To Protect His Mate (3 page)

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Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, Shapeshifter

BOOK: To Protect His Mate
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The two nailed windows had been in her bedroom. Sarah had voiced the opinion that it was a possible trap to block her escape from a fire or corner her for a kidnapping.

Both possibilities had left Stephanie shaken, her mind reeling for hours after the officers had finally left her home. These men planned to hurt her or kill her, and Stephanie had a sinking feeling it would be the latter of the two.

The last time they’d found her, she’d moved, but now, the thought of leaving hurt. Abraham was here. Her new friends and her new job would both be hard to give up, but Abe would be impossible.

She loved that stubborn man so much that she was willing to endanger herself to remain with him as long as possible. She
pack her things and run, but she couldn’t do it. Besides, Sarah had already warned her against leaving.

Sarah had sworn she, Abraham and his brothers would only follow her wherever she went and continue to watch over her. She was both furious and worried sick about the whole situation, insisting that Stephanie didn’t venture out alone, accept any mail or packages and that she always checked her caller ID before answering the phone.

Her friend was scared for her, so Stephanie managed to hold back her flippant reply of “Duh,” though just barely. Despite being a smart-ass by nature, Stephanie frequently used sarcasm to mask her nervousness. So far, her bravado had served her well, and nobody had called her bluff, but Abraham would know as soon as he met her for lunch today. Her nerves were shot, and she knew that werewolves could scent fear, so there was no doubt that he would pick up on her own easily.

Sarah, bless her heart, knew that Stephanie was running behind and had both cars cranked and warming up in the driveway before Stephanie made it to the kitchen. Once she had her coffee in hand, Stephanie stepped outside into the cold morning air. There was a definite bite to the wind as it whipped her hair around her face.

“I’m following you to work, just to be sure nobody follows you, and then I’ll head home to grab a few things. I’m living with you until you live with Abe,” Sarah stated as she quickly moved to her truck.

“I’m sorry about—”

“Don’t apologize for anything. This isn’t your fault, and don’t you dare argue with me.”

Whew, Sarah was
a morning person. In fact, she didn’t look as if she’d slept much at all, which only served to make Stephanie feel worse. “Tell Erik to let you get a nap, too. I can tell that you haven’t had much sleep.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll grab a nap before I come to the clinic later.” Sarah held up one slim finger and shook it in warning. “Don’t even think about leaving that clinic alone, either. Abraham is meeting you at the diner across the street for lunch, but remember to keep your eyes open and watch your back. He doesn’t know about these threats—and he’ll kick my ass when he does hear—so he won’t be on alert for trouble.”

“I’ll be careful, I promise,” she replied as she opened the driver’s door and tossed her purse inside. “I’ll see you this evening.”

“I’ll grab something for us for dinner, maybe a pizza,” Sarah yelled.

“Sounds great.” Stephanie gave a quick wave then backed out and began the short commute to work. The clouds had begun to roll in, looking dark and ominous as they approached and making her glad that she’d be inside before it hit.

* * * *

All week, Abraham had been plagued by a sense of unease—of danger looming, waiting for its moment to strike.

That feeling seemed amplified whenever he was with Stephanie, and he didn’t like that one bit. His brother, Ethan, had accused him of being a broody bastard, and he supposed that was right. He’d been in a foul mood ever since it started. Stephanie, however, brightened his mood on sight. She was his miracle, his soul-mate…and just as stubborn as he was. Hell, he’d been ready to complete their bonding almost from the start, but she seemed to have a few things to work out, things that she didn’t feel inclined to share with him.

During his morning run, he’d decided to stop by and chat with his brother Erik. While he was there, Sarah came strolling in, looking exhausted. After ribbing Erik about letting his poor mate get some sleep, he discovered that she’d actually been with Stephanie since yesterday evening.

“Wow, that must have been one hell of a girls’ night,” he commented.

“You can say that again.” Her dry comment brought his red flag to half-mast, but she went over and kissed Erik soundly before turning a frown back on him. “Don’t scowl at me. It’s too damn early, and I’m tired! Last night was brutal.”

