To Dream Anew (24 page)

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Authors: Tracie Peterson

Tags: #ebook

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“We’re here to stay—you might as well know that,” Cynthia said, taking a step toward Dianne. “We intend to see you put off of your land before Christmas. We have the law on our side.”

Dianne couldn’t imagine what the woman was talking about. How could they possibly bring this into any kind of legal forum? The Selbys had done nothing illegal. It certainly wasn’t against the law to have bred better cattle.

Mara stepped in at this point. “Mama, it’s not good for you to get all worked up.” She looked to Dianne apologetically. “Remember what the doctor said.”

Dianne had no idea what kind of ailment Mrs. Lawrence might be suffering, and frankly she couldn’t be bothered at that moment, for much to her dismay, Portia Langford was headed straight for them.

“I’m afraid we’ll have to save this conversation for another day,” Dianne said, gathering her skirts. “I’m already late to rejoin my husband.”

“We’ll have this conversation, all right,” Cynthia shouted after Dianne. “My Chester is taking matters to the law and his new Cattleman’s Association. You won’t get away with this.”

Dianne wanted to turn around and comment but knew better than to open her mouth. If she stopped to say anything, it would only invite comment from Portia, and that was something Dianne wanted no part of. If Portia were to start in on the sad loss of her father and her belief that Trenton was the one responsible, Dianne knew she’d be unable to keep silent.

Things were no better at Malachi’s blacksmith shop, however. Dianne entered to find Cole standing nose to nose with a man who could only be described as a younger and meaner looking version of Chester Lawrence. The man spoke a string of obscenities that left Dianne wide-eyed.

“You’ve taken our calves for the last time, Selby.”

“We have no need of your calves. Like I told your father, feel free to come by and inspect the calves. You’ll clearly see they have absolutely nothing in common with your herd.”

The man narrowed his eyes. “Bad things have a way of happenin’ to cattle thieves in these parts. I heard tell of a man dragged behind a horse for five miles for stealing. Wouldn’t hurt my feelings at all if the same was to happen to you.”

“Cole, yo horse be ready,” Malachi said, coming to stand beside the two men. Dianne breathed a sigh of relief. Malachi had arms like tree trunks and fists the size of hams. If there was to be a fight, Dianne knew whose side Malachi would take.

“Get outta my way,” the younger man growled, pushing at Malachi. The big man wasn’t even moved. “I said, get outta my way.” His right hand went to the handle of his gun.

“Do you plan to shoot the man in cold blood, Jerrod?”

Dianne turned to see Chester Lawrence stride into the room. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or further concerned.

“We’ll let the law handle this matter,” Lawrence said, coming alongside Dianne. “Mrs. Selby,” he said, touching his hat. “Come on, boy. We’ve got work to do.”

Jerrod reluctantly relaxed his grip on the revolver and stormed out of the shop. Chester looked hard at Cole. “We’ve turned this over to the law, just so you know. I’ve helped form a new Cattleman’s Association to deal with situations such as this. Smaller ranches don’t appreciate folks stealing away their stock.”

“If you’re trying to say something,” Cole said in a tone that caused the hairs on the back of Dianne’s neck to prickle, “then just come right out and say it.”

“I intend to see you charged with cattle rustling to start with,” Lawrence said matter-of-factly. “And I intend to see you run out of this valley before winter.”

He stomped out of the shop in much the same fashion as his son. Dianne looked to Cole in confusion. “His wife said something similar. She suggested we had taken their calves after killing or running off the mamas.”

“Lawrence knows nothing about ranching in Montana. His experiences have been back East. As I hear it, his English-born grandparents moved to America and began raising cattle in Massachusetts. His parents tried their hand and then Chester heard about the big land grants being given out here for desert land.”

“The Lawrence property can hardly be called desert. Surely he didn’t qualify for the Desert Land Act.”

“I’m not completely certain,” Cole said, his gaze still fixed to the door where Lawrence and his son had exited. “But if there was a way to cheat the government out of good grazing ground, I’m sure Lawrence figured it out.”

