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Authors: James Curran

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   Despatch no. 74, Hector C Adam Jr, Charge D'Affaires, American Embassy Canberra, to George C Marshall, Secretary of State, 15 April 1948 in Meaney,
Australia and the World
, pp. 544–5.

   Despatch, Commander Stephen Jurika Jr, 8 August 1948, cited in Lowe,
Menzies and the Great World Struggle
, p. 41.

   Cable, United Kingdom High Commissioner, Ottawa, to Sir Peter Liesching, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs, 12 August 1950, DO35/3871, TNA. See also Percy Spender,
Exercises in Diplomacy: The
ANZUS Treaty and the Colombo Plan
(Sydney: Sydney University Press, 1969), pp. 39–40.

   David McLean, ‘ANZUS Origins: A Reassessment',
Historical Studies
, vol. 24, no. 1 (April 1990), pp. 64–82.

   Dulles to MacArthur, 2 March 1951, in
, 1951, vol. VI, p. 177.

   David Lowe,
Australian Between Empires: The Life of Percy Spender
(London: Pickering and Chatto, 2010), pp. 150–2.

   Security Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America [ANZUS] (San Francisco, 1 September 1951), Entry into force generally: 29 April 1952, AUSTRALIAN TREATY SERIES, 1952 No. 2, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra Commonwealth of Australia 1997,
, accessed 10 July 2010.

   David McLean, ‘Australia in the Cold War', p. 320.

Australian Gallup Polls
, nos 788–89 (August-September 1951); John Williams, ‘ANZUS: A Blow to Britain's Self-Esteem',
Review of International Studies
, vol. 13, no. 4 (October 1987), pp. 243–63.

   Evatt, CPD, H of R, 4 March 1952, pp. 599, 751–2.

   David Goldsworthy,
Losing the Blanket
, p. 140.

   Calwell, CPD, H of R, 15 May 1962, p. 2323.

   Correspondence, Battle to Calwell, 11 March 1963, National Security Files, Office Files (Australia) Box 8A, John F Kennedy Library, Boston, JFKL.

   Calwell, CPD, H of R, 15 May 1962, p. 2322.

   John Murphy,
Harvest of Fear: A History of Australia's Vietnam
Wjr (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1993), p. 130.

   CIA Biographical Profile of Arthur Calwell, National Security Files, Office Files (Australia) Box 8A, JFKL.

   Telegram No 530, For Harriman from Ambassador, 25 March 1963, National Security Files, Office Files (Australia) Box 8A, JFKL.

   Background Brief for the President on Labor's position on VLF, National Security Files, Office Files (Australia) Box 8A, JFKL.

   Jenny Hocking,
Gough Whitlam
A Moment in Time
(Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2008), p. 226;Whitlam, ‘Australian Foreign Policy 1963', Roy Milne Lecture, WI.

   Memorandum of Conversation, The President and Mr Arthur Calwell, 23 July 1963, National Security Files, Office Files (Australia) Box 8A, JFKL.

, 10 June 1963, cited in Owen Nanlohy, ‘A Test of Loyalty': A History of the Federal Australian Labor Party and the US Alliance, 1960–67, BA (Hons) Thesis, University of Sydney, 2012, p. 37.

   Quoted in Jenny Hocking,
Gough Whitlam
, p. 227.

Australian Gallup Polls
(May-June 1963) nos 1676–87, in Meaney,
Australia and the World
, p. 657.

, 7 December 1963.

   Gary Woodard, ‘Australian Foreign Policy on the Offshore Island Crisis of 1954–5 and Recognition of China',
Australian Journal of International Affairs
, vol. 45, no. 2 (1991), pp. 242–63.

   ‘Long Range US Policy Interests in Australia and New Zealand', NSC 1609, Records of the Operations Coordinating Board, Box 2, NARA. On the process leading to the signing of the ANZUS treaty and Australian expectations in relation to consultation and coordination of policy, see also David McLean, ‘ANZUS Origins: A Reassessment'; W David McIntyre,
Background to the ANZUS Pact: Policy Making, Strategy and Diplomacy, 1945–1955
(Christchurch, 1995).

