Read Unwrapped Online

Authors: Gennifer Albin

Tags: #New Adult, #Romance

Unwrapped (12 page)

BOOK: Unwrapped
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But one glance at Nicolas’s gorgeous face, his jaw set hard, his eyes hot with desire, and the urge became uncontrollable. I lowered my mouth to his cock, and he grew harder as I slid my lips over the crown and down the long, hard shaft. Thanks to my penchant for smutty novels, I had no shortage of techniques to try, and whether it was the wine or the man or the anticipation of more orgasms to come, I really went for it.

I kept my hands wrapped tight around the base, using it to pump him up and down while I lowered my mouth onto him again and again. I started slowly, but I sucked as hard as I could and took him as deep as I dared.

“Oh my God, you are incredible.” Nicolas sucked air between his teeth, and I smiled as much as a girl could when engaged in this activity, dragging my teeth lightly up his length and over the crown. Then I licked around the top as if I were devouring an ice cream cone on a hot day, like he was dripping down the side and I had to catch every drop with my tongue.

I looked up to see him breathing hard through his mouth, eyes closed. When I moaned softly, he opened them and looked down at me. Licking around him once more, I kept my eyes on his. I’d read that really turned a guy on.

Uh huh. I can confirm that.

Nicolas groaned and grabbed my head with his hands, fisting them in my hair. “Caroline. Fuck.”

For a moment I was scared he’d choke me, but he didn’t. With all the control he had on the dance floor, he moved his hips, pushing into my throat in small, steady pulses. He held my head still, but not too hard, murmuring Spanish words in a deep, strained voice. I had no clue what he was saying, but it sounded like he was enjoying himself, and
hot damn
was it sexy. The words turned into groans and strangled breaths as he pumped deeper, but I was so turned on by the thought of what I was doing that I managed not to choke.

“Fuck, Caroline, you are so beautiful. That gorgeous body, that mouth on me. It makes me want to come.”

I’m going to make him come.
I was giddy at the thought, my pulse racing.

But he pulled out. “No, wait—I don’t want this to end yet.”


“No. Not until I make you come again.” My stomach clenched as he reached for the condom, tore it open and rolled it on. He guided me back and crawled up my body, stopping to leave kisses on my belly and breasts and neck. “And I want you to say everything in your pretty head. No keeping quiet.”

“OK.” My insides danced with excitement and disbelief.
I can’t believe this is real…it’s my own smut fantasy! I’m starring in my own novel!

Positioning himself between my legs, he kept his eyes on mine as he slid inside me. I moaned with pleasure—I’d never been so wet that the beginning of sex was so easy, so perfect. He pushed in slowly, and I felt his thick hard flesh stretching and filling me. I brought my knees up by his shoulders, happy that I’d lost none of my flexibility from so many years of ballet. He pushed in even deeper.

“Oh my God, that feels so good. You feel so
.” Sliding my hands down his back, I grabbed his ass and pulled, gasping as he hit something deep inside me that caused a sharp, twitching pain.

“Are you OK?” he whispered.

“Yes, don’t stop,” I begged, digging my nails into his skin. “I want you to fuck me. Hard.”

He smiled at me.

And then he did just as I’d asked.

We moved with a perfect rhythm, our bodies sliding and rubbing against one another’s in ways that made my eyes roll back in my head and my mouth hang open. I stretched my legs out into a wide V, and Nicolas knelt between them, pounding into me as he ran his hands up my calves and murmured in appreciation. “You have the legs of a dancer, fucking perfection.” He held my ankles in his hands and brought them together in front of his face. I kept them straight and squeezed the muscles at my core, making him groan.

Placing one leg over his shoulder, he let the other go and slammed his weight forward, catching himself on his hands above my shoulders. He drove into me deeper and harder and faster, and the sound of his body hitting mine plus the depth of his cock and the sight of my calf next to his cheek had me flying over the edge of pleasure again.

“Yes!” I threw my hands up behind me and pushed against the wooden headboard to keep my head from banging into it. “Oh my God, yes!”

