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Authors: Richard Holmes

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W. Drury

George Fortune

Joseph Garvey

A. W. Hancox

Cyril Helm

C. T. Mason

J. A. C. Pennycuik

H. M. Stanford

A. Sugden

R. H. D. Tompson

Lord Wigram

Manuals and Pamphlets

Field Service Pocket Book,
HMSO 1916

Field Service Regulations 1909: Part One, Operations
HMSO 1914

Infantry Training 1914,
HMSO 1914

King's Regulations and Orders for the Army 1912, Revised August 1914,
HMSO 1914

Musketry Regulations Part I 1909, Reprinted 1914,
HMSO 1914

The NCO's Musketry Small Book,
London 1915

The Territorial Yearbook 1909,
London 1909

Types of Horses Suitable for Army Remounts,
Board of Trade, London 1909

SS 110
Preliminary Notes on the Tactical Lessons of Recent Operations,
July 1916

SS 135
The Training and Employment of Divisions,
January 1918

SS 144
The Normal Formation for the Attack,
February 1917

SS 309
Extracts from General Routine Orders … Part I Adjutant General's Department,
1 January 1917

Extracts from General Routine Orders … Part II, Quartermaster General's Branch,
1 January 1917

Trench Newspapers

Kamp News

The BEF Times

The Cinque Ports Gazette

The Dagger, or London in the Line

The Direct Hit

The Dump

The Fifth Gloster Gazette

The Futile Fusilier The Gasper

The London Scottish Regimental Gazette

The Minden Magazine

The Mudlark, or the Bedfordshire Gazette

The Red Feather

The Somme Times

The Welsh Division – New Year Souvenir

The Whizz-Bang

The Wipers Times

The Wormlet

PhD Theses

Simpson, Andrew,
The Operational Role of British Corps Command on the Western Front 1914–18,
London University, 1992

Zabecki, David T.
Operational Art and the German 1918 Offensives,
Cranfield University, 2004



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