Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2 (13 page)

BOOK: Vampires' Consort: Magical Menages, Book 2
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“Want to swim?” Valarian asked as he unbuttoned his shirt and stripped it down his shoulders.

On her other side, Jacob had already pulled his T-shirt over his head and thrown it on the sand. “Water’s perfect in the evening. Come on. You’ll love it.”

“I didn’t wear my suit. I didn’t know there’d be swimming.”

“You don’t need one.” Valarian unzipped his jeans and tugged them down his hips. “No one here but us to see you.”

Akila was riveted by the sight of his nude body, as if she hadn’t had a good long eyeful earlier. Good God, he was gorgeous, lean and fit, and with those scars here and there to remind her he was no housecat but a ferocious tiger at heart.

And then Jacob stripped off his jeans and was naked, too, equally chiseled and as sturdy-looking as a wrestler. His body was stockier than Valarian’s and his cock matched it—thick and solid even at half-mast, although it was hardening quickly under Akila’s stare.

She reached for the hem of her top and pulled it over her head, then stepped out of her shorts. Her bra and underpants were lacy white against her dark skin. They would serve as a bikini. But then it seemed kind of stupid to wear anything when her escorts were both naked. She unclasped the bra and slid the straps off her arms, pushed her panties down her legs and stood naked before the two men.

If she’d felt delicate before, she felt as vulnerable as a newborn kitten now. A trembling mouse before two ravenous cats, both scanning her body as if they would like to devour her. Heat baked her from the inside out. She imagined steam would rise when she hit the cool water. Akila turned from the men’s hungry eyes and splashed into the surf. It was nearly as warm as bathwater and lapped around her legs with a welcoming caress.

It was eerie, swimming in the sea at night. She couldn’t help but picture the opening sequence of
, a fin cutting the water and a huge body lurking below the surface. She decided to stay close to shore.

But evidently it wasn’t her choice, for strong hands suddenly grabbed her waist and propelled her into deeper water. A hard body supported her from behind—Jacob or Valarian? She wasn’t certain which until Jacob swam past them, cutting cleanly through the water like the shark of her imagination.

Valarian held her cradled in his arms, floating in the water but nestled snugly against his hard chest. His breath tickled her cheek and once more she was overcome by the strangeness of his existence. A vampire. Not a dead and breathless monster with an appetite for blood, but a warm, living man with a pumping heart and…oh yeah, an appetite for blood.

He had yet to nip her, although he’d grazed her with his sharp fangs several times. Was he aroused by the rush of blood through her veins? Hungry for a taste of her? As she listened to his breathing near her ear, the hair on her nape rose.
was aroused and almost wished to feel his fangs piercing her skin, his warm tongue lapping, his mouth sucking at the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

Akila shook off her trance. Good God, who needed vampire mojo? She was managing to seduce herself with an erotic bloodletting fantasy without any help at all from Valarian.

“He really loves to swim,” she commented on Jacob to break the mood.

“I think he feels free in the water.” Valarian’s voice rumbled in his chest, vibrating into her back.

She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Can you release him from this bond you two have? I mean, if he’s unhappy and wants to go his own way, it seems you would want that for him too.”

“No one’s stopping him. He can go.” Valarian released her, letting her float away from his warm body.

Akila waved her arms and legs to keep afloat without him. “Except you want him to knock me up first. It doesn’t seem as though you’re through with him yet.”

Even in the dark she could see his scowl. “I wish you’d stop putting this on me. It’s not as if this is my choice or my plan. I’m as much a tool of the fates as you are. But enough. I don’t wish to argue. This is too fine a night for that.”

Jacob’s head broke the water between them as he emerged from the depths. He paddled close to Akila, his arm brushing against her beneath the surface. She was acutely aware of her naked flesh and the way the water undulated around her body. She felt buoyant and free…and extremely sensual with her breasts bobbing and water tickling between her legs.

And then something else was touching her there—Jacob’s hand, like a fish lightly teasing her pussy. Her body contracted at the sensation, toes digging into the soft sand. Akila slid a hand over Jacob’s slick chest and leaned into him. His kiss set her on fire even as she was surrounded by the cool fluidity of water. Oh yes, moonlight swimming was everything it was cracked up to be.

