The Werewolf Affair [DeWitt's Pack 14] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (7 page)

BOOK: The Werewolf Affair [DeWitt's Pack 14] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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“Gladly,” Phillip said, and he carefully removed his fingers and stroked what was left of the lube onto his dick. The stuff made his cock all warm and tingly. It was actually very nice.

He lined up the head with Trevor’s hole and slowly pushed inside.

It was just as nice as he remembered it. It took a minute or so before he was able to get fully submerged, but when he did, it was even better than the last time.

He couldn’t deny himself this. It was too good. Thank God he and Trevor were friends enough to be able to do this without it hurting either of them. Otherwise he didn’t know how he could survive without it.

“That’s good. Fuck me,” Trevor said, and Phillip caught the way his hand went between his legs to stroke himself as Phillip began pushing in and out of him.

The bed actually started creak and groan beneath them. It pounded against the wall, but he could no longer bring himself to care whether or not they were caught. Why did he even care to begin with? It was nobody’s business who he fucked.

“Ah, fuck, you feel so good,” Phillip panted. His fingertips were probably leaving bruises in Trevor’s hips, but the other man didn’t complain.

Trevor could only gasp out his response, which Phillip didn’t even catch anyway.

He stopped briefly and lifted his leg so that his foot was flat down on the mattress, his knee up, and then he started ramming into the other man again. The new angle allowed him to go deeper than before, and it allowed him more room to move his hips.

Trevor clenched his asshole around him, and he nearly collapsed onto his back. “Oh fuck! Do that again.”

Trevor did as he was told, and again, and again. Phillip tried to hold back, but his body was ready, and he pumped his hips in fast and short spurts, trying to make it to the end. His cock swelled and his balls went tight as the orgasm rushed through him.

He almost didn’t hear what Trevor said when he came down off his high, but the words still managed to penetrate into his brain.

“I love you.”

Phillip froze. He waited for the spasms of Trevor’s orgasm to leave him before he gently pulled out of the man.

Trevor stayed completely still. Phillip didn’t know what he was waiting for. Maybe he expected him to walk out of the room or something, but he wasn’t angry, even if the declaration left him a little alarmed.

He felt strange staying on his knees like this while Trevor was bent over. He grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around.

Trevor’s face had all kinds of worry on it. He really was expecting Phillip to leave.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” he said.

Phillip didn’t respond. He didn’t know what to say at all.

“It’s okay,” he said. It was the only thing he could think of.

That had also been a mistake, and not what Trevor had hoped to hear as he turned away from him. It was almost like he was ashamed to show Phillip his face or something. “Look, you don’t have to stick around anymore if you don’t want to. I won’t guilt you into staying.”

Did Trevor want him to stay? Judging by his words, Phillip was going to assume that was a definitely yes.

The night was still young, but he was kind of tired, and he didn’t feel like slinking off to his own cabin like he was doing something wrong or like he was ashamed of the man beneath him.

Mostly, Phillip just missed having some human contact.

“Lie down with me,” he said.

Trevor looked over his shoulder at him, and Phillip got down onto his side, keeping his eyes on the other man and waiting for him to follow him.

“You’re serious?” he asked.

Phillip nodded. “Yeah, come here.”

He held his arms open for him, and Trevor slowly sank into them. He kept his eyes on Phillip, searching for any signs that he might be changing his mind or something, but Phillip wasn’t about to do that. He wanted this.

Trevor’s body heat warmed him, and he loved it. It was comfortable and just what Phillip needed. He liked the way that Trevor’s hands curled around him, and he liked the feeling of Trevor’s warm breath against his chest.

He held the man back like he was a teddy bear or something, and he felt pathetic for it. That didn’t stop it from feeling so nice that he could almost fall asleep.

“I wish I could say it back to you―”

“I’m okay if you can’t,” Trevor said.

“No, you’re not.”

“No, really, I am.” Trevor looked up at him without getting up from his chest. He even managed a nervous smile. “I’m just glad you didn’t run for the hills when I said it.”

Phillip had to laugh. “It was kind of unexpected.” Then he closed his eyes and sighed. “I still love her.”

“I know. I wouldn’t expect you to drop all your feelings for her just because I showed up. I know it doesn’t work that way.”

“Most other people your age wouldn’t be that understanding,” Phillip said, which was another reason he and Trevor had become friends in the first place. Trevor was mature for his age, even if he did still read those geeky, thick comic books.

“Most other people weren’t taken from their apartment in the middle of the night and turned into a werewolf,” Trevor countered.

That was right. Trevor had been through a lot for a guy his age. He’d had to mature quickly. It was the only way he and Cole and the others who’d been changed against their will could survive out in the woods and make sure that the omegas with them survived as well.

“Right. I forgot,” Phillip said, and then he wet his lips. He should’ve known better than to think this could be strictly about sex. They were mated, of course feelings would get involved, and now Phillip had to start talking with Trevor about them.

“I like you, Trevor. I really do, but I’m not ready to replace her. I can’t do that to her. Even now I feel like I’m cheating on her, even though I know she’s gone.”

Trevor held him tighter. “I can wait for you.”

Chapter Six


They held each other, just talking quietly for a while. The sexual mood had pretty much been killed by the subject matter, but for the moment they were enjoying each other’s company, as well as the feeling of just having another person there in the room.

Phillip had to admit that he enjoyed it. He wasn’t in love with Trevor, he didn’t think he was, but at the moment he knew he could easily slip into that emotion and be perfectly content.

Someone broke their peaceful atmosphere by knocking on the front door.