When he saw I was about to come, he slipped my leg off his shoulder and slid his hands underneath me, tilting my hips up to get an even tighter fit, an even deeper angle. The base of his cock rubbed hard and fast against me, and I pushed my feet into the bed and lifted my body to meet his. At the brink of release, I cried out several times in quick succession as the orgasm pulsed through me, the sound muffled against his collarbone. When he was certain I’d gotten what I needed, he altered his position slightly, lifting his body off mine and hammering into me as he climbed toward his own release. I watched, amazed and awed by his powerful beauty. His movement slowed as he throbbed inside me, moaning deep and loud before collapsing onto my chest.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of his skin, rubbing my lips on his throat. “Nicolas,” I murmured. “Oh my God.” I ran my hands up his back, flattening my palms over his hot, tight muscles. “This is amazing. You’re amazing. Being bad is amazing.”

Repetitive, I know. But I couldn’t think of any other word.
I think he fucked my brains out.

“Caroline, we’re just getting started.” His words sent chills skittering across my skin.

“There’s more?”

Brushing the hair from my face, he kissed my forehead. “A lot more. It just depends how bad you want to be.”

A little pulse of electricity went through me. “Oh?”

He continued pressing soft kisses to my face and neck.

“And let’s say I want to be really naughty today…what would you do to me?”

He stilled for a moment. “I can think of a few things.”

“Mmmm.” I stretched like a cat, my back arching off the bed, as his mouth moved down my chest. “What about dancing?”

“What about it?” He brushed his lips and nose across one breast.

“Don’t you have to work tonight? I think Valentina would appreciate it if you showed up to teach with her.”

“She would appreciate this, too.” He kissed his way across my sternum to the other breast.

“She would?”


I swallowed, working up the nerve to ask. “So she’s not your…I mean, you two aren’t…together?”

“Not like that.” He licked along the underside of my breast, making me shudder.

“Not like that? Well, then…like what?”

He picked up his head and met my eyes. The sight of his face, gorgeous and flushed, made my stomach muscles contract. “Valentina and I are very good friends. We understand each other.”

There was something odd about the way he said it. And he has condoms in his suitcase. “But you’re not a couple?”

“Not the way you’re thinking.”

“I’m confused.”

Nicolas smiled. “Valentina and I were together in the way that you mean very briefly before we realized it wouldn’t work for us, being partners and being a couple.”


“We are too much alike. And we get along better when we are not together that way.”

“Oh.” I dropped my eyes to his round, muscular shoulder, running my hand over the vines tattooed there. “She’s very beautiful.”

“She is.”

Somehow I’d expected him to deny it. I chewed my lip, trying to ignore the jealousy nipping at my insides. “And sexy. And you have such good chemistry.”

“Like I said, we understand each other.” A mischievous smile crept onto his lips. “Would it surprise you to know that she thinks you are very beautiful and sexy too?”

My mouth fell open. “She said that?”

He nodded. “Among other things.”

“What other things?”

His smile deepened and he lowered his head to my chest again, dropping a kiss on one breast before lifting his body from mine. “Let’s talk about that later. We have all night, don’t we? And it
your birthday.”

All night. My birthday.

Oh my God.

Chapter Six


As much as I was enjoying myself in his bed, I knew I had to drag my butt from his hotel room and meet Lucy at home. Nicolas protested when I told him I was leaving, but I reminded him that I had to meet friends for drinks at eight before meeting him at ten. And I needed a shower—I was sweaty and sticky, although I loved the way I smelled, a combination of my lavender body lotion and his cologne, whatever it was.

“I can’t believe I’m letting you leave,” he said at the door, pinning me once more against the wall. “What I really want to do is just keep you up here in my room.” He wore only his jeans, and the heat of his bare chest through my thin blouse almost tempted me to stay.

“I’ll be back.” I smiled and lifted my chin as his mouth traveled down my neck. “Promise. I’ll meet you here for that tango lesson you promised in a few hours.”

