Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon (14 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon
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It’s close to that time of the month,” Gabrielle returned not looking at him.

Jaron chuckled again.

Oooh, okay, I get it,” he replied making her blush even more. “It’s cool, I’ll get you chocolate,” he told her still smiling. “Lots of chocolate,” he added forcing her to look at him again.

Thanks,” Gabrielle returned, still wholly embarrassed she had to explain why she wanted the candy.

Jaron again surprised her, pulling her close and hugging her tightly. She hugged him back, playing her role and staying out of harms way. She had to admit a small part of her enjoyed it, but Gabrielle had to keep her head. This man was deadly and if she crossed him, she knew he would kill her, no matter how much he promised he wouldn’t.

Letting her go finally, Jaron again kissed her softly. Gabrielle didn’t push him away, so he kissed her again, more insistently. They were soon kissing passionately, breathing labored as they gingerly touched each other.

You are so beautiful,” Jaron murmured, kissing Gabrielle’s chest as she remained in his arms.

I don’t think this is supposed to happen,” she told him quietly as Jaron kissed her again.

He didn’t give a damn what was supposed to happen. This woman intrigued him. She turned him on like a finger on a light switch and he wanted her with all that was in him. “Gabrielle, are you a virgin,” he asked finally as his hand lightly caressed her breast.

No,” she told him calmly.

I won’t hurt you,” Jaron told her, asking the question without uttering the words.

Do you have a condom,” she asked as he continued to hold and caress her.

Gabrielle was genuinely aroused and the matter of her survival never left her mind. If having sex with Day kept her breathing, then it was a small price to pay.

I’ll be careful baby, I promise,” Jaron told her, gently pushing Gabrielle back onto the bed, laying atop her and grinding slowly against her.

You promise,” Gabrielle asked looking into his eyes. “I’m not on the pill,” she told him as Jaron kissed her again and undressed her.

She helped him out of his clothes taking in Jaron’s sexy frame. The man was definitely fine and he wasn’t lacking where it counted either, she observed lustily. For a fleeting moment Gabrielle thought of trying to escape, but the thought was quickly thwarted as she did a quick glance around the room. There was nothing that could even remotely pass for a weapon. Gabrielle was more than sure if she didn’t kill Day when she tried to get away, he would kill her. Even if he didn’t, her days of comfort and safety were over. Dismissing the thoughts, Gabrielle returned her thoughts to the man slowly making his way slowly down her body and gently parting her legs. She bit her lip trying to stay the moans escaping as Jaron’s tongue did magical things to her.
You’re not supposed to enjoy this,
her mind scolded as her body told it to fuck off. Before she could compose herself, Gabrielle cried out from the orgasm that hit her full force without warning. Jaron began kissing and licking his way back up her body, arriving at her lips once more as they began to kiss and he entered her. Gabrielle’s body was loving every sensation as Day made love to her.

Jaron was thoroughly enjoying the feel of the woman as he made love to her. If she wasn’t a virgin, she sure as hell hadn’t been broken in much. She was still extremely tight as he thrust into her and she moaned softly. Jaron knew she was enjoying the feel of him as her body continually showed its approval. He returned to her lips and kissed her again, still devouring her body with his hard manhood.

Mmm, yes,” Gabrielle moaned as Jaron took her ankles in his hands, spreading her widely as he delved to depths she’d never been taken before.

Gabrielle couldn’t believe the things he was doing to her. She’d never felt this good before being with any man. Granted she’d only had two lovers in her life, Day was by far the best loving she’d ever had. Jaron put her legs on his shoulder as he continued to please her. She felt his rhythm increase and his girth expand inside her. Gabrielle knew enough to know Day was close.

Wait,” she tried as Jaron returned to her lips silencing her.

He knew what she going to say, but Jaron had no intentions of pulling out.
Don’t get this girl pregnant,
his conscience tried as Jaron went even deeper, kissing Gabrielle even harder when he exploded and that possibility became very real.


Seth and Peyton were still looking for their sister, as were half their relatives and all the illegal contacts they all knew. They’d turned over every leaf and rock and not found anything.

If they have hurt my sister,” Peyton growled angrily throwing back the moonshine. They kept bottles of the illegal elixir in their cellar. They sold most of it, but always kept a couple jugs for themselves.

We’re gonna find her,” Ian told him determinedly.

He had to admit it bothered him that they hadn’t found Brie yet. Every day that passed made the possibility of her being alive just a bit dimmer.

If we just knew why they decided to jump them,” Ian said aloud as Seth regarded him waiting to see where he was going with the train of thought.

Seeing the man’s expression, Ian elaborated.

They didn’t take anything from him,” he told Seth. “The news report all say it was a senseless crime as all his jewelry and wallet was found on him,” he went on as Seth began to understand and Peyton finally paid attention.

“All this time we been going on the assumption someone snatched Brie because she witnessed the murder,” Ian told them as Kareem arrived and walked into the house. Peyton introduced him to Ian.

Good to finally meet you man,” Kareem told Ian.

Peyton and Seth had told him a lot about the man his past.

This is Mecca,” he told Ian introducing his right hand and best friend.

After everyone said hello and Kareem and Mecca got their drinks, Peyton brought them both up to speed about what Ian was saying before they arrived.

OK, yeah, go ahead and finish,” Kareem told him sipping the moonshine gingerly.

Like I was sayin’, I’m beginning to think snatching Brie was the reason they killed Corey,” Ian told them as Seth’s mind continued to work.

So they was looking for us,” he threw out as Ian frowned slightly and thought for a moment.

Possibly,” he told them. “Or they were looking for all of us,” he told them giving each of the brother’s a look.

So how do we find out if you’re right,” Kareem asked.

