Unforgettable (14 page)

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Authors: Abby Reynolds

BOOK: Unforgettable
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I moved my hands through his hair while I stared up at him, seeing the face I trusted and adored. I initially ran from him the first time he spoke to me, but now he was the man I ran to. He was the shoulder I leaned on, the rock I used for support. He was everything and more.

Scotty stayed inside me, still leaning over me. “You’re my first. And thank you for letting me be yours.”

I didn’t understand his meaning. “But you aren’t…”

“Yes, I am. That’s how you lost your virginity. It happened here, with me, and it was romantic and beautiful. I loved you with my whole heart and you loved mine. They may have taken your body, but they never claimed your soul. I just did.”

My eyes softened when I stared at him. My heart ached from the love deep inside. Words could never describe what he meant to me. Not only did he heal my past, but he changed it. The scars that marked my body were now gone. He rewrote my past and became my future. “You’ve healed me more than words can describe.”

He kissed my forehead. “And you healed me in the same way.”



I was ready fort his.

I spent months training, becoming the best I could be. Hours of blood, sweat, and tears went into this moment. I was pumped, ready for action.

“Nervous?” Bran asked.

I glared at him. “Is that supposed to encourage me?”

He shrugged. “It’s what I always ask Liam before a fight.”

“And it’s extremely annoying,” Liam said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“So…did you guys take care of that
?” I asked discreetly.

Liam winked. “We got you covered.”

“Got what covered?” Livia asked, standing by my side.

Keira came forward and intervened. “I had a pregnancy scare.” She shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal.

“Oh…” Livia didn’t know what to say.

I glared at my cousin. That was the worst excuse I’ve ever heard
. She really couldn’t think of something else?

“Well, I’m glad it worked out…” Livia crossed her arms over her chest, feeling awkward.

“Yeah…” The subject needed to be changed. “You think I’m ready?” I asked Liam.

“Definitely.” He gave me a reassuring smile. “I’m not looking forward to facing you.”

“Oooh…” Bran got a wicked gleam in his eye. “Who am I going to put my money on?”

“Isn’t that a conflict of interest?” Tony asked.

“When it comes to money, it’s never a conflict of interest,” Bran said.

I drank my water bottle and handed it back to Keira. “I need to get out there.” It was a small underground fight, but I was still nervous. No matter how prepared I was, the first time would always be rough.

We left our corner and approached the mat. It was a packed house. Everyone was still placing bets with their neighbors. The sound of the crowd made it difficult to hear the person standing next to you.

Livia never left my side. “You’re going to do great.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

“So, you think I’m going to win?”

“I didn’t say that.” She smiled at me. “I said you’re going to do great. Because whether you win or lose, you’re still a winner to me.”

I rubbed my nose against hers. “It’s a cheesy line but I’ll take it.”

“It’s not cheesy if it comes from the heart.”

“Do I get sex either way?” Livia and I had taken our relationship to a new level. Not only was she comfortable with me, but she wanted to make love more often than I did. I couldn’t keep up wither her.

“If you win, you get winner sex. If you lose, you get pity sex.”

I rubbed my chin. “They both sound pretty good…”

She hit my shoulder and laughed. “Get your head out of the gutter.”

“Whoops. Got distracted for a moment.”

The opponent came onto the mat, swinging his arms during his warm up. He was about the same size as I and had more experience. The ref blew the whistle so I would step onto the mat.

Livia cupped my face and kissed me. “Good luck.”


She kissed the skin over my heart then stepped back. “Now kick his ass.”

“Yes, babe.” I stepped onto the mat with my arms by my side. The ref made us shake hands before we stepped back. The whistle was blown and the match began.

He charged me quicker than a bull. It was so unexpected that I almost didn’t react. I stepped out of the way just before he collided with me.

Fucking psycho.

I took advantage of his momentum then attacked him from behind. He probably thought I wouldn’t get out of the way in time and he would have three good punches in.

Boy, he was wrong.

I grabbed his arm then pinned it behind him, kicking him in the back of the knee. He tripped and fell, landing on his back. I gripped him by the throat and got a few good punches in.

This was too easy.

He loosened from my hold then rolled over, jumping to his feet like a rabbit. His fists hit my face quick and hard. My head shot back, the blood squirting from my nose. Before he could hit me a third time, I blocked the oncoming hit, feeling the strain in my forearm.

That would leave a bruise later.

“Come on, Scotty!” Liam yelled at me from the edge of the mat. “Rip him apart.”

I waited for the guy to make a hit. When he did, I twisted his arm down then punched him in the nose. It wasn’t a brutal hit, but the nerves in the nose were particularly sensitive. It left the person slightly blindsided.

He cursed under his breath then wiped the blood away. Now he was pissed. He wanted to rip my head off.

“Sorry. Did that hurt?”
I liked being a jackass sometimes.

