To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (9 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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He despised having the venom that came from another Kalquorian’s bite in his system.  Under its effects, one became aroused to the point of inability to defend himself.  The glowy warmth of the bite’s euphoria transformed even the most ferocious of Nobeks into needy creatures, temporarily devoted to pleasing.  Lidon did not like to lose control like that. 

With effort, he forced his fangs to fold back against the roof of his mouth.  He stared with black aggression at Tranis.

“Such a nasty look.  Let’s see if I can get you in a better mood.”  Tranis smirked.

He leaned down again, his hands still fisted painfully in Lidon’s hair.  His mouth brushed tenderly against Lidon’s lips, creating an interesting counterpoint to the harsh hold pinning the Nobek’s head to the mat.

Lidon opened his mouth, hoping for more.  Tranis flicked his tongue in, allowing an electric moment of contact that sizzled all the way down to Lidon’s groin.  He jerked in response.

Tranis did it again while one of his hands released Lidon’s hair to trail down his shoulder and over his chest.  Tranis’ hand smoothed its way down Lidon’s breastbone.  Then he stroked over a pectoral muscle.  Fingertips seized on Lidon’s nipple, plucking at the tip.  Darts of acute pleasure made the Nobek jerk again.  A gasp left him, and Tranis sealed his mouth over his, as if to taste the sound of Lidon’s arousal.

The Dramok traced a fingertip around the circle of Lidon’s nipple.  At the same time, his tongue forged into the Nobek’s mouth, stroking and twining around its twin.  Lidon was lost in the utter pleasure of being tasted and touched by such a powerful, uncompromising man.  When was the last time he’d been bent to another’s sexual will?  He couldn’t remember, but finding himself in the position now was glorious.

Tranis released the kiss.  He moved down, his blunt teeth closing on Lidon’s chin to bite.  He nipped hard enough to make pain sizzle its way down to the Nobek’s swollen cocks, becoming pleasure along the way.  Lidon panted in reaction. 

“Your throat, Nobek,” Tranis growled.

Lidon clenched his fists again.  When he didn’t obey right away, Tranis pinched his nipple.  With a snarl that suspiciously sounded like a whine, Lidon tilted his head back, offering his throat to the younger man.  Damn, Tranis was so fucking dominant.  If he hadn’t been wearing the hover cuffs, Lidon would kick his ass for making him do such a thing.

Tranis’ mouth closed over the column of Lidon’s throat.  His teeth again scraped on flesh, the bite pressing harder and harder.  Making Lidon’s windpipe close.  Every mote of the Nobek’s being screamed for him to fight, to get the Dramok off him, to keep him from tearing out his throat.  His whole body tensed as he battled to submit instead.

After what felt like an eternity, the pressure eased.  The bruising teeth released.  Tranis raised his head to look into Lidon’s eyes.

“Very good, Nobek.  Well done.”

Lidon released a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding.  It had been forever since his submission had been tested.  It had demanded more strength and courage than resistance would have.

Tranis’ mouth brushed over the hollow of Lidon’s throat.  His tongue licked there, tasting Lidon’s drumming pulse.  Molten pleasure bubbled through the Nobek’s groin, and he moaned, rubbing against Tranis’ ass, which still sat there.

The Dramok glanced up.  “Oh really?  Good to know.”

He kissed that spot again, and Lidon writhed beneath him.  By the ancestors, he felt so sensitive there!  Raw bliss shuddered through his body as Tranis mouthed him.  He rocked his hips back and forth, trying to get closer contact with the Dramok’s ass.  He was savagely hard, his pricks throbbing with the need for friction.

“Easy, Lidon.  We’ll get there.”  Tranis rose up to look down at him, the purple of his irises all but lost behind wide pupils.  “By the ancestors, you are magnificent.”

The Dramok’s hands roamed all over Lidon’s chest and abdomen, feeling every inch of the bared skin.  Lidon arched beneath the possessive touch, his senses rioting to be at this man’s questionable mercy.  With every stroke from Tranis’ fingers, he claimed the Nobek, making him more susceptible to his control.  That made Lidon want to fight for dominance and force Tranis to his needs.  Not being able to do so infuriated him.  Anger made him more aroused, which made him even more sensitive to Tranis’ touch.  It was a brutal cycle, one that had him fighting the hover cuffs though he couldn’t possibly escape.