Ian readily supplied the answer. “We’re gonna get everyone to start asking the right question instead of the wrong one,” he said cryptically.

Mecca was observing Ian and he liked the man’s style. He might be someone he and Kareem should talk to and think about including in their enterprises. He decided to broach the subject with Kareem later, when they talked alone.

“What’s the right question,” Peyton asked, having yet another glass of moonshine.

We need to ask if anyone has been around asking questions,” Ian replied. “Questions about you and Seth, or strangers living with you, stuff like that,” he added as Seth sighed his agreement.

Call Zeke,” he told Peyton who readily complied.

You have an idea who it is,” he asked Ian seeing the man’s mind still working. “Unfortunately yes,” he replied his eyes narrowing.

Kareem and Mecca exchanged glances and sly smiles, each thinking the same thing. This might be the man they needed to complete their illegal triangle.

Let’s go shake the bushes then,” Seth told him rising.

Ian was right behind him, as Kareem and Mecca prepared to join them. Kareem slipped outside onto the back porch and made a quick call.

Hello,” Tae answered quietly.

She had a migraine and had been napping when he called.

Glad to see you listened and stayed at home,” Kareem told her arrogantly.

Kareem, I’m home cause my head hurts,” Tae told him. “Not cause of some bullshit threats you made,” she added, full of attitude.

Kareem smiled to himself before speaking seriously to her.

Alright, I’ma give you that one,” he told her calmly. “Go on back to sleep and feel better,” he added before disconnecting.

He made another call immediately, gave quick instructions and again disconnected headed back inside to join his cousins and his prospective business partner to look for Gabrielle again.


Gabrielle was still crying as Jaron held her and tried to soothe her.

You promised,” she whispered as he kissed her forehead.

Baby, it was an accident,” Jaron lied. “I would never hurt you,” he told her sweetly as she finally began to quiet.

What if I get pregnant,” Gabrielle asked looking in his face now. “We’re not a couple, we’re not engaged, married,” she told him before breaking down again.

Jaron felt all of two inches tall as he held her knowing she was scared.

Gabrielle stop crying,” he tried again. “You may not get pregnant,” Jaron went on as she sniffled again. “Why don’t we wait and see if your period comes first before we freak out, okay,” he asked, lifting her face to his again.

Gabrielle nodded slightly and laid her head back on his chest. As she lay on his chest, her mind was racing on the real. What if she did become pregnant from Day? Seth and Peyton would kill him for touching her. Gabrielle wasn’t too sure they wouldn’t kill her too for allowing it.

She thought back to the time Seth caught her and Raleigh, her boyfriend at the time, in her room having sex. He’d blown a gasket, chasing Raleigh out of the house still naked, actually firing a couple rounds from his .9mm after him. He’d walked back into her room and proceeded to yell at her how disappointed her was with her.
“Seth, I’m 19 years old,” Gabrielle had thrown back. “I don’t give a damn how old you are,” Seth bellowed. “You’re my baby sister and ain’t no man gonna be touching’ you that ain’t your husband,” he yelled as Gabrielle wisely chose to remain quiet.
She remembered thinking what a hypocrite Seth was. She knew all about his trips to see Voncile, not to mention the three other women he was sleeping with in the bayou where they lived. From that day to this, Gabrielle made sure she went to her man’s house or a discreet hotel to have sex. That was one of the reason’s she couldn’t get on the pill. Her brother’s had a habit of searching her room and Seth in particular had no problem searching her purse or even her person if he felt the need.

Sighing deeply Gabrielle felt Day’s arms tighten around her as his breathing became deep and even.
He’s asleep,
she thought eyeing the bedroom door. He hadn’t locked it when he came in. That much Gabrielle had managed to observe without giving herself away.
What if he’s a light sleeper,
she thought still contemplating making a run for it.
What if the front door is locked and needs a key,
Gabrielle’s mind continued to probe working out the scenario. As if on cue, Jaron’s cell went off and woke him.
Gabrielle thought as he grabbed his jeans and pulled the phone out. Answering, Jaron began to talk. Tariq was questioning him about Gabrielle and how things were going. Rising, Jaron held his finger to his lips as she nodded slightly and pulled the cover over her nude body. After talking a few moments longer and answering Tariq’s questions, Jaron disconnected. Walking back over to the bed he sat down on the side of it, stroking her hair and looking into her eyes again.

I can’t stay in here with you,” he told her softly.

I understand,” Gabrielle told him honestly.

She knew if Night caught him in her room, naked, he would expect his turn.

Try to relax and don’t stress about what if, okay?” Jaron told Gabrielle as she gave him a small smile.

Sweet dreams baby,” he told her with a parting kiss, finally rising and leaving her in the room alone as she once again heard the click of a lock and gathered her resolve to survive yet another night.


Tae was talking to Kaitlyn and Jaleesa on three-way.

Girl, you might need to cut that loose now,” Jaleesa was telling her as Kaitlyn agreed. “I mean shit, ya’ll ain’t even a couple and he trippin’ like that already,” Kaitlyn asked. Tae told her she couldn’t really figure out if Kareem was serious or joking.

I mean, when he called me back and I told him what the deal was, he didn’t trip,” Tae told them as both ladies told her they still weren’t too sure.

He might make you plant a slug in his head,” Kaitlyn told them both as Tae agreed. “Girl you ain’t know,” she threw back as Jaleesa laughed.

So, what’s up with you and Thames though,” Kaitlyn queried.

Tae sighed deeply. “We can’t seem to get along for shit,” she replied as Jaleesa chuckled slightly.

Um maybe cause you always giving the man hell,” she replied as Tae laughed and told her to shut up.

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