Under the Stars (15 page)

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Authors: Rebecca A. Rogers

BOOK: Under the Stars
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I whisper to Malik, “Isn’t it funny how he’ll fix a stupid train, but he won’t help people who are in dire need of food?”

He doesn’t say anything, just focuses on nothing outside. I take it as him not wanting to get involved in the politics. After all, he’s only here to make money to send to his family.

The train yanks us as it builds up steam.

“You’ll love Valyad. It’s different from Legora, though,” I say.

“I wish my parents could see it. If it’s as lavish as I’ve heard, my mom would really enjoy it. She’s always had a thing for rich objects.”

Malik falls asleep during the ride. I want to, but I have to keep my head in the game. If I want to return home, then I need to be on top of my reliability.

Night will be here soon. It seems like the cold sweeps over the sands earlier than it used to. I remember a time when the sunlight would stretch late into the evening, and the freeze would wait until we were all safe before it touched anything.

But everything is different now.

The train gradually slows to a halt in front of Valyad’s station. There aren’t men and women of class like they were when I first arrived. The place is empty, save for an operator who sits behind a counter inside. I guess he has no choice. Somebody has to run the place.

“It’s about time. I’m feeling stiff from the ride,” King Zarek complains. “Andrina, I am so sorry you had to endure such a filthy vessel to bring you along. Nothing in my kingdom is this indecent.”

“I know, Majesty.”

“Ah, well, of course you do. Sometimes I forget you had visited. My mind is full of other things.”

And sometimes I forget why I even bother.

Malik stirs at the sound of our voices. “Did we make it?”

“Yeah. We’re here.”

He wipes the drool encrusted around his mouth. “Sorry I fell asleep. I suppose I was more tired than I thought.”

“It’s all right. I’m excited for you to see Valyad.”

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t eager to.” He grins.

“Well, c’mon then. The king and his men are outside.”

Black Riders await us as we step off the train, just as they were when I came here the first time. Their horses grumble, impatient. If I was a horse, I’d run everywhere. There wouldn’t be a slice of earth I hadn’t visited.

“How far is it?” Malik asks as we are helped onto horses.

“Not far,” I say, remembering the first time I asked the same question. “Not far at all.”

Valyad is just as I recall. Thick, luscious foliage surrounds the area near the fortress. The desert waves goodbye and is soon a phantom within our memory. Trees seem to step aside as we pass through. A sharp-iron smell tickles my nose as we near the front gate.

“Welcome to Valyad,” I tell Malik.

His eyes sparkle like the inferno raining from the skies. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Hate to say it, but I told you so.”

We enter the same way we did on my last visit—past the guards with radiant armor and weapons, and through the stone entrance. King Zarek and his men press forward, while I hang back to show Malik something I noticed on my first day.

“You see that area over there?” I point over the low wall.

“Yeah. What is it?”

“That’s the gardens. In the center is a fountain with marble angels.”

“Definitely sounds rich.”

“C’mon,” I urge him to keep moving and follow the guards escorting us to the guest bedrooms. Though I’m not in the same room, I’m pretty close.

And Malik is next door.

“I feel like a kid when I’m here, like everything in my imagination has exploded and settled, and Valyad is the result,” Malik says.

I shrug. “Maybe it is.” He shoots me a funny look, one that has
have you lost your mind
written all over it. “We can pretend this is our thoughts running wild.”

“Yeah. Why not?”

Somehow our conversation turns into us jumping up and down on my bed like we’re ten years old again. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. Especially when Malik falls off. One minute he’s there and the next…

I can’t breathe. My sides hurt. “Are you-u oka-ay?”

He lies there, chuckling. “Wow. Don’t tell anyone back home that happened.”

“I won’t.”

“Or anyone here.”

“Your secret is safe with me.” And then I drop a pillow on his face. We run around the room, him chasing after me. Me screaming and laughing. I don’t remember the last time I had such high spirits. I doubt Malik does, either.

Fun doesn’t exist for people like us.


He finally catches up, tackling me to the ground. “Now you know what it feels like down here.”

I wiggle my back against the floor. “I don’t know… It’s not so bad.”

“Ha! You’re just saying that to spite me.”

“Maybe.” I grin.

Malik stands, extending a hand to help me up.

“So where to next?” he asks.

“The gardens! I can’t wait for you to see them.” I grab his hand and lead him to the hallway. “Follow me.”

I guide him through tapestry-covered walls and arched doorways, until we’re in view of the granite stairs that split in two, curving around to meet each other again.

“This is it,” I say. We glance at each other, and then race to the fountain.

“It’s even grander than I had expected,” Malik says. “Wonder how much this thing costs?”

“More money than you will ever see in your lifetime,” someone says behind us. We turn to see King Zarek.

“Majesty,” I say, bowing. Malik follows my lead.

“Glad you two feel so at home. Don’t get too cozy. There is work to be done. But we’ll chat about that tomorrow. I assume you two will be joining me for supper?”

“I am a bit hungry.” I rub my stomach; it growls a retort.

“Good. I’ll see you two then.” He reaches down for my hand, giving it a brief kiss, and then he turns to leave. But before he makes it five steps, he’s facing us again. “Malik, I’ve checked with my advisors. It seems the kitchen needs help preparing the prisoners’ food. Do you mind moving right away?”

“No, Majesty. I’m very thankful,” Malik answers.

King Zarek laughs. “Fantastic. I’ll tell them you’ll start tomorrow.” He waves without looking back.

When he disappears through the opening at the top of the majestic stairs, I glance at Malik. “You didn’t come here for work like that.”