They both sat up suddenly. Phillip looked at Trevor as he got out of bed and started putting on a clean set of clothes. “Would your roommates knock?”

“I doubt it,” Trevor said, then went down the hall to answer the door.

Phillip thought he should get up as well. It didn’t look like they would be going back to bed together tonight. It was a little disappointing, but he could handle it now that he’d had the other man. At least he wouldn’t be spending all night awake, fighting off his lust.

Phillip heard Trevor speaking to someone as he shimmied into his jeans. He was pretty sure it wasn’t James at the door. He would’ve knocked once and then entered, as was his right in a pack that he was the leader of.

Oddly enough, he couldn’t tell who was at the door. His nose seemed to be failing him on that one.

Maybe the scent of sex was so heavy that it was blocking the outside.

Trevor’s voice got a little louder, and though Phillip couldn’t smell the person approaching, he could hear the heavy clomp of booted feet against the floor as they came closer to Trevor’s door.

There wasn’t anywhere for Phillip to run and hide, and he wasn’t about to do that anyway. Whoever was coming, he was going to face them head on.

The door opened, revealing the pale face of the vampire Ivan, only his eyes weren’t red today.

That must mean that the spirit of his werewolf protector Eric was inside of him.

Phillip frowned at the sight of the man. He was pretty sure there was nothing going on between Trevor and Eric, or Ivan, whoever, that would cause the other man to burst into the room like this, like a jealous lover.

“What do you want?” Phillip demanded. His inner alpha was still pretty damn offended at the intrusion, regardless of what it was for.

Eric’s eyes fell onto a chair in the corner next to the closet. He stared there for a full sixty seconds, and that was a long time.

By the time he snapped out of it and looked back at Phillip, Trevor had come back into the room and was giving Phillip an apologetic look for allowing Eric to pass him.

“Eric, or Ivan, whoever, what are you doing here?” Phillip demanded again.

Eric sighed at the sight of him, and he cast a quick and pitying look at Trevor. “Phillip, I need to speak with you real quick.”

Phillip folded his arms. “All right. Speak.”

Eric waited a second, still casting doubting looks to Trevor. “Uh, alone would be best.”

Phillip wasn’t about to have any of that. Not until he knew what this was about. “Is this because I left the pack land without permission?”

No point in pretending he hadn’t. Regardless of whether or not the man in front of him had known Phillip had left, Phillip knew someone would confront him with it eventually. Might as well be now.

Eric’s jaw clenched slightly. “No. I saw you, but I haven’t told James about it, yet. I don’t think he’ll do much about it anyway. He respects you enough to let the offense slide.”

“Then what is this about? I’m with someone.”

He noted the way Trevor seemed to brighten up proudly at Phillip’s words.

“Do you really want me talking about your mate in front of your lover?” Eric asked, though the words weren’t biting.

Phillip’s entire face went cold, and his eyes went wide.

“Just come with me. Old Maggie and James are at the pond. We need to tell you something. Show you something, really.”

Eric turned around without another word. He walked out of the bedroom and down the hall to the front door.

Like he was being led by his nose, Phillip followed him. Something about his wife. There was some news about Helen that he needed to hear.


* * * *


Trevor watched both men leave, and he tried his absolute best to keep everything inside of him from imploding with curiosity. And anger.

Philip was clearly ready to let the pack know that he and Trevor were together, kind of, but he was still willing to let other people think that he was just a lover instead of a mate. He’d almost corrected Eric when he spoke, but he kept his mouth shut out of respect for Phillip’s wishes.

He was going to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, even though he wanted nothing better than to follow the both of them to the pond and find out whatever it was that they knew about Phillip’s deceased wife.

He sat on his bed and decided to wait it out instead.


* * * *


They brought him deep into the woods. Night had fallen some hours ago, and so everything was dark and cold, but Phillip could see just fine as Eric led him farther in.

Soon, Phillip heard the trickle of water from the little waterfall that fed the pond and smelled the water as well as the plant life that grew inside of it.

He’d been here a couple of times already to drink from the water. It had some kind of mysterious healing powers, and he had to admit that when he drank from the water while recovering from his time as a wild werewolf he did feel better and more in control of himself.

Old Maggie was indeed waiting there. She had on a red sundress today with a rose pattern, and the large hump in her back was somewhat hidden away by the wide scarf tied around her neck. She had her gnarled walking stick in hand, though Phillip doubted she needed it. He’d seen how quickly she moved on occasion.

James was next to her, and he heard Phillip and Eric coming because he turned away from the water to look at them. His scarred face held a trace of sadness, and Phillip got worried.

Someone pushed his inner panic button, because he all but ran to the other alpha. “Is Sammy okay? Did something happen?”

Sammy was part of Helen, so maybe that’s what Eric had meant when he’d spoken about her. If something had happened to his child while he wasn’t there to protect him, then he was really going to go wild with grief.

“No, relax, relax. He’s okay. I left him with Corey.”

Phillip released a breath of relief. He waited for his heart rate to get back to normal, and then he started to look over his surroundings. “What is this all about then?”

James looked over at Eric. “Ivan and Eric tell me that they’d been watching you lately. You’re aware that they’re sharing a body right?”

Yeah, he was. This had been told to him a couple of times already. Eric was a ghost and Ivan was a medium who could see other ghosts, and sometimes they shared a body. He told as much to James so the man would know he was up to date on that story.

“Right, well.” James seemed to look back at Eric for support.

That wasn’t normal. He was the pack alpha. Nothing should make him this unsure that he would need the help of another man to explain what was going on.

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