Dianne nodded. The entire family was trouble, she really had no doubt of that. Though Mara had seemed very decent and had actually played peacemaker between Dianne and Cynthia. Maybe there was hope for at least one member of the Lawrence family.


Lawrence threats to manifest themselves. It was like being under siege—watching and waiting for the attack to come. They couldn’t see the enemy, but he was out there, just the same.

“What do you suppose they mean to do? They’ve been threatening us for months—and all because spring roundup didn’t go their way. Now we’re heading into another fall and they still are making threats but doing nothing. What does it mean?”Dianne asked Cole as they sat with Koko in the main sitting room, enjoying the evening. The boys were all asleep and it seemed the perfect time to get a grasp on the situation regarding Chester Lawrence and his family.

A tray of hot coffee and tea sat nearby. Getting to his feet, Cole crossed to the refreshments and picked up a cup. He looked thoughtful as he poured a cup of coffee. “I have no idea what Lawrence is up to. I’ve heard some troubling rumors but thought to ignore them. Guess I can’t ignore them now.”

“What rumors?” Koko asked. She had sent her own children upstairs to ready for bed.

“There’s talk that Lawrence has been threatening area ranchers. Especially the smaller operations. He wants everyone to join his Cattleman’s Association, and apparently some men, like Whitson Farley and G. W. Vandercamp, have refused.”

“Because of our stand against it?”

“Probably. I know Whit talked long and hard to me a couple months back, and when I pointed out that everyone of power in these parts was benefiting in some manner from Lawrence, I think he realized for himself how dangerous the situation could be. He told me he didn’t plan to join anything headed up by that man.”

“And Lawrence has threatened him?”

Cole nodded and took a long drink. Dianne could tell by his tone that he was worried. He’d been testy and difficult for several months—especially since the encounter in Madison with Lawrence and his son.

“Do you think—”

Rusty began to bark wildly. Cole jumped to his feet and reached for the rifle that hung over the door. Dianne followed her husband to the front door, taking up a table lamp as they went.

“Stay here. It might be bears again.”

Dianne nodded. Koko stood not two feet behind. The women exchanged a worried glance but said nothing. Dianne stepped to the door and held the lamp up. The sight that greeted her completely stunned her.

“Whitson?” Cole questioned, putting the rifle aside in order to help the man.

Dianne could see that Whitson Farley was in bad shape. He sat on his horse looking as though he’d been beaten, his face bloodied and swollen. Instead of dismounting the horse, he swayed and fell toward Cole.

“Get a bed ready,” Cole declared, hoisting the man over his shoulder.

Dianne hurried to do as Cole had instructed. “The bedroom at the top of the stairs would be best.”

“I’ll get my medicine bag and some hot water,” Koko said, moving off toward the kitchen.

Dianne rushed up the stairs with Cole coming fast behind her. She barely had time to pull down the covers when Cole deposited Whitson Farley on the bed.

Dianne gasped. It was much worse here in the light of the room. The man was barely recognizable. Teeth were missing and his eyes were nearly swollen shut. His clothing was in shreds, as if he’d been dragged behind his horse.

“Whit, who did this to you?”

The man could barely move his swollen lips. “… ar … ance.”

Cole shook his head and looked to Dianne. Dianne shrugged.

Cole knelt beside the bed. “Whit. What happened? Where’s Maggie?”

Dianne hadn’t even thought of Whit’s wife. She placed the lamp on the bedside table and quickly lit another lamp to give better light.

“ … ar … ance boys.” The man gasped for breath. The wheezing sound convinced Dianne he was suffering from damage to his lungs. She remembered a similar sound when one of the cowboys had punctured a lung.

“The Lawrence boys?” Cole asked.

Dianne froze in midstep. The words made sense now that Cole had voiced them.

Whit nodded, his head barely moving.

“Was Chester with them?”

Whit drew a ragged breath. “No.”