“How so?” Maybe Sarah could shed some light on Stephanie’s emotional roller coaster. One day, she’d be happy, the next nervous, then depressed. He had no clue what was going on or if
was indeed the problem. Judging by her mulish expression, Sarah wouldn’t be any help.

“I’m not discussing anything with either of you. It’s private. When she’s ready, she’ll explain things to you. Just try to be patient.”

“I just can’t figure out why she doesn’t want to complete our mating. Have I done something? Said something?”

Sarah just shook her head and started down the hall. “It’s what you haven’t said, you dolt,” she mumbled.

Confused, Abraham turned his gaze to Erik. “Are there some magic words I’m missing here?”

Erik ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t know, man. All I
know is that Sarah is nervous, worried and pissed off.”


He shrugged. “Not a clue. She’ll talk to me when she can.”

“What the hell does that mean? When she can?”

“Stephanie confided in her but doesn’t want anyone to know just yet. Sarah is respecting her privacy and being supportive for her friend.”

“But she’s
mate.” Abraham knew his dark mood was partly due to his unavailing efforts to cheer her up and bring her closer to him. It felt as though she was pushing him away, little by little.

“Sometimes a woman just needs another woman to talk to.” Erik clapped him on the shoulder. “Trust me, man. Sometimes, women are dealing with more than even we could handle.”

Abraham didn’t like thinking of her being burdened by anything. It was his job to protect her and shelter her from life’s hardships as much as possible.

Glancing at his watch, he grumbled, “Gotta go.”

Erik needed no further dismissal and headed off after Sarah with a lecherous smile on his face.


Chapter Four



Abraham had been looking forward to their lunch date all day. It was beginning to become a routine, broken only when the clinic got backed up, and Stephanie had to work through lunch to compensate.

She was a hard worker, her dedication to her job proven by her long hours and doting patients. Often, they sent flowers, cards, fruit baskets or homemade treats to show their gratitude.

Of course, he made sure she received gifts and such from him, as well. He wasn’t about to be upstaged by complete strangers.

Now, he sat in the diner across the street, eagerly watching the clinic doors. She should be coming out any time. Abraham held out hope she was in higher spirits today, though Sarah’s demeanor this morning didn’t bode well.

The freezing rain was at a lull when he spotted her ridiculous umbrella. It made him shake his head every time he saw it. Hot pink and covered in goldfish, it definitely made it a cinch to spot her in a crowd.

She glanced around before stepping out onto the sidewalk and making her way across the street, looking somewhat unsure. Once she set her umbrella near the entrance, she crossed to the table with a very tired-looking smile pasted on her tempting lips.

“Busy morning?” he asked as he stood to pull out her seat.

“Yeah. Flu season is definitely in full swing now.” She sounded exhausted, and Abe could tell she’d tried to hide the dark circles beneath her eyes. “It’ll be fine, though. They’re already working to reschedule most of our afternoon patients, if possible, since the storm will be worse then. We’re trying to avoid having the patients driving on these slick roads.”

“That’s a good idea. You could use some rest yourself.” The way Stephanie’s brows snapped down had Abraham immediately adding, “Lately, you’ve been working so much, hon, that you’re going to end up getting sick yourself if you don’t get enough rest.” After a long sigh, he reached for her hand on the table. “I’m just worried about you. I don’t like that you’re upset or stressed or sick. I can’t help that I want to be the big, strong man and make everything better.”

“But that’s just it, Abe. I’m not a helpless female. I promise I’ll explain everything to you. I just need a few days to get myself together.” Her smile was a little less tired, and her eyes were soft and sweet.

God, he loved this woman. Here she sat in her blue, cotton blouse and khaki slacks, her hair pulled into a high ponytail, looking all soft and feminine. Her posture, however, showed a level of confidence and a steel spine that had already proven its ability to hold up under pressure.

Hell, if she could hold herself together after seeing her friend—along with six grown men—change into wolves, surely he should trust her when she claimed she could handle things now.

“All right, as long as you’re sure you’re okay.”

