Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon (11 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon
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Yep,” LaRon answered plainly as she sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes as him.

Dr. Finkle entered the room at that exact moment, effectively ending the conversation. He laid the manila folder on his desk, sitting down and crossing his hands as he greeted them both, maintaining eye contact.

Are you both still sure you want to do this,” he asked one final time before getting to the results.

He does,” Kysha threw out angrily, the hurt evident.

Dr. Finkle sighed lightly and regarded LaRon waiting for his answer.

Tell us what they say,” he replied plainly as the doctors face fell and he slowly opened the folder and regarded them both again.

“Well as you know, we collected amniotic fluid, which contains cells shed by the fetus, and can be compared genetically to those of the father,” Dr. Finkle explained. “The DNA is then tested by our labs from the source or sources we supply,” he went on as LaRon and Kysha remained deathly quiet. “The results are 99.9% accurate,” he finished as they both nodded their understanding.

Now,” the doctor began again as Kysha held her breath. “In regards to your baby,” Dr. Finkle continued, glancing up at the young woman as her eyes remained glued to his own. “The test determined that the relationship between the fetus and the donor DNA supplied was 0.00%,” he finished sadly as Kysha burst into tears.

LaRon remained motionless as he addressed the doctor.

I want a copy of that,” he said calmly.

Dr. Finkle nodded without speaking, handing Kysha the box of Kleenex to compose herself. Rising he left them alone in his office while he had his office manager make copies of the test like LaRon requested.

Deuce, please don’t leave me,” Kysha cried out looking into his stoic face.

You took me through hell Kysha,” he hissed angrily. “Did any and everything you could to destroy my life, fuck up my family, and now you talkin’ bout don’t leave you,” he asked incredulously.

Did you forget you’re knocked up with some other muthafucka’s baby that you was tryna put on me,” LaRon asked, grabbing her arm tightly. Kysha winced from the pain. “Bitch, me not killing you is a blessing to you right now,” he growled as they heard the doctor returning and LaRon released her arm.

Handing the man the paperwork he’d requested, Dr. Finkle asked if there were any other questions. LaRon told him no, rising and walking out of the office as Kysha burst into tears once more and slowly got up to follow him. Dr. Finkle shook his head giving the woman’s back a sympathetic look before rising and closing the door.


Kaitlyn waited for Jaleesa to open the door. They’d put off their talk until they returned from the trip to Louisiana, but that was two days ago. It was time to talk now as far as Kaitlyn was concerned. Something heavy was going on and she wanted to know exactly what.

Hey girl,” Jaleesa greeted her smiling, inviting her inside.

Hey Tweety,” she replied amiably.

Grabbing them both a glass of iced tea, Jaleesa came into the sunroom where Kaitlyn waited. She loved her best friend’s house. It was bright and cheerful, even out here where they sat, bright colors filled the room. The furniture was multicolor with solid color sheer curtains representing each color in the furniture. The blues, greens, yellows, and vibrant orange’s stood out and energized the room. Kaitlyn always felt alive in the room, as if it could actually speak. She took in the two potted plants Jaleesa keep in the room. Even they were alive with green as their leaves sparkled in the sun, their limbs lifted heaven bound.

“So, tell me what’s going on,” Kaitlyn threw out sipping her tea and waiting for an answer.

Jaleesa sighed deeply before looking back at her friend and beginning to speak. Kaitlyn remained quiet letting her friend pour out everything she held inside.

So you regret it now,” Kaitlyn asked without hint of judgment.

No, I don’t regret sleeping with Peyton,” Jaleesa answered honestly. “Its just that he’s caught up now, calling me all the time, texting me, bugging me about when we’re gonna spend more time together,” she told her best friend rolling her eyes at the end, making Kaitlyn laugh.

So why not tell him that,” Kaitlyn replied sipping her tea again.

I’ve tried, he just doesn’t get it,” she told her friend exasperated. “I don’t want him texting me while Deuce is here, or god forbid, calling me while he’s here,” Jaleesa explained.

Kaitlyn told her she understood, but she had to do something and had to be soon. “Your luck is gonna run out, not to mention we got other shit to keep under wraps as well,” Kaitlyn threw back referring to their new venture with Kareem and his crew. “Speaking of which,” she began again regarding Jaleesa once more.

“What’s the deal with you and Mecca,” Kaitlyn asked plainly. Jaleesa smiled slightly and told her it was just harmless flirting.

Hmm,” she replied giving her friend another look.

OK, so we kissed a couple times, no big deal,” Jaleesa confessed as Kaitlyn smiled again and shook her head.

Be careful Tweety,” she told her seriously. “You know Deuce is volatile as hell.” Jaleesa told her she knew and she would definitely be careful.

I just can’t explain it KiKi,” she began again. “I just feel so alive since we been back in the game, and I’m so lovin’ the male attention I’m getting,” Jaleesa honestly admitted. “I sound like the last whore don’t I,” she added as Kaitlyn chuckled again.

You know me better than that,” she told her friend. “Like I always say, if a dude can do it, so can a woman.”

Jaleesa nodded in agreement once more.

So on the serious tip, what you wanna do about this Peyton fool,” Kaitlyn asked her meaning clear.

Shit girl,” Jaleesa began. “I’m going to see him today and tell him face to face to back off, and that is was just sex, damn,” she replied as Kaitlyn sighed deeply and told her okay.

Just make sure you have your shit with you,” she added as a final note, before they changed the subject and began talking about the next run they were making for Kareem.




Seth’s frown was deepening as he listened to what Zeke was telling him.

When you find all this out,” Seth questioned.

Earlier this afternoon, it all over the news the other day, but I just find out Gabrielle was wit him when it happen,” Zeke replied.

