To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (10 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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Pain and pleasure, both equally excruciating, clenched his lower body.  He arched back, his upper back smacking against Tranis’ chest.  A low howl trembled from his lips.

“That’s it,” Tranis hissed in his ear.  “Let’s see how much you like this.”

He drew back and filled Lidon once more, again finding the spot.  At the same time, he dragged fingernails down the Nobek’s back, bringing pain and the knowledge he was drawing blood.  Lidon made animal sounds of agonized want, and he ground against Tranis despite the pain.  Inviting the pain.  Begging for it.  It added so much to the rapture. 

Tranis’ hand closed tightly over Lidon’s front cock, near the tip.  “Push into my fist.”

Lidon’s hips jerked, forging his cock into that firm grip.  By the ancestors, yes.  Ecstasy coiled tight in his belly.  He jerked back, letting the Dramok’s hand bring him bliss.  At the same time, his ass took Tranis’ cock in a rush, the friction against his hot button curling his toes.

“Slow down before you bring me,” Tranis growled.

Lidon couldn’t make sense of his words over the violent demands of his cock.  He had to come.  Need made the civilized part of him crumble before the primal creature that always fought to escape.

He shoved back and forth violently, plunging into Tranis’ grip and then bucking back to take that hard length into himself.  All was sensation and want.  His second cock was flexing, tightening.  A surge of heat moved from it to his front prick.  He was going to come.  He could feel the sizzle of orgasm sliding forward, drawing itself together.  Here it was.  His rhythm stuttered as everything clutched hard…

Tranis’ hand moved to the base of his cock and squeezed, shutting off his release.  Lidon screamed defiance, trying to move, trying to climax.  The other man’s arm tightened around his waist, holding him still.

“I told you to slow down.  I’m not done fucking you yet.”

Lidon’s shattered brain didn’t quite understand the exact words, but he got the crux of the message.  He was being denied. 

He couldn’t come.

He roared his furious agony at the man riding him.  It did no good.  Worse still, the prick in his ass was sliding in and out much slower now, rubbing the hot zone lighter than Lidon wanted.  His cock throbbed in desperation to spill, but that merciless hand kept the hot river of cum dammed up. 

A long, drawn-out groan sounded in his ear.  “That’s right.  It feels good to master someone like you.  Not just shoving my prick in your hot, tight ass, but also being in control of such a strong Nobek.  Making you submit to me is half the thrill.”

Lidon felt a surge of pride at Tranis’ praise.  At the same time, he wanted to get free and beat the Dramok into submission so he could fuck

The Nobek desperately fought to move.  He couldn’t, not with his arms and ankles pinned by the hover cuffs, his right leg useless, and Tranis holding him so tightly.  All he could do was crouch beneath his conqueror and take the achingly slow strokes.

Tranis pressed deep and ground hard into Lidon.  Heady, brutal elation burst through the Nobek as he bore against that spot.  Lidon shoved his face into the mat and screamed with all his might. 

The Dramok gasped.  He pounded hard and fast, his groin thudding loudly against Lidon’s buttocks.  Lidon writhed, desperate for release.  He’d never wanted to come so bad.  If Tranis would just release his hold on his prick…

“Tranis.  Please.”

Tranis grunted with effort as he took Lidon.  “Say it.  Go on, Nobek.”

Something that sounded suspiciously like a whimper escape Lidon’s tight throat.  Damn the controlling bastard! 

He panted, “I acknowledge you have mastered me, Dramok.  I beg you for release.  By the ancestors, Tranis, it hurts.  Please…”

Tranis’ hand on his prick loosened.  He stroked it hard.  “Come right now, Lidon.  Come for me.”

Liquid lightning blasted through Lidon’s cock, rushing from the base straight up, bursting out in heavy streams of cum.  He screamed, dimly aware of wet heat splattering his belly and chest.  The orgasm ripped out of his prick in rending pulses, leaving him weak and shuddering.

Tranis continued to thrust hard into him.  He groaned and abruptly pulled out. 