“Did they come to the ranch?” Cole asked.


“What did they do to you?”

“Dragged … behind—” he paused and winced “—a horse.”

He broke off again. “Beat … with … shovel.”

Dianne gasped.

“Is Maggie hurt?” Cole asked.


Dianne gripped the footboard of the bed. A wave of dizziness washed over her. Koko came into the room and moved to the opposite side of the bed from where Cole knelt.

“Maggie is dead?” Cole asked in disbelief.

Whit nodded, his eyes closing.

“Whit, did the Lawrence boys kill Maggie?”

Whit again nodded.

Cole looked to Dianne. “I’ll get some of the boys and head over to the ranch. I’ll send Levi for Doc Bufford and for the Hammonds—just in case.”

Dianne thought she might faint as Koko cleared away the strips of Whit’s shirt. The man’s chest was bleeding profusely. In all her days of dressing wounds and patching up damaged cowboys, she’d never seen anything this bad.

“What if the Lawrences are still there?” Dianne whispered.

“They won’t be there,” Cole said, getting to his feet. “They’d have never let Whit leave. They probably figured him to be dead—like Maggie.”

Dianne looked back at the bed. “Why would they do this?”

Whit tried to open his mouth to speak, but no words came from the misshapen jaw. “They probably came to scare them—get them to leave. Things obviously got out of control.” Cole’s stoic expression left Dianne trembling inside. How could he go out there—out into the danger of the night? How could she let him leave? What if the Lawrences were waiting out there for him? What if it was all a trap?

“Please don’t go,” she said, rushing to Cole’s side. “They might want to kill you too.”

“I’ll have plenty of men with me. I’ll leave some here as well. Keep things locked up. Stay inside. Only let the doctor or the Hammonds in.”

Dianne knew there was no sense in arguing. Cole had clearly made up his mind.

“Dianne, please come help me,” Koko requested.

Dianne looked into Cole’s eyes. She longed to kiss him, to hold him close, but the anger she heard in his voice kept her from doing that. He had every opportunity to touch her, but instead his hands were balled into fists at his sides. Dianne stepped back. “Please be careful.”

Cole nodded and left without another word. Dianne went to the door and watched him rush down the stairs. She heard the door open and close and felt the overwhelming urge to run after him.

“You have to stay here and wait,” Koko said softly. “I’ll need your help with Whit.”

Dianne knew she was right but felt so very helpless. “What if they’re waiting out there? What if this is just a trick to get Cole out there alone?”

“Cole has already said he wouldn’t go alone. Now come help me.”

The authoritative command of Koko’s voice nudged Dianne from her stunned contemplation. “What do you want me to do?”

They did all that they could for Whit, but he died nearly an hour after showing up at the Diamond V. Dianne watched Koko pull the sheet up to cover the poor man’s butchered face and broke into tears for the first time that night.

“How can they both be dead? I saw them at church just last week. We were talking about having a harvest party next month.”

Koko washed blood from her hands and arms. “It would seem the Lawrences have decided to take this into their own hands rather than wait for the law.”

“Do you suppose they plan to come after us next?”

Koko dried her hands. “We’re not alone, as the Farleys were. The Lawrences know we have a good many men.”

Dianne heard voices coming from downstairs. She opened the bedroom door and rushed to the top of the stairs to see what was going on. To her surprise, Levi was pointing the doctor to the stairs at the same time he was holding the sheriff back.

Dianne met Bufford midway. “He’s gone,” she said softly.

Dr. Bufford’s sympathetic expression was nearly her undoing. “I’m sorry. I’ll go ahead and look in on him if you don’t mind.”

“That would be fine. Koko’s with him.” Bufford nodded and continued up the stairs while Dianne met the questioning stares of the men below.

“What are you going to do about this?” Dianne asked the sheriff.

Tibbot seemed surprised. “I’m here, aren’t I? I came to arrest Farley for the death of his wife. They had quite a fight tonight.”

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