To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (18 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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Artmak frowned.  “No.  This whole colony is dependent on the early warning system, our satellite-based defense field, and the fighters docked at the defense station.  We do have underground storage units, but nothing is shielded.”

Lidon pushed his plate away.  “That defense field is the same type as used by the other colonies.  There was no sign it did a bit of good for them.  We may have to be ready to evacuate the colony if trouble shows up.  How many shuttles do you have, Governor?”

“Five … no, four.”  The governor’s frown deepened.  “Our fifth crashed three weeks ago, but since it’s harvest time, we haven’t gotten around to fixing it yet.  The ones that still operate are capable of handling our population, if it comes to that.”

Piras nodded.  “That will do then.  Commander Tranis, I’d like you to have a look around the colony, get a lay of the land.  Think emergency shelters in case of surprise attack.  Check those storage units in particular.”

“Yes, Captain.”  Tranis drained his cup of tea.  It was good stuff, and he felt alert.  He stood.

Piras cut his eyes towards Lidon.  His tone stiff, he said, “Weapons Commander, see what defenses can be put in place for the same eventuality.  We still don’t know exactly all we’re up against, so think along the lines of big.  Consider not so much offense as simply holding out until the fleet arrives.”

Lidon was every bit as formal.  “Yes, Captain.”  He got to his feet, managing to rise gracefully despite his leg brace.

“Doctor, inspect the medical facility.  Help them make it as ready as possible for heavy casualties.”

Degorsk snapped a nod.  “Install gutters for heavy blood flow.  Check.”

A grin pulled at Tranis’ lips, but the stony look on Piras’ face killed all humor.

Degorsk got to his feet and bowed.  “Apologies, Captain.  I will go at once.”

Artmak rose.  “I’ll show you the way.”

Degorsk walked past Tranis on his way out, pulling a wide-eyed
uh oh
face as he went.  The Dramok bit his lip to keep from laughing.  That damned Imdiko was going to get them both in trouble with his antics if he didn’t behave.

Tranis followed him out with Lidon on their heels.  Piras’ gaze was narrow as they strode past.  The first officer decided to accomplish his tasks as quickly as possible and find Lidon immediately afterward.  He could hardly wait to get the Nobek alone to find out exactly what was going on.

* * * *

It had been a rough day.  Tranis had finished filing his fifth – and hopefully final – report.  He took the opportunity to duck away from the rest of the crew and colony’s workers to be alone.  He stood at the edge of the cluster of buildings, looking over a newly harvested field.  Huge bins of grain at his back hid him from everyone else.

He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of mown grasses and grains.  He loved space travel, but opportunities to be planetside, especially on a colony as nice as this, were always a treat.  It felt good to stretch his body outside the tight confines of the destroyer and to breathe fresh air.

Approaching steps warned him someone was heading his way.  Tranis turned in time to see Lidon round the farthest grain bin, his nose pointed slightly in the air.  The Nobek had tracked him.  Growing close to his scent, he’d purposely made his approach loud enough to be heard.  He’d wanted Tranis to know he was coming.  Despite the limp, Lidon knew how to be silent.

The Dramok looked at the nearing weapons commander with admiration.  If he was in the market for a clan and his youth wasn’t such a deterrent, he’d want Lidon for his Nobek.  The man was just too perfect.

Lidon stopped a few feet away.  “Am I disturbing you, Commander?”

“Only if it’s to revise my damned report again.  Otherwise, you’re most welcome.”

Lidon shook his head.  “I simply wanted to see you.”

Tranis warmed at the statement.  He nodded to the field in front of him.  “I was just thinking how perfect this field would be for a kurble match.”

Lidon drew close, one side of his mouth lifting.  “You’ve barely recovered from the last game.  You enjoy punishment that much?”

Tranis arched an eyebrow.  “Depends on the punishment.”

Lidon’s grin lit his whole face.  “Tell me why you’re so damned competitive.  Besides the need to prove you deserve your rank despite your youth.”

The Dramok shrugged.  “Five Nobek brothers.  Every last one of them is a hero to me.  Two are high commanders for our ground forces, one owns a security company used by the financial sectors of various worlds, and the other two are Royal Guards.”