More wet heat splashed against Lidon’s skin, this time flowing over his back and ass.  Tranis was coming on him, marking him with his scent.  Lidon shook as he was claimed.

His voice thready with exhaustion, the Dramok said, “Release subject.”

The hover cuffs sprang open, setting Lidon free.  At the same time, Tranis shoved his still-hard cock back into Lidon’s ass.  He yanked him over, tumbling them both onto their sides.  Tranis spooned against his back, draping a leg over Lidon’s.  “Lights out.  I don’t know about you, Nobek, but I’m exhausted.  What a day.”

Darkness descended over the room.  Lidon turned his head to regard the other man in the dim light.  “You expect me to sleep with your cock up my ass?”

“Well, you’re not sleeping with your prick up mine.”  Tranis’ grin was apparent even in the near blackness.

Lidon snorted.  “Damn, you are a dominating fuck.”

Tranis snuggled closer.  “What, Piras isn’t?”

Lidon turned away and closed his eyes.  “He was when we first started together.  He’s gotten lazy since then.  Or maybe he only did it long enough to draw me in.  Who the hell knows?”

The Nobek wondered why he was telling Tranis so much.  Maybe because he was tired.  Maybe because he’d had his best fuck in a long time.  Maybe it was as simple as the warmth of the body curled around his.

“Is that why you haven’t clanned?  Because Piras is too passive?”

Lidon considered his answer.  How much did he really want Tranis to know?  In the end, he decided it didn’t matter, not really.  Not when he didn’t have a clearcut answer for himself.  “I panic every time he asks me.  I have dozens of little reasons not to accept.  None of them on their own is enough to turn him down, but put all together—”  He shrugged.

“‘Better a large problem that might be solved than small difficulties that never end.’”

Lidon twisted to look at him again.  “You know the Book.”

“Not well enough to impress a scholar like you.  That’s just happens to be one of the passages I’ve heard that stuck with me.  Have you really memorized the whole thing?”

Tranis had researched him.  Or at least asked around.  Well, that was interesting.  “Not even close.  I have made diligent study of it, however.  Meditating on it kept me sane during my long recovery.”

“I’ve heard you’re especially devout.”

“I suppose some would see me that way.  My Imdiko father is a priest.  I admit I never paid much attention to his teachings until a few years ago.  He was excellent counsel after I was blown up, and that led to my studies.  It helped things make sense.”

Tranis chuckled and the arm he held Lidon with tightened.  “So what does the Book of Life say about sleeping with another Dramok, a much younger Dramok?”

Lidon grinned back.  “‘You shall always expect surprises, because they await you at every turn.  No man can overrule destiny’s dictates.’  I’m not sure it applies to this situation, but it’s the best I can come up with at the moment.”

“It will do.”  Tranis yawned and closed his eyes.  “Let’s get some sleep for now, Nobek.”

Lidon was quite ready to do that.  It had been an extremely tiring day, starting with the kurble match, then pulling a full shift.  And finally, getting tossed by a very physical Dramok.

Still, he couldn’t find sleep until he felt Tranis settle and grow still.  The young man’s chest moving against his back with deep rhythmic breaths told Lidon when he’d dropped into slumber.  Only then did he let the warmth of the other man curled around him lull him to sleep.




Chapter 5


Piras’ voice jerked Lidon awake.  “Captain Piras to First Officer Tranis.”

Lidon drew a deep breath and willed his suddenly pounding heart to slow.  His lover’s voice came from the room’s com link, not within the room. 

He looked over his shoulder at the Dramok he’d spent the night with.  Tranis looked much too amused.  “Tranis here, sir.”

“I know you’re not released by Medical yet, but I need you on the bridge immediately.”

All hilarity left the young commander.  “On my way, Captain.”

The com’s disconnect sounded with an audible click.  Tranis carefully pulled free of Lidon.  “His tone sounded pretty serious.  I’ll bet you’re about to get a call too.”

“He’s probably trying to reach me in my quarters right now.” 

The men were on their feet.  As Tranis headed for his room’s wash facility, Lidon’s personal com went off in the pile his formsuit made on the floor.

