Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2) (43 page)

BOOK: Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2)
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“They are too frightened to face me alone and send spies?” Tiva cracked a smile and twisted her sword over in her hand approaching him. “In a moment this area will be teeming with those loyal to the throne, you have no chance of escape.”

“I’m not trying to escape, your majesty.” He opened his cloak and revealed a device much like Solun used in his attempt to kill Harer. His eyes narrowed, he smiled then tossed the device onto the ground between the two of them.

“Tiva!” Adam yelled from above and swooped down toward her. She raised a hand and he pulled her off the ground. The blast came an instant later, throwing Adam off balance and they both crashed back hard on the ground. “Tiva, Tiva, are you okay?”

Clinging to him, she nodded and looked up. “Are you injured?”

“No, I think we got lucky this time. What the hell happened?”

She summarized the last hour and repeated what the man said to her. Neola, Wirto and the others came barging through the forest weapons ready, but with no one to fight. The man was dead, by his own device, unrecognizable and smoldering. Adam helped her to her feet; she noticed both of them had cuts and bruises on their legs. “Why did you go after him? You should have called me.”

“He was watching us, Adam. Whoever sent him knows who and where I am.”

“We have to get you to a safe location,” Harai said glancing around the area.

“It’s not safe anywhere right now,” Wirto added. “I’m recalling the lower Yaan sect, we’re going to need reinforcements.”

“I want every inch of this land secure,” Adam grunted.

“Contact the others, find out what their status is, we might not have five days to prepare,” Tiva requested, meeting eyes with each of her friends.

“Are you hurt?” Wixx asked.

“I will be fine, thank you.”

“Do you know who he was, Tiva? Did he tell you his name?” Neola finally spoke, the anger in her voice was apparent.

“No, he did not. But he knew I was the heir. I have put you all in further danger, the Rebel leaders want me dead.”

“They want us all dead, Tiva! We’re all in danger and have been for the last few cycles. Despite all we have tried to keep you safe since your return, you do not heed our warnings and do your own biding.”

“I am sorry, Neola. I feared if he got away he would relay our location and the Rebels would strike us before we had the chance to—”

“Quiet your tongue!” she snapped. “You are still stubborn and headstrong, have you learned nothing? You are the only one who can lead us, Tiva. We have tried to overthrow them for three cycles and have failed; this is our last chance! You have the blood of the royal family in your veins, you can command the people, but I fear you won’t live long enough to do so.”

“Neola…” Adam began.

“You have no right to speak off-worlder. You are just as reckless as she is!”

“Dear.” Wirto moved to her side and took her hand; she pushed him away and took off running for the base. He sighed and turned to the others. “I apologize for her, she has been under tremendous stress this last cycle. She holds you in the highest regard Tiva, but she does not understand the spirit of a protector.”

“Go, see that she is well. I will speak with her in the morning.” Tiva patted his shoulder and smiled. He saluted and followed Neola.

“We’ll go make sure the perimeter is guarded and get this mess cleaned up, Lady Boon.” Gessin winked and pulled Wixx away.

“I’m going to see to it that the other sections are notified.” Harai shrugged. “If you need anything let me know.”

“Thank you, my friends.”

As the group dispersed, Adam took her hand and led her back toward the forest. “Come on, we have to get you cleaned up and into bed.”

“I doubt sleep will come to me tonight, my love.”

Well if you weren’t so stupid and chased after some guy without back up, maybe you wouldn’t be hurt and would be able to sleep,
Cala resounded in her head.

I did what I thought was best.

Yeah, well sometimes you need to think a little more. You can’t afford to be so impulsive any more, Princess.

Tiva grumbled. “Tell your sword I do not need a lecture.” She broke from his hand and walked into the trees.

“She’s just worried, we’re all worried.”

“I do not need anyone to worry about me.” Tiva raised her voice and balled her fists. “I knew what I was doing when I chased after that man. He was a threat, and if he was spying on us to report back and I let him go…what then?”

“Who knows, but the point is you went after him alone and he almost killed you.”

“So am I to stand by from now on and let others fight my battles for me?” she grumbled and kept walking a few steps ahead of him.

“No, but you have to be more careful. Weren’t you the one who was worried about dying? Now you’re acting like you don’t care if you get hurt or not.”

“Maybe if I am hurt I will feel again!”


“Must I not feel something? I am home, among my friends, my people…and I do not feel as I should. I have seen the names of all those who perished, even ones I loved and still nothing. I return to my home, see the face of the man I called father and still, I feel nothing.”

“Solaeshyl, we’ve only been here a few days.” Adam moved closer and took her hand. “It’s a lot to process. I’m not even sure how I feel right now. Let’s go back, get cleaned up and we can talk about it.”

“I am through talking, Adam. I just want to rest.”