Tranis only smiled at Lidon’s struggle.  He bent over and licked one of his nipples.  Darts of excitement zapped straight to Lidon’s cocks, and he strained harder than ever to rub against that sweet, naked ass seated on them.  His breathing was so harsh, it almost sounded like he was whimpering, something Lidon never did.

Tranis sucked at the dark, flat disc.  Heavy heat flamed in Lidon’s cocks, and he yelled in reaction.  “Fuck!”

“We’ll certainly get to that.”  The Dramok’s grin was pure evil.  He gave the nipple a slow lick, tightening the already pebbled tip more.  Lidon sucked in a breath between clenched teeth as heat flickered through his body.

“I think you’re ready for real preparation now,” Tranis said.  He got up and stood at the foot of the mat.  “Elevate legs, shallow v formation.  Slow.”

The hover cuffs on Lidon’s ankles rose, lifting his legs into the air and spreading his thighs about shoulder-width apart.  He suddenly felt like a whore in a Dantovonian brothel or one of the service Imdikos at the pleasure clubs back home.  His growl was pure threat.

“Now what?”  Tranis said, looking at him from between his legs.

“This position is humiliating.  Get me out of it,” Lidon snarled.

Tranis rolled his eyes.  “I thought it would be less stress on your leg.  I can’t have you unable to report for your shift because sex messed you up.”

He had a point.  When it came to fucking, most of the time Lidon stood at the edge of the bed, his leg encased in his brace as he took Piras from behind.  The occasional times Piras took control, Lidon was usually bent over his lover’s desk, his feet planted firmly on the floor.

“Damn it,” he said.  “I’d rather take the chance of injury.”

Tranis shook his head.  “Fine.  When I fuck you, you’ll be on all fours.  But for now, you’ll have to be embarrassed.”  His face stretched in a smile.  “Deal with it, Nobek.  Remember who’s in charge here.”

Lidon glowered.  “I can’t decide if I like or hate you.”

“Doesn’t matter.  Can your leg take going wider?”

“I can take whatever you dish out.”

“I’ll accept that as a yes.  Widen range another five degrees.”

The hover cuffs moved farther apart, leaving Lidon extremely vulnerable.  Somehow the humiliation didn’t affect his level of arousal, however.  His dicks stuck straight up in the air, blatant with need.

Tranis climbed back on the mat and knelt, his knees bracketing Lidon’s ass.  “I think I enjoy seeing you like this as much as you despise it.  Open and waiting for me.  Completely mine to do with as I wish.  I cannot wait to fuck this ass.”

“Then why don’t you get it over with?”  Lidon stared up at the ceiling.

“Because I would never rush my enjoyment of such an amazing body.” 

A firm grip encircled Lidon’s front cock, just below the tip.  He jerked his gaze down in time to watch Tranis pump down to the base of him.  Incredible heat surged, and he groaned seemingly all the way from his toes.

Tranis slowly pulled back up, watching Lidon’s face as he did so.  Elation coiled tight deep in Lidon’s groin.  The firm fist had just the right amount of pressure.  If Tranis would work him faster, Lidon would spill in a matter of moments.

Instead, Tranis let go.  Lidon gasped to catch his breath.  “Why – don’t stop.  Damn it, you can keep me in this position all night if you’ll keep doing that.”

Tranis chuckled.  “I only wanted your lubrication.  For now.”  He wiggled his slick fingers at Lidon.


Tranis traced one of those wet fingers around Lidon’s anus.  The sensitive flesh instinctively opened to him, inviting invasion.  Lidon bit his lower lip hard as need surged.  Damn, he’d forgotten how good a firm but careful touch could feel.  Piras was either too tentative or brutal with hurry.

He did not want to think about Piras right now.

He concentrated on the pressure of Tranis’ finger as it pushed against him.  “Open to me,” the Dramok said.

Lidon released into the force of the finger forging inside him.  He shuddered to feel the thick digit penetrate, slick with his own lubricant.  Tranis moved carefully, stretching the ring of muscles to his entrance.

“You’re tight.”  Tranis frowned. 

“So?”  Lidon scowled.

“And you’re with me instead of your usual lover.”  A dark eyebrow went up.  “It makes me wonder.”

“It’s none of your business.”  Lidon closed his eyes so he didn’t have to see the other man’s curiosity.

