Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon (18 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 3 - Armageddon
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KiKi is straight,” Tae told him dismissively.

She ain’t gotta sleep with him baby, just someone for her to spend time while you and me, and Mecca and Tweety get better acquainted,” he finished as Tae sighed deeply and told him okay.

But you need to make sure your boy knows he is just conversation,” she warned. “KiKi don’t play and your ass will be minus a friend,” Tae admonished as Kareem told her he understood.

I’ma let you go baby,” he began, wanting to end the conversation and find out exactly how Ian fit into the picture. “I’ll call you tomorrow, can’t wait to kiss them sexy ass lips again,” he teased as Tae chuckled.

Well, you only have five more days to wait,” she told him wishing him a good night, as he did the same for her and they disconnected. Turning his attention to Ian, Kareem addressed him.

OK, Ice, what gives,” he asked simply, both he and Mecca paying rapt attention as the man opened his mouth and began to speak.


LaRon was having a hard time sleeping. It wasn’t his conscience about what he’d done to Kysha earlier. In his mind, she was already a forgotten bad memory. He was restless because Jaleesa wasn’t here with him. The house was exceptionally quiet and felt sterile without his girl and his son here.
You need to marry that woman and stop bullshittin’ around,
his mind told him. Granted it wouldn’t stop her from leaving, but it would definitely give him more leverage. Grabbing his cell he called her. Glancing at the clock as it rang, he hoped she would answer. It was well after 2:00AM.

Hello,” Jaleesa answered sleepily.

LaRon smiled at the sound of her voice.

Hey baby,” he returned amiably.

What’s wrong, are you okay,” Jaleesa threw back worriedly.

I’m fine baby, just missing the hell outta you,” he replied as she sighed softly.

I thought something was wrong, Deuce,” Jaleesa told him. “Do you know what time it is,” she threw out not really angry, but not in the mood to converse either.

I know baby, and I’m sorry,” he told her honestly. “I miss you so much Tweety,” LaRon told her.

It’s only been one night Deuce,” she returned actually feeling bad hearing the pain in his voice as he talked to her.

I know, but I just,” he faltered and said nothing else. “Can we have lunch tomorrow,” he asked hopefully.

Jaleesa sighed deeply but told him yes.

I’ll come over to the house and you can grill us some steaks, how about that,” she asked as LaRon told her he would be waiting. “Sleep tight baby,” he told her quietly, disconnecting and allowing her to go back to sleep.

His cell vibrated after he disconnected and LaRon read Mook’s message. The package was a couple hours out. He texted him back letting both he and Tariq know he would head over to the safe house and wait, they could get there at their leisure. LaRon wasn’t getting any sleep tonight anyway. Rising he thought about Jaleesa coming over tomorrow for lunch. That made him smile as he made mental note of a couple things he wanted to pick up before she arrived. He also wanted to make love before she left. If tonight was the preview of what his life would be like without his woman and his son, LaRon would move heaven and earth, kiss Jaleesa’s ass in any conceivable position she wanted, and buy anything his money would allow to bring her back home, make her happy, and keep her content.
You could start with keeping your dick in your pants,
his conscience railed.

Got that shit right,” LaRon mumbled grabbing his keys and heading out the door on his way to the safe house.

As tense as he was right now, he had one hell of a welcome planned for their guest.


Kareem and Mecca were still digesting all the things Ian shared with them.

Ain’t that bout a bitch,” Kareem spat angrily thinking of Tariq and how he’d stolen Kaitlyn from Ian.

His weak ass,” Mecca added as Ian grunted his agreement.

As shrewd as he was, Ian didn’t tell them about his wanting to kill Jaleesa, knowing Mecca had an attraction to her.

So you wanna move on her this weekend,” Mecca again spoke, regarding Ian.

Yes,” Ian answered quietly. “I need her alone,” he told them as Kareem nodded and told him no problem.

They’re staying at the Suites,” he enlightened Ian.

I’ll rent 3 suites, instead of the 2 we were originally going with,” Kareem went on. “That way neither Tae or Tweety will trip about leaving her alone.”

Ian told him that sounded like a great plan and an easy sell.

She’s gonna freak,” Mecca threw out.

Especially thinking you’re dead,” Kareem added.

Ian chuckled slightly.

Yeah, normally I’d agree,” he told them both giving them a look.

Kareem smiled knowing Ian had something planned.

“What about Tariq’s ass,” Mecca asked still irritated.

He liked Ian, thought he was good people, so any ought done to the man, Mecca took extremely personal.

Oh, I have plans for his ass too,” Ian spat icily. “Once I have KiKi securely where she is supposed to be; I’m going to Atlanta and finish this bullshit once and for all,” Ian told them both as the two men immediately offered their help in his pursuit.

He graciously accepted their offer, smiling to himself at how his circle was growing and the quality caliber of those inside it. All the men returned their thoughts to the immediate business at hand, seeing the welcome to Mississippi sign adorning the interstate as they drove by it.

These fools better not have hurt Gabrielle,” Kareem murmured.

Damn right,” Ian replied icily as they continued to drive and everyone’s mind went in different directions.

Ian was still thinking how close he was to having his heart back.
Five days, just five more days, and she’ll never be out of my sight again,
he thought and smiled slightly. Ian couldn’t wait to hold her, to kiss her, to make love to her and to give her his child. The one she should have given birth to in the first place. Sighing softly he reeled his mind in and directed Mecca where to turn. Happiness would come soon enough. Right now it was time to inflict some pain, Ian thought as they began driving down the dark residential street and their search began again.




