Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs (20 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs
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Though he tried to stop them, Evan’s lips curled down at the edges in a heartbroken frown. Biting on them instead, he closed his eyes tightly, holding in tears, holding his breath, too, waiting, wanting to disappear.

Alek sighed and caressed the contours of Evan’s face, his sadly shaped lips. The tough-guy act vanished right away. He said Evan’s name, lovingly.

Opening his eyes, Evan told him, “I don’t want to do this if you’re going to be like that. I’ve waited too damn long and it means too much to me for you to shit all over it like that.”

Alek’s expression twisted with pain. He whispered to Evan between feather-light presses of his lips to Evan’s chest, chin, forehead and lips, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, baby. I was being a jerk. You’re right. You’re totally right. I’m sorry. I love you so much. I shouldn’t have said that.”

Evan realized, then, how as soon as he started to act less confident, less sure of himself and able to handle everything thrown at him, the more it lured Alek in. Maybe it scared Alek to see Evan act like he could take care of himself, without help. It definitely scared him when Evan chose to be with Luka, just as it scared him when Evan started to exercise against Alek’s wishes. All of that fear pushed Alek away but being naked, fingered, made hard and wanting, begging for Alek’s kindness, showing plainly how Evan had been hurt—it all drew Alek in again. It seemed Evan’s vulnerability was one of Alek’s greatest turn-ons. It was a thought that caused Evan’s skin to prickle with goosebumps, his stomach churning with anxious anticipation for whatever came next.

Brennan lay down beside him, on his side, carefully observing everything in a way that distracted Evan from his worries and bruised feelings. He propped himself up on an elbow.

Evan’s hand quested out. His fingers laced through Brennan’s when he found them. It shattered Brennan’s ability to hold back any longer. He rubbed a hand over Evan’s taut abdomen, down to his pelvis. He squeezed once up his brother’s dick, getting a wrecked, swallowed cry in response. Evan turned his face away from Alek, toward Brennan. The sad little frown was gone but his anxiousness grew even bigger.

“Is this okay?” Alek asked, tracing the line of Evan’s jaw. His other hand quested back down between Evan’s legs. Three lube-slick fingers re-entered him.

Brennan reached lower, fondling Evan’s balls and the soft skin of his sac. Evan turned his face back to Alek, hiding some of his torment and anguish under the curtain of Alek’s hair. Gasping into Alek’s mouth, Evan fought to be still as the fingers Alek had buried in him stroked over his inner walls, smearing lube around, feeling him out. Brennan tugged on Evan’s scrotum and squeezed lightly. Overwhelmed, Evan shuddered and grunted.

“Y-yeah. Yeah, s’okay,” Evan murmured, but when Brennan let him go and instead rubbed down around where Alek’s fingers disappeared into Evan’s body, around his lube-slicked rim stretched wide around the invading digits, Evan’s control started to break. An edge formed in his cries.

Slowly, carefully, Brennan slipped a single finger into Evan along with Alek’s three.

Feeling the burn of the added stretch and the way Brennan’s finger thrust in when Alek’s pulled out a few inches, Evan gasped and trembled. His legs fell open, his knees drawn up. Instinctively, Evan pulled his legs up higher, exposing himself to them, giving them more room to work, and wanting more.


“Does it hurt?”

“No,” Evan gasped, breathless.

Alek looked at Brennan, then at Evan. “Add another one.”

“I’ve gotta come.” Evan’s voice broke and his hands grasped handfuls of the long, dark hair hanging in tendrils around the sides of Alek’s face. Brennan added another finger and Evan’s mouth fell open around a cry. Alek palmed Evan’s shaft, flattening it to Evan’s belly. He rubbed back and forth firmly, quickly, with the pad of his thumb, just under the head at the little bundle of nerves there.

“Come on, Jailbait. Come for me,” Alek coaxed. “Come for me and let us feel it. Both of us are in you. You feel so good….”

Evan’s strangled cry cut off sharply as his whole body quivered, tensing as his seed shot thickly from his cock, painting his body in splatters. Brow furrowing, making soft, desperate noises, Evan pulled Alek closer by yanking on his hair, letting Alek and Brennan finger him to oblivion.

“You know how many fingers you have in you right now?”

Evan moaned.

“Are you in pain?”

“Does it look like I’m in pain?” Evan countered, panting, feeling slightly delirious.

Before Evan could anticipate it, Alek pulled his fingers out of him, bringing Brennan’s with them, and filled the void with his cock. He drove it into Evan in a smooth, long push that expelled the air from Evan’s lungs in a rush. He adjusted the angle of his hips as Alek thrust, rocking in a gentle rhythm deeper into Evan, kissing him, swallowing Evan’s fevered, thunderous moans.