Another finger pushed in, not quite as gently as the first.  Moving.  Rotating.  Preparing him for Tranis’ cock.  Tranis had bested him in a fight and was going to fuck him soon.  There wasn’t a damned thing Lidon could do about it either.

The Dramok’s fingers pushed farther in, searching.  Lidon tensed.  Oh no, he wasn’t going to—

A burst of white-hot rapture seized Lidon, making his cocks jerk a warning.  A small amount of pre-cum dribbled from the primary one.  His eyes and mouth flew open in a soundless cry, and he arched hard against the mat.

“There it is,” Tranis said.  “Like that?”

He stroked the spot again, and fire licked through Lidon’s groin.  Heavy throbs of want pounded through his lower regions, and he did yell that time.  “Fuck!”

Tranis leaned over, capturing Lidon’s gaze with his own.  His tongue peeked out, heading for the moisture oozing slowly from the Nobek’s prick.  An instant before he licked it off, he rubbed that hot area inside once more.

Lidon shrieked, jerking against the hover cuffs.  Dull pain resounded through his crippled leg, but he barely remarked on it.  The rasp of Tranis’ tongue laving the tip of his cock along with the pressure on his inner cum zone crumbled every last lucid thought.

Tranis’ fingers pulled free of him, leaving Lidon shaking and panting for air.  The Nobek had damned near spilled.  His cocks pulsed with almost angry want.  Fuck, his groin hurt.  He needed to climax.

“You are enjoying yourself too much, my friend.”  Tranis grinned.

“Enjoying, my ass,” Lidon groaned. 

“I do believe I will now.  Turn subject over, position for elbows and knees to horizontal surface.  Wide stance.”

The cuffs activated, slowly moving so that Lidon was rolled over onto his left side.  Then the hover cuffs moved unwilling limbs until he was in the position Tranis had ordered.

There was a problem.  His damaged leg refused to hold him up.  His abdomen pressed on his thighs.  “Shit,” he groaned.

“Not to worry,” Tranis said, sounding almost cheerful.  His thighs wedged between Lidon’s, and the hot brand of his cocks laid heavily against Lidon’s ass, making the Nobek shiver.  Tranis’ strong arm circled Lidon’s waist, pulling his ass up.

The Dramok’s cocks slid down the crevice between Lidon’s cheeks.  The older man couldn’t contain a shudder.  The tip of the larger one probed at his anus, as if it had a mind of its own and homed in on where it wanted to be.  He clenched the linens of Tranis’ bed in his fists.  He’d known when he approached Tranis that this was how the situation was likely to end up.  Why was he second-guessing himself now?

“Relax for me,” Tranis whispered.  Lidon felt his hand close on the questing prick, assuring it would go where he wanted.   “Open yourself.”

Pressure against his anus.  Pushing hard.  Insisting on invading.  Lidon took a deep breath and released the tension there.  Suddenly Tranis’ prick was traveling into him, forcing its way in deep.  A burning ache bloomed, making his teeth clench.  Damn, the Dramok was big.  Bigger than Piras. 

“Fuck,” he ground between clenched teeth.

Tranis paused.  “Easy.”  He was gasping, almost as if he were the one in pain.  “Damn it, Lidon.  I didn’t expect you to be this fucking tight.  I’m not going to last.”

“Good,” Lidon panted.  “You’re splitting me in half.”

“You’ll adjust.  Now open to me, Nobek.”

Tranis pushed deeper, his cock’s circumference growing as it neared the base.  Lidon forced himself to breathe through the burning objections of his body. 

Pain is my friend.  Pain gives me a challenge to show I have overcome and will continue to do so.  I worship my pain, and I invite it to give me strength.

Tranis stopped again.  “There.  I’m in.  For how long remains the question.”

Lidon felt a pressure beneath his lower cock.  He looked beneath his crouched body to see Tranis’ second cock nestled up beneath his.  He shivered.  The Dramok had mounted him, had made Lidon his bottom.  Few men had had the power to do so.  He let no one master him who didn’t deserve it.

Tranis drew back, emptying Lidon slowly until only the tip of his cock remained just inside the Nobek’s ass.  Then he thrust back in, powerfully.  Lidon had a moment of hot agony as his ass stretched grudgingly for the invasion, then Tranis hit that spot.

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