To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (19 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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Tranis bared his teeth.  He definitely did not like being on the bottom.

With a snort, Lidon’s fists closed over Tranis’ cocks.  His thumbs rubbed over the tips.  The Dramok’s mouth opened wide, but he didn’t have the breath to shout. 

“Match my pace,” Lidon ordered him.

His hands stroked down, all the way to the bases of Tranis’ pricks.  The tight grips brought vicious pleasure boiling into Tranis’ groin, surging violently into his cocks.  The delicious feeling of cum swelling at the base of his primary shaft made him shake his head wildly.

Can’t come.  Can’t, not without permission

              Damn him!

Lidon stroked up and down, the pace steady but not too quick.  Tranis automatically fell into rhythm with his own strokes, as he’d been commanded.  He wanted more.  He wanted faster.  He wanted for Lidon to masturbate him so hard he couldn’t help but spill.

“Good, my delicious youngling,” Lidon said, and some small part of Tranis warmed to hear the praise.  It was that non-Dramok need to please that found such delight in his tormentor’s approval.  It made the rest of his consciousness curdle.

Yet his body couldn’t help but respond to Lidon’s expert touch.  He couldn’t escape the siren song of euphoric intoxication.  He knew perfectly well that until the venom wore off, he would be at the mercy of the Nobek’s every whim.

It was horribly apparent when Lidon leaned down to kiss him.  Tranis opened his mouth to accept the weapons commander’s demanding tongue.  He shuddered under the erotic assault, unable to assert control as the other man ruthlessly plundered his mouth and fondled his aching dicks.

The dam holding release back was hurting him.  He needed to climax.  He needed it right now.

As soon as Lidon’s mouth released his, Tranis moaned, “I have to be in you, Lidon.  Please.”

“Perhaps it is I who should be in your ass,

Lidon’s use of his breed’s name was spoken with a sneer.  The leader had been mastered, utterly.  The Nobek was making sure Tranis understood that.

And while the pleasure-numbed part of Tranis’ brain begged to submit and his body heated more than ever in agreement, the rest of his mind rebelled.  No one took him like that.  He didn’t like it.  Few were strong enough to force it on him, at least not in a fair fight.

“I do not enjoy having a cock up my ass, Lidon.  I would not forgive it if you made me take it.  Especially not under the influence of a bite.”  He tried to sound powerful, but he was gasping with the need for orgasm.

“Then you have a lot to learn yet,” Lidon answered.  His stare was evaluating, even as he rutted into Tranis’ grip.  “But perhaps receiving the lesson from someone else would serve you better.  Keep stroking, Tranis, and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

Tranis groaned.  “Your ass.  I want your ass.”

“You shall have it, but I will direct the pace.  You have to give up some of that precious control you’re so in love with.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.”

Lidon squeezed tight as he pumped Tranis’ cocks.  A cruel mixture of pain and ecstasy surged, making Tranis arch.  A thin scream escaped his throat, but he still couldn’t climax.  He couldn’t fight or escape either.  Lidon still had too much of a hold on him.

The strong hold on his pricks eased a little.  Tranis gasped for breath.  “All right, you brutal bastard.  Your pace.  I don’t care.  Just let me fuck you.”

Lidon grinned at him.  “Keep pulling on me like a good boy.  Don’t stop, or I’ll leave you lying here, unable to shoot off.”

Tranis’ eyes widened.  Would the Nobek really do that to him?

Lidon let go of his smaller cock to pull his pants down as far as his leg brace would allow.  Then he moved forward and eased down onto Tranis’ front penis.  Tranis cried out to be enclosed in the grip of such heat.  He shuddered, wanting to plunge in and out, forging into Lidon quickly, to take him hard.  His ass remained as if rooted to the ground however.  He could only lie there helplessly as Lidon rose and fell over him.

Lidon adjusted his angle and groaned loudly.  “That’s the spot.  Right the fuck there.”  His dark gaze seemed to swallow Tranis.  “How do I feel, Tranis?”

The Dramok licked his lips.  “Hot.  Tight.  Like this.”

