in the eye. "Does she always invite herself into your locked trailer?"

His eyes widened, as he said, "No! In fact, I told her that I was going to meet you at the hotel and that I needed to take a shower first."

That bitch!
I knew she walked in on purpose trying to see Andrew after his shower. "I don't like her."

"I'm not surprised by that."

"You need a new assistant. She can barely take care of your personal stuff. Isn't that what you pay her for?"

He bobbed his head back and forth in thought. "Yeah…"

"Yeah, what, Andrew?"

"You're right. It was Frank who wanted her. I'll talk to him about letting Amy go, along with a severance."

My mouth dropped open, as I stared at him in disbelief. "Really? A severance for what? Not doing her job?"

"Do we have to discuss her

"No." I climbed up and kissed his nose. "As long as she's gone."

"Oh, she will be gone, but her brother is staying." I looked dumbfounded. "Connor didn't tell you?" He smirked. "Frank was doing
a favor, Amy's his little sister."






"Let me get this straight. You rode him good, and you're embarrassed?"

Erin chuckled over the phone while I lay in the bed covering my head. "I don't know…but I couldn't help it. For a moment, I thought I freaked out Andrew. I didn't stop when Amy walked in!"

"Calm down. I can guarantee it turned him on."

"I don't want…"

"You don't want to show him the freak that you really are?"


"Come on, it took a while for you to open up to him. He's finally seeing
of you."

I thought about that for a moment, and said, "Since London, and what happened with Brittney, something has changed inside of me. When we were first dating, it seemed as if it was a fantasy. He wasn't real to me, Erin. I know that sounds crazy, but even though we were dating, it didn't
real all the time. Then, when he told me that he loved me, a light went on. I started to see the
Andrew and not the movie star. Of course, I knew that he was real, but I finally saw the man. Does that make any sense?"

"Your relationship—like every other—is growing. That's all. Try to enjoy it, and stop looking at him as a movie star. He is just a man, and one who happens to be in love with an incredible woman."

This was the third call from Elena today and I really wished that I had let it go to voicemail. I was being impartial the night that Andrew and I had had dinner with Christopher. But, one of the other directors had notified the studio that I was being coerced. Evidently, I did have a say in who directed the film from the outside eye as Christopher had previously stated. 

"It was only dinner, Elena."

"The studio is still in negotiations with the other directors."

"I know that. Christopher is Andrew's current director, and we had dinner with him and his wife. That is all that it was."

"It's how it looks."

"I really don't care how it looks. It was

This was supposed to be a collaboration—not a dictatorship.

"This is an incredible deal for all of us."

"I understand that, but can you see why it bothers me?"

"I can. Look, I'll explain to Grant that it was a
dinner. I had already said that it had to be a misunderstanding."

"Thank you."

"So, Christopher has a wife, huh? Are they in an

"Goodbye, Elena. I'll see you on Tuesday."

I swear her legs open up for any man with a pulse.

"Andria, are you ready?" Wade yelled out.

"In here." He walked into our bedroom suite, and smiled.

"You look rested. I thought you might be worn out from all that
." He emphasized, and wiggled his eyebrows.

I shook my head. "I'm almost done with this bag, and I’ll be ready." I put the last items in the suitcase before closing it shut.

Wade grabbed the handle as he lifted it off the bed. "I sure wish I could have been a fly on Drew's trailer wall the other day, Little A."

"He told you!" I said horrified, and embarrassed.

He tilted his head, not understanding. "What?" Then understanding reflected from his eyes. "Oh, no, not that. I was trying to say that I would have
to have seen the expression on Amy's face as she walked in on you two. Connor and I were with Frank when Drew came storming into his room, ranting about what Amy had done and to get rid of her. Connor had warned her to stop messing around with you. He said, and I quote, 'Keep screwing with Andria, and you'll find yourself out on your ass.'"

"Connor actually said that?" I thought he was going to hate me, or make me pay for getting Amy fired.

"Yes, and you should have seen Frank's face when Connor said to fire her ass. Drew was already on the fence about keeping her, but Andria, how stupid can she be?" He roared out in laughter.

I crossed my arms. "It wasn't funny."

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