“It’s better than not having a job at all. Any extra money will be sent to my family. Everything’s for them. Not me.”

“That’s not what I meant. You could have a better job here. Make more money. And now you’ll be serving food to prisoners? That’s dangerous.”

“Andy, not everything is handed to people like you and me. When are you going to learn? We have to fight for what we want. Our actions here will be scrutinized because we aren’t people of class. You, however, could manage with stuff I can’t.”

“Me? I’ve been trying for the past week. You’ve seen how he is. He won’t listen.”

There’s remoteness in Malik’s eyes. Cold. Vacant. “He likes you, and thinks you’re different from everyone else.”

“Says who?” I cross my arms.
Even in the sunny weather, a chill prickles my skin.

“My mother has visions. She’s had them since she was a kid. That’s how she and my father found me alone in the desert. She knew I was there before anyone else. But she had a vision recently about you.”

My right eyebrow rises on its own, doubtful of what he might say.

He continues. “She said you’re our hero. Even though Legora struggles, she said you’ll appear through of the heavy fog weighing us down. You will appear as the light which divides the haze.”

“Well…what does that mean?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t know. But I think it has to do with you and the King. I think you’ll change everything for us.”

“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don’t believe it’ll happen.”

“Andy, do you not see the way he looks at you? It’s like his entire face softens when you’re in his sight.”

“I don’t know what his problem is,” I lie. Unfamiliar emotions tackle me at once. Haven’t I seen King Zarek’s feelings expressed? Don’t I know I’m getting in too deep by returning to Valyad? If it wasn’t for my family’s fate being on the line, then we’d be somewhere far away by now.

Great. Malik just killed the excitement.

But when he unexpectedly closes the short distance between us and wraps his arms around me, I feel that excitement return. Against my hair, he murmurs, “I have faith in you.”

His hand gently stroking my back makes me dizzy. I attempt to pull away, but he’s adamant about keeping me in his grip. I glance up at his face. He opens his mouth to say something. Nothing comes out.

“What is it?” I ask.

His hands drop to his sides and he shakes his head. Even his smile is barely there. “Just keep your head up.”

Right now, I wish I could escape.

To Legora.

Or Halgan.

Or maybe a city I haven’t heard of.

I never asked for this responsibility to sit on me.

There are some days I wish I had been sitting at the kitchen table when stars blasted our home into toothpick-sized fragments. They soared directly into our city, knowing they’d demolish memories caught between four walls. I hate them for that. All those thoughts and dreams were special to me.

I should’ve died that day.


When we return to our rooms before supper, there is a short, blonde-haired girl in mine.

“You must be Andrina,” she says.

“I am. And you are…”

“I’m Lucy. Your new maid.”

She reminds me of a porcelain doll; her hair is curled in all the right places, her makeup isn’t overdone and every crease has been ironed from her dress. Plus, she just stands there, like her body will crack if she moves too much.

“What happened to Daphne?” I ask.

“I’m afraid Daphne has been assigned other duties, so they sent me instead.”

She looks so young. Younger than me. I might as well get to know her.

“Where are you from?” I ask.

“Here. I was born in Valyad. My mother is a seamstress, and my father is a prison guard.”

“So you’ve always lived in the castle?” I haven’t moved from my spot in the doorway. There’s something strange about her, but I haven’t figured it out yet.

“Do you always ask a lot of questions?”

Maids aren’t usually so brash about what they say. But, I guess if I grew up in a castle, I’d speak that way too.

“Yeah, actually. I do.”

She giggles, which comes out as too shrill. “We’ll talk later. I have to ready you for the feast.”

Motioning me to a chair, she opens drawers on the vanity and pulls out equipment—makeup, hair pins, curling iron.

“I haven’t decided what I’ll have you wear tonight,” she says. I give her on odd glare, and she adds, “This is a bit like playing dress-up.”

“Only, I’m not a child’s toy.”

She ignores my statement and works on my hair first. By the time she finishes dolling me up, my stomach notifies me that it’s more than hungry. Malik has probably been ready for some time now, since he’s a guy and they don’t take half as long as us girls.

“All done,” Lucy says. “You look like a princess.”

“Thanks.” I exit the room, glad to get away, and walk briskly toward Malik’s chamber. Two knocks later and he stands in front of me. His hair is slick, completely void of waves. Black dress pants and a ruffled blue shirt are his attire. The hue of his shirt plays up his eyes.

“You look nice,” I say.

“As do you,” he replies. “Shall we?” He extends his arm and I loop mine through it. “Tell me, what type of food should I expect?”

“Everything you can think of. Fruits. Vegetables. Bread that dissolves as soon as it reaches your tongue. Fried birds. You’ll see why it’s a feast. Oh, and they bring it to you. You won’t have to stand for any reason. Makes conversation easier.”

“Can’t wait.”

The dining hall is decorated in the same golden hues, but with white sprinkled throughout. White flowers, white placemats, white dishes. Even the seat cushions are white.

“Wow,” says Malik. He soaks in every last decoration. “My mother would love this.”

“Maybe she could come visit you. I’m sure King Zarek will allow it.”

We find the folded cards bearing our names near the King’s chair. Though we’re not within an arm’s reach, we’re still closer than most people will sit.

Malik tilts his head and says, “We don’t belong in a place like this, Andy.”

His statement takes me by surprise. “Why do you say that? There’s a reason why we’re both here.”

His nose wrinkles. “I smell treachery. Deception. Nothing good can come of that.”

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