He growled at me then hit me in the eye. I immediately felt the swelling. I punched him back in the exact same place, hitting him hard. He stumbled back slightly so I didn’t let up. I wailed on him, using my strength and size to overpower him. When he aimed a punch at me I blocked it then hit him right in the stomach.

He bent at the waist, trying to claim the air he lost.

I didn’t show him any mercy. I finished him off, slamming my knee into his head until he fell to the ground.

The ref rushed over, watching him lay on the ground. He started to count. I stepped away, knowing I was the victor. After my opponent didn’t rise, the ref made the announcement.

“Scotty Strately is the winner.”

The crowd applauded. People who bet against me were disappointed. Others jumped with excitement. I headed back to my ring, seeing my girl clap and cheer for me. This was exactly what I wanted, to have her as my partner. She was there for me and I was there for her—no matter what.

I reached her and wrapped my arms around her. She kissed my bruises then wiped my face with a towel, taking care of me.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Never better.”

Liam clapped my shoulder, and the guys cheered for me.

Keira smiled. “I guess you aren’t as weak as I thought.”

“Same goes to you,” I remarked.

“Let’s go out and celebrate,” Bran said. “Scotty is buying.”

“Why do I have to buy?” I asked. “The winner shouldn’t pay for anything.”

“You never said that every time I paid for beers,” Liam noted.

“Good point,” I said. “Alright. Let’s head out.”


After a night of pizza and booze, Livia and I headed back to my house. This was my favorite part of the day. I had a special surprise waiting for her. She didn’t have a clue it was coming.

“We should get in the shower and clean you off.”

“We?” I asked with a smile.

“Yes. I need to wash you.”

“I like that.” I unlocked the door then stepped inside.

She didn’t notice anything immediately, probably because she was too tired. She put her purse down on the couch then noticed her easel in the corner. She stared at it for a moment, confusion covering her face. Then she noticed the other things.

One of her tables was against the wall, with a vase of flowers. The pillows she put on her couch were now on mine. Other little knickknacks she decorated her house with were dispersed everywhere. Picture frames of her and her family were on the counter.

Then she walked into the bedroom. I followed behind her, wanting to see her reaction.

I added one of her dressers to the bedroom. She pulled open a drawer and noticed all her clothes. She opened the closet and realized half of it was full of her stuff. She finally looked at me, emotion in her eyes. “What’s going on…?”

I came closer to her, a smile on my face. “You live with me now.”

“I live with you? But you didn’t ask me.”

“Why should I? I already know your answer.”

The coat of moisture formed in her eyes.

“The rest of your stuff is in the spare bedroom. Now tell your landlord you’re breaking your lease.”

A smile spread across her face. “You want me here—all the time?”

“What do you think?” I cupped her face and kissed her.


“Don’t be.”


I pressed my forehead to hers. “You’re already mine and I take care of you. I don’t feel like I need to ask anything.”

“You don’t.”

I held her for a long time, relishing the moment with her. Even if she didn’t say it, she was ecstatic about what I did. I didn’t want to ask her something I already knew the answer to. I felt like we already lived together even if her things were still at her place.

“Is that what Liam and the guys were really doing?” she asked. “Moving my things?”

“You should be a detective.”

She hit my arm playfully. “Don’t make fun of me. I already have an older brother for that.”

“I like teasing you.” I rubbed my nose against hers. “You get this playful look in your eyes. It’s a look you only give me.”

“You’re the only person I give a lot of looks to…”

My hands tightened around her waist. “I like the sound of that.”

“I don’t think my parents will be too thrilled about this.”

“You think I care?” Life was too short to listen to other people.

“No. You never care about anything.”

“But you,” I added.

She rubbed my shoulders then stepped away. “You should take a shower. You smell and you have blood everywhere.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” I said sarcastically.

She laughed. “Come on, get in. I’ll wash you off.”

“Will you wash everything off?” I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

“I did say I would give you winner sex.”

I jumped up then stripped all my clothes off at lightning speed. “Let’s do it.”

She laughed again. “It’ll be regular sex—the same sex we always have.”

“That’s exactly why I’m excited. I love our sex.”

Her eyes softened when she looked at me. “And you don’t get tired of it?”

“Does it look like I get tired of it?” I pulled her clothes off, eager to be inside her. She didn’t fight me and let me strip everything away. I pulled her into the shower and under the water. Once we were there, I didn’t care about cleaning myself up. I gripped her then lifted her up, slipping inside her easily. She moaned and clung to me, the water dripping down her.

I could do this every day. It had to be her, no one else. Now she let me take control of our relationship. She let me grip her more tightly, let me initiate what I wanted. The fear was never in her eyes. When I looked into them, all I saw was the same love looking back at me.

She was complete.

I was complete.

And that’s how it would always be.

The Next Installment of the Forehead Kisses Series


Ash and Alaska

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