Jacob slid his hands down her back and cupped her rear, pulling her against his rigid cock, bumping and grinding a little before letting her go. He splashed away and then Valarian was before her, taking his place—a different hard, male body to cling to, a different kiss seizing her mouth.

Akila molded to him like seaweed caught on an incoming tide and wrapped around an immovable rock. As she slid her tongue into his mouth, she felt the sharp scrape of his fangs, descended…dangerous.

Eat me up
, her heart clamored.
Make me a part of you.

And then Jacob was behind her, his body cool and hot at the same time. His mouth skated over her neck, her shoulders, and his cock pressed between her cheeks, snuggling into her warmth.

Akila could scarcely breathe as Valarian occupied her mouth and she was cradled between the two men’s bodies. Wet, slick skin slid over skin, legs bumping against hers, hands caressing her, water flowing around her.

Valarian broke off his kiss and she gasped for air. He dropped his mouth to her neck, licking salt water from her body as he descended lower. He teased her nipple with flicks of his tongue then drew it between his lips, sucking hard. Below the water, Jacob fingered her clit, bringing her to orgasm once more. She moaned and thrashed against him like a beached mermaid. If this was a walk on the beach, she’d add it to her schedule every night.

After her shudders of pleasure receded, she slumped against Jacob and opened her eyes to take in every detail of this unforgettable night—the moon-frosted waves and the dark figure of Valarian rising like Neptune from the sea. He grabbed her hand, pulling her away from Jacob’s arms.

“Come. Let’s swim now.”

The three of them dove into the water, paddling and playing like children, body surfing on the waves that crashed against the shore. The men wrestled and ducked each other in a display of dominance that was as thrilling to watch as a pair of stags locking horns. Then they turned to Akila again, Jacob grasping her wrists and Valarian her ankles. They swung her back and forth like a hammock before flinging her through the air. She soared. She flew. Gulped a deep breath then plunged into the water.

It was silent beneath the surface—just her and the sea creatures that lurked there. She kicked off from the sandy ocean floor and burst into the air, showering water droplets like glittering diamonds in the moonlight. She swam back to shallow water where the two men were locked in a tight embrace. Hard to tell if they were still wrestling or doing something else until she got closer.

She feasted on the sight of their gorgeous nude bodies. Valarian’s arms were around Jacob, pulling him up hard against his body. His hand slid down the other man’s stomach and wrapped around his erect cock, stroking briskly. Jacob’s head leaned back against his master’s shoulder, eyes closed and lips slack. His face was etched in lines of pure pleasure and the moonlight turned his dirty-blond hair to silver.

Akila remained still for a moment, watching them. They were so beautiful together, the dark and the light, two sides of one coin. Then Valarian’s eyes met hers over Jacob’s shoulder. She waded toward them and sank to her knees in the rolling surf, her knees buried in sand, water slapping against her thighs. Valarian offered Jacob’s cock to her like a perverse communion. She accepted and brought him to her mouth.

He tasted of brine as she licked his tip. Then she swallowed him deep, bobbing her head up and down while rubbing the base of his shaft with her hand. She looked up at his face to witness the pleasure she brought him, and Valarian was there, a dark angel peering down at her. His hands roamed over Jacob’s chest, stroking the smooth muscle, then he pinched and twisted the buds of his nipples, making Jacob gasp.

Valarian growled low in his throat as his fangs slid into the other man’s shoulder. Jacob cried out but turned his head to the side as though to expose himself even more. His face was twisted in pain and ecstasy.

Akila forgot to suck or stroke. She froze with a mouthful of cock and stared at the astonishing sight of the feeding vampire and his thrall. A trickle of blood slipped down Jacob’s chest and abdomen. She pulled off him and watched in fascination as the thin line reached the sharp blade of his hipbone and followed it toward his groin. She licked her lip and then tentatively leaned forward and touched the tip of her tongue to the ribbon of blood. The metallic tang burst in her mouth.

A drop or two of Jacob’s blood couldn’t turn her into a thrall too. That wasn’t how it worked, from the way they’d explained it. But nevertheless she put her hand to her mouth and wiped her tongue clean. Then she turned her attention back to his cock, making up for her lack of focus with some hard pumping and sucking.