Chapter Twenty-seven



he morning was clear. The rain had washed away all the ugliness from the night before and Tiva felt herself again. By the light in the room, she knew it was still early, but she slipped from the bed and dressed silently. She glanced back to see Adam roll over on the bed, still asleep. He didn’t force her to talk; instead, they helped one another clean and dress their wounds, then fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Exiting the chamber, Tiva went down the corridor finding the base was quiet, only a few people moving about. Most knew the battle loomed on the horizon and were taking advantage of every opportunity to rest. She, however, rarely rested when tensions were high and envied those who did.

When the warm breeze brushed past her, Tiva closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. The weather was going to be clear and calm, though the day might not be. Razzil noticed her and approached, offered a piece of fruit, which she gladly took.

“Did you rest?” he asked.

“Some, yes.” She bit into the sweet fruit and wiped the side of her mouth.

“Good. We can’t have our leader on edge.”

“Razzil, please…” she sighed.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

She shook her head. “I just need some time, alert the perimeter guards I will be running by. I need to clear my mind.”

He nodded and turned back to the base, she sensed his worry, just like the others. Having all of her friends watching her, questioning her every decision and showing their concern did not make her feel at ease, rather she was more anxious as a result.

To appease her friends, she took a quick run in full view of the base, letting her hair catch the wind and her mind float away with the clouds.

Home; she really was here. The air was the same, the grass and trees called to her as if she never left. The suns rose in the same vibrant hues. Her little corner of the Abennelp hadn’t changed much. Except for the new base, the eight ships in the Finto field and lines of Loyalists patrolling the grounds. Stopping in her tracks, she looked around and smiled. Her old life and new life had met. It was time to show the people what they were truly capable of achieving. And it was time to see what the Rebels had done to her land.

Jogging back toward the base, she slowed seeing Neola exit. Knowing they needed to make amends, she approached and lowered her guard.

“Spirited greetings, your majesty,” Neola said in an even tone.

“Neola…” She took a step and the Vicar suddenly embraced her. Surprised, yet thankful, Tiva hugged her friend and spoke softly. “I am sorry, my friend, this is who I am. I will try to be more cautious, for I know you are only trying to protect me. It is something I am not accustomed to, I have always been the protector. And now I have Adam, we have relied on each other for a long time…” She smoothed Neola’s hair on her back. “But I give you my word I will not act recklessly. I know not what will happen, but be assured the people will be safe.”

“We’ll protect you this time, Tiva; you just have to let us. You’re more important than any of us.”

Tiva released her and looked into her eyes. “No, Neola, that is not true. Abennelp cannot survive by my presence alone; it needs the people. If it is my turn to visit the Eternal Lands you and the others must continue on.”

“Don’t say that, Tiva!” She pulled her close and clutched her. “The Mystics have often been wrong, you will not die.”

She gripped Neola’s arms and leaned back. “How did you know about that?”

“Mystic Litak’s grandson told me.”

“Who is he?”

Neola grinned. “Wirto.”

Tiva shook her head and finally released the Vicar. Rolling her eyes, she wrapped an arm on her shoulder. “It seems I must keep on my toes with the two of you around.”

“Part of his prediction has come true, that much I have seen with my own eyes and I admit I was afraid of Litak’s foretelling…but Wirto promised me your fate had changed. He said he saw you living a long life.”

“He inherited the gift as well?”

“It’s sporadic with Wirto, and he suffers sharp pains when he tries too hard. That’s why he became a Legionnaire, he still wanted to lend his service to the people.”

“I am glad he did.”

The Vicar’s face turned serious. “I will never stop trying to protect you, Tiva. Though our positions may have changed slightly, I am still your friend and only want to see you fulfill your destiny.”

“Your faith comforts me, Neola. I promise, I will do my best.”

“Good, now let us meet with the others for morning meal, we have much to discuss.”


The Loyalists spent the remainder of the day attempting to identify the remains of Tiva’s attacker as well as continue strategic talks of their upcoming battle. Wixx’s men reported in. All but one noble family was located and moved to the hidden bases. Other provinces were on alert and ready, and the sect from lower Yaan province had arrived to support the base.

No one recognized her attackers clothing or his personal belongings, though not much was left. Tiva describe his features to the best of her memory, but it helped little. The man reminded her of Solun, not just by the device he used, but the way he spoke, it was possible he was one of the children from Hentor.

The group agreed to move out in the morning and head toward the capital. They would survey the main roads leading to Degort and decide if it was the right time to strike the Rebels. With all the other sections ready and alert, now was their best chance at surprising the enemy.

After mid-day meal, Tiva and Adam broke from the group and ventured into the Finto forest to spar. She was nervous and needed to focus her energy. Adam pushed her further with each passing hour and by the end of the day, they were both drained but fulfilled.

As Adam washed up, Tiva tended to her wounds and talked with Cala. The spirit-sword was trying to keep the mood light, but that lasted only a moment.