He moved his lips to my ear and spoke softly. “Maybe Valentina will join us.”

My mouth fell open. Join us for what—the lesson?

Or something else?


I let Lucy dress me.

The dress she chose from her closet was a one-shouldered bandage dress in ombre shades of gray, and it hugged my body like a second skin. I’m taller than she is, so the dress was short but not indecent. Lucy insisted I go without a bra and wear a thong, which I disliked intensely. I hadn’t even realized I owned one.

“It feels weird,” I told Lucy, fidgeting in front of my full-length mirror. “It’s going up my butt.”

“Stop it. You look like a million bucks.” She fussed with my hair, which she’d set in large hot rollers. “Now the shoes.”

I stepped into strappy black heels. Good thing Nicolas was tall because they added a solid four inches to my already lengthy frame. I towered over Lucy. “Well?” I spun in front of her.

“Hot.” She narrowed her eyes. “Now the lips. Sit on your bed, I don’t even think I can reach your mouth up there.”

Grinning, I sat on my bed while she dug through her makeup cases for just the right shade. Then I followed her directions while she outlined and then filled in my lips with a soft pink. It tickled, and I couldn’t help laughing.

“Stop it,” Lucy demanded. “You made me get some on your teeth.”

“Sorry. But every time I think about today—and tonight—I get giddy.”

She groaned. “God, I’m so jealous. I mean really, really fucking jealous. But you deserve this.”


“Honestly, anyone who waits as long as you did to have a third orgasm with a man deserves a goddamn medal.”

“Well, I didn’t have to wait long for my fourth.” I grinned at the memory. “Or fifth. Or sixth.”

Lucy grimaced. “Now you’re just being mean.” She capped her lipstick tube and stood back from me with narrowed eyes. After fussing a few of my messy waves, she nodded. “Done. I want details tomorrow—every single detail, so don’t forget anything.”

My stomach fluttered as I stood and walked to the full-length mirror on the back of my bedroom door. “Not to worry. Every move the man has, with every part of his body, is totally unforgettable.”

Lucy swooned and threw herself facedown on my bed. “Enough!” she yelled, her voice muffled in my comforter. “I can’t take any more envy! I already need some alone time with Lelo just from hearing about your afternoon sexcapade. I might not be able to handle the nighttime events.”

At eight o’ clock we met up with three other girlfriends for birthday cocktails, and even though it was fun, I kept checking my phone to see when it would be time to go back to the hotel. The last remark he’d made about Valentina, as well as his admission that she found me beautiful and sexy, kept running through my mind.

And turning me on.

On the drive downtown, I decided that it turned me on because if a woman like Valentina and a man like Nicolas found me beautiful and sexy, they must see something in me that I don’t normally feel. Because I
feel beautiful and sexy today. And even though this was a one-time thing, I was learning about myself—Smutty Caroline was a lot of fun. I might not let her run my life day-to-day, but for heaven’s sake, she needed to have a voice. And I needed to listen to her once in a while.

In the dark of the parking garage under the hotel, I checked my appearance one last time in the rearview mirror and let Smutty Caroline take over.

Just relax. There are no rules tonight.


The bar at the hotel was much more crowded than it had been this afternoon. I was a little early, but after waiting for a few minutes the host sat me on a low couch in the back near the dance floor and promised to send over my friends when they arrived. I didn’t have to wait long.

My breath caught as I saw Valentina coming toward me, ridiculously gorgeous in a red halter dress as short as mine. Even in the dark of the bar, her long, tanned legs and curvy cleavage turned every head in her direction. I stood when she reached me. “Caroline, you made it.” She took my hands and kissed me on each cheek. “Are you having a good birthday?”

I nodded, disconcerted by the way my heart was beating so quickly. For an insane second, I wondered if I was a lesbian. “Yes.”

“Nicolas will be along in a moment. Poor thing, he gets asked to dance with someone every song, never gets a break.” She leaned close, putting her hands on my shoulders and her lips to my ear. The seductive scent of her perfume wafted toward me—sweet but not floral. “I know he’d rather be here with us.”

