Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2) (44 page)

BOOK: Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2)
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“When two souls chose to share one life, it shows the deepest form of divine love. This commitment of marriage is sacred and should not be taken lightly for the heart is fragile when love is at stake.” The Vicar smiled and turned to Adam. “Is your love for this woman strong, pure, and true?”

“Yes, it is,” he replied, staring into Tiva’s eyes.

“Is your love for this man strong, pure, and true?” Neola asked.

Her cheeks flushed and Tiva bobbed her head. “Yes, it is.”

He raised his hands and Tiva reached out to hold them.

“Adam Cooper, do you take Tiva for your wife, lover, and friend, forevermore?”

“I do.” He grinned.

“Tiva Boon, do you take Adam for your husband, lover, and friend, forevermore?”

“I do.” She beamed. A soft gust of wind moved through the branches of her tree, the long leaves and grass swaying around them as if reacting to their happiness.

“So, pray for days of laughter, nights of passion, everlasting happiness, and splendor. Pray for time and tenderness in the face of darkness. Pray for love everlasting.” Neola removed a white sash from her side and draped it over both their hands, stifling back a tear or two. “Two minds, two hearts become one love, one life. And with the blessings of the Eternal Spirits, you are now husband and wife.”

They smiled at one another, Adam’s hands tightening around hers.

“You know, in the human custom, after the couple is actually married the priest or whoever usually says, ‘you may now kiss the bride’,” Adam said, grinning.

“Interesting, are you going to kiss Tiva?” Neola said.

“Well, if you say it…” he chuckled and continued to stare at his wife.

“Oh,” Neola giggled. “You may kiss your bride.”

“Good enough,” he replied and wrapped a hand around her back, the other lowering the hood of the robe. She smiled as he pulled her close. His thumb brushed her cheek as he leaned in and kissed her gently.
I love you, Tiva.

I love you, Adam.
She held him tight and returned his kiss caring little that Neola was watching. When she broke from his lips, the Vicar was in tears. “What is wrong, my friend?”

“I am elated. The love between the two of you is very strong, one cannot help becoming overwhelmed.” Neola threw her arms around her friend and squeezed tight. “Spirited blessings, my queen.”

“Thank you, Neola,” Tiva whispered.

“I prepared you a room in the Finto house so you could have privacy for the evening.”

“Good, we’re going to need it,” Adam chirped then glanced over. “Come, m’lady, let’s fly back.”

Tiva nodded and released Neola only to find herself cradled in Adam’s arms a moment later. “We do not usually fly like this…”

“But we’re married now, and since there isn’t a threshold to carry you over, this’ll have to do.” He smiled at Neola. “Thanks, I know it was short notice and all…but, yeah, thanks.”

“You are welcome, keep safe my friends.”

Adam’s wings spread out and he lifted off the ground with Tiva in his arms. They soared above the trees, past her old home and circled back around moving through the sky effortlessly. Every time she flew with him, she felt completely free. Whether it was the act of flying itself or just being with Adam, Tiva wanted the moment to last forever. His eyes were lavender again, her markings showing him exactly how she felt by their pure white state. He smiled and motioned over to the Finto home.

“Having fun yet?”

“I always have fun with you, my love.”

“Want to keep flying then?”

She shook her head and met his gaze. “You know what I want.”

He grinned. “You sure, Tiva?”

“Yes, Adam…have we not waited long enough?” Before he could respond, they landed on the far side of the Finto home, just near the entrance. Most of the others had settled in for the night or were on patrol around the perimeter. The rest of the Loyalists were readying for departure in the morning. Tiva turned her attention to her husband, and took his hand leading him into the house. Once they were up the stairs, she searched the rooms and found the one Neola prepared. “It was kind of her to do this for us.”

“Yeah, finally we get some time alone with no interruptions.” He opened his robe slightly and rested the spirit-sword near the bed. “We’ll have a reception after everything’s said and done.”

“That would be wonderful. I am sure our friends will be disappointed if we do not.”

Adam crossed the room and enveloped her within his arms and wings. He was still unshielded and she sensed his love and yearning, which mirrored hers. Holding him tight, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his cheek.

Timidly, she slid her hands up the fabric of his robe. He was strikingly handsome, even more so in the white robes of her people. She pushed the clothing from his shoulders allowing it to slip to the ground. Smiling, she glanced down at his pants, surprised he wore clothing underneath. Tiva felt lust swelling inside her body as he pulled at hers. Unlike him, she had nothing else on and shivered as the cold air accosted her skin. He smirked, picked her up, and moved to the bed mat. As he placed her back on the bed, his wings flared up and he covered her body with his.

He began by kissing her mouth softly as his weight forced her back against the mattress. His hands moved down her body, gently caressing the scar on her stomach. Adam trailed kisses over her skin, teasing her, exciting her beyond anything she’d ever felt before. She craved more and feverishly reached for his pants to release him, wanting to touch him.

“Relax, Solaeshyl,” he said gripping her wrists. He lifted her arms back over her head pinning her down and kissed her breasts once before smiling up at her. “No need to rush.”


