To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (8 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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He found the door release.  With a beep it recognized his print signature and opened.  Degorsk grabbed Tranis’ collar, yanked his leg free of the Dramok’s grip, and pulled him towards the open door.

Tranis broke the kiss.  He gave Degorsk a little shove, pushing the Imdiko into his quarters.  He didn’t follow, instead staring at the doctor from the corridor, breath heaving in and out of his chest.

The Dramok grinned.  “I see you’ve changed your mind about me.  But perhaps you’re right.  We should get to know each other better.  I need to find out what you’re so scared of.  And you need to know I am always in control.”

Degorsk tried to make sense of what the younger man was saying, but his ears were roaring and the demanding heat in his cocks were making it hard to think.  He growled.  “Very funny, Tranis.  Get your ass in here.”

Tranis took a step back.  Then another.  “Maybe tomorrow night.  You have an early shift, remember?  Good night, Degorsk.”

He turned and walked away.

Degorsk stood there, his mouth hanging open, trying to figure out what was happening.  Surely Tranis wasn’t really going to leave him this way?

“Son of a bitch!”

He lunged out of his quarters, looking down the corridor in the direction Tranis had gone.  The Dramok was nowhere in sight.  He had left Degorsk with cocks so hard they hurt.  He was actually bent over from the strain.

Degorsk swore every foul word he knew between clenched teeth, ending with, “You smug bastard.  Like hell I’ll give you another chance!”

Damn it, now he was in the middle of the corridor, talking to himself.  Wasn’t that just great.  Degorsk stormed into his quarters, still snarling under his breath as he decided the only way he was going to get any rest tonight was with the help of sleep inducements.

But first he had an emergency appointment with his hand.




Chapter 4


“You should have fucked him while you had the chance.”

Lidon was delighted to see Tranis start at his words, which interrupted the Dramok as he was about to enter his quarters.  The first officer swung around to stare at him.

Tranis scowled.  “Damn.  Are you sure you’re not faking that injury?  I never heard you coming!”

Lidon limped closer.  “You saw my leg.  I think it’s probably more a case of you being somewhat impaired.  Someone took advantage of his medical leave status and drank over his usual on-call limit.”

Tranis’ frown deepened and he flushed a little, as if embarrassed.  “So?  I have time to sleep it off before I’m on duty.”

“Or work it off.  So why didn’t you fuck the good doctor?  You look more than ready for it.”  The Nobek leered at Tranis’ very obvious erection.

He got a glare in return.  “What?  Were you spying on us?”

“Yes.”  It had been quite a show too until Tranis had sped off, leaving Degorsk very frustrated and pissed off.  Too pissed off for Lidon to have any hope of taking advantage of the poor Imdiko’s condition.

Tranis snorted.  “I knew you had a thing for him.”

He got his door open and walked in.  Assuming an invitation, Lidon followed him.

Tranis’ quarters were every bit as cramped as his own and every other unclanned man’s on the ship.  A small shelf held the mud-encrusted kurble ball they’d played with that morning. 

“Degorsk is the one man who can make me laugh.  I find him fascinating.  What about you, Commander?  What is it about him that has you so attracted?”

Tranis sighed.  He leaned over his sleeping mat, putting one knee on the mattress.  Lidon admired the way the Dramok’s formsuit stretched tight over his muscular ass. 

With a touch, Tranis opened one of the seamless drawers in the wall on the far side of his bed.  He rummaged through its contents.  “I don’t know what it is about him.  Probably a lot of different things, starting with that nice ass.  And I guess I want to know what’s behind that ridiculous attitude of his.”

He got off the mat emptyhanded, leaving the drawer open.  He planted his hands on his hips as he confronted Lidon.  “Plus, he pisses me off with his air of superiority when he talks about how much younger I am than him.  Damn it, I’m sick of having to prove myself to everyone over and over.”

Lidon cocked an eyebrow at him.  “You have to realize someone your age with the rank you’ve attained is going to be tested.”

“By other Dramoks?  Fine.  By Nobeks?  I expect it.  But an Imdiko?”  Tranis shook his head.

“Is that why you’re in your quarters with a hard-on instead of enjoying Degorsk’s sweet ass right now?  To put him in his place?”

