To Love a Man (34 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: To Love a Man
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“And how can I stand up there knowing there is this void between us named Kim?”

There was a knock on the door and Aj walked through the door.

“Man this day reminds me of my wedding day.”

He walked over to Gia and kissed her.

“You look beautiful baby.”

“Thanks but I think it's the bride who needs encouragement.”

Aj looked towards

“Look at this beautiful bride!”

Desiree turned towards him and he frowned.

“And she has tears in her eyes what’s wrong?”

Britney walked over to them dabbing away Desiree’s tears.

“Your Ramón’s best friend
, tell her Ramón loves her and not Kim.”

“That’s what this is about? Desi I have known Ramón since we were young. It took hard work and a lot of prayers. And by doing that we ended up on the same team. I have been around him through all his crushes and girls. He has never been in love like this. He loves you truly loves you and if you don't believe me then believe this.”

He handed her a box and she opened it. She pulled out a beautiful light blue pendant on a gold chain. Britney gasped.

“I forgot he still had that.”

“It’s beautiful.” Desiree marveled at its beauty.

Aj sat on the edge of the couch in the church.

“Ramón said it belonged to his great grandmother. It's your something old and blue.”

“Our grandmother gave him the necklace. Her dad gave it to her mom. And she gave me the watch that her mom gave her dad and gave Kelli the cufflinks. Nana told each of us these gifts are special. They should only be given to those who are worthy. Chad has the watch and now you have the pendant.”


Britney hugged her.

“If this doesn’t show you who has his heart I don't know what will.”

She looked at Britney.

“Is this ok?”

“You are family now of course.”

Desiree glanced back to Aj.

“Tell him I love him so much. And give him this and tell him it's not as special as what he has given me but it's from the heart.”

She handed him the box.

“What is it?”

“Ramón is always saying how he doesn’t really like wrist watches so I got him this 14 carat gold pocket watch which I got inscribed.”

“That’s so thoughtful.”

Aj walked away and Desiree stood and smiled.

“Ok ladies let's get this wedding started. I need my veil and my hair to be pinned up. Let's get to work.”

Aj pinched Gia’s behind as he walked out the room. He smiled as he walked into the designated guy room. Ramón, Derek, Chad and Quincy were fixing their ties. Ramón gave a toothy grin to Aj.

“So did she like it?”

“She loved it. And she gave me this for you.”

Ramón took it and smiled.

“See why I love her.”

“She said it's inscribed.”

Ramón took it out and read it.

“To a man who makes time stand still with his
smile? What do you give a man who has it all? My heart. I love you! Desi.”

Joseph walked in with Randal Desiree’s dad.

“You handsome men ready?”

Ramón stood forward.

“I was born ready but give me a minute alone. It’s like game day I need to meditate.”

The guys walked out the room and to the front of the church. Seeing them leave Kim walked into the room wearing a beige trench coat and looked at Ramón. He
turned his head and tried to walk pass her but she grabbed Ramón’s arm.

“Can we talk?”


“Come on Ramón you really wanna marry her? Of all people. She isn’t right for you or our daughter.”

“Our daughter? Kim since when is she our daughter? Desiree takes her to her practices and the doctors and to her events. She is mom to Maddie and you are just a memory. I am going out there and I am gonna marry the woman of my dreams and I want you to leave this place now.”

Ramón walked pass her and out to the pulpit.

Randal walked over to Desiree and smiled.

“Are you ready cupcake?”

“I have been ready all my life. Daddy I owe you an apology.”

“Apology for what?”

“I know you have dreamed of this day for a long time and I robbed you of it once and I'm sorry.”

“I get to do it now and that is what I want to focus on.”

“So you really like Ramón?”

“I do he seems to be the one for you and I haven’t seen you as happy as you are.”

“I am happy. I am extremely happy. I love him.”

“Well then let's get going.”

They walked over to the shut double doors as the music began to play and everyone took their places and Desiree took a deep breath as she and her father were the last to enter the church sanctuary. As all eyes were on her all she could see was Ramón. The way his eyes lit up when he saw her and the way he smiled at her made her insides flip. As they got to the end of the isle she didn't mind the flashing lights all she was focused on was making Ramón her husband. Desiree tried to stop her tears as her dad handed her hand over to Ramón. The minister stood forward.

“Who gives this woman to this man?”

“Her mother and I do.”

Randal walked to his seat as Desiree glanced at Ramón. She was so happy she finally let the tears come to her eyes.

“Ramón and Desiree have elected to recite their own vows. Ramón you can go first. Ramón cleared his throat.

“Desiree from the moment I met you there was something special about you. You made me smile and you made me feel like I was a normal man. You lifted me up in times I didn't know how I could get by. If it wasn’t for you by my side when I got hurt I would have just given up. But you wouldn’t let me. And when I thought I lost you I didn't know how I could go on. I am extremely blessed to have you. I love you and I know that since you have given me this chance to be your husband I will do all I can do to keep you happy.”

The minister looked over to Desiree and nodded. Desiree took a deep breath before she could speak the doors flew open and Kim walked in wearing a beige wedding dress with a group of paparazzi.