Alek kept glancing to Brennan, instructing him with only his eyes on where to touch Evan. Reaching out, Alek grabbed behind Brennan’s head and brought him in for a kiss, sucking on his lips, playing with his tongue. Brennan retaliated by fondling the connection of Alek and Evan’s bodies, rubbing around the base of Alek’s shaft, over his balls. He stroked around Evan’s rim and slowly pushed his middle finger in alongside Alek’s dick.

,” Evan grunted, his face and body relaxed as aftershocks continued to bombard him. He pushed down onto Alek and Brennan’s finger, thrumming from being stuffed fuller than he’d ever been before.

“You feel that, huh?” Brennan smirked. He was watching Evan even more closely than Alek, probably trying to detect if Evan was in pain, even if Evan was trying to disguise pain, which he wasn’t. With all of the signs that Evan was enjoying himself, Brennan was only encouraged.

“Yes, I feel it,” Evan moaned. Alek grabbed Evan’s legs and pushed on them, curling them up so his knees were in his armpits. Pulled so open and violated by two people at once, Evan couldn’t really even process it. His thoughts all burned away with the intense stretch and fullness in his ass. Rocking in and out of Evan, Alek kept going. Brennan pushed the finger deeper when Alek drove inward, pulling out when Alek did, too.

“Tell us if it hurts,” Brennan instructed.

Then he added another finger. It ached but in a dull way. Evan whimpered.

Brennan instantly began to pull his fingers out, so Evan grabbed Brennan’s wrist to keep him inside, murmuring, “S’okay.”

“You sure you’re okay?” Alek asked, concerned but amazed.

“Yeah,” Evan gasped.

“It’s just Bren. If you need us to stop, tell us.”


Alek thrust in. Brennan’s two fingers slid deeper. Evan whimpered more sharply.

“Does it hurt?”

Alek thrust again. Evan pushed down to meet it, clenching up in small pulses.

“…It did for a second, but it’s okay now.”

“You sure?”

Evan nodded. After a few more pushes, Alek draped himself over Evan and moved in close to his ear to ask, “You wanna try this? Both of us at once? It’s up to you.”

Evan nodded again.

Alek pulled out. Brennan did too.

“Lie down,” Alek said to Brennan. Dark, greedy passion burned behind his eyes. “Evan’s gonna straddle you.”

The idea of what they were going to attempt was too intense for Evan to be able to look at either of them. After Brennan was on his back, Evan sat up and swung a leg over him, keeping his eyes trained on Brennan’s chest, which was rising and falling rapidly. Evan was half-hard again already but more than overwhelmed. He froze, uncertain of what to do. The prospect of being fucked by his brother in front of Alek was daunting enough to paralyze Evan until Alek took hold of Brennan’s cock and gave it a few tight squeezes up to the tip.

The move provoked a wanton moan from Brennan, drawing Evan’s gaze to Brennan’s face like a magnet, allowing him to witness one of the most sweetly anguished expressions Evan had ever seen.

Holding Brennan’s member in one hand and guiding Evan down onto it with the other, Alek fed the head of Brennan’s dick through Evan’s stretched, wet hole. They both moaned softly. Brennan’s eyes fluttered closed while his dick slid inch-by-inch into his brother as Alek pushed Evan down onto it.

Hands planted on Brennan’s chest, Evan tried to catch his breath. He leaned slightly forward when Alek pressed a hand at the center of Evan’s lower back, guiding him. Evan cried out when Brennan started to snap his hips, fucking Evan with quick, needy movements up into him. Alek held Evan still and hummed in appreciation, “Yeah, good, Bren. Harder. Give it to him. He wants it.”

,” Brennan whimpered, planting his feet wider, driving up frantically into Evan’s ass. Holding the cradle of Evan’s hips, Brennan caressed the shallow grooves just inside of his hipbones with his thumbs.

One of his hands began to slip between their bodies, pushing toward Evan’s dick, but Alek warned, “Don’t touch him. Not yet.”

Alek guided Evan forward even more, until he was almost chest-to-chest with Brennan. They started to kiss breathlessly, gasping against each other’s lips as Evan braced a hand on Brennan’s chest, feeling his heartbeat race. Brennan’s eyes were fixed on Evan’s face, searching it avidly, a small frown communicating his worry for Evan, so Evan just tried to kiss it away.

