The Werewolf Affair [DeWitt's Pack 14] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (3 page)

BOOK: The Werewolf Affair [DeWitt's Pack 14] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Phillip at first seemed to be at a loss as to what he should do, but then he settled for more of that forceful kissing.

When they were both completely naked, Phillip thrust his hard cock into Trevor’s groin, and they both groaned.

Trevor wasn’t worried they would be seen or heard from the distance they were at. Someone would have to be walking out here to see them at this point, and everyone was too busy learning about the changes in their pack.

Trevor only wished he could get Phillip to accept those changes.

Phillip thrust against him, hard and fast, as though they were actually fucking. Trevor loved the slide of flesh on flesh and the way their bodies heated as they both moved against each other. He wished they really were having sex right now. He wished Phillip loved him as much as Trevor loved Phillip.

Trevor moaned as his orgasm ripped through him, but he was still hard even when his cock finished spurting cum onto his stomach. He reached down to stroke himself, and every nerve in his body twitched and spasmed as he touched his sensitive prick.

Werewolves were supposed to be able to get hard fast and everything, but this was insane. He and Phillip had been fighting against this for far too long, it seemed.

Phillip’s impossibly fast hips moved even faster, almost slamming Trevor into the ground at this point as he moaned and gasped with each pump of his hips.

Trevor could feel everything between them as his senses sharpened. This was it. Their bond was about to be complete, and they weren’t really even having sex. He heard the fast beat of Phillip’s heart inside of his chest and the way his lungs expanded and contracted in quick bursts as he took in oxygen. He then started to hear the man thinking inside of his head.

“So fucking good. Going to fuck you into the ground. Mine. Mine. No one else’s.”

Trevor figured that maybe Phillip didn’t know they could now hear each other’s unguarded thoughts. Otherwise the other man might’ve been more careful with what he thought about. He was going to have to tell him about it later, after they both had an orgasm.

Phillip’s grip on his hips tightened to the point of pain, and he released a long, drawn-out howl into the night just as Trevor felt the light swelling in Phillip’s cock, followed by a warm gushing of fluid over his stomach again.

Maybe that was all that was needed for a proper claiming of mates to occur. Just having each other fluids exchanged or something.

He wasn’t about to start thinking about the details of that one.

Phillip collapsed onto Trevor, and Trevor had never felt better in all his life. They’d finally completed their bonding. They’d claimed each other after four weeks of fighting against it.

Then they both realized they were lying in their own fluids, so they got up and both moved to lay down on a soft patch of grass after wiping themselves off with a few soft leaves.

Trevor was both shocked and pleased when Phillip allowed himself to lie against his chest, and then he wrapped his arms around Trevor’s waist, holding him close and sharing body heat.

It was because he was vulnerable, Trevor told himself. He’d just had an orgasm with his mate, and his defenses were down. That was all right. Trevor would take whatever he could get.

He held Phillip close, listening to the beating of his heart and the expanding and contracting of his lungs as he breathed deeply and evenly. Neither of them were sleeping. Trevor felt like he could fall asleep right there, acting as Phillip’s personal body pillow.

Maybe he’d started to let his guard down as well, and maybe he’d started to doze off a little. Otherwise he never would’ve allowed himself to lean up and press a kiss to Phillip’s hair. Not when he knew the other man wouldn’t be ready for, or appreciative of, the sentiment.

What they had been doing earlier, that hard pressing of mouths and biting teeth, those were hardly the gentle kisses that Trevor had pressed to the top of Phillip’s head.

Phillip immediately pulled himself out of Trevor’s arms, and the cold air from the night assaulted his body.

“I’m going to head back,” he said, and Trevor noted the way he dressed without looking at him.

“Right, I guess I will, too,” Trevor said, and then he got up and started collecting his clothes. It didn’t take long.

Phillip sighed when he was dressed, but he didn’t start walking back to the cottages where they were all staying. “Look, I don’t want to be an asshole or anything, and I don’t want to ignore your feelings―”

“I said it’s okay,” Trevor said, zipping his jeans. He looked at Phillip and tried to somehow mentally project to the other man how he felt on the subject. He didn’t want to guilt Phillip into a relationship. Something like that would only be doomed to fail, mated or not, but they couldn’t ignore the instinctual urges that went through them without hurting them both.

“You’re not ready for a relationship. That’s fine with me, but I’ll still be here for whenever you need…release.” It took him a second to think of the right word, and though he wished there was a better way to say it, release was exactly what they would both be needing on so many levels.

“And when you are ready for it,” Trevor continued, “I’ll be here for when you want something more, too.”

Phillip forced a weak smile at him, and then he turned around and started walking back to the pack. Trevor waited a couple of minutes, letting the stars keep him company before deciding to follow the other man. He didn’t want to make it too obvious to the pack what they were doing, not when Phillip just wanted to be left alone.

Still, he really hoped he was doing the right thing by making an arrangement like this. He hoped Phillip would be able to come around soon. Trevor wasn’t expecting overnight results, but if they were doing this all the way into next year, he didn’t know if his heart would be able to take it.

Phillip knew they were mates, but he didn’t know that Trevor was already in love with him. He would keep it that way. For the moment.

Chapter Three


Phillip wished that holding his own son didn’t feel so alien to him. It was his own fault, really. He was the one who ran off after his pack was attacked, went nearly wild, and just fell apart at the seams.

Old Maggie was the one to suggest that it was the part of nearly going wild that had screwed up his memories. He’d somehow started to believe that Helen had been murdered when she was still pregnant with their pup, and meanwhile, Sammy was a few months old by then.