I laughed nervously, flustered at her nearness. We sat and ordered drinks, and within minutes Nicolas joined us. He wore dark jeans with a white shirt and a dark coat. At the memory of what he’d done to me earlier in the day, my body’s reaction to the sight of him was swift and visceral, and I crossed one leg over the other, squeezing my thighs together.
Well, at least I know I’m not a lesbian.

He lowered himself to the couch and kissed my cheek. “You look good enough to eat, Miss Peach.” His voice in my ear sent tingles down my spine.

He ordered a drink, and eventually we all had another round. They sat on either side of me, close enough for me to sense the unbelievable chemistry between them, although they both paid most of their attention to me. A hand on a leg here. A brush against my shoulder there. Fingers in my hair, complimenting its soft waves. A palm running up my back, praising the way the dress fit me.

As we drank and chatted, the air around the three of us took on a delightful charge—as if we all knew the evening was building toward something, even if we weren’t sure what it was. Talk wasn’t overtly sexual or even very flirty, but the looks that passed between us could’ve set off fire alarms. By my third drink, I found myself staring at them with thoughts that were frighteningly wicked…What were they like in bed together? What did she look like naked? What did it feel like to kiss a girl? What would he do to both of us if he had the opportunity? I licked my lips.

When Valentina stood and stretched, I let my eyes wander unashamedly over the curves of her body, thrown into relief as she arched her back. “I’ve been sitting for too long,” she said. “I feel like moving. Caroline, should we work on your dancing?”

“Uh, sure.” I glanced at the dance floor, filled with bodies moving to the thumping R & B rhythm.

She made a face. “It’s too crowded in here.” Then she looked at Nicolas, and although I was more than half-drunk, probably more like seven-eighths drunk, I could’ve sworn a meaningful look passed between them. “Should we go someplace else? Maybe your room?”

My heart stopped. And then pounded.

“Good idea.” Nicolas signed our tab with his room number and stood. “We can move the furniture in the sitting area if we need to.”

Moving furniture wasn’t the activity I’d had in mind, but I swallowed and nodded. “OK.”

Silently we made our way to the elevator, and Nicolas put his hand at the small of my back as we stepped in. My body thrilled at his touch as my mind spun out of control. What were we doing? Would this really be a tango lesson? Maybe Lucy was right earlier, and they did like to share…the word
echoed in my head as the elevator ascended, and I was more anxious with every floor we passed.

Inside Nicolas’s room, he switched on a lamp but kept the light low, and removed his jacket. Valentina went to the mini refrigerator and took out little bottles of something, pouring them into small glasses on the desk. “Rhythm shots,” she announced.

Nicolas laughed as he fussed with the mp3 player in the TV cabinet across from the couch. “Caroline has perfect rhythm. She doesn’t need a shot.”

Oh, but I did. I was horribly twitchy, standing there gripping my black envelope clutch with clammy fingers and chewing on my bottom lip. Valentina smiled as she brought me a drink. “I believe it. And look how cute she is. She looks terrified. Relax, sweetheart. We are not going to bite you.” She took my purse from my hand and laid it on the small sofa.

“But she might like that,” Nicolas said, moving the coffee table and sofa to clear some space. I blushed furiously as the dramatic introduction to a slow tango spilled from small speakers next to the TV.

Valentina clucked her tongue. “Behave, Nicolas. I want to see her move, please. Embrace her.”

My knees were knocking at this point. These two were so easy with each other, and I felt so awkward all of a sudden. I took a swallow from the glass and set it down on the table before facing Nicolas in front of the couch.

He smiled seductively at me. “Closer, Caroline.”

Pressing my lips together, I stepped into his embrace.

“Good. Now just listen. And feel.”

I nodded, my cheek pressed against his. When I felt the intent to step back, I stretched out my leg like he’d told me before, letting him lead me. Valentina watched us for a minute.

“Beautiful lines,” she praised, running her hand across my back and over one hip. “I can tell you were a dancer.”