Lidon seemed suitably impressed.  “Those are high standards to live up to.”

“I want to be worthy of their esteem.  They invested a lot of time and effort on me.  They contributed funds for my specialized schooling.  I have a lot to prove.”

“Some people crack under that kind of pressure.”

“Not me.  I guess I get off on it.”  Tranis didn’t want to talk about himself.  He wanted to know if the latest gossip was true.  “So, you and Piras are no longer a pair I hear.”

Lidon snorted.  “Every few weeks, that rumor makes the rounds.”

“Oh.”  He felt a twinge of disappointment.

“This time, the rumor is true.”

Tranis looked at the Nobek’s face.  Lidon looked as serene as a ferocious member of his breed could.  If the breakup was bothering him, he wasn’t showing it.

Tranis swallowed.  “I have to assume I’m part of the reason that’s happened.  No wonder Piras is riding my ass so hard.  I haven’t done one damned thing right all day where he’s concerned.”

“He has been uncommonly brutal to everyone.”  Lidon said it as if commenting on nothing more particular than the weather.

Tranis had every idea the rough treatment would only continue.  He blew out a hard breath.  “I sure wish we had time for a game.  It would help me blow off steam.”

Lidon turned to regard him.  His purple eyes held warmth Tranis was glad to see. The Nobek said, “I regret our liaisons have had a negative effect, Tranis.  It’s my fault he’s treating you so harshly.”

Tranis returned his gaze, inhaling the other man’s delightfully feral scent.  “Don’t worry about it.  I’ve enjoyed you very much.”

Lidon’s half-grin was back.  “I still wouldn’t mind making it up to you.  There are other avenues besides kurble to blow off steam.”

He gave Tranis a long, slow look, his gaze running up and down his body.  The Dramok’s breath caught under that hot, evaluating stare.  It was as if the examination had weight.  Tranis thought he could actually feel it on his chest, abdomen, groin, thighs.  His cocks twitched.  Warmed.  Filled.

Lidon turned away, walking towards the next field over.  On that plot, the long grasses hadn’t been harvested yet.  One could lose himself in the ten-feet high stalks of alien grain.  Tranis followed him deep into their shelter.  His pace was almost as silent as the Nobek’s.  Only the occasional breeze made the blades around them rattle.

Lidon turned to him, and Tranis reached for the other man.  The Nobek abruptly lunged, knocking him on his back.  The next instant, Lidon’s face was against his neck, and the needle plunge of fangs drove deep into his flesh.

“Bastard!” Tranis yelled.

He struggled, but Lidon had wrapped his good, strong leg around both of Tranis’ and pinned them against his braced leg.  His bearhug trapped the Dramok’s arms against his sides.  Tranis fought against the capture, but he didn’t use full strength.  He didn’t want to injure Lidon’s crippled leg.  Somehow that was more important than asserting his usual dominance.

The drugging flow of intoxicant was weaving into his senses, taking him over.  Tranis became less aware that he was being overcome and more intent on the body covering his.  He felt Lidon’s hard erections against him, pulsing heat through their formsuits.  The Dramok groaned and rubbed up against his foe as much as the tight grip on him would allow.  Desire was making him as susceptible as the euphoria now coursing through his veins.

Lidon’s fangs withdrew, and he lifted to look down on Tranis.  “I expected more of a fight from you, Dramok.  But I suppose I know why you didn’t put up one.”

The Nobek rubbed his groin hard against Tranis’. The younger man moaned and arched against him, rubbing back.  Lidon’s hard, strong body felt so good on top of his.

Even with intoxication making his thoughts sluggish, Tranis knew he didn’t dare tell the proud Nobek he’d held back because of Lidon’s injury.  He scowled.  “Okay, so I like it when we fuck.  I haven’t been bitten in a long time though.  I don’t know that I like feeling this weak.”

Lidon grinned.  “I like it.  You look good under me.”

He leaned down and kissed Tranis.  The feel of hot breath, firm lips, and stroking tongue against his mouth had the Dramok gasping.  Lidon’s kiss was demanding, searing all rational thought from Tranis’ mind.  He broke free enough to wrap his arms around the Nobek, arching to rub fierce arousal hard against his belly.  His tongue shoved into the other man’s mouth, demanding a taste.