“I’ll be fine. Sarah is insisting on staying with me for a few nights so that I won’t be alone.” She took a deep breath and fidgeted in her seat. Abraham didn’t need to feel her emotional turmoil to see she was nervous and a little scared as she gathered her courage to say something. “Abe, would you mind if I stayed with you for a while?”

Without hesitation, he answered, “Of course, you can stay. In fact, I’d love it if you moved in with me—”

Hand raised, palm out, she silenced him. “One step at a time, slick.” She gave a nervous laugh and patted his arm, “We’ll just see how things go.”

She was so hesitant about completing the mating bond and had been for weeks that having her suggest that she stay with him had immediately thrown his mind into a whirlwind of thoughts.

Is she ready? Is this a trial run? A test of sorts?

Regardless of her reasons, he’d make damn sure she had no urge to leave. He’d spoil her, treat her like a queen and make sure that she saw the depth of his love in everything that he did for her.

“So, when do you want to come?”

Stephanie sat still, seemingly fascinated with a napkin holder, but Abraham knew she was thinking.

“Would Sunday evening be all right?” she asked.

“That’s fine. Sooner, would be fine, as well.” It was only Thursday, and waiting until Sunday to have her to himself would be absolute torture. The sound of her pager invaded, and Abe groaned, knowing their lunch was about to be cut short.

After looking, she said, “I’m sorry, but a few of the late patients have arrived to be seen before we close.” She rose and leaned over the table to plant a quick kiss on his lips. “I’ll call you later after I leave the clinic.”

“All right.” Abe stood as well, tossed some bills down on the table and escorted Stephanie out of the small diner.

The sidewalk was slick from the sleet that had fallen throughout the day, and many pedestrians along the street could be seen struggling to keep their footing. He was sure to keep a good hold on her elbow as they crossed to the clinic doors. The last thing he wanted was for her to—

As if on cue, Stephanie’s feet slipped right out from under her, and Abraham wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her up, only to have her gasp and cry out. Her pain shot into him, the shared sensations another sign of your mate, and he immediately gentled his hold. Once they completed the bond, he would be able to feel her at great distances, but now, it was only when they were near to each other. Presently, she stood against his side, trembling and trying to steady her breathing.

“What happened, Stephanie?” He didn’t mean to snap, but the level of pain he’d felt was only a fraction of what she had and what he’d felt had

“It’s all right,” she panted. “I just bruised my side last night.”

“Doing?” he growled.

“It happened while we were moving the stuff from my porch to the garage.” Stephanie just smiled and patted his chest. “I promise, it’s just a bruise. I’m still sore, that’s all.”

Feeling like a world-class ass, Abraham sighed. “I should have been there. I could have taken care of that for you.”

“Why? Abraham, I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time now, so don’t expect me to start relying on you to do everything for me. It won’t happen,” she explained.

“That’s just it. I
to help you. I want to take care of things for you and…”

“And have me rely on you,” she finished. “I need you to understand, Abe. While I would love to share my life with someone, I will never allow myself to become dependent on a man again.” A second round of beeps from her pager had Stephanie closing her eyes. “I’ll talk to you about all of this when I come Sunday, all right?”

“It’ll have to be, I guess.” Abraham sighed. He wanted to know, was frustrated that she didn’t feel as if she could confide in him, but he wasn’t going anywhere and he would just have to show her that.

Deciding a hug would only cause her more discomfort, Abraham settled for a soft kiss on her tempting lips before watching her duck inside the clinic doors.

Someone had hurt her—a
had hurt her—causing her to feel the need to guard herself, and that was enough to have Abraham seeing red. God help the bastard if he ever found him.


Chapter Five



The rest of the day passed in a blur of snotty noses and hacking coughs, leaving Stephanie relieved to find it was three o’clock. Lord, but she could use a nice long nap.

She’d called Sarah before heading in to see her last patient and now headed to the front desk to let them know she was going.

“These came for you just a little bit ago,” Francine, the receptionist, announced while gesturing to the flower arrangement on the counter.

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