Alek lined up with Evan’s opening, above where Brennan was nestled deeply. Pulling Evan’s cheeks farther apart, Alek steadied his cock and very slowly but deliberately applied pressure. Then, gradually, Alek began entering him bit by bit. Evan cried out into Brennan’s mouth and tried to stay relaxed. It helped when Brennan caressed up Evan’s neck, his fingers dancing lightly over the skin.

“You okay?” Brennan asked fearfully.

Evan could only whimper and beg, “Don’t stop.”

All Evan felt was the burn of the stretch.
There’s no way Alek will fit
, he thought.

The harder Alek pressed at Evan’s already filled sphincter, the more sharply Evan shouted. But then, once the head of Alek’s dick was past Evan’s rim, the discomfort eased, shifting to an overwhelming, impossible sort of fullness. Once Alek actually breached him, the head of his cock passed further into Evan, easing the extreme pressure. Alek started to burrow deeper, stuffing Evan to bursting with two swollen cocks.

Evan realized he was still saying it aloud. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,” he gasped softly, over and over, while Brennan’s lips skimmed over his. Caresses of Brennan’s fingers helped soothe away the trembling in Evan’s body.

“Breathe, Ev. Just breathe,” Brennan urged.

His heartbeat thumped under his skin. Breathing and bearing it were all he was capable of. He couldn’t speak but couldn’t shut up either, gasping nonsensically. Evan swallowed a sob and shuddered in Brennan’s arms, not daring to move a muscle as ache flared and faded.

Brennan let out a gut-deep, wrenching moan as Alek’s dick squeezed up besides his own. Dragging open-mouthed kisses over Evan’s jaw, Brennan stroked along Evan’s sides and lay still.

“Evan…. Oh, sweet Christ.
,” Brennan moaned. “Tell us what you need, okay? Is it too much?”

Alek’s breathing was roughened. He was sweating freely, just as they all were, and when his abdomen pressed momentarily against Evan’s back, he could feel the slick heat of him.

Only halfway inside, Alek began to rock in shallow movements, in and out. It felt too good.
too good. Evan began to make small, plaintive, primal, wanton sounds of pure need. Brennan was shuddering, thrusting along with Alek, grasping Evan and letting out jagged cries that ripped from between gritted teeth. Alek, huge, hot and determined was against Evan’s back and his lithe, sexy brother was flush to Evan’s front, trapping him in the middle, filled too full with both of them. Sweat dripped down Evan’s temples, down his neck, over his chest and along his spine. He took shaky inhales as his body throbbed and his head spun.

Somehow, any and all hurt vanished for Evan when his lovers began to move. It shifted from torment to pure, exquisite pleasure. Bracing his hands on Brennan’s lean muscular frame, Evan just breathed. He gave into them, relaxing, letting them take as much as they wanted.

His lower lip quivered as he gasped for air. His cock was hard enough to hurt but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was how good it felt to be taken by both of them, to possess both of them so intimately, and inspire such desperate noises and cries of lust.

The thrusts increased in strength and depth. Alek drove deeper, deeper, and deeper until he was completely buried and Evan’s arms were shaking. He was panting, overwhelmed by the impossible, heady feeling of fullness in his ass.

The world fell away and all that existed were the three of them, together. Crying out, Alek climaxed first, unloading into Evan.

Brennan exclaimed brokenly, his fingers denting Evan’s skin, his hips snapping, bucking up into him as his orgasm hit next, each thrust made wetter, slicker by Alek’s come.

Distantly, there was a soft click, rattle and thump as the front door opened and shut, but only Evan heard it. Footsteps sounded in the hall, approaching.

There was the slightest possibility that Alek didn’t lock the door behind him, and someone unexpected, someone who should
see what was happening in that bedroom, was coming.

The universe couldn’t be that cruel, though, so Evan assumed it to be Luka.

It was.

Even if Evan wanted to move, hide, adjust or do much of anything, he couldn’t, filled so obscenely with both Alek and Brennan. Sandwiched between their bodies, impaled on them both, with Alek panting against the side of Evan’s neck and Brennan clawing at Evan’s thighs, still whimpering, coming inside him, Evan briefly closed his eyes. The room tilted and he realized how lightheaded he was suddenly, that the pain in his ribs was back, throbbing low and constant, getting stronger by the moment.

,” Luka hissed from the doorway, walking to the bed. There was the briefest glare of accusation shot at Alek before Luka touched Evan, his fingers barely brushing Evan’s shoulder. Taking in the sight of Brennan beginning to recover from his climax, Luka seemed upset as he frowned down at him. Brennan, who appeared peaceful, blinked his eyes open, staring up at Luka. After a pause, Luka leaned down and tenderly kissed Brennan’s dark, kiss-bitten lips.

BOOK: Twin Ties 2: Twin Affairs
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