To Love a Man (30 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: To Love a Man
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“No way, I'm driving.”

“Ramón your wrist is still in a brace.”

“And I have been driving around by myself for the last few days.”

“Give me the keys.”

“I can do it ok let me do this for you take you out and spoil you for once.”


Ramón opened the passenger side door for her and then ran to the driver’s side. He smiled at her as he started the car. Desiree turned towards Ramón.

“So where are we going?”

“I told you it's a surprise.”

Ramón stopped at a red light and Desiree gave him a sneaky grin.

“Come on please?”

The car behind them honked as the light turned green. He took his foot off the break and started to drive again. He turned the radio on as Jagged Edge “Gotta Be” came on the radio.

“I love this song.”

He turned it up and began to sing with it.

“Don’t wanna make a scene. I really don't care if people stare at us. Sometimes I think I'm dreaming. I pinch myself just to see if I'm awake at night.”

“Ramón come on and tell me.”

He stopped at another red light.

“Fine ok, we are going to a charity event.”

Desiree’s smile went to a frown as Ramón began to drive again.

“Wait what?”

“Man this guy behind me is riding my butt.”

“Ramón what do you mean we are going to a charity event?”

“It's a casino night for the young athletes association.”

“A what?”
She said looking at him.

“A charity.”

“Oh I heard you. I just was hoping I didn't.”

Desiree folded her arms and Ramón looked at her.

“What's wrong?”

“When you said we had plans I thought that meant we were going somewhere just the two of us.”

“Desiree you wanted to spend time together and now we are.”

“I don't call being in a crowded ballroom or hall with thousands of people spending time together. I can’t believe this.”

“Come on I was trying to make an effort here.”

“Really because the way I see it you thought you could kill two birds with one stone I get a night out and you make an appearance but did it ever occur to you that maybe I wanted to go out just the two of us.”

“Desiree it's like I can’t win with you. I go left you go right.”

“You don't even try Ramón. What effort did it take for you to say hey I am gonna take my fiancée to a charity event. I am glad you wanna help young athletes and all that but what about helping your soon to be wife.”

“What do you want from me? Nothing I do is right.”
He argued.

“You don't appreciate me. You are so lazy that you use work as a date, are you serious?”

“Oh I’m lazy?” he scoffed.

“Yes in this relationship you are very lazy.”

“Desiree what is this really about?”

“It is about what I have been saying to you. We don't spend time together. Not really. It's either us and the kids or us and your team or
we and your parents is it wrong for just one night I want us. Just us. It's like you don't want to be alone with me unless we are having sex.”

“Desiree it's not like that. I love you and I want to be with you but I have a career which means public appearances.”

“Whatever we are gonna go to this charity event and I’m gonna put a smile on my face as I always do.” She tossed her hands into the air and sat back in her seat.

“What are you talking about as you always do.”

“Nothing Ramón.”

“You know you are making me regret.”

“Regret what? Me?”

She stared at him for a moment as he stopped as the light turned red.


She looked forward trying to control her emotions. Ramón grabbed her hand but she pulled away. Ramón closed his eyes he tried to exhale but before he could open his eyes he felt his body being jerked. He looked behind him as the car was pushed forward
into the middle of the road. He looked over to Desiree.

“Desi are you ok?”

She looked around.

“Yeah. We were rear ended. I just hit my head I'm fine.”


With everything that happened next Ramón till this day would swear it all moved in slow motion. He could still tell you every sound every feel everything. Before he could move before he could think he felt like he was a deer caught in the headlights. And the headlights were not from the 2004 ford escort that rammed them from behind. It was from the 2009 Ford Tundra that must not have seen his 2010 black and silver Lexus. It came at him from the passenger side.

Everything went dark but not before he heard the crunching of the metal. Not before he saw the look of shock then fear on Desiree’s face. Not, before his heart sank at the sight of Desiree’s limp body. As he awoke he heard screaming and yelling and didn't think of anything but Desiree. He looked over to her and she was limp in her seat, which was halfway in his seat. He went to reach for her but someone grabbed him and pulled him out of the car.

“Wait. Let go I have to make sure she is alright.”

“Sir please you need to be checked out. We have a team working to free your wife.”

“I need to help them.”

The fireman led him over to the paramedic who began to check his vitals. Ramón tried to get up again to go towards Desiree but the paramedic stopped him.

“Sir I know you want to make sure she is ok. But right now the best thing to do for her is to let the rescue team do their job.”


“Wait you’re Ramón Norris aren’t you?”


“Wow I am a huge fan man.”


“Do you remember what happened?”

“We were at a stop when we were rear ended. Then I don't know.” He said touching his head.

“Ok do you feel nauseated or dizzy?”

“No I feel fine.”

“You did black out.”

“It was probably from the shock I am fine my wrist is even fine. I have no cuts no bruises I am fine.”

“Here look at the light and follow it with your eyes.”

Ramón did as he was told, and followed the light. Then he looked over to the car where the rescue team was using the Jaws of Life to open the passenger side. He looked at the paramedic who was working with him.

“Can I go see how she is doing?”