Lidon broke the kiss with a growl.  “You just can’t let control go, can you?”

Tranis gathered his scattered brain cells enough to form a coherent sentence.  “Sorry.  I’m a Dramok.”  He strained and managed to roll them over so he was on top.

Lidon grinned.  “So you are.  But you’re bitten, so I’m taking charge this time.”

His head darted up, and he seized Tranis’ throat between his teeth.  With a powerful lunge, he threw him over, spinning quickly to straddle his thighs.  The Nobek growled and the vibration of it thrummed throughout Tranis’ body.

Usually, the dominance display would have Tranis instantly battling for supremacy.  But with Lidon’s intoxicant short-circuiting his usual instincts, he could only moan and writhe beneath the other man.  He wanted to please him.  To give Lidon his body and be sated in turn.

Lidon sat up.  “Lie still.”

The words seemed to brand in Tranis’ brain.  He stopped moving against Lidon, but his body shook with need.  He wanted the Nobek so badly.  His insides knotted.

Lidon’s fists closed over Tranis’ collar.  He pulled, opening the formsuit’s seam all the way down to his groin.  The Dramok’s cocks sprang out, eager for attention.  Lidon looked him over with open hunger.  The expression made Tranis’ entire body hum with need.

Tranis’ fingers twitched.  Held by Lidon’s command, he couldn’t reach for what he wanted.  “Let me touch you,” he begged.

“In a moment.  First, I get to touch you.”

Lidon leaned over, planting one hand next to Tranis’ head.  The other hand moved over his chest, plucking gently at a stiff nipple.  It was as if Lidon had touched his primary cock instead.  Scorching delight streamed through Tranis’ prick, making him cry out.   He shuddered and yelled again when Lidon pinched the other nipple.  His cocks ached as they stood at stiff attention in front of the Nobek’s swollen groin.

Lidon slowly straightened, letting his hands stroked down Tranis’ ribs and abdomen.  His touch went even lower.  Tranis groaned as Lidon’s thumbs gently massaged all around the base of his dicks.  Despite the command to remain still, Tranis was incapable of doing so.  He squirmed as that assured touch stoked inner fires hotter.

He wanted to grab the other man.  To pull him down and smother him with demanding kisses.  To roll him over, spread his legs wide, and sink his front cock into that tight, hot ass.  But the venom remained in his system, making him eager to please.  Making him helpless against Lidon’s wants.  And Lidon wanted him to be still. 

It was wrong to feel this way.  Tranis was meant to be strong.  To take command.  But those words lie still flashed bright like an exploding star.  It caged his will, pinning him helplessly to the ground.

“Damn it, let me go,” he ground out between clenched teeth.

Lidon’s grin was savage.  “You may take my cocks out and stroke them.  Stroke them as you’d like me to stroke yours.”

It wasn’t at all what Tranis wanted.  He wanted to be given control, at least over his own body.  But his hands flew at Lidon’s groin, yanking the seam apart to free Lidon’s cocks.  They emerged, swollen and purplish with arousal.

Stroke them as you’d like me to stroke yours

Tranis grasped Lidon’s pricks at the base of him.  Squeezed tight, just shy of where pain would begin.  Slowly stroked down to the tips, the oozing lubricant of hot Kalquorian flesh making it easy.

The Nobek’s eyes half-closed.  A sound that was half-moan, half-growl wafted from his lips.  “Damn, you’re good at this.  Keep going.”

Panting, Tranis stroked back down, his grip firm to pleasure Lidon all the more.  A pearlescent white bead formed at the tip of his conqueror’s main dick.  Tranis had the urge to lick it off, but his position wouldn’t allow it.  He could only stare at it, imagining how it would taste.

“More.  Don’t stop, Tranis.”

The Dramok continued to rub up and down Lidon’s cocks.  The flesh in his hands was baking hot, almost burning him.  Pre-cum dripped slowly, landing in the crevice between Tranis’ pinned thighs.  The more he pleasured Lidon, the more his own cocks ached.

“You do not come without my leave,” Lidon said.  “No matter how bad you want to, you will hold back.”

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