   On Australia and West New Guinea, see Richard Chauvel, ‘“Up the Creek without a Paddle”: Australia, New Guinea and the “Great and Powerful Friends”', in
Menzies in War and Peace
, ed. Frank Cain (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1997), pp. 55–71; Pemberton,
All the Way
, pp. 101ff.

   Memorandum by Robert Komer, ‘Why Trusteeship won't work', 5 April 1961, National Security Files, Country Files, Box 205, JFKL.

   On US policy more broadly on this issue, see David Webster, ‘Regimes in Motion: The Kennedy Administration and Indonesia's New Frontier, 1960–1962',
Diplomatic History
, vol. 33, no. 1 (January 2009), pp. 95–112.

   On negotiations over the scope of ANZUS during Confrontation, see especially John Subritzky,
Confronting Sukarno
chapter 4
. See also Memorandum of Conversation, McGeorge Bundy, Sir Howard Beale, Australian Ambassador to US, and Michael V Forrestal, ‘ANZUS treaty and Malaysia', Washington, 16 October 1963,
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–63
, vol. XXXIII,
Southeast Asia
, ed. Edward C Keefer (Washington: US Department of State, 1994), pp. 747–50, 750–53 (respectively).

   Record of Discussions, Mr Harriman's discussions with Australian Cabinet, 7 June 1963, A1838, TS686/1/1, Part 1, NAA.

   Conversation between President and PM Menzies, 8 July 1963, National Security Files, Office Files (Australia) Box 8A, JFKL.

   Beale and Taylor cited in Howard Beale,
This Inch of Time: Memoirs of Politics and Diplomacy
(Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1977), p. 181.

   Memorandum of Conversation, President with Holt and Beale, 2 October 1963, National Security Files, Office Files (Australia) Box 8A, JFKL. The Americans stepped up their efforts to clarify the meaning of the treaty and American commitments—US briefing at the time stresses the need to ‘plot a course between two difficulties: while we do not wish to construe Articles 4 and 5 of the ANZUS treaty to provide the Australians with a blank check on us to support them in any adventures they may choose to become involved in, we do not want to construe the Treaty so narrowly that we have no basis to give the Australians the kind of assurances which would encourage them to back up the British in Malaysia'. Memorandum, Forrestal to Chayes, 15 July 1963, National Security Files, Office Files (Australia) Box 211A, JFKL.

   Memorandum of Conversation, President and Garfield Barwick, 17 October 1963,
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–63
, vol. XXXIII,
Southeast Asia
, ed. Edward C Keefer (Washington: US Department of State, 1994), pp. 750–3.

   Webster, ‘Regimes in Motion', p. 117.

   Defence Committee, 7 November 1963, A1838, TS686/1/1, Part 1, NAA.

, H of R, 21 April 1964, p. 1280.

   Minute, Tange to Hasluck, 10 February 1965, A1838, TS686/1/1, Part 1, NAA.

   Minute, Hasluck to Tange, 12 February 1965, A1838, TS686/1/1, Part 1, NAA.

   Neville Meaney, ‘Australia and the World', in
Under New Heavens: Cultural Transmission and the Making of Australia
, ed. Neville Meaney (Melbourne: Heinemann, 1985), pp. 432–3.

   Menzies, quoted in
Daily Telegraph
, 5 April 1965.

   Menzies, Speech to American–Australian Luncheon, University Club, New York, 11 June 1965,
, accessed 3 April 2013.

   Correspondence, Nelson to Palmer, 4 March 1965, Country Office Files, Vietnam, Box 15, LBJL.

Nixon and Kissinger
, pp. 31–2.

   Stephen Ambrose,
Nixon: The Triumph of a Politician 1962–1972
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989), p. 68.

   Cited in ibid., p. 68.

, pp. 268–70.

   Correspondence, Robert Moore to Richard Nixon, 23 September 1965, in Wilderness Years Files, Series 2, Trip File, PPS347, Box 7, RNL.

Four Corners
, Studio Interview with Mr Richard Nixon, transcript, 11 September 1965, in Wilderness Years Files, Series 2, Trip File, PPS347, Box 7, RNL. Nixon repeated many of these points, but with even more force, in an interview on NBC's ‘Meet the Press', shortly after his return from Australia. The transcript of that interview on 12 September 1965 is in Pre-Presidential Speech Files, PPS 208, Box 84, RNL.