He squeezed Lidon’s cocks to approximate the heady pressure he felt.  The Nobek’s head fell back, and he groaned to the sky overhead.  “Yeah, that’s pretty damned good.  Keep pumping, Dramok.  Keep pumping just like that.  Keep pace with me.”

Lidon took Tranis harder and faster.  Tranis’ eyes rolled as his cock moved in and out of the firm confines of the Nobek’s ass.  He jerked the cocks in his hands, staying in rhythm as he was told.  Fuck, his release was right there, just waiting for the word to flood from his dick.  A desperate whine  left his throat.  It hurt, he needed to come and it hurt…

Lidon gasped as he braced himself against Tranis’ chest, pounding against the captive body beneath him.  His fangs descended, and his eyes were almost black as he worked himself over Tranis’ rigid prick.

“Right … there.  That spot … right there…”

Tranis strained to release his load.  It stayed right at about the base of his cock, the pressure building ever higher.  A desperate cry left his lips.  “Nobek, please.”

“Come, Tranis.  Come now.”

There was a sensation at the base of Tranis’ spine, as if he’d been punched by a heavy fist.  His rear cock seized and drew excruciatingly tight.  A fiery path spilled into his forward prick, rushing up to burn a trail.  He arched beneath Lidon, shrieking as it erupted, spilling molten liquid into the other man’s ass.  His cocks throbbed and pulsed, moving ecstasy outward in agonizing bursts.

Lidon groaned.  “Dramok … yes…”

Tranis was barely aware of thick strands of wet heat spurting over his belly, chest, and chin.  He was too consumed with the tormenting bliss of climax still escaping his body.  The raw ache eclipsed everything else for a long time.

When the spasms finally lessened enough for him to return to his surroundings, he found Lidon draped over his body, his cheek pressed against Tranis’ shoulder.  The Nobek was heaving for breath just as desperately as Tranis. Their chests moved against each others, skin sliding wetly.

Tranis was covered in Lidon’s cum.  Marked and claimed.  Even though the venom was losing power over him, having been washed back by the chemicals involved in sexual release, Tranis couldn’t find the urge to be affronted.  His need to dominate was quiet in this instance.

I suppose if I have to be topped, Lidon isn’t such a bad option.  I’ve had worse.

Against his shoulder, Lidon mumbled, “Still want to play kurble?”

Tranis choked laughter.  “To hell with kurble,” he growled.

He grabbed a handful of Lidon’s hair and pulled his head back so he could get at his lips.  He smashed his mouth against the Nobek’s, kissing him with all the passion his sated body could muster.  The bastard had fucked him well and proper.  Better than Tranis had ever had before.  He decided he’d endure anything Piras threw at him, so long as he could warm his body with this man’s.




Chapter 8


When Piras abruptly summoned them to Governor Artmak’s office, Lidon and Tranis barely had time to wipe themselves clean.  They would reek of each other once more in the captain’s presence.  Lidon decided he didn’t give a fuck.

He eyed the younger Dramok as they hurriedly dressed.  Tranis’ dislike of being on the receiving end of a cock up his ass would be an issue if they continued to have sex.  That he had broken through intoxication enough to warn Lidon so sharply indicated a deep-seated concern.  Someone had not handled Tranis very well in the past.  The realization had been all that had kept Lidon from taking very thing he wanted.  It would have to be addressed, but the Nobek knew he was not the man to deal with such an issue.  It would have to come from someone else, someone Tranis wouldn’t see as a threat to his dominance.

For now, they had to see what Piras needed them for.  The summons had been of high priority.  Once their clothing was adjusted, they ran all the way to the office.

Piras scowled at them as they entered.  Lidon restrained an urge to roll his eyes.

The captain sneered, “So glad you could join us, commanders.  By the way, you’re both covered in chaff.”

From the corner of his eye, Lidon saw Tranis flinch.  The Nobek refused to react.

Pacing back and forth in front of them, Piras said, “We’ve lost contact with the colony’s defense station.  It’s gone silent, just like the rest.”