Hope was on her knees lighting another candle as she visited St. Anthony’s before evening Mass. She was a devout Catholic, attending Mass regularly, making confession as often as needed and trying to live as good a life as she possibly could. “Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee,” Hope began the prayer. “Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus,” she continued earnestly. “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” She repeated the well known prayer tonight with renewed vigor. For the first time in years, Hope actually felt that her prayers would be answered when she arrived in Atlanta tomorrow morning. There had been far too many dead ends, cruel hoaxes, scams, and lies since she put the flyer online. Kim’s email and the attachment convinced her that this time it was different.

“Hello Hope,” Father Quinn greeted her. Smiling Hope returned his greeting. “How are you feeling these days,” he asked giving her a look.

Hope wasn’t well and her health had been declining for years, growing worse the past few months.

I’m holding up, Father,” she replied quietly.

That’s good to know,” he told her genuinely pleased to see her at the church without a walker and oxygen tank.

I’m going out of town in the morning,” Hope told him, eliciting his prayers for her safety both there and back.

Father Quinn told her immediately without hesitation he would do so.

Are you visiting someone,” he queried.

Business,” she returned simply and he didn’t push.

Well, I will pray that turns out in your favor as well,” Father Quinn told her kindly as Hope again smiled and thanked him.

He took his leave of her and turned heading for the pulpit, readying himself to begin the evening’s service. Hope made her way to her usual second row pew and seated herself, her heart held heavy in expectation and her mind adrift with questions of what if.


Shells was enjoying his drink and the reggae floating through the speakers of the club, his mind relaxed. Kaitlyn was at home with her husband as she should be, his mind reflected for him.
What de gal up too,
he pondered again as he saw Python enter the club with one of his minions.

Why is this fucker here,” Shells mumbled to himself as the man sat a couple tables over from him.

They had never done business, so Shells knew his identity was safe. Besides which no one except Tariq, his associates and himself, knew about his assignment. Shells had to admit he had no love for Python. The man was known for his wild ways, rowdy parties, and womanizing.
Like a wild dog wandering,
Shells continued to brood, watching the man discreetly. Python ordered a bottle, flirting with the waitress before calling her a bitch when she declined his advances. Of course his foolish sidekick laughed and applauded his boss’s actions.

Taking a deep breath and ignoring the foolishness, Shells turned his head and went back to enjoying the club and the dancers on stage; especially the women who were winding hard to the song filling the atmosphere.

Tae’s picking up the last half tomorrow,” Shells heard and turned his attention back to the men at the table.

Yeah,” Python returned. “Hope her girl comes with her, fine ass,” he threw out lewdly. His partner laughed and told him he was right about that.

She’s married though,” he told Python who shrugged and threw back a shot from the bottle.

That don’t mean shit to me,” he told the man.

Shells frowned at the admission.

I want to fuck her, shit, not marry her,” Python went on, laughing now. “She is welcome to go back to old boy and continue to play house, hell,” he finished as they both laughed again.

Shells was furious. He hated the way Python was disrespecting his friend’s wife. Other than indulging again when she obviously shouldn’t have been, Kaitlyn had done nothing to warrant Python thinking she was some kind of whore.

“I gotta piss, be right back,” Python rudely told his friend as the man nodded and turned his attention back to the dance floor.

Shells watched him until he disappeared down the small hallway to the restrooms. Rising, Shells casually made his own way to the room. Entering the small bathroom, he discovered he was alone with Python, who was at the urinal satisfying his urge. Smoothly locking the door as he pushed it closed, Shells walked to the other urinal. Python didn’t regard him as he completed his task and zipped his pants, turning to go back into the club. Washing his hands not his list of things to do right now. Reacting quickly, Shells grabbed the man, hooking his neck with his arm and dragging him into the stall. Given the size of both men, the fit was tight.

Get off me, shit,” Python hissed, thinking he was being sexually accosted.

Shut up, bitch fucker,” Shells shot back, tightening his hold as Python now struggled to breathe. “You ain’t shit, you know dat,” Shells continued to tell him as he choked him. “Dat woman you disrespecting a minute ago, she a good woman, and you a problem,” he told him as Python began to lose consciousness.

Shells continued to choke him, not letting go until he heard the snap of his windpipe and knew Python wouldn’t be coming back. Turning around, Shells placed the dead man on the commode, leaning him back against the wall, making his feet face forward, looking natural to the common observer. He stood looking a few moments more into the dead mans face. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open, frozen that way in death. Smiling to himself, Shells opened the stall door and casually sauntered out of the restroom, leaving the body to be discovered later.


The sharp knock roused LaRon from the light slumber he’d slipped into.

Yeah,” he threw out brusquely.

It’s Train,” the male voice answered.

Grunting LaRon opened the door, .10mm in hand.

Wassup,” he greeted the man as Train returned his greeting.

Where’s the package,” LaRon asked, seeing no one else.

Trunk,” Train replied plainly.

LaRon chuckled before putting his gun up and heading outside with Train. He could only assume the man’s nickname came from his massive size. He was huge.
Should have nicknamed him wall,
LaRon thought smiling to himself, as they opened the trunk on the vintage caddy, and he saw the package securely bound and gagged inside. Train reached in and yanked the man up and dragged him out of the car, heading toward the house half pulling, half dragging, the obviously impaired man. LaRon closed the trunk and followed the two men into the house, closing that door as well.

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