“You need to stop this wedding. I am in love with Ramón and I know he loves me.”

Desiree looked over to her then to Ramón. She threw down her flowers and started towards Kim but Nikki held her back. Maddie looked towards Kim and screamed at her.

“What are you doing? You’re ruining everything.”

Kim moved closer to them.

“I am here to get what's mines. This is supposed to be my wedding day not

Desiree looked at Ramón.

“Do something.”

“Kim what are you doing here? And where is security?”

“Ramón I love you I always have. You told me once you wanted to make me your wife what has changed?”


Before he could finish speaking the paparazzi spoke up.

“Ramón how does it feel to know your first love wants you back.”

“Desiree what are you feeling right now.”

With all the flashes and questions going off Desiree felt herself grow extremely angry as Nikki held her close.

“Desi this is what she wants. She wants you to get upset. She wants you to hit her in front of all these people. She probably has cops outside waiting for you to make a move. Don't give her the satisfaction.”

Desiree looked over to Ramón.

“Make her leave Ramón. I have had it. It’s either her or me.”

“Desi what do you want me to do?”

Desiree stared at him.

“Nothing Ramón, nothing at all, t
he wedding is off.”

She took off her veil and threw it to the ground along with her flowers Nikki had returned to her then walked out the side door. Desiree’s mother, Nikki, Maddie and Rachael followed after her. Britney walked towards Ramón.

“Are you kidding me? You chose Kim?”

“That’s not what I said.”

“That’s exactly what you said.”

“No I said what did she want me to do? I can’t control Kim.”

“Ramón your ex is in here in a wedding dress. She just ruined your wedding day.”

“It’s not my fault.”

“It is because instead of kicking Kim out you sat here and allowed the woman you are supposed to love to be embarrassed. I can’t keep taking up for you.”

“I didn't do anything wrong.”

“You didn't do anything at all.”

Ramón sighed.

“You women are gonna kill me.”

Yeah well you better think quickly or you are gonna lose your wife.”

“I don't know what to do. I am at a loss here.”

“Do you want to lose her?”


So do something.”

Why is everyone telling me to do that?”

Because you need to.”

Ramón looked out the door and then looked towards Kim and the paparazzi he had had enough.

“Aj please handle this I gotta go fix this.”

Kim ran up to him and grabbed him. He pushed her off of him.

“Kim you leave or I will have security escort you out.”

He shrugged away from her and walked out the door.
He saw Nikki trying to stop Desiree from getting into a car.

“Desi stop.”

“Nikki if you don't move ima take my frustrations out on you.”

“Desiree wait please don't leave.”

She looked up and stared at Ramón.

“Desiree please wait. I don't know what happened in there but I wouldn’t choose her over you I never would. I didn't want to make a scene because of the guests and the camera’s.”

“Ramón I can’t do this. Everywhere I turn there Kim is. When is she just gonna leave us alone? When are you gonna stand up to her and make her see you want me?”

“I'm trying. Please if I lose you I
can’t lose you. I love you so much and you mean the world to me. If we walk away and call this wedding off it's exactly what they want let's go in there and show them that we are in love and nothing matters but that.”

Being together shouldn’t be this hard.”

Love is hard. But we get through it together. We lift each other up that’s who we are and what we do. Do you love me?”

“I do.”

“Well then why do you keep wanting to run away? Every time something happens you wanna run.”

It’s who I am.”

Well maybe that’s a problem. Maybe I need to know that when the going gets tough you’re not gonna run away from me.”

And I need to know that I can trust you.”

You can.”

Ramón pulled her closer to him.

“Can we start over? Please.”

Desiree nodded and took Ramón’s hand. They walked back into the building hand in hand as everything had calmed down. A few cameras remained but Kim had long gone. With everyone still seated Ramón led Desiree back up to the pulpit. Minister Powell stood.

“Are we ok?”

Yes. Everything is fine we are ready to start again.”

Ok well I think we left off with you Desiree.”

Ramón held up his hand.

“If you would just give me a moment. I want to apologize to everyone for that outburst. It shouldn’t have happened. And I want to apologize to you Desi. You are the one no matter who comes and goes it's always gonna be you.”

He looked out to the audience. Then back to Desiree.

“Are you ready to finish what we started?”

Desiree nodded as Ramón wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked out to the crowd then back at Ramón.

“I haven’t had much luck in love. I haven’t had many relationships because I believe in everlasting love. I believe if you’re gonna be with someone you gotta make it work. When I met you I didn't know what to think. You were an unrealistic dream or so I thought. I am learning that dreams do come true. In meeting you, I have given my son the father he can rely on and I have gotten in return the most amazing daughter, a great host of new and wonderful family members and a man who means the world to me. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you.”

Ramón pulled her to him as the minister cleared his throat.

“We haven’t gotten to that part yet.”

They pulled apart smiling and Ramón laughed.

“Our bad.”

“Ok do you Ramón
Norris take Desiree Holloway to be your wife, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?”

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