I have a sense this war is about to start, Cala.

You’ve been saying that since we got here.

I know; it has been a lingering feeling from the moment I stepped off the fighter. All the sects are ready, the nobles are safe, and the attempt on my life was thwarted. Why are they waiting?

Maybe they think you’re dead too.

No, I am sure they are aware I am alive.

How can you be so sure?

My instincts tell me so. They will come for me, and they will not stop until I am dead.

Well, it’s going to be a long war then because Ruvy’s not going to let you die.

He may not have a choice in the matter.

“Like hell I won’t,” he said rubbing his head with a towel, another wrapped around his waist. “I might not be able to protect all of your people, m’lady, but no one is going to hurt you.”

Turning, she met his gaze and nodded. “I know what you say, Adam. With the luck of the spirits, I will survive.”

“Damn it, Tiva.” He threw the towel aside and moved closer taking her hand. “I wish you’d stop talking like this.”

“I am only telling you how I feel.”

“You’re not going to die.”

“If I do, will you promise to help my people find their way?”

“No. You’re going to help them, not me.”

She touched his cheek, her markings neon. “My love, please…promise me, if anything should happen…”

His eyes flashed red and his lips tightened.
I’m not going to lose you, I…I can’t.

You said we cannot see the future, Adam. If this is my end then so be it. I have seen things most people only dream. I have loved and been loved. There is nothing more I could want.

Adam cradled her in his arms and pressed his forehead to hers.
Nothing, Tiva?
He crushed her tight against his body, his mouth sliding down her cheek finding her lips. She kissed him, knowing exactly what he was thinking and playfully pushed him back on the bed.

There is something I want, Adam.

“Oh, what’s that?” he replied with a grin.


“Well, you already have me…” He took her hand and twisted with the ring on her finger.

“That is not what I mean.” She brushed the hair from his face.

Adam wrapped his arms around her then rolled her back on the bed. “Then what?” he added with a smirk.

Her markings blushed and she tugged at the towel around his waist. “Be with me, Adam.”

“We’re not married, yet.” He kissed her cheek, then lips and teased the curve of her neck nibbling tenderly.

“Then marry me, Adam. I cannot wait any longer,” she whispered desperately.

His mouth found hers again, passionately and lovingly, as his weight flattened her into the bed.
When the battle is won, we’ll get married and we’ll find a nice quiet corner of Abennelp and make love all day and night.

She broke from his lips and stared into his eyes, her markings a mixture of fear and love. Tiva wanted to tell him she was afraid she would not make it to the end of the war. Despite his assurance she would not die, and the predictions of Wirto and Neola, she felt her death was inevitable.
Do not make me wait until then.

Adam was aware of her state of mind on some level and swept his hand across her cheek trying to lighten the mood. “You know it’s the oldest cliché in the book to get married before a big battle. And I know a little about cliché’s, I created most of them.”

“I care not, my love. I want to be with you, I cannot risk waiting.”

He sighed heavily and drew her close. “How many times do I have to tell you, nothing’s going to happen to you? I promise.”

Tiva held him, unrelenting, and stifled her tears.
Please, Adam.

Adam kissed her temple and pulled her up from the bed. “All right, if that’s what you want, Tiva. Let’s get married.”

She rested her hands on his chest. “You need not marry me to make love to me, Adam.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Princess.”




Neola rubbed the sleep from her eyes and blinked a bit focusing. Tiva smiled at her and pulled her out of the room. “What’s wrong, why did you wake me up?”

“Adam and I need you to do something for us.”

“What do you need?”

“We want you to perform the bonding rites.”

“Sure…wait, now?”

“Yes, now,” Adam responded.

“Do you not want to wed in the palace? In view of all your friends and the people of Abennelp,” she asked and glanced back at her door.

Tiva turned to her potential and touched his cheek. “I do not need a lavish ceremony, I just need him.” When she looked back, the Vicar was smiling. “Please, my friend, marry us.”

Neola bobbed her head. “Very well, I will have to prepare. Do you have robes for the ceremony?”

“I know where I can find some.”

“We don’t have a ministry house nearby…” Neola frowned. “Do you have a place in mind?”

“Yes, actually. I will gather the robes; wait for me outside my family home.” Tiva grinned, kissed Adam quickly, and ran off into the night.


Neola stood before Te, the Yantar in her hand, smiling and talking with Adam who was on her left, dressed in Kevler’s white robe. Tiva spied them from the window of her old room and couldn’t help but smile. Pulling the hood of her mother’s robe over her head, she smoothed the white and gold-laced fabric along her stomach and exited the room.

As she opened the door, Adam turned and met her eyes. He grinned and her markings went white instantly. She truly loved him with all her heart and spirit. Cala lowered her shielding around him allowing his emotions to run free. Slowly, she neared Te’s dropping branches and moved next to her love. Neola wiped her cheek and opened the Yantar.

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