“They are gonna make sure she is ok.”

“Please I need to know if she is ok.”

“Look I will get some information for you but you need to calm down.”

Ramón stood as he heard them count to three then lift her from the car. He felt himself go weak a
t the sight of her white dress which was covered in blood.

“Please I just need to know if she is breathing.”

“Ramón let me finish checking you out then you can go to the hospital with her.”


The paramedic finished checking out Ramón then walked over to the ambulance with him.

“We are gonna make sure she’s ok. I need you to get inside first before anyone notices it's you.”

Ramón looked over to the paramedic and realized how young he looked. He was a 22 maybe 23 year old Hispanic man with light brown eyes. Ramón pulled out his card.

“Thank you so much. What's your name?”


“Well Adam I thank you for everything call me and I will hook you up with some tickets.”


“Yes but I need you to do me a favor?”


“I need you to call ahead tell them you need to speak to Dr. Brad Hurley. He will know how to handle this situation.”


He handed
Adam the card then stepped into the ambulance. He felt tears fall from his eyes as he saw how helpless Desiree looked. He said a little prayer as they closed the door. He knew he had to do something but he wasn’t sure what until they arrived to the hospital. When they entered the hospital they were taken strait back and Dr. Brad Hurley walked over to Ramón. He was an older man who Ramón had relied on plenty of times before. He placed his hands through his salt and peppered wavy hair and smiled.

“Ramón we have a room ready for you but I have to warn you there are reporters here we are keeping things as quiet as we can though. There are security guards in the hall you just let them know who can pass ok.”

“Thank you so much. Brad please you gotta make sure she’s ok.”

You know I will. I am gonna do all I can to make sure she is fine.”

Brad walked away and Ramón paced back and forth. He knew he had to call someone. He picked up his phone and called his mom then Aj. While Rachael called everyone and told them what was going on Aj and his wife Gia arrived in record time. He still wore the
black Armani suit and red tie while Gia who wore a beautiful red dress with a daring neckline delicately draped across her chest. Her back was open with a criss cross design that tied from the back. There was a slip going down her left thigh. Her hair was pinned up in a French roll, which made Ramón think they came right from the charity event. Aj walked over to him and tried to calm Ramón down. Ramón paced back forth as Aj pulled him towards a chair.

“You have got to calm down.”

“Aj this is my fault all of it.”

“No its not.”

“I shouldn’t of been driving I shouldn’t have been arguing with her.”

“You didn't cause the accident. From what you told me you were hit from behind then sideswiped.”

“We were arguing and I don't think I was paying much attention.” Ramón confessed.

“What do you mean?”

“She thought we were going out just us. I honestly thought I was doing something for us. She accused me of not caring enough to take her somewhere special.”

“But you have taken her out just you two so it's not your fault.”

“No I haven’t. Between her dealing with the kids day to day and me doing this physical therapy and the TV slots and all these charity events I guess I haven’t made time for her like I should.”

Gia sat next to him.

“I know it doesn’t seem like it now but I promise you it's gonna be ok. Desiree is a fighter.”

“I have just been so busy that things are just not the way I thought they should be.”

“Did you tell her that?”

Ramón exhaled deeply.
“No instead of admitting to her that I was a fool I tried to make excuses and now look at her. There was so much blood and I couldn’t do a thing to save her.”

“But she was alive right?”

“Yeah barely.

Nikki ran into the hospital yelling at the guard.

“ID my ass if you don't let me through you gonna be singing soprano for a year.”

She pushed through the doors and walked over to Ramón who stood.

“Nikki thanks for coming.”

“Where is she Ramón?”

“They are still working on her.”

“What happened?”

“We were in the car and we got rear ended then sideswiped on the passenger side. It's my fault I should have just done something else. I could have too it's not like we get fined for not showing up and now look at what I caused.”

Nikki walked over to him and held him.

“Ramón things like this happen you just have to keep positive.”

Britney ran into the hospital
waiting area and over to Ramón.

“Aj those clowns out there almost got smacked.”

“What happened?”

“They made me show ID.”

“They are just doing their job.”

“So how is Desiree?”

“We are still waiting to hear she has been there for a while.”

“Mom and dad are with the kids if one of them stepped out this late the kids would suspect I will keep mom updated though. So are you ok did you get checked out?”

“I don't need to I am fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah I just want to make sure she is ok. I can’t believe she was hurt like this. I love her so much and if I lose her I am gonna lose it. I can’t believe.”


Ramón looked at the doctor and stood.

“Brad please tell me she’s ok.”

“Well she sustained some internal bleeding a couple of bruised ribs. Her left leg was stuck and got a little banged up with the Jaws of Life. She is out of surgery but still sleep. You can sit with her.”

Ramón looked at the small gathering crowd as he followed Brad into the private room. His heart sank as he sat next to the lifeless body of Desiree. With a tube popping out of the side of her mou
th she looked so helpless. He kissed her forehead as he took a seat next to her. His eyes began to water as he held her bruised left hand. He closed his eyes and laid his head against her hand hoping she awoke soon.

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