   Nixon's speeches in Sydney and Canberra were reported in the
Canberra Times
, on 10 and 11 September 1965.

   Correspondence, Menzies to Nixon, 8 September 1965, Wilderness Years, Series II, Trip File-PPS 347-Box 7-Australia, RNL.

   Correspondence, Nixon to Menzies, 13 September 1965, Wilderness Years, Series II, Trip File-PPS 347-Box 7-Australia, RNL.

Chapter 3: ‘Entangled': Labor's Cold War Dilemma

    Telegram 2287, Ambassador to President Johnson, 25 October 1966, Papers of Lyndon Baines Johnson, Confidential File, Box 95 (2 of 2), Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Austin, Texas (hereafter LBJL).

The Whitlam Government
, p. 36.

(Melbourne), 24 October 1966;
, 22 October 1966.

    United States Annual Policy Assessment, 20 January 1967; Australia: Annual US Policy Assessment, 19 January 1968, RG 59, Subject Numeric Files, Box 1863, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington DC (hereafter NARA).

    Memorandum, Walt Rostow to LBJ, 3 October 1966, Johnson Papers: National Security Files, Manila Conference, LBJL.

    Peter Edwards,
A Nation at War
Australian Politics, Society and Diplomacy during the Vietnam War, 1965–1975
(Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1997), pp. 114–15.

    Paul Williams is an exception, though his article is expressly concerned with disproving the oft-made assumption that Johnson's visit resulted in an electoral boost for the Australian government on the eve of the November 1966 election. See Paul Williams, ‘Holt, Johnson and the 1966 Federal Election: A Question of Causality',
Australian Journal of Politics and History
, vol. 47, no. 3 (September 2001), pp. 366–383.

    Robin Gerster and Jan Bassett,
Seizures of Youth
(Melbourne: Hyland House, 1991), pp. 33–4.

    Donald Horne,
Time of Hope, Australia 1966–72
(Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1980), p. 53.

   Glen Barclay,
Friends in High Places
Australian–American Diplomatic Relations since 1945
(Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 157; Lyndon Johnson quoted in Gregory Pemberton,
All the Way:Australia's Road to Vietnam
(Sydney: Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1987), p. 335.

   Joseph A Califano Jr,
The Triumph and Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson: The White HouseYears
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991), p. 150.

   George C Herring,
LBJ and Vietnam—A Different Kind of War
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994), pp. 135–6.

LBJ and Vietnam
, p. 139.

   Remarks to the American Alumni Council: United States Asian Policy, 12 July 1966, in
Public Papers of the Presidents, Lyndon Baines Johnson: containing the public messages, speeches and statements of the President
(hereafter PPP: LBJ), vol. 3, bk 2, 1 July-31 December 1966 (Washington, US Government Printing Office, 1967), pp. 718–22.

   Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, ‘Threats, Opportunities, and Frustrations in East Asia', in Warren I Cohen and Nancy Bernkopf Tucker (eds),
Lyndon Johnson Confronts the World
American Foreign Policy 1963–1968
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 99.

   George C Herring,
LBJ and Vietnam
, p. 139.

   James Curran and Stuart Ward,
The Unknown Nation: Australia After Empire
, pp. 45–50.

   Jeremy Fielding, ‘Coping with Decline: US Policy toward the British Defense Reviews of 1966',
Diplomatic History
, vol. 23, no. 4 (Fall 1999), p. 634. On Britain's withdrawal East of Suez, see also Stuart Ward,
Australia and the British Embrace: The Demise of the Imperial Ideal
(Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2001); David Goldsworthy,
Losing the Blanket: Australia and the End of Britain's
(Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2002); Saki Dockrill,
Britain's Retreat from East of Suez
(Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002); Andrea Benvenuti,
Anglo-Australian Relations and the Turn to Europe, 1961–1972
(New York: Boydell and Brewer, 2008); Matthew Jones, ‘A Decision Delayed: Britain's Withdrawal from South East Asia Reconsidered, 1961–68',
English Historical Review
, vol. 117, no. 472 (2002), pp. 569–95.

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