Tranis’ grin was dark with promise.  “I look forward to having him offer himself to me.”

Lidon had to restrain the urge to roll his eyes.  Though ambitious, intelligent, and talented, Tranis apparently had a lot to learn about Kalquor’s third breed.  “You’ve never bedded an Imdiko, have you?” he guessed.

The Dramok shrugged.  “Not yet.  They don’t seem to be much of a challenge.”

“Maybe not the ones you’ve met, the young ones looking to impress you.  Degorsk might not be as easy as you think.”

“Just because you haven’t fucked him doesn’t mean I can’t.”

Something in the pit of Lidon’s gut tightened at the challenge.  Tranis had been drinking and was sexually frustrated.  His seeming insult was actually an invitation.  Lidon was more than ready to accept it.

Coolly, as if burning heat wasn’t slipping into his groin, Lidon responded, “Degorsk is good at avoiding men who show an interest in him.  You should have taken the opportunity while you had it.  Meanwhile, you’re suffering, Dramok.  I hate to see that.”

With a single step, the Nobek came close enough to grab Tranis.  He snatched the young man to him, one hand on the back of the Dramok’s head holding him for Lidon’s kiss.  Tranis’ mouth opened immediately for his searching tongue, parrying with his own as they had their first taste of each other.

Tranis’ flavor was a mix of kloq, feral male, and delicious need.  His hands gripped Lidon’s shoulders as they sought to devour each others’ mouths, pulling at him as if they could get closer than chest to chest as they already were.  Lidon grabbed for the first officer’s ass, clutching the granite roundness of it as he pressed his swelling groin against the other man’s.

Tranis’ grip tightened on Lidon’s shoulders.  Shoving back, he broke the kiss.  He hissed in the weapons commander’s face, “Does the captain know his favorite Nobek plays with other Dramoks?”

Lidon darted his head forward, capturing Tranis’ lower lip between his teeth and biting hard before releasing him again.  “There haven’t been any other Dramoks for him to know about.”

“Really?”  Smug satisfaction crept over the Dramok’s face.  He licked the drop of blood that welled from Lidon’s bite.  “Still, it’s not so good for my career to fuck my captain’s Nobek.”

“I’m not clanned to Piras.  I can stick my cock into anyone I choose.”

With that, Lidon suddenly dropped down and slammed his shoulder into Tranis’ midsection.  The Dramok’s breath left him in a gasp.  Before he could react, Lidon stood, lifting him off the ground.  He threw Tranis onto the bed.

After his initial surprise, Tranis proved a more than worthy combatant.  The two men battled all over the sleeping mat’s surface, fighting for supremacy.  They rolled and grappled, neither getting the upper hand for too long.  Lidon had years of training on the upstart, but the lessons Tranis had received from his older brothers showed.  Even if Lidon’s leg not been a factor, he thought he still might be evenly matched by his adversary.

Plus, most Dramoks simply didn’t acknowledge a Nobek’s dominance.  Tranis was obviously an apex version of his breed.

After several minutes of intense struggle, Lidon found himself flat on his back.  Tranis was lying sideways on top of him, one shoulder pinning Lidon’s left arm down.  The Dramok’s legs tangled Lidon’s in a wrestling maneuver known as The Knot.  That left Lidon with only one hand to fight with, but he figured that was all he needed.  He curled it into a fist and aimed for Tranis’ jaw.

He was aware of Tranis reaching into the still-opened drawer he’d searched through upon entering the room.  An instant before Lidon would have connected with his punch, the Dramok caught the fist in his palm.  His other hand closed around Lidon’s wrist, and there was a snapping sound.  Cold wrapped Lidon’s flesh.  Moving in a blur, Tranis reached in the drawer again and another snap and cold ring announced a cuff had gone onto Lidon’s pinned arm.

“Cuffs to horizontal surface.  Freeze subject in place.”

Lidon’s already pinned arm didn’t move.  The other slammed to the bed by his thigh.  Tranis heaved off of him and stood to gloat.  Lidon only half registered the massive erection filling the crotch of the Dramok’s torn formsuit.  He lifted his head to stare at the metal rings on his wrists.