My throat was totally dry and I was dying for another sip of my drink, but I managed a whisper. “Thank you.”

“I want you to drop your elbows a little bit more. I think you will find it allows you to be closer to him.” She stood behind me and wrapped her arms around mine, indicating what she’d like me to do. Her breasts pressed against my back. “Like this.”

As her body molded mine, a shiver ran through me. Was she pressing against me like that on purpose?

“Good,” she said. “Now when you feel him rock the other way, try leaning forward on this leg.”

Suddenly I felt her hand brushing down the back of my thigh, hooking beneath my knee and lifting it slightly so I had to lunge forward, my leg between both of his, and my back arched. Nicolas held me steady beneath him, our faces nearly nose to nose. His breath was warm on my lips.

“Lovely,” Valentina whispered, walking around us, trailing her hand across my lower back. “You’re right, Nicolas. She moves beautifully.”

But Nicolas was already kissing me, his lips teasing mine open and willing me to submit to him. My heart pounded hard as he lifted his head and set me back over my feet. Valentina moved behind me again. “Softer upper body, Caroline.” She draped my body with hers once more. “Relax.”

My skin prickled with awareness of them both as Nicolas began to lead me and Valentina felt his lead through my body, and the three of us took several long, languorous steps together. “Perfect,” murmured Valentina in my ear when he’d paused. “God, you have beautiful skin.” She brushed her fingertips up my arms and moved my hair aside, exposing the back of my neck. “And I love your perfume.”

I wanted to say thank you but I couldn’t talk. She’d pressed her lips to my nape and her breath sent shivers down my back. Nicolas pulled me in tighter to his body from head to toe, and I felt his hard length push into my belly, which flipped uncontrollably. Then his mouth was on mine, and Valentina’s lips whispered down the bare slope of my right shoulder.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god. It. Is. Happening.

The notion had been in the back of my mind all evening, and I was completely aroused by the
, but now that it was beginning, I felt panicked. What the hell should I do? Where should I put my hands? There were potentially a lot of body parts involved in such an endeavor as this.
Oh Jesus, that feels good. I’ve never been kissed by two people at once. Christ, his lips are so firm and hers are so soft on my shoulder. Oh, fuck, what do I do?

Nicolas took his mouth from mine. “Stop thinking, Miss Peach. It’s your birthday.”

I laughed nervously. “I’m…I’m not thinking,” I lied.

“Good.” Valentina came around to my right side. She reached under my chin to turn my face toward hers. God, she was so unbelievably beautiful. But before I had time to get self-conscious about Nicolas comparing us at close range, she kissed my lips so lightly I thought I might have fantasized it. Curiosity and arousal buzzed in my mind and under my skin, and I struggled to find a way to let them know I wanted more.

I lifted my chin and parted my lips.

She smiled before pressing her mouth to mine again, this time a little firmer, opening those luscious lips a little and stroking my cheek with her fingertips. Against my stomach, the bulge in Nicolas’s pants grew harder, and he lowered his right hand to my buttocks, pulling me into him and kneading the muscle. A tiny little murmur of desire came from the back of my throat, and Valentina’s hand drifted down to meet his, both of them cupping my flesh through the tight dress.

After a moment, Valentina took her lips off mine and lifted her face to Nicolas, and I watched, open-mouthed, as the two of them made out while their hands caressed my body.

Oh. My. God.

It was like a smutty scene in a novel, but even better. Because they were
right here
, these two gorgeous creatures were
right here in front of me
getting it on. And they wanted ME to get it on with them, if their hands on my ass were any indication.

Oh dear Jesus. Hands were moving.

I bit my lip as Valentina’s fingers moved to the zipper at the back of my dress while Nicolas’s crept under the short hem. Their kiss grew deeper and hotter, their tongues moving between their open mouths, and I was aroused beyond belief. When Nicolas turned his mouth to mine, I opened wide and welcomed his driving tongue inside. His fingers pulled up the dress and moved around to the front.

BOOK: Unwrapped
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