The fact that he’d survived was a miracle in of itself. Maybe the hunters had been saving the kid for last. Maybe they’d actually showed some humanity and decided not to kill an infant for their revenge.

Either way, Phillip was at least glad for this, and some of his memories had started to correct themselves over the weeks since he’d returned. Enough for him to realize how much his child had grown since he’d run away, which always shamed him even more.

Sammy looked completely uncomfortable in Phillip’s arms and was constantly looking back at Corey, James’s mate, as though waiting for the other man to come back and take him already.

James and his mate had been raising Phillip’s child, and now Sammy didn’t know who his real father was.

“I think I remember this,” Phillip said, reaching down and taking hold of a Winnie-the-Pooh doll. It was the kind of soft thing with sewn-in eyes that Helen had insisted Sammy’s toys be. She hadn’t wanted to risk that he would pull something off the toy that he could choke on or that the material be too rough against his soft skin. From the look of things, James had managed to bring over much of the nursery from Phillip’s old house, as well as some newer things that he didn’t recognize.

“You like this guy, right?” Phillip waved the doll in front of Sammy’s face.

Those chubby cheeks scrunched up as he pushed against Phillip’s hand with a noise of disdain. Phillip didn’t understand.

“What? You love Winnie-the-Pooh,” Phillip said, and he tried to show Sammy the face that had once made him so happy whenever he had to go into his crib.

Again, Sammy made a loud noise that was probably baby talk for no and then pushed back against his father’s hand.

Phillip didn’t understand what he was doing wrong.

“Here, try this one,” Corey said, appearing next to him with a stuffed rabbit in his hand.

Phillip looked at the thing. It wasn’t the rabbit from the cartoon, or anywhere else that Phillip recognized. He took the offered doll anyway. “Where did this come from? Is it one from the house?”

Corey shook his head. “No, one of the mothers here went looking through her old toy chest. Her pups are too big now, and she gave away all the baby toys to anyone with smaller pups like this. He seems to like it.”

Phillip presented the gray rabbit to his son, and to his shock, the strong little hands reached out and snatched the toy.

Sammy babbled happily, waving the rabbit around like it was a prize or something. Phillip looked over at Corey and saw the way the other man was looking down at the boy with sad affection.

Corey was an omega, and he’d been basically getting up at night for bottle feedings, changing diapers, and dealing with playtime, naps, and temper tantrums, along with James, when Phillip should have been the one to do all those things. Clearly, he’d grown attached.

What could he do about that? This was his child, not Corey’s. So why did Phillip feel another heavy brick being added to the pile that was already building inside of him?

His throat closed up, and he handed Sammy back to Corey when the boy started reaching for the man and shouting out his commands.

“Up! Up! Up!”

“I couldn’t―” Corey said, but then easily took the boy into his arms when Phillip pressed on.

“He’s still getting used to me.”
And he still prefers you
. “I’ll just head out for a little while and be back soon. Need to clear my head.”

“Is everything okay?” Corey asked, clearly thinking about Phillip’s hazy memories.

“Yeah, yeah. I just need a walk.”

What he needed was Helen back. What he needed was a time machine so he could go back and protect his wife when she was being tortured to death by hunters.

He walked out of the main cabin where the pack alpha, his mate, and the wise woman stayed. It was the largest house and was basically at the head of all the other smaller cottages.

James had offered to make room for him in that house because that was where Sammy was, as well as the fact that Phillip was a former leading alpha. The man was trying to be respectful, but Phillip held no importance over anyone any longer. He gladly accepted a room in a shared house with some of the unmated omegas closest to the main house.

He didn’t go there either. His wolf wanted to run, and Phillip was going crazy by keeping him locked up inside.

No, he didn’t just want to run. There was something else he wanted to do. It had been two days since he’d last been with Trevor, and he was antsy as hell already.

He thought he would’ve been able to go for longer without relying on the man, but it was clear that coming together only once in a while wouldn’t be an option.

He was going to have to have a visit with him tonight. There was no doubt in his mind that if he was this twitchy, then Trevor would be as well.

He found Cole first. The man wasn’t with his hunter mate, which was good. “Hey, have you seen Trevor around?”

Cole and Trevor were both friends. They’d arrived in DeWitt’s pack at the same time as part of the same group of nearly wild werewolves that were running from their inner wolves.

Cole blinked stupidly at him. Phillip couldn’t blame him. This was probably the first time he’d ever gone out of his way to speak to the man. It wasn’t personal. Phillip just didn’t want to get chummy with him in case the end result was that he would have to make nice conversation with the guy’s mate, former hunter or not.

“Do you know where he is?” Phillip prompted.

Finally Cole blinked and responded. “Yeah, I think he went out hunting.”

Perfect. There would be other wolves around to help Trevor bring in that day’s catch, but he could still get him alone for a little while.

“Thanks,” Phillip said and then quickly made his way into the trees. He found one of the wooden benches James had built in certain areas scattered around the land, opened the hidden latch on the seat, and then undressed and stuck his clothes inside.

They were a good idea, and from what Phillip had been told, lost and torn clothing was becoming less of an issue because of them.

Now that he was sufficiently naked, Phillip shifted into his wolf form.

He took his time with the change, letting his muscles shift and stretch and his bones break and realign themselves. Thirty seconds later, he was on four paws, shaking out his gray coat. Then he was off running.

The run always helped to relax him. There was something nice about the wind whipping past his face and through his fur, as well as the feeling of the pads of his paws pounding on the ground as he ran.

It wasn’t enough. Not this time. He couldn’t run away from the things that pained him, because he knew full well that they would follow him, and there was only one immediate cure that he could think of.

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