“I’ll be damned,” he gasped, heaving for breath after all the exertion.  “You tricky bastard.  Where did you get a pair of regulation hover cuffs?  I’ll kill the assholes in charge of inventory!”

Tranis grinned and leaned over casually to pluck a larger pair from his drawer.  Lidon growled but didn’t fight as the first officer pulled off the Nobek’s boot and snapped a cuff over the ankle of his good leg.  The Dramok then set about carefully unlocking his leg brace.

As he worked he said, “These cuffs are mine, Nobek.  A gift from one of my brothers when I shipped out, just in case I came across something feisty and fuckable.”

Even as he fumed about being bested in a fight, Lidon looked over the other man with eager lust.  Some battles were worth losing.  He still didn’t want Tranis to get too cocky.  “You are too well versed in how to deal with my breed, Dramok.  I’ll be sure to not underestimate you again.”

Tranis pulled the brace free and slid Lidon’s other boot off.  The fourth hover cuff clicked into place.  “That might work for the future, but for now I’ll be enjoying your ass.”  He looked over Lidon with obvious pleasure and peeled off his formsuit.

Lidon had already had the thrill of seeing Tranis nude in Medical.  However, lying on his bed while that chiseled body looming over him came into view was a different matter.  The Dramok’s huge tapered cocks were swollen and curving up towards his carved abdomen.  They glistened with his natural lubricant.  A pearl of pre-cum formed at the tip of the larger front prick while Lidon watched.

Piras behaved like a bottom most days, rarely asserting himself enough to command Lidon’s acquiescence.  For that reason, it had been a few weeks since Lidon had last been fucked.  Tranis wasn’t small by anyone’s standards, and Lidon realized that unless he warned the Dramok to prepare him, getting drilled by that big cock was going to hurt. 

Tranis grinned and stroked himself.  “Take a good look, my proud Nobek commander.  This is what’s going up your ass.”

Lidon licked his lips.  Pain and pleasure were one and the same to a Nobek.  He wasn’t about to ask for anything as demeaning as gentleness.  Not from this Dramok, particularly.

Instead he snarled, “All this talk is boring me.  Why don’t you wake me when you’re done?”

Tranis chuckled.  “Oh, you’ll feel this, my friend.  Trust me on that.”

Lidon expected more of the young man’s animal side to come out now, the beast he’d displayed on the kurble field and during their fight.  He was fully prepared to be stripped, turned over, and pounded into with perhaps only a reach around to meet his own fierce need.

Tranis didn’t waste any time pulling Lidon’s formsuit off.  But from there, the experience was much different from his expectations.

The Dramok got back on the bed, kneeling over Lidon by straddling his hips.  His ass settled on the Nobek’s crotch, letting him feel the warmth.  A surge of sensation filled Lidon’s cocks and he groaned.  He arched, grinding against Tranis, into that warm crevice.

The first officer leaned over, putting his hands on either side of Lidon’s head.  He lowered down until they were belly to belly, chest to chest.  Tranis tilted his head to one side, and Lidon parted his mouth for his kiss.

Tranis stroked his lips with his lusciously scratchy tongue.  The touch was firm but much more gentle than Lidon had expected.  He closed his eyes to better feel the caressing stroke of his conqueror’s tasting.  Arousal rolled in his gut.  Young or not, the Dramok knew exactly what he was doing.  The almost-kiss was enough to make Lidon ache.  He wanted more.  Much more.

The Nobek raised his head to capture Tranis’ wicked tongue in his mouth.  He suddenly hissed when the other man tangled his hands in Lidon’s long hair, pulling his head back down onto the mat.

“You will have only what I wish to offer,” Tranis said.  “I mastered you.  Submit, Nobek.”

A growl rumbled through Lidon’s chest.  He bared his fangs.

Tranis bared his in return.  “Surrender, or I will bite you into submission.”

Lidon glared.  “You aggressive shit.  I hate to be bitten.”

“Then put the fangs away and lie still.  Submit.”

Lidon’s hands curled into fists.  Tranis was giving him two choices:  either keep his senses and accept being completely dominated or be bitten and rendered passive with intoxication. 

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