Peyton walked into the room hearing the volume of his brother’s voice.

Where Gabrielle at,” he barked as Zeke had to tell him no one knew.

She done vanished, gone,” Zeke returned in the clipped Cajun English.

How the hell my sister vanish, nobody see nothin’, nobody know nothin’,” Seth was yelling now.

We on de way,” he barked at Zeke. “You round up the boys, start ta looking,” he ordered him once more.

Zeke told him he had already called them and they were on the way as well. Grunting his understanding, Seth disconnected. Peyton wanted to know what the hell was going on and what their cousin had said to Seth that set him off like this.

What he say,” Peyton had to finally ask as Seth continued to brood quietly.

“Corey Fontaine murdered two days ago,” Seth told him looking right into his face. “Somebody knifed him in the alley,” he went on as Peyton frowned deeply now himself.

Gabrielle was wit him,” Peyton questioned as Seth nodded in the affirmative. “Where she at now,” he asked stupidly as Seth gave him a look.

Ain’t you heard me asking Zeke where de hell she at,” he yelled, immediately sorry. “We got to go Peyton,” he told his brother rising just as Ian walked in the front door.

He saw the looks on both their faces and began to question them. Seth gave Ian a quick rundown of everything they knew and that they were heading back to Louisiana now.

Let’s go then,” he replied immediately.

What about your business here,” Peyton asked.

Ian gave him a look.

It will wait until we find Brie and make sure she’s all right,” he answered calmly.

Seth was impressed with Ian’s selflessness. He tried to thank Ian for coming, but the man cut him short.

If it weren’t for you two, and Brie, I don’t know where I would have been,” Ian replied grabbing the two .10mm he kept in the kitchen cabinet. “Let’s go find out just what the hell is going on,” he added as the two brothers agreed with his sentiment, heading out the front door and into the car, pointing it toward the Bayou state.


Gabrielle heard the door open and knew it was one of the men holding her captive. Of course she hadn’t asked their names, but she kept them separate by simply calling them night and day. Night was the lighter complexioned one she’d kicked in the groin. He was mean as a snake, always giving her evil looks, handling her roughly when he came into the room to let her go to the bathroom or take a shower. He would shove her food at her so that most of it spilled onto the floor, then he would bark at her to clean it up, smirking as he watched her. Day was the darker complexioned one. He was nice to her unless she did something to set him off, which she hadn’t since the first day they brought her here. Gabrielle learned quickly the only way to stay alive was to keep a friend. Day had turned out to be that friend.

I brought your lunch,” Jaron told her as Gabrielle opened her eyes and was glad to see it was Day and not Night.

Thank you,” she returned politely sitting up to eat. She smiled lightly seeing the shrimp etoufee.

I hope you like it,” Jaron told her again as Gabrielle finally looked into his eyes and told him she did.

Jaron smiled and told her that was good as he rose to leave. Gabrielle asked him if she could have a book or magazine while she sat in the room alone. They didn’t allow her to watch TV or listen to the radio, so most times she sat in absolute silence, unless he or Night were watching a basketball game.

Yeah, I’ll get you one,” Jaron told her taking the woman in again.

Gabrielle was so sexy and he wanted her so much. He had to keep his head though. This was business and Jaron already knew how Top rolled. You mess up, you’re done. No second chances.

Thank you,” she returned again as he stood mesmerized by those green eyes of hers. “Did you love him,” Jaron asked calmly.

Sighing slightly, Gabrielle answered his question honestly.

No, not love,” she replied as Jaron nodded.

You slept with him,” he threw out this time, watching her reaction.

Gabrielle blushed deeply turning her fair skin a deep crimson red.

No,” she replied quietly as Jaron smiled to himself seeing the blush.

I know this fine ass girl is not still a virgin,
he thought intrigued as she began to eat and he left her alone for a moment.

Gabrielle couldn’t believe he’d asked her a question like that. Her mind was spinning as she continued to eat the scrumptious dish. She’d suspected that Day had feelings for her and he’d just confirmed that for her. Now the question for Gabrielle was how to exploit those feelings and get out of the captivity they kept her in.
I wonder if Seth and Peyton even know I’m missing,
she thought sighing lightly. Surely someone had to have found Corey’s body by now. She knew Seth would know to ask about her. She’d told him about the date when they talked. She heard the door open and saw Day return.

Here,” he told her holding the book in his hands.

Darkest Hours
,” Gabrielle said aloud. “What’s it about,” she asked as Jaron smiled at her.

It’s a mystery, check it out,” he told her.

I never heard of this author, DK Gaston,” Gabrielle returned before shrugging slightly and thanking him again for bringing it to her.

You’re welcome,” Jaron returned softly looking into her eyes again.

Before he could stop himself, Jaron leaned in and kissed her lips lightly. Pulling away he looked into her eyes again. Gabrielle simply smiled demurely, taking her book and returning to her meal. Jaron smiled at her reaction, taking his own leave from her presence, locking the door behind him.


Kareem was smiling as he waited on the call to connect. He was still excited about the new partnership he and Mecca had formed with the three women. He was equally enthused that Tae was receptive to his advances.

Hello,” Tae’s voice answered breaking Kareem’s thought.

Hey sexy,” he greeted as Tae laughed softly.

Wassup with you Kareem,” she returned glad to hear from him, but determined that he not know how much.

I was thinking about you and how sweet your lips tasted when we kissed,” Kareem told her.

Tae was still smiling herself thinking of the kiss. Kareem was an incredibly sexy man and she was almost instantaneously attracted to him.

I can’t wait till this weekend to see you, can you come now,” Kareem asked.

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