He released her arms slipping his hands reassuringly to her neck. As he lifted her slightly to kiss her again, hungrier, deeper; she felt their desires merge. She lured him close, fitting comfortably in his arms. Though she had been in his embrace a thousand times before, she never felt like this and her markings couldn’t betray her nervousness despite the need flooding through her body.

Smiling, he laid her head back on the pillow and traced the outline of her moons, something he’d never done before. “So, how does it feel to be a married woman?”

She stared into his eyes and touched his lips with the tip of her finger. “I will tell you in the morning.”




“Tiva,” Adam whispered softly against her ear. She mumbled and shifted against him taking shelter in his arms. “Tivava,” he said again, pecking her cheek gently.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and smiled upon seeing his face. It was no dream. They had spent the night making love, sealing their fate together as husband and wife. Playfully, he kissed her nose and pushed her back, shifting his body on top and flaring his wings.

“Morning,” he greeted with a grin.

“Good morning.”

“So, was it everything you thought it would be, m’lady?”

“It was…okay.”

He blinked. “Okay?”

Tiva grinned and started laughing. His hands immediately went to her side and tickled her. She squirmed under him, trying to push him away but it was pointless, he had her pinned. “I was jesting! It was wonderful, Adam.”

Continuing his playful torture, he pressed his mouth against her stomach and exhaled hard, his lips tickling her even more. “Say uncle.”

“Uncle, uncle!”

Adam stopped his assault then kissed his way up her body and rested his head on her shoulder, nuzzling against her neck.
I win.

We both won, my love.

Yeah, true.
He pushed back the hair from her face and kissed the scar on her arm.
So, Mrs. Cooper, how do you feel?

Tiva laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck.
I feel whole, Sir Boon.

“Wait, wait…” he leaned back and met her eyes. “Women usually take their husband’s last name.”

“But I’m queen; you should take mine, besides Queen Cooper does not sound as nice as Queen Boon.”

“But King Cooper sounds better then King Boon.”

“Perhaps,” she replied with a smirk.

“Oh, hell. I don’t give a shit, you’re mine now, and no one can take you away from me, ever.”

“No one could make me stray, Adam. You are the love of my life.”

“I’m honored, Solaeshyl.” He kissed her softly.
I love you.

I love you.

Doesn’t anybody love me?
Cala’s voice rang in her mind.
I’ve been quiet for like twelve hours, and it’s not much fun just sitting here listening to the two of you…

Adam sat up, offering his hand to Tiva as he glanced over at his sword.
We both love you too, Cala.

Well it’s nice to hear every once in a while.

Yes, Cala, we love you,
Tiva responded, shaking her head as she sat up. Immediately she noticed the bright sun shining in the room and jumped off the bed moving to the window. “How long have we been sleeping?”

“I don’t know, it’s about noon-ish I think.”

“Midday?” she gasped. “Why did no one wake us? We must get everyone ready, Adam.”

“Calm down, m’lady,” he replied walking toward her. “If anything happened they’d contact us.” He stood behind her and stretched. “Besides, I’m not through with you yet.”


“Nope,” he answered and scooped her up in his arms. “Not until someone interrupts us.”

“But we have to head to Degort.”

“It’s not going anywhere, and I’m still in the mood.”


The PCD on the floor chirped and Adam reached over picking it up and handing it to her. As she brought it to her lips to speak, he smiled, kissed her shoulder, and got up from the bed.

“Tiva, it’s time.” Neola’s voice came through the device. “Everyone is in place to make way for Degort.”

“Adam and I will be there shortly, my friend. And…thank you.”

“You are most welcome, my queen.”

Sighing, she closed her eyes and pulled the covers up to her neck. She was more than ready to stay locked in the room with Adam all day, but knew she had a duty to her people. Everything she ever wanted for Abennelp would stem from these next several days. No matter what became of her, she had to ensure the Rebels did not retain their power. It had gone on long enough.

Adam entered the room a towel wrapped around his waist. “So, what’s the news?”

“They are waiting for us.”

He nodded solemnly. “Yeah, no point in avoiding the inevitable I suppose. Go wash up and I’ll ready our weapons and clothes.”

Tiva slipped off the bed and met him for a quick kiss. She wasn’t sure how prepared she was for this, but she had no other choice. At least with Adam by her side, she knew she’d be somewhat safer. Trying to keep her focus, she left the room, searching for the lavatory.


Adam was dressed and smiling when she walked back into the room braiding her hair. Cala was secure on his side, two others lying on the bed next to her own. He’d brought several along, though Neola and Wirto had plenty to spare. Once she was dressed, she attached her Timbur, plasma gun, and sword in place and glanced out the window.

“Are you ready, m’lady?”

Gripping the sill, she closed her eyes and drew in a deep worried breath. “I hope I am.”

His hand squeezed her shoulder from behind. “You’re well protected and there’s nothing to worry about.”

“We are going to war, Adam, how can you say there is nothing to worry about?”

“We’re not going there tonight to wreak havoc. Don’t worry until you have to worry is all I’m saying. It’ll take us half a day to get to your capital, then we have to survey the land…did you forget about all the strategizing we’ve been doing?”

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