Tranis asked, “Are we going to investigate?”

Lidon stiffened as Piras eyed his first officer, a smug grin twisting his lips.  That look always meant trouble for the man it was aimed at.

His instincts proved correct.  Piras said, “The destroyer will leave as soon as I board it.  You and a small complement of half a dozen will stay here to guard the colony.  Both of you.  The governor is already making preparations.  You will help him get these colonists ready to evacuate.”

A surge of fury tinged Lidon’s sight with red.  More than just being demeaning to the him and Tranis, the order was against all protocols.  “You’re leaving two of your senior officers here when you may be heading into a fight?  Surely you can’t be that petty, Piras.”

Piras’ upper lip curled.  “Actually, I am.”

Tranis’ mouth hung open.  “Sir, I must protest—”

“Protest all you like, Dramok.  You have your orders and you will carry them out.”

He’d insulted Tranis by not calling him by his rank.  The young man trembled with fury, and Lidon thought he might attack their captain.  The weapons commander wasn’t sure if he would stop Tranis or help him.

After a couple of beats, Tranis jerked a bow.  “Yes, Captain.”  Not waiting for dismissal, he turned and stomped out of the room.  At least Piras had the sense to not call him on it.

Lidon glared at his former lover.  Piras returned the bald stare with equal heat.  Finally he growled, “Dismissed, Weapons Commander.”

Lidon didn’t bother with proper protocol either.  Without the expected
yes, Captain
Tranis had somehow managed to spit out, the Nobek turned and left the room.  Quickly, because the thought of snapping his longtime lover’s neck was a little too tempting.

Lidon walked out of the building to find Tranis waiting for him.  The Dramok lost no time in belting out his fury.

“He can’t do this, Lidon!  He’s letting personal issues affect his command!”

Lidon grabbed the other man’s arm and hauled him around the side of the building before anyone else could hear.  Tranis didn’t resist, but he seemed confused as well as angry now.

“Where are we going?  The shuttle docks are that way.”  He jerked his head in the direction of the huge hangar and its landing pad.

Lidon scowled.  “I’m not going there until Piras has left for the destroyer.  I can easily hurt him right now, Tranis.”  He lifted his upper lip to show how his fangs had descended in anger.

Tranis swept his fingers over his scalp, making his hair snarl and stick out in several directions.  “This is insanity.  If the executive officers take a vote, we can overrule Piras.”

Lidon snorted.  “It would have to be a unanimous vote, and my second in command of security is as ambitious as you.  Me being left behind is his opportunity to impress the captain, and he won’t let it slide by.”

Tranis turned to the wall at his back and punched it in a fit of temper.  Lidon could well appreciate the demonstration; he wanted to pound things … or at least a certain someone … himself.

Someone walked around the building and stopped, startled to see them.  It was Degorsk, and he looked every bit as confused and angry as Tranis.

He yelled, “Hey!  What the hell is going on?”

Tranis glowered at nothing.  “We’ve been assigned to protect colonists.”

“No shit.  I’m a doctor, not security.  Why is Piras making me stay behind too?”

Tranis exchanged a livid glare with Lidon.  “Now that’s going too damned far.  Leaving behind the ship’s chief medical officer crosses the line.”

Lidon’s fists clenched as fresh fury blazed through his senses.  “You’re right.  I’ll go talk to Piras, and you two keep me from killing him.”  He started for the admin building.

Degorsk said, “He’s heading for the shuttle.  He spoke to me on his way there.”

Lidon reversed course, almost running for the shuttle docks.  He refused to let his limp slow him down.  Lidon was determined he was going to catch the son of a bitch, pound on him until he started making sense, and then…

The sound and sight of the destroyer’s four shuttles lifting off and hurtling into the sky halted him. 

Piras had left them behind.  The bastard had actually abandoned his executive officers on the colony and then run off like the scared bully he was.

Raw, red rage pulsed in the Nobek’s head, and Lidon let his temper escape his usual iron control.  He screamed at the fleeing shuttles, the sound pouring from his lungs too primal for a civilized being.

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