Lidon leaned down to snag it, his good leg holding him easily.  “Weapons Commander here.”

Piras said, “Lidon, I need you on the bridge immediately.  We’ve got a situation.”

“I’ll be right there.”

He picked up his formsuit and winced at the scent coming off it.  The smell of Tranis on his body was even more pungent.

Tranis came back in the room and opened his closet.  Lidon hopped into the facility.  “Great.  I reek of you.  Everyone wearing their nose today will know where I’ve been.”

He ran water and grabbed a pre-soaped cloth from the dispenser.  He scrubbed every part of himself as fast as he could.  Still, he knew he’d never get enough of Tranis’ scent off to keep Piras in the dark. 

He hopped back out.  Tranis was dressed.  He tossed something at Lidon, who caught it with a deft hand.

As Lidon dubiously eyed the formsuit the first officer had given him, Tranis said, “You can at least show up on the bridge in a clean uniform.  We’re close to the same size.  The trim is blue, but no one would mistake you for a Dramok.”

Lidon snorted, but he sat down and started pulling the formsuit on.  “I’m not sure if you mean that as a compliment or insult.”

Tranis grinned.  “You are all Nobek.  And I like Nobeks.”  He leered.  “A lot.”

Lidon couldn’t help but smile a little.  He yanked his boots on and snapped the brace in its accustomed place.  Then he transferred his silver bars of his command status onto the borrowed uniform.

“How pissed off is Piras going to be?” Tranis asked.  His voice was light, as if he didn’t really care.

Lidon got to his feet.  He was slightly more muscled than Tranis, but the Dramok was wider in shoulders and chest.  The formsuit’s fit wasn’t too bad.  Since it was clean, it did mask some of Tranis’ scent.  If Lidon could keep distance from Piras, his lover wouldn’t know the difference.  A distance of perhaps half the ship might be enough.

Lidon followed Tranis out of his quarters.  “He’ll be extremely angry.  Let me deal with him.”

They walked side by side, heading for the nearest transport.  Tranis gave Lidon a narrow-eyed gaze.  “I can handle Piras.  I handled you, didn’t I?”

They stepped onto the transport.  Fortunately, they had it to themselves.  Lidon answered, “Yes, but bending the captain over your bed and shoving your cock up his ass would probably be taken as insubordination.”

Tranis burst out in laughter.  He sobered just as the transport door opened and they walked out onto the destroyer’s bridge.

Both of them stopped short.  The main vid was up, and Lidon’s eyes widened at what it showed.  His training kicked in, and he hurried to his station.  As he walked past the captain’s podium, he saw Piras’ head come up and his nostrils flare wide.  Lidon kept his gaze forward, refusing to acknowledge the shocked stare.  But when Piras’ head swiveled in Tranis’ direction, the Nobek darted a quick glance at the other man too. 

Tranis didn’t take note of either of them.  He was much more interested in the vid image of the demolished hulk floating in space.  “Captain, is that the Cagu defense station?”

Lidon relieved his second at the weapons post and met Piras’ glare.  The Nobek kept his emotions to himself.  Recovering his equanimity with some difficulty, Piras answered his first officer.  “Yes, Commander, that’s what’s left of it.  We’re still an hour away.”

Lidon busied himself with the reports and readouts streaming to his station.  “No life signs.  No power.  All systems look offline, including atmospheric controls.  No one could possibly have survived.”

Tranis was at his station now, looking over the same readouts.  “Maybe they had enough warning to put on spacesuits?  What about their fighters?”

Piras didn’t sound optimistic, but he said, “Maybe someone escaped.  We’ll know when we get there.”  He turned to Lidon once more.  “Weapons Commander, put a team together to go over that station as soon as we dock, but be advised it will have to be a fast investigation.  I want to get to that colony we lost communications with as soon as possible.  We have to save any civilians that might be in danger on Natamev.”

Lidon’s fingers flew over his controls.  “Understood, Captain.  With your permission, I’d like to put in a recon team for damage assessment, a search team for survivors, and a records recovery team in case there’s information on the attackers.”

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