Very soon, Jacob was groaning and muttering in German as Valarian hurt him with punishing digs of nails into nipples and fangs into flesh. Meanwhile, Akila pleasured him with her mouth and hands, bringing him to the brink of climax. Jacob jerked, thrusting his hips as he came. She swallowed the jet of come and pumped him several more times before letting go. His still-hard penis flopped heavily down.

Akila stood and pressed against Jacob, sandwiching his body between her and Valarian. She kissed his jaw and, after he’d caught his breath, his mouth.

Valarian faced her over Jacob’s shoulder, his lips and chin red-stained. The smears of blood should have been horrific and off-putting. Instead, Akila found the hint of violence perversely arousing. She leaned toward him. He grasped the back of her head, gave her a hard, potent kiss. The taste of copper filled her mouth as his tongue swept between her lips—Jacob’s blood, and Valarian’s too, since they apparently shared the same genetic code.

She thought about the child that would supposedly come from the mingling of the three of them and all of a sudden, she longed to see the direct result of their union. She no longer feared the idea of becoming a mother to this special child. A golden glow of joy welled from the core of her being. She felt strong, vibrant and incredibly alive, but also as if she were filled with a potent force beyond herself.

Pulling away from Valarian’s kiss, she opened her eyes. Beyond the night sounds—the wash of the surf against the sand, the calls of birds—another sound rang in her ears. Music. No. Chanting in a foreign language.

“What is this?” she muttered. “What’s happening to me?”

“Akila?” Jacob drew away from Valarian’s embrace and reached for her arm. “Are you all right?”

“I feel really weird.”
She rubbed her eyes to clear an image that darted across them. Figures in strange clothing. And the sudden strong scent of incense made her want to sneeze.

“What the fuck?” she demanded as her senses were filled with input from another time and place.

Valarian moved from behind Jacob to slip an arm around her waist. “What is it?”

“I’m getting impressions of some other place. And I’m me, but not me. Like there’s some presence inside me filling me up.”

“Ra,” Valarian said solemnly. “The god in you is awakened.”

“How? And why now?”

“Because the time is right. Your mind is open and you’ve freed your god aspect.”

It would’ve sounded like a load of crap except that the proof was taking place within her at that very moment. She could feel the change. She was still Akila, but an enhanced version. Power crackled through her veins and throbbed in her heartbeats. She was in the world and in this body, but beyond it too.

Akila looked from one man to the other, her two lovers, the potential fathers of her child, and knew herself as both woman and goddess, worthy of their worship.

Chapter Ten

Valarian paced the floor of his bedroom like a lion trapped in a too-small cage. After returning to the house from the beach, the others had gone to their rooms to shower and presumably sleep or at least spend time alone. But it was impossible for him to relax with a book or movie. He was charged up from the shot of Jacob’s blood. It was like drinking a few Red Bulls and then expecting to take a nap.

Besides, night was the natural time for a predator to be out hunting. Sometimes he desperately longed for the chase and the savage glee of ripping into his prey. It didn’t have to be human game. Animals would do. But any warm-blooded creature was in short supply on his tiny island. He stared out at the ocean view from the balcony and suddenly felt trapped on this bit of land, surrounded by water on every side.

Perhaps it was time to return to the mainland and indulge his dark side for a little while. He’d long ago learned it was better to let out the leash now and then rather than keep it so tight that eventually it snapped. There was a precarious line to walk between his natural inclinations and the better man he tried to be. Could he ever truly be completely “cured” of his devilish nature as Oxanna had once hoped? He highly doubted it.

A soft knock on the door broke him from his brooding reverie. Good. He hated such self-indulgent navel gazing.

“Come in,” he called, but the door was already opening.

Akila entered and closed it behind her. From across the room he could smell her, fresh and clean from her shower. But the sweet floral aroma couldn’t cover her own earthy, feminine scent. His nostrils twitched, and his cock too.

He glanced over his shoulder at her as she walked over to join him. She carried herself differently, wearing the queenly mantle of a goddess and nearly gliding across the room and through the doors to the balcony.

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