Uneven Ground (54 page)

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Authors: Ronald D. Eller

BOOK: Uneven Ground
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The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below


acid mine drainage

activism, grassroots Appalachian against CAAs

for coal mine health/safety

for environmental justice

for equitable taxation

grassroots organizations

growth-based development rejected by

lobbying efforts

local political backlash against

against mountaintop removal

against political elites/corruption

regional consciousness resulting from

regional networks for

against strip mining

synchronization of

tactics of

for union reform

War on Poverty as catalyst for
See also specific activist; organization

adult education

adult literacy


poverty in midst of

Affluent Society, The

African Americans


decline of

impact of industrialization on

impact of WWII mobilization on
See also

Appalachian Group to Save the Land and People

Aid to Families with Dependent Children

Akron (Ohio), Appalachian out-migration to



Alice Lloyd College

Alice Lloyd College Outreach Reserves (ALCOR)

Alinsky, Saul

all-terrain vehicles (ATVs)

Almond, Lindsey

American Public Power Association

Anderson, Don

Anglican Appalachian People's Service Organization

Antioch College

antipoverty programs

community action and

culture of poverty influence on

Kennedy proposals for

missionary programs

PARC report and

political/economic benefits of

press coverage of

See also
War on Poverty

anti–strip mining movement

antiwar movement


as American paradox

Clinton visit to

counterculture movement in

declining coal reserves in

distressed counties in

ecosystem of

as exploited resource colony

federal programs underutilized in

government intervention in

growth centers in

impact of globalization on

indigenous vs. mainstream churches in

local reform institutions in

manufacturing growth in

national forests in

national misunderstanding of

as “other America,”

PARC definition of

per capita income in

personal income in

popular stereotypes of

post-WWII changes, mixed legacy of

press coverage of

service economy in

socioeconomic gap within

as underdeveloped area

War on Poverty in
See also
activism, grassroots Appalachian; Appalachia, modern; economy, Appalachian; War on Poverty, in Appalachia

Appalachia: A Report by the President's Appalachian Regional Commission

Appalachia: Journal of the Appalachian Regional Commission

Appalachia, modern

ARC infrastructure improvements in

citizen-activist organizations in

civic leadership in

conflicting development ideologies in

consumer culture in

diversity in


education disparities in

environmental degradation, persistence of

grassroots activism in

health care disparities in

land use in

as microcosm of mainstream America

old problems persisting in

political corruption in

professional class in

regional identity in

structural inequities and

uneven socioeconomic development in

Appalachian Alliance

Appalachian Coalition

Appalachian Committee for Full Employment

Appalachian Community Development Corporation

Appalachian Computer Systems

Appalachian Consortium

Appalachian culture

AVs' merging with

as cause of poverty

heritage tourism and

land use and

local political manipulation of

loss of

modernization of, as missionary/educator goal

modern threats to

neo-Appalachians and

regional consciousness of

shifting popular perceptions of

Appalachian development efforts community development strategies

industry expansion


private programs

/files/20/78/92/f207892/public/private programs

state-initiated programs

Appalachian Development Foundation

Appalachian Development Highway System

Appalachian Group to Save the Land and People (AGSLP)

anti–strip mining activism of

establishment of

leadership of

Appalachian Land Ownership Task Force

Appalachian Leadership and Community Outreach

Appalachian Movement Press

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)

American faith in growth/technology and

Appalachian Development Foundation and

balanced growth and

bureaucratic conflict in

challenges facing

conferences sponsored by

criticism of

distressed counties program

drug abuse programs of

early efficiency of

as experiment

as federal/state partnership

funding allocation by

funding of

goals of

“growth center” strategy of

gubernatorial interest in

ideological/political conception of

impact on modern Appalachia

implementation efforts of

intellectual origins of

land ownership study of

optimism of

PARC report and

phase-out program of

press coverage of

program expansion

Reagan budget cuts and

reauthorizations of

